mclussie · 5 years
Hi! I'm 16 and I plan to move out of my mothers house as soon as possible. I'm working on saving up $1,000 for an emergency fund right now, but what else should I do to prepare before I move? Obviously I still have a few years, but I'd like to have all my things in order before it's time. Thanks!
20 Things to Do Before Moving Out of Your Parent’s House
1. File as independent on your taxes. We’re a while away from tax season, but remember to file as independent on your taxes. This means that your parents can no longer claim you as a dependent and will no longer receive a tax break from the government for housing you. What it means for you, is that you will no longer be considered part of their tax bracket. This means you’ll have a better chance at applying for financial aid, health insurance, car insurance, etc.
2. Important Documents. Get as many of your important documents (social security card, birth certificate, tax forms, etc) as possible while you’re still living with your parents. You will need this information when you move out, so find a secure place to store them.
3. Learn to cook. Obviously, cooking skills are not going to come overnight! Checkout some cook books, online recipes, or even watch a couple episodes of Chopped. The more fast, cheap, and easy meals that you’re able to prepare before you move out- the better. Here’s my Cooking 101 post.
4. College. If you are going to college or planning to go to college, talk to financial aid about becoming an “independent student”. If the school classifies you as independent, financial aid will pay for a greater portion of your education. Also please don’t have your parent’s call the school on your behalf, start taking initiative and making these calls yourself. As someone who worked in a college call center for four years, a good 80% of the phone calls I got were from parents, and legally a college can’t tell them anything.
5. Accumulate furniture. Check out thrift stores, Dollar stores, and especially yard sales. Buying all of your furniture at once can be expensive and stressful, but accumulating a few pieces over time (space permitting) can be a more effective way.
6. Doctor’s appointments. Start making your own doctor’s appointments! I love this script by @spectrumsuperhero that’s applicable to all of your doctor’s appointment needs.
7. Start building credit. At 16, you’re probably too young to apply for an actual credit card, but having some credit before you move out will help you loads in the long run. As you might be aware, some landlords ask that their tenants have a credit score before renting to them. Don’t be discouraged! It’s just something to think about.
8. First Aid. Learn some basic First Aid. I’m going to toot my horn and link my post because I sat through literally six hours to get certified in this stuff, and if I do say so myself, my post is rather thorough. 
9. Learn to clean. Learn some basic cleaning skills- how to wash dishes, how to vacuum, what sprays clean what. These may seem like simplistic things, but many people grow up not having to do household chores. I guarantee you that not every apartment you live in will have a dishwasher, so learn some dish skills now! Learn to clean.
10. Go Shopping. Make a shopping list and go shopping at your local supermarket or grocery store. Crowded stores can sometimes be unnerving, remember the more practice you get at it, the more at ease you’ll be. 
11. Learn to wash clothes. Doing laundry is something that I never did while living in my parent’s house, and the first few times doing it on my own turned out… interestingly. Get your laundry skills in tip-top shape!
12. Get transportation. Get yourself a mode of transportation that does not require your parents. Biking, walking, and using public transportation are all ways that you can get where you need to be. Get as familiar with public transportation around your city as much as possible. 
13. Separate bank account. Still sharing a linked bank account with your parents? Get yourself a bank account that they don’t have access to. One of the first steps towards moving out and “Adulting” is being able to take care of your money. 
14. Build your resume. Keep working on and updating your resume, even if you already have a job. You never know when you’ll need to find another one, and you don’t want to hastily throw together your resume with little notice.
15. References. Similarly, get yourself a list of professional references. These references can be teachers, guidance counselors, family friends, etc. References are useful for job applications, housing applications, and networking. Always ask before putting someone’s name down as a reference.
16. Health insurance. Start learning about what health insurance coverage you currently have- how expensive it is, how it’s paid, how long it lasts, etc. Find out if you will be able to stay on this insurance after moving out of your parent’s house. 
17. Buy a First Aid Kit. A First Aid Kit is a must have for whatever apartment, room, or house is your next home! Spend $20 and buy a decent sized one that includes things like cold compresses, burn creams, and gauze.
18. Buy a Bed. The average person sleeps around 229,961 hours in their lifetime. That’s a lot of time in bed! Buy yourself a comfortable mattress (you should replace your mattress every 8-10 years), luxurious sheets and/or a memory foam pillow. Nice beds can be expensive, so start saving up for one now.
19. Learn basic repair. Get yourself a toolbox and learn some basic repair. You can find extensive articles online about everything from unclogging a drain, to tightening screws, and using caulk. Get familiar with these tools now, because you never know what type of landlord you’ll end up with. They could come promptly when requested to do repairs, or they might not.
20. Learn how to write a check. Okay but seriously- this is important. Do not let me catch you moving out of your parent’s house without knowing how to write a check. Here is @howtogrowthefuckup‘s two cents.
