mcom-uncovered · 5 years
Of secrets and illusions- the start of 2nd sem
Winters in Xaviers holds a special place in my heart. After the fiesty 1st semester that ended on a sour note, it was kinda expected that the rebuilding would take time.We were still reeling under the effect of “the owl eyed girl”. Getting back on that. As a result of our fallout, she had to find a new base and being a social butterfly girl, it was fairly easy. Saikat, Roy and me were the remains of the group as even Beardo stuck with his buddy Reba. One day  early in the second sem, me and Saikat saw two girls approaching our back bench(we had a reputation). They asked us if they could sit with us. Roy was quite quick to let them sit . We absolutely had no problem as it was Priyanka and Puja. We welcomed them as we thought it was apt they sat ( my reason was fairly hidden).The classes were quite a breeze as we all knew that it was the last common semester before finance and marketing split up. Puja, Priyanka and me used to sit in the last bench while Roy and Saikat used to sit in front of us. 
It was that time of the year when Xaviers was buzzing with the forthcoming Xavotsav, Being my first , I was very excited about it. Saikat and Roy, both being part of the fest in previous years , were not at all willing to go. Especially saikat..Virat Kohli and crowds? Naah.. And he was still reeling most after the owl eyed girl chapter who although had found a new group, went around saying that Saikat had feelings for her , and hence she walked out as she was uncomfortable with him.This information was given to me by Puja as well as another entity whom i will introduce later as she was our “doctor strange”.Why?? That my friend is the dessert of this story which we will get there. Now back to our starters. I had got to know that for the first time, Sunburn Campus would be happening in Xavotsav. It was and still is my biggest dream to watch the main event in Goa , and attending the campus event was all i could think of. Priyanka readily agreed and even managed to coax Roy into going. Puja being an outstation candidate was citing finances as issue for inability to buy the passes. I told her to not worry and come. I will take care of it . I mean..that’s what close ones are for? :P .
So we attended the event and danced our hearts out. We were joined by many classmates in the fest. We had a great time and honestly, after first sem horrors, this was easily the best phase of mcom as i believed it to be. We even gatecrashed a wedding after getting drunk at OLY pub on one of the fest days. No no,. It was not an random thing. Priyanka asked us to come as she was supposed to go but she remembered after we had all become a bit tipsy after 2-3 drinks, including her.And believe me..It was nothin sort of an achievement that we behaved normally there.
After the euphoria of the fest, the first semester results were out. Me and saikat both got an arrear in maths which was expected considering the shit that went down the previous night before exam.Even Beardo and the owl eyed girl got an arrear. So basically we all got our karma’s serving . But that exam was due in 3rd sem end , so we had to worry about our second semester, Some of the best days of my mcom they were. In certain classes, me and puja used to bring food for the group and secretly we used to have. I used to talk with her and priyanka so much that i even stopped copying down the notes. I knew i could take it from Kohliji later, who coincidentally was also having the time of his life as he used to talk most with Shreyoshri, Munmun and smrithi(two girls i have said about). They were really a cool group and we used to share our food also with them.
Which brings us to our “Dr strange” aka Nivi. Of late, she had started talking normally with Virat Kohli and i used to tease him a lot since the first semester rivalry between them was the talk of the town. But I could sense some serious shit going down which will be revealed slowly.But of late, i saw her asking saikat a lot about class related stuff, and job related .One day i even got to know that she had asked him to help her with studies before classes . 
And thus my friends ..We enter the beginning of the illusion phase of mcom or as i like to call it “ ultimate Moh maaya ‘ phase of the century.
Next Chapter :-“ Blossoming of spring in Xaviers-Bohat hard ,Bohat hard”
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mcom-uncovered · 10 years
The psycho lover and the breakup!
