mcrleena-blog · 5 years
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hit the heart for a starter
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mcrleena-blog · 5 years
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hit the heart for a starter
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mcrleena-blog · 5 years
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hit the heart for a starter
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mcrleena-blog · 5 years
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everywhere I go, you go along with me. anything you get, is all because of me. everything I do, you do along with me, no matter where you run, you cannot hide from me                                merleena le fay, adored by lilith
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mcrleena-blog · 6 years
“trust me, my intentions is to try and not get you involved...” merlina spoke silkily. since she arrived in the kingdom she had done nothing but argue with the king, especially when it came to her restricting herself with her magick. “i just... like to vent. if i don’t vent then i know things will get worse...”
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Open RP
Ella looked up from her book and frowned at the person before her, “Look, could you just … be gone or leave me out of it?” She didn’t really want to be involved in this, no matter how well she did or didn’t know them. 
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mcrleena-blog · 6 years
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hit the heart for a starter.
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mcrleena-blog · 6 years
Merlin was trying hard not to show his worry about the whole situation. But the small groove that he was marking into the floor of their bedroom might have revealed that he was, indeed, worrying about the whole thing. He hated it. He hated not knowing where she was or what she was doing. She was his little angel and every time he remembered when Merlina was little. The way she had run into his arms, the way she had met him, the way she ate as a child… 
It made his heart hurt. 
That was his little girl and yes he had other babies with Morgana, but… they’re all his little babies still, no matter how big they are now.
When night fell he got a sinking feeling in his stomach and he felt completely sick. He felt a fever running through him, he felt hot and cold and his hands shook as he sat on the edge of the bed trying not to be sick. 
She was fine, he told himself. She’s a big girl and she needs to do this on her own. 
But there was a feeling that was telling him, that reminded him of when she had vanished, and it scared him too much to ignore. 
He turned to Morgana, who was probably just as worried as he was (probably more) and he moved towards her. 
“Isn’t there a way we can see where she is?”
Soon her eyes fluttered open to reveal blue eyes gazing down at her, and her face fell, she obviously knew this person, or at least seen him around. “You… what are you doing to me?” she whispered, her voice wavering due to the shock. “Mordred what are you doing?” she had sounded hurt, and the male had pulled her to her feet. “It was never mean’t to happen like this my sweet Merlina, but you are it. You are the reason all of magick will be allowed to flow freely. Just with a little help.” He had cupped her cheek, looking down at her, the hint of sadness and regret in her eyes before he had lean’t in to press a single kiss to her lips.
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“You know that I love you, but this needs to happen. I am so sorry…” he forcefully tugged her when she had tried to yank herself away before she was finally thrown into a room, the door closing and locking behind her. “Mordred please we can talk about this!!” She banged on the door, but after no avail she gave up calling for him. All was silent for a little while, until she could hear a laughter, and she turned around to see a figure popping out from behind a pillar and then hid away again. “Mama? Papa?” She looked confused, moving slowly to look behind the pillar to see them both there who looked so relieved to see her there, but then they both began laughing. “Do you really think we care about you? You are nothing but a poor excuse of a daughter.” and so her torture began. ——– Morgana had been fiddling with her necklace, staring into nothingness, but then she turned to look at Merlin, her eyes red with worry. “Merlin I’ve tried that but something is stopping me from seeing her.” she whispered. “she wouldn’t have us worry about this I know that.” She reached over to touch his arm. “something is not right. I can feel it in the pit of my stomach…” she breathed deeply. “we both need to go find her…” she went to get up but a small child poked his head around the door. “Mama? Papa? Is Merleeny back yet?” he asked sadly. “Not yet Phoenix, papa will find her…” she looked at Merlina. “I need to stay here with our children, but you need to go find her, please…”
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mcrleena-blog · 6 years
Merlin had been watching his daughter for a while now. There were things that reminded him of his wife, of Morgana. There was a darkness in her that scared him, that he wanted to heal, but he wasn’t the one to do it. Morgana had healed herself not because of Merlin, but by her own force and effort. She had seen the darkness and she had played in it, but then she had changed. She still suffered through it, there were sitll places that not even Merlin could reach. There were still times that Morgana was staring out the window and Merlin could only watch her because she was so far away. 
He had hoped that Merlina never had to go through that. 
But he had seen her changing. 
Merlin had felt it too. 
When he had been a young man he had left Ealdor, his home and his security and safety. He had sought out the danger of Camelot, the unknown. He believed that every person did that. That every person needed to do that. They sought out the unknown to decide what they were going to be. 
But he was scared for Merlina, as any parent would be. 