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mclussie · 6 years
I haven’t played since the new ap system launched...and I won’t until the problem is solved
You know what? I don’t even want to play it anymore. It’s sad, because I really like this game. But money are more important that people. And well, dear Beemoov, if this is what you wanted, congratulations - you did it!
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mclussie · 6 years
LMAO (Leave Mamoru Alone Okay)
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mclussie · 6 years
huh, guess who will not play my candy love
What happened with the boicot?
You all forget about this new fucked up AP system just because they give you hot photos of the new characters???
Literally you can’t play if you don’t pay, finishing the first episode with the free AP will take ONE MONTH AND A HALF.
Beta testers said they spent 900 AP in the first episode, per month they give you only 600 and some players are saying they are spending more!!!
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mclussie · 6 years
I genuinly thought at first that Damien was amazed by the painting and couldn’t find words in the awe. 
Boy was I wrong.
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mclussie · 6 years
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Play at: www.sweetelitegame.com
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mclussie · 6 years
it’s fucking disturbing that we can date a teacher because some horny 13 years old wanted to
If I’m correct a teacher can lost their job if they got caught being in a relationship with a student.
Is it gonna be Rayan’s arc???
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mclussie · 6 years
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mclussie · 6 years
If Candy broke up with her boyfriend to go to college, I’m going to be so upset.
I know the high school lovers being together forever trope is cheesy and unrealistic, but listen. I love cheese and if I wanted realism I’d just get a real life relationship
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mclussie · 6 years
My two cents
Tbh I never asked for a season 2 of this game. When I heard about the university life I thought it was a good idea, but it didn’t hit me as hard as other players. Still, it sounded interesting knowing what could happen to the characters in their adult lifes. 
You said tht this was like Spiderman, or Marvel or whatever. It’s not fair to say that because they know what the fandom wants, of course you can’t please everyone, that’s a stupid thought. However, as a company you should investigate what your clients (yes, that’s what we are) think about such a huge thing like destroying all the characters. You shouldn’t do whatever you please because this is what happens. The fandom will shatter.  I’m not a fan of comics tbh, but I know that they have some kind of lining and if not, it’s an AU or something like that. But you will never see a succesfull franchise changing all the characters for X or Y reason. 
If you want to compare yourself with big things, trust me that no one would like to see The Justice League with Batman and a bunch of new characters we don’t know and came out of nowhere. Specially if the loved characters disappeared without a warning. 
Please listen to us! ITS STUPID!  I’m not asking you to change it. At the end, as you said, it’s a game and I will move on, I won’t play it.  BUT please keep in mind that this is an otome where you create your life. Every player, Every. Single. Fucking. Player. had their own story with their boy. You can see it by just scrolling down; all the OCs in fanarts, fanfics, etc. You just destroyed all that. Your fandom trusted you, was loyal to you for years and that’s the way you pay them?  This means that the story will go on without the characters they got attached to. Of course they will prefer to have their own story than play a second season of what they never asked. 
So please, Beemov, Chinomiko. When most of the old players leave the game, don’t make any tantrums, I’ve been seeing those for years, but for the first time I’m gonna say that i’m sick of that shit. 
Also, Chinomiko, don’t say that it’s good to have a second season
Because sometimes its better to have something nice and short
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Than having something that you once liked but now it turned to shit 
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mclussie · 6 years
Honestly though...
We really need an MCL University FAQ at this point.
We now know our clothing won’t carry over, but…:
1. Are we really skipping four years?
2. Are we still going to be together with our boyfriend? / Will we have a choice to stay together with them or not?
3. Can we choose our major?
4. Will the illustrations still change to match our Candy?
5. What will the boys look like?
6. Who will be in our University of the past characters? Will it just be Candy (and well, Rosa, it seems)?
7. Will there be any new love interests?
8. Will it be through the same site or on a different site entirely?
9. Will MCL be connected through it some way and our decisions carry over? Or will it be an entirely new experience?
10. Was Episode 40 really the last “high school” episode?
And that’s just off the top of my head X__x I just hope we get answers soon. It’s not about patience or faith–it’s just about people being concerned for a game they really enjoyed. 
And if 40 truly was the ending and there will be no more MCL episodes, it feels like the perfect time to be given more information ><
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mclussie · 6 years
It’s so weird...I’m graduating on Friday and Candy is also graduating just like wow, what are the chances. I feel so emotional rn.
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mclussie · 6 years
April Fool’s Day MCL style
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cruel :’) 
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mclussie · 7 years
you know i had to do it to em
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hope this hasn’t been before ♥
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mclussie · 7 years
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ok but me
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mclussie · 7 years
awww, thank you @shion-mcl ♥
I’m the most inactive person like ever, but here you are:
@airheadcandy @mcldrabblesforyou
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mclussie · 7 years
Put your sign and your Harry Potter house
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