In the last week before pujas,the owl eyed girl was getting on my nerves..watever she was doing was pissing me off big tym..Even on my birthday which she never bothered to take the initiative to arrange a party,she managed to pick up a fight with me on whatsapp..On panchami, aftr her class , i was expecting our grup to do a little bit of pandal hopping but when i saw that the owl eyed girl was throwng tantrums and was taking our grup to Mac d and nt pandal hopping, i cooked up a story and went with pradipta , Meghna and company .That started my breakup with d grup..During pujas, Me and saikat met a lot f tyms and he told me evrythin what amrita did with him ...even i knew half of what he told me as i was present btween them..Amrita had deep feelings fr Saikat but played him along with beardo who knew all along...Even during Pujas ,when we were out, Amrita called saikat 19 tyms in 1 hour and still saikat never picked her call up..I told him to ignore her as she was not doing things right..during Kali puja, we all went to roy’s place ..There i thought things would be okay..but the owl eyed girl nt only flirted with saikat but tried to rub her foot against mine ..dt too whn i was having Chicken biryani..Damn u Amrita!..Just cos we were nice and u took bloody advantage of dt.! neways aftr dt , d next day we went To debdoots house..There also i saw saikat being cornered by amrita and she was again flirting with him and d poor guy was tryin to escape..In those days, i always was with saikat and tried to keep him normal as i knew what he was going through.U can say, Amrita made me and saikat bond in a way dt we felt as if we were long lost brothers.The ultimate drama came on the last day of first semester.We decided to go to CCD..Amrita was again trying to flirt with saikat and whn i went to intervene, she tried to shoo me away..I knew Saikat would not spare her today .Poor girl..She should have listened to me..lol...Me, saikat, Roy went to CCD with d owl eyed girl, Priyanka and Puja(a secret crush from d soft skill classes i never told any1 about).There we saw amrita nd saikat talkin animatedly..I saw the expression on Amrita’s face and i knew saikat had given the ultimate sounding ..and dt made me pleased. After returning home, i saw amrita sending me sad smileys on whatsapp but i dint shw any sympathy cos I had deep resentment for her.Even if i wanted her good,i could never forgive her fr   what she did to saikat. And for the owl eyed girl, my good friend shamik thought i was ignoring him and dt escalated into an open brawl dt was responsible for my arrear in maths.So i had more dan many reasons to hate her.But on 19th decembr i went to meet her so dt i can fix things up and sort out d issues in our grup..not only did she insult me by shwing me attitude, she said some words dt still resonate in my ears.and irony was..those words were not for me..but fr saikat who was ignoring her whole heartedly..Dt was d last straw and in the christmas vacations, when beardo tried to poke his nose in such matters, it led to a huge fight dt broke up the group for good..I had tried all my best to fix it which i will reveal later..but some waters ran deep...But they say,..All bad things come to an end...and this was a very big lesson for me...bcos what happened later was soo huge it changed my life... In the second semester , not only 1 love story happend around me..But my love story started off on a grand note..and the secret was..Only i knew about it... and to ward off suspicions, i had to pull off a lot of tricks which i shall reveal in due time..cos my love story with dt girl isnt over...and its nowhere near the begininng...
Next Up :- Of secrets and illusions-the starting of second semester!
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mcom-uncovered · 10 years
Going downhill..the beginning of the end..