You care for a child for all their life. Merlina knew nothing but the world of the castle, she knew magic, she had never known fear or torment… not like Merlin and Morgana. And yet he knew that she would one day ask for this, to be free from it. 
He wanted to walk her to the stables, he wanted to hug her and tell her to come home safely but he just smiled at her and he held Morgana’s hand. He needed her strength right now.
“Don’t forget where we are,” he said to her.
There had been whispers as to who Morgana’s mother had been, and if those whispers were true then it confused Merlina as to why she hadn’t sought out her daughter. She couldn’t imagine being in her mothers shoes who probably wondered the same thing, or in her fathers shoes where he only briefly met his father only to be killed not long after. She could not imagine a life without any of her parents, even if she did for a short while, she couldn’t be without them, yet her soul yearned for adventure, to experience the unknown, and to find her own fate. She didn’t want to believe that she was fated to just sit and look pretty. Darkness looked so pretty, but she stayed in the light for now, but what was light without darkness, and what was darkness without light? Perhaps she yearned for a balance. Morgana very softly squeezed Merlin’s hand, raising it to press a soft kiss to the back of it supportively, and she turned to look at her daughter. “We are always going to be here, but be safe, and don’t look at it, please...” Her voice was a mere whisper, and Merlina’s sapphire blue eyes flickered to look at her mother, and she instantly knew what she had mean’t. Morgana saw the same look that she once, and by the Goddess she wish she hadn’t. The younger girl smiled softly, and nodded at them before walking around to them to press a single kiss to their foreheads before slipping out of the room. Camelot was suffocating her. Surely a few hours or a few days away wouldn’t hurt? Before she knew it, she was out in the forest, gripping the reins of her horse as she rode out through the trees at a fast pace. The night finally hit her and she made camp, but she had no idea where she had gone too, she certainly wasn’t in Camelot or even Cenreds Kingdom, but she wasn’t afraid, not until the whole world went black.
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mcrleena-blog · 6 years
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touch meme . send one to do to my muse .
001.   grab their hand .
002.   kiss their cheek .
003.   give massage .
004.   kiss hand .
005.   high five .
006.   cuddle .
007.   cry on . 
008.   shoulder hug .
009.   bear hug .
010.   kiss them .
011.   pinkie promise .
012.   piggy back ride . 
013.  give them food . 
014.   from behind hug . 
015.   fist bump .
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mcrleena-blog · 6 years
☽o☾ @merlin-blackwood
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Growing up in Camelot was easy compared to how her parents had it, she knew that much. For the first part of her life she didn’t have her father in her life, but her mother never failed to tell her how amazing he was, and that he loved her even though they had never met. She never did blame him for not being in contact with her, for she understood how dangerous it was even from such a young age. When her father did finally return they bonded straight away, and she loved him like he had always been around, perhaps even a little more. Her heart had been pure and light, and she was known, like her mother, to be the fairest in the land. With porcelain coloured skin, dark as night hair and piercing blue eyes with such a welcoming smile it was hard not to see her as someone beautiful. She knew there would be temptations, because for a little while her mother did, that was no secret, and from her teenage years the urges were getting stronger, and even sometimes invaded her dreams. She needed to get away. On once such morning on her eighteenth birthday she was sat at the dinner table, surrounded by gifts from various people, including her uncle Arthur, parents, admirers... but all she wanted was it to stop. Temptation was strong now. “I... I think I’m going to go for a ride.” Her voice was smooth as she stood up from the table, and looked at Morgana who looked at her father for confirmation, and so Merlina turned to look at her father.
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mcrleena-blog · 6 years
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Merlina’s sapphire eyes sparkled beautifully, and her porcelain coloured skin glistened like the illuminating moon within a nights sky. She understood completely how it was not to sleep. “I understand all too well...” She admitted, eyes flickering to look at the floor before back up at Liz again. “I used to suffer nightmares that kept me up for days on end..”
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mcrleena-blog · 6 years
I’ve given this account enough chances people are not simply interested in roleplaying with Merlina. So I will be deleting this account by tomorrow after I take pics and such on here.
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mcrleena-blog · 6 years
Send ▲ to pull my muse into your muse’s lap!
Send ▼ for my muse to sit in your muse’s lap of their own accord!
Feel free to add descriptions or context as you wish!
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mcrleena-blog · 6 years
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starter call to mutuals and non mutuals !!
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mcrleena-blog · 6 years
based on my writing, portrayal and character i already play, what other character do you think i'd be good at playing?
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mcrleena-blog · 6 years
Send me "I wish you were mine" for my muses reaction.
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mcrleena-blog · 6 years
Send 🌹if your muse has a crush on mine.
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