As September arrived, the whole of Mcom batch was excited.It was time for “milanti” ..our annual freshers..and we being the juniors were looking frward to our 1st Milanti..There was an event called “Mr and miss Fresher”.. around 7-8 boys and gals each were selected from the general audition for 72 students.I was there..So was the owl eyed girl..17th september came. Amrita had told me and saikat to come to Ajaynagar where we 3 will go togthr to collge auditorium.It was raining that day..Saikat was supposed to play the guitar along with our talented singer mate Bihan.When we reached ajaynagar, it was pouring.Saikat was having prblms managing his guitar in the rain.Amrita texted us that she was in the parlour and wld arrive in 20 minutes.we waited for 50 minutes..completely drenched..Then her majesty arrived..wearing what can be best described as “a village girl’s rich dress”..she asked me hw she was looking..i said that u look like a villager in ths dress.Boom! off went her fuse and she dint talk to me fr d next 30 minutes. .We boarded the taxi. While we were travelling, Amrita suddenly remarked “I am seeing Audi cars evrywhere”..I curtly replied “Dats cos Ur fture husband wl come to fetch u in an audi”..Next she started askin me and saikat ” accha guys.tell me some points on the topic elegance of Indian women”..i asked her why she is asking dis..she told she was preparing for the contest. We gave our inputs..soon we arrived at the college.The program started,.our seniors put up a good show.Then it was time for the fresher contest. I went on the stage along with the rest f d participants.There were a few rounds. I got eliminated in the third round.But in that round Amrita was asked about the signifigance of the Audi car logo and surprisingly she knew the answer that even most intelligent ppl wld fail to give.I did not suspect anythin then.The final round was down to 4 boys..and 4 gals..They were asked “Elegance of Indian women”. Trust me ppl, on hearing the question i was shocked beyond anythin.This was treachery, treason , betrayal of friendship’s trust at its worst,I was shaking with anger in the audience’s seat.Saikat sensed that things wld go astray so he calmed me down as beardo was also sitting beside me and things wld hv gt ugly had beardo even commented anythin abt it.The final round was conducted .evry1 gave good answers.But Adyasha and Lorita gave d best among the girls while sourav and bihan gave the correct logic.But to utter dismay Amrita was adjudged the winner and Bibhu was adjudged the winner from the boys side when clearly he just mixed bihan’s and sourav’s answer and said it.But then again..It was Amrita’s  victory dt came as a shock..not nly to me..but many..and many did nt even clap for her.They all sensed that it was rigged sumhow.Saikat and me knew the entire story.When we gt out f d audi, Roy came to us and his face told us that he was about to say sumthin on the owl eyed girl’s victory.Saikat just told him not now cos Indra was not in a mood to listen to anything.aftr the program, the phto session came.I tried behavin nrmally but i knew i was failing miserably at it,Then Poulami and nivedita suddenly asked us whether we all will go to  Oly pub .we agreed..and we all went and had a few round of drinks.I needed that badly just to forget about all this.After that we went home.we all boarded the taxi and i gt dwn at science city cos i stayed in Beleghata then.when i reached home, i got a call from saikat saying there was a bit f a heated argumnt in the taxi after i left cos Roy had openly told amrita dt she dint deserve to win. I felt tremendous respect for Roy on hearin that.Later that night on watsapp, amrita and me had an open argument in the group where we both said nasty things and it was going so out f hand dat Saikat had to lie to Amrita to calm me down.when saikat called me in the night, and asked me how i was, i just told him ” i am not angry cs she cheated to win nor am i jealous of her win.I am angry cos she knew her friend was also there and she could have told me .i would have happily backed down from the contest and supported her if she was that desperate to win a stupid contest.I cn never tolerate backstabbing and the owl eyed girl did just that”.. Eventually things cooled down later in the night.But i made a promise to myself. I would never consider the owl eyed gal to be my close friend again…
Next Up :- The Psycho Lover and The breakup(one sided tho)
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mcom-uncovered · 10 years
Virat Kohli Vs the owl eyed girl..Referee : me(y always me?)
Things in the middle of first semester were going on smoothly... As usual the owl eyed girl was bossing the rest of the group around.In class, many stories were devloping like The famous Adyasha and Anup case where even the dean Madhushree mam teased the two.My friendship with amrita was improving..As she was the CR, she wanted to be on watsapp so that she could text a large grup at same time.She dint have a phone dt wld support watsapp..so I gave her my old 5233 which was lying around in my home as i had not touched that cell since my breakup ..I was using Sony xperia then..Amrita used to chat non stop in the group..even disturbing us at odd hours in the night with her cliche words " am missing my ex  Bf".I always told her "amrita, try to move on.Else u wl be caught in a tym wrap and then life wl get pretty difficult"..But girls listening to sane logic is as rare as seeing an Ufo in d skies of India. Saikat aka Mr kohli was the next eye candy of the owl eyed girl. I used to wonder " was she now bored with shaunak? is she lookin for sumone else nw?"...i never said des things to any1 cos sumtyms its better to keep quiet and see where the things lead us.I always eagerly await the conclusion and bein a bit theatrical myself(yes u heard me admiiting it finally!) , i always kinda wanted to see the extent of melodrama.. Amrita literally behved as saikat's Gf.and It was that obvious.They sometimes used to tease me about my crushes( well they thot it was mre dan 1)..and Amrita was so stupid that she used to tease me about Priyal Gupta  a gal i hated since d frst day cos she was a typical showoff high nosed attitude wala gal and I being a bit arrogant and vain myself, cant handle such people.My readers might think how I can criticise myself dis way.. but dats who I am.I never shy away from telling bad stuff about myself cos i know myself and am true to what i say..even if its bad stuff about me also..
Neways Amrita's budday was approaching and beardo who had a liking on her from the frst day ..even going to d extent of proposing her in three weeks. and then irritating her with his selfies at night (ewww Creepy man!yes Amrita, i know dis cos again.i knew what was going on and i kept silent)...Beardo wanted Amrita's budday to be damn good so dt he can score brownie points..But before I tell u about Amrita's budday.. an alceration broke out btwn saikat and amrita.. We were to go and buy amrita her gift ..a Fastrack bag..and saikat was calling her to know which colour she liked.But apparently she was talkin to her ex bf and she texted in the group "Stop fucking callin me saikat" and also complained in persnal wndow of watsapp dat saikat was irritating her..I was shocked with all dis..Dt day in college i sensed something wrong with Saikat.. he wasnt talkin..replying only to me.. Then he went home aftr recess citing some reason dt i knew wasnt true.. I called him later ..and aftr much coaxing, he told me...i knew what amrita did was totally uncalled for... she could hav easily told him to call later or she could hv picked his call since we were going to buy her gift only...
Now amrita returned my 5233 becos she had bought lumia 520..I was stunned to see 80 chat messages in watsapp..dt owl eyed girl forgt to delete all dis..Man.Dat gal was so jobless dt she used to ping.my 4 yr old 5233 never went thru such trture befre...But in a way it was good..i saw amita and saikat's chat and i knew their story now...So two three days later..Me saikat and amrita went out f clge aftr break and i was literally trying to stop them from quarrelling...saikat was not in a mood to relent and Amrita being a Leo person was trying to roar like a cat but it was seeminly comical... eventually it took all my peacemaking skills to calm down the two souls..:P
Amrita backed down and seeing that saikat relented..Eventually we went to Macdonalds as the owl eyed girl needed a treat fr evry occasion it seemed..evn when she was at fault! Man,..i wl never see a gal like her...Later dt following week Amrita wanted to go to Dakshineshwar temple on her budday to give puja (may be to ask god's blessing for more melodrama)..Our grup went and i too had to agree to come ..evn my parents teased me saying " for us u cld nvr go to a grocery store.for a frnd, u are going to a temple ..dt too when u are a staunch atheist"..neways we went to dakshineshwar...d budday gal gave rs 10 puja while beardo gave rs 100 puja..lol..d things u do to impress ur crush..:P 
we returnd from the temple and had our lunch at a place near forum...Me and saikat brought flowers and card fr the budday gal to deck up d occasion.,.lol..
After reaching college, d rest went fr classes while me , saikat and amrita stayed at canteen since she wasnt in a mood to study..In the canteen all of a sudden amrita started saying weird things " I am feeling soo different nw .Thank you saikat "..and then she held his hand and said " am feeling rlly good abt ds "... i knew something was brewing..But dis was way open indication man!...neways dt weird phase passed and she bcame sane again and we 3 chatted tl d end of classes...Then she went to BBq to meet her old frnds and we dropped her there and went home.. It had been a long day..and i knew that again the gal would start her dramabaazi once she gets home.So it was resting tym befre d usual hullabaloo started..:P
Next Up :-Going downhill...the beginning of the end !
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mcom-uncovered · 10 years
Battle of the Pauls and My reconcilation with owl eyed woman!
Mcom first semester story would not be complete wdout the mention of the famous battle between the two Pauls (not d octopuses but d alien ones :P) Lemme giv u small briefing of the two great legends... One called himself Mr Saikat Paul...stdied tl bachelors in xaviers only including schooling ..so he can be considered as a loyal fan of Brand Xaviers...He kept to himself in d early days of Mcom..never mixed freely...But yes ..whenever teachers used to throw debatable questions in the class, he would plunge head on with whoever he was pitted against...and that usually was the other paul..:P His fearless attitude earned him the title of "virat Kohli" by a classmate Debdoot...and soon he got a reputation for being the face of the small male section in a female dominated course!
Now lemme brief u abt the "othe paul".. She called herself "Nivedita (Nibhedita fr sum teachers).. she had done her graduation from Coventry univ, UK and had returned to India...and enrolled in xaviers fr masters,.now as she was from UK, many presumed she would be highly knowledgable.. even I thought at first.. But apparently Saikat was not affected by dis Halo effect... which is why he always had to counter watever views she used to opine in the class..and dis made a rather boring course very enjoyable...Nivedita's friends gave saikat d title of "anti-nivedita"..lol!
When our maths sir gave us a class task and divided us into groups, Saikat was shocked to see his sworn rival in the same grup..and he blurted out "Oh shit..not her again!" which unfrtunately was heard by Miss nivi...who complained to the friends of saikat (amrita and shaunak)..
Meanwhile i was not talkin to amrita nor shaunak...it had been a week...one day Shaunak walked up to me and said " y r u keeping ego btween us bosconians? let go..am sorry"... i relented ..cos am nt d egoistic types.. But the owl eyed girl was not going to accept my entry in2 d grup wdout a treat ..dat 2 from KFC! imagine dat! Girls certainly do have a way with ppl ..they wl create trouble and dey will make it seem as if d other person was solely responsible for it....So I gave amrita a small Zinger burger treat at Kfc..and she was pleased and purred like a cat!..man!! i never knew that for d sake of saving new frndships, i was sinking my self respect evn more!
I then got acquianted with d new addition in our grup whom i never got to talk bcos of the fallout with shaunak and amrita! and thus began the start of my friendship with Saikat aka Kohli dt would grow stronger and would pass thru hell later!..and strangely enough... the owl eyed girl had a lot in store ...which would be revealed in coming posts...
Next Up : Virat kohli vs the owl eyed girl..referee- Me!
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mcom-uncovered · 10 years
The first "Brawl " with the Owl eyed girl
after a horrendous first day at xaviers, life got smooth.. me, shaunak , amrita and beardo were a group now..  Rebanta was also there.but Amrita never really wanted him in our watsapp and facebook group chats (Irony much?) ... Amrita was the decision maker in our group and a few days later she wanted to be the Class representative of Mcom and stood for elections.. i wanted to stand fr elections too as i was the treasurer of my school club in final year and loved being responsible.but Amrita made me cancel my nomination saying she needed dis to move on over her bf or ex watever! Even though i never agreed fully with her, but fr d sake of friendship i let her stand and helped her in her campaign too by asking the boys to vote fr her who otherwise wld hv voted for me as they wanted a Boy candidate!. But of late i started feeling that there was something going on between Amrita and shaunak. She always used to talk about him , used to keep bench empty for him, and my apprehensions got confirmed when she asked shaunak to do our first powerpoint presentation.But i never really cared about that as i was busy with my two three school frnds who were in Kolkata.But i balanced my time well between two groups..my relationship with shaowni wasnt at all that going well since i started feeling something for her and she was about to get into a relationship with sumone. funny thing tho.. i had a crush on her even befre i went in a relationship with swagata and we stayed the best of friends for more dan 6 years . So there was no way i would have allowed my feelings to destroy the relationship with shaowni.i always was rooting for her happiness as she and i had the same situation at home..it wasnt all rosey .so i was basically handling that situation poorly. and that was my concern at dat moment.not wat was brewing at college,
It was 13th may. i arrived in college for our 1st class and went to sit on the 3rd bench where amrita was there.she shooed me away saying "indra.here shaunak will sit.u sit in front. " i was thinking.."there was so much space that three shaunak's could have fitted there". but i dint say anythin then.i went and sat in front. i was angry but let it stay within me,we returned home. i was excited because the very next day i would be going to see Chennai express .Me being a Srk fan, 1st day 1st show was usual tradition for me. but that night , shaunak started teasing me about srk and amrita added fuel to the fire by teasing me dt i was gay. My sense of better judgemnt snapped and in a act of anger, i quit the watsapp group.The owl girl had the audacity to add me back. i saw there was one more guy added .his name was Saikat Paul. But i dint care then. i was angry and i again quit it after 1 minute. 
Next morning i woke up in a bad mood. so i dint want to go alone to watch the movie. i called up Shaowni and we agreed to go.she asked whether she would ask her bf or not to come.i said no.lets just go.She agreed.we went for the movie at Cinemax and had a really good laugh..not only cos the movie was shitty.but The jokes were so poor that they were hillarious. after the movie, she went to her bf's neighbourhood.I dint want to go home.so I called Rebanta whethr he was free to go to watch Conjuring. He said that the college group was already returning after watchin that movie. So i went to Forum and watched the movie
The day ended . i was not talking to either shaunak or amrita.But i was on talkin terms with Beardo as he was nt a part of all dis.But my ego had creeped up..i was determined not to talk to the owl eyed girl again..
Seldom it works out dat way.
Next Up :The Battle of The Pauls and The reconcilllation between me and the owl eyed girl!
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mcom-uncovered · 10 years
First Chapter .1st day.. doomsday!
i entered the college..nervous..excited..why wouldnt i be?? it was xaviers..my dream college..the college i so badly wanted to do my bachelors from..but couldnt due to marks and as well as some politics.But This was the day i had been dreaming ever since my name came out in the selection list! My graduation college life was practically non existant..in fact when people used to ask me abt graduation, i had to explain the reason that made it seem as if i had completed my graduation from home!
Getting back to the present day.. i already knew there was a friend from my alma mater (DBPC) who would be also doing the course with me.So i had called him up and we went to our induction program.it was an enriching experience for me...we were told about the course, its status in the present job market blah blah.. 
the next day was the 1st day of our classes.. my friend from Dbpc , Shaunak was late that day! so i entered the den in all nervousness..and went to sit in the first row last bench(habit from school life)..there i was sitting ..when two girls came and sat beside me..now dis was not a comfortin situation for sum1 who stdied 14 years in a boys school.. But to my utter shock, those two species dint eat me alive..Phew!!..one introduced herself as Munmun and another said her name was Smrithi.. i told them "hello.i am indra.from dbpc.blah blah"..from what they said, i understood they were from Loretto..but then..the professor entered..and talks ended.. The proffessor.. my 1st impression from his two words "Hello evryone" was that.."i like his beard.seems he may be a cool proffessor"..My perception got thrown out within 10 mins when three people came late and he began to interrogate the late comers as if he was the head  of CID..but then the logic he put forward to emberass those poor people ( One called herself Richa) was so stupid it would made Farah khan movies seem oscar worthy! the proffessor taught Infromation technology fr 45 mins.. but to me ..it seemed as if he knew evrything else except computers.. anyways .. the class ended.. shaunak came up to me and i was relieved to find one familiar face after that torture.. BUT THE UNIVERSE CONSPIRED THAT VERY MOMENT!. suddenly out of nowhere a owl eyed creature walked up to both me and shaunak! her voice reminded me of a baby girl wanting something from her parents! It was not a customary sight for a girl to walk up to two guys like that. usually we men do that..cos we are from Mars and that is what we take pride in doing. neaways..this owl eyed girl called herself Amrita..and wanted to make friends with us. Wow! 1st day of college life and already God had been too sweet..sounded too good to be true!we exchanged phone numbers.we also met two other people.Rebanta and Beardo(his real name is shounak but fr confusion with the other shaunak, we shall refer to him as Beardo..a name given by the owl girl herself). we five people hit it off instantly!.. it seemed so unreal but it felt good.i told the rest four to send me their facebook requests since i was blocked from sending (Yes. i got blocked by fb fr sendin a frnd request to a gal in the same course which i wl  reveal later).we returned together .it was all merry !
retunrning home i saw fb requests had come..i accepted the three guys and the owl eyed girl. she was online then..we both started the conversation and it went on for a long time..yes Amrita.u speak too much..even fr a chatterbox like me, that seemed appalling!..she gave me her phne number.i looked at the tym and saw it was 1.30..i said goodnight and was readying myself to sleep whn her text came "Call me".. now fr sum1 who had just got of a 5 year old relationship where night calls were more frequent than the kisses..this was a shock! ..solely because my ex broke up on very bad terms and i swore to hate the female community for life (It was my 1st relationship.i destroyed my career and left two colleges like Jain and BHU and retrned to Kolkata just to be with her and she took it personally and broke up ) so naturaly calling a girl at this tym of the night.it was in one word..weird. cos The two gals i called at ds tym were my ex (Swagata) and our mutual best frnnd (shaowni)..both from Pratt memorial school .i literally could call them at any tym in the night and talk.and they did the same with me and we talked about stuff even two boys could not find it comfortble to talk..yess. i hardly had  frnds in school life and had brocken family relations in joint family (read joint family story below) .even with my parents ...nd dos 2 girls were basically my frnds, sisters, family..soul mate..watever! i loved them beyond all logic..and a part of me still does and wl always!
I called Amrita.. the 1st thing she said" I am missing my BF!"... i literally fell off from the bed... Dear amrita, if u miss ur bf at 2 am in the night, u dnt call another guy and tell him that. u call ur bf..and U should nt even say dis to a single guy! it turns him off and pisses him to a level which a girl would nt even dare to imagine!..still i said " arre it happens.call him up and tell him that.. she said  its not so easy. yeah! y wont it be so? if u make things complicated.it wl never be easy!  she acted stubbornly..refusing to divulge further! after that she dropped another bomb shell by saying " tell me good stories nah".. i was like WTF! damn u lady! its 2 am in the night.. just go to sleep man! trust me fellows.. i was starting to feel repulsive towards her already.. its not her fault.. a guy trying to move on  from swagata after waiting fr  her fr a year , callin her and texting her each day hopin she comes back, crying his guts out and just 2 mnths bfre joining mastersm gets a reply from her aftr 13 months of ordeal saying she cant.she is in a relationship with sum1 else.and she had a told a lie abt a one year break just to breakup with me in that moment! And Amrita ... u are really lucky dat i dint say anythin that day! it was the first day.. i dint want to ruin my friendship with u or any1 else.. i had promised shaowni dat i would enjoy college life to an extent where it would help me remmber more abt d happy tyms dt followed after the worst phase in my life!
BUT i shall always remembr that day as DOOMSDAY!..because Picture abhi baaki hain mere dost aur yeh toh sirf teaser ka ek chota sa segment tha! ;)
Next :- The first "Bawaal with the owl eyed Girl"
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mcom-uncovered · 10 years
the story till 2015..the return to blogging!
friends..i have been away from the blogging world a long time now..so a few things to keep u updated before  i plunge ahead with the story. In 2012 i broke up with my ex (for reasons unfathomable yet stupid and hillarious) ..i took a break from regular education for one year and prepared myself for entrances before i eventually enrolled for masters in St xaviers, Kolkata...a lot of hullabaloo happened prior to that which i will definately bring up in my forthcoming posts..the main focus will be on the story (read stories ) that transpired after joining the course.So brace urselves evry1..if u have not heard of weird yet normal stuff about life.. trust me ..after dis, u will have officially heard evrything!
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