mcsmseason3 · 4 years
MCSM Origins Book I: The Trade, the Gem, & the Storm - Part 1
Several years later, Jesse and her best pal Reuben support their friend Petra in a trade with Ivor and Emerl - a wither skull in exchange for a diamond. However, the trio are conned when they receive an odd lapis necklace instead, and Jesse quickly learns that it’s no ordinary necklace either...
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Previous Chapter: Here
Next Chapter: Coming Soon

A Few Years Later

what happened
? I can barely remember anything
I can’t see anything. Where am I
I remember
I was stopping her from doing
we were in the Nether
she was making
we fought and
I was poofed
why did she poof me
why can’t I reform
? Something’s wrong
I can hear voices
what’s going on
 “Dark. Dark. Very dark in here.”
Two figures and a small pig snuck into an alleyway behind several brick buildings. One of the figures was a woman with long black hair with part of it dyed yellow, and dark green eyes. She wore a red and white t-shirt under light blue dungarees and brown boots.
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Right by her side was a small pig with big eyes, a dark patch on his back and a black eye.
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They were both following a woman with pale skin, long auburn hair and grey eyes. She wore a turquoise bandanna, a black vest, dark blue shirt, black shorts, and black boots. She also had a long black sleeve on her left arm, and a finger-less glove on her right hand.
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“That’s weird – they said the dark, creepy alley close to the gates, but they’re not here.” Petra glanced around the alley with a confused expression, “Maybe they’re late.”
“Are you sure THIS is the dark, creepy alley they meant?” Jesse asked. “Hmm. I WAS.” Petra muttered before turning to face Jesse, “Okay, new plan. You stay here just in case this IS the spot they meant, and I’ll look around.” Jesse seemed a little hesitant but nodded, “Okay, I’ll hold down the fort.”
“Thanks, Jesse.” Petra smiled as she turned to leave, “I’ll be back before you know it. If they show up while I’m gone, just stall for me.”
 Jesse watched as Petra left they alley. Something felt off about this ordeal, but she just pushed it to the back of her mind as her attention was grabbed by a small chest that sat in the corner of the alley. It was strange. It felt like something was drawing her to it; like something inside was calling out to her. She and Reuben slowly walked over to the chest and crouched down to open it when-
 Jesse whipped around only to be met with the point of an emerald blade inches from her face. Jesse looked up from the blade at its wielder. A woman, who was silhouetted by the lights of the street outside the alley, stared daggers at Jesse with piercing yet tired emerald-green eyes that seemed to glow in the darkness of the alley. As Jesse’s eyes adjusted, she could make out short, side-swept, black hair with bright green tips and bangs that looked like it hadn’t been brushed in a long time. She wore a black and green coat with frilled sleeves and an opening in the centre that revealed a shining emerald on her chest she wore trousers and gloves that matched her coat and dark green shoes. She seemed to be in her late 40’s.
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The blade she held was an emerald sword with a golden hilt, its point aimed right at Jesse. “At ease, Emerl.” A voice spoke from behind Emerl. Emerl’s eyes narrowed at Jesse in suspicion but complied, dismissing her sword and stepping to the side, allowing another figure to step forward. Ivor glared at Jesse and Reuben, “And just who are YOU?” Jesse just glanced between Ivor and Emerl in surprise for a moment. Emerl glared at Jesse as she growled, “He asked you a question, kid.”
“The name’s Jesse.” Jesse replied, breaking out of her shocked stupor before glaring back at Ivor and Emerl, “What’s it to you?”
“I’m supposed to meet with Petra,” Ivor replied with a snarky tone, “Not whatever you’re supposed to be!”
“You best give us one good reason not to walk out of here right now.” Emerl growled as her hand hovered over her gem which was glowing now, prepared to summon her sword, “Or you might not be walking out of here at all.”
Reuben let out a frightened squeal as he ducked behind Jesse’s leg. Jesse stood defensively in front of Reuben as she replied, “I’m with Petra.”
“Our deal is with her – not her partner.” Ivor replied, looking fed-up.
“She’ll be here. But we can get started without her.”
“Do you have the skull?”
Jesse’s tough act shattered as she glanced around nervously, “Uh
“You do or you don’t.” Emerl snapped, her hand still hovering over her gem with her eyes trained on Jesse. “Petra has it – and she’ll be back any minute now!” Jesse confessed. “Well.” Ivor seemed to calm down a bit, “As long as she’s bringing it
I suppose it wouldn’t kill us to wait a minute longer.” Emerl, still keeping her eyes on Jesse, removed her hand from her gem as the glow faded, leaning on the wall of the alley as Ivor folded his arms. 
Everyone stood in awkward silence before Jesse broke the silence, glancing at Emerl, “So
you’re, uh
you’re a Gem, right?”
Emerl raised an eyebrow, slightly suspicious, “Yeah. How’d you guess?”
“I have a friend – well, not really a friend, more like a rival – who’s a Gem. She’s a rose quartz.”
not many quartz Gems leave Kwartzil. She must’ve emerged here
” Emerl muttered, before addressing Jesse, “Well, Jesse, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Emerl, an emerald. I’m a bodyguard for-”
Everyone turned to see Petra walking down the alley. “Ah, here she is.” Ivor seemed a lot calmer seeing Petra arrive. “Sorry I’m late,” Petra began, “But good things are worth waiting for. I’ve got what you’ve asked for.”
“IF you have what you promised us.” Jesse added. “You didn’t say anything about an ‘us’ when we first met.” Ivor frowned, “And I don’t like surprises.”
“Ivor, if you don’t mind me saying,” Emerl began, standing up straight from her leaning position as she kept her eyes on Jesse and Petra, “If these are the kind of people Petra associates herself with
it might be in our best interest to call this little trade of ours off.”
“My friend is fine, right, Jesse?” Petra interrupted, glancing at Jesse, “There’s no problem here.”
“I’m cool if he’s cool.” Jesse replied. “Proceed then.” Ivor took a step closer as Emerl kept an eye on everyone, making sure nobody tried anything funny. Petra handed over a wither skull to Ivor, who took it and closely inspected it. Emerl seemed content and took a step back. “I’ll take that diamond now.” Petra spoke up. “Take it.” Ivor motioned with his head to the chest Jesse was inspecting prior, “You’ve earned it.”
Jesse, Petra and Reuben walked over to the chest and Petra opened it up, expecting to see a diamond. “Uh, this isn’t a diamond
” Jesse called behind her. At the bottom of the chest was a round piece of lapis lazuli with a gold trim around it. It was encased in a silver ring with green runes carved into it with a chain emerging from the top. “No, it’s lapis!” Petra growled as she glanced behind her, but Ivor and Emerl had disappeared. Jesse picked up the lapis and put it around her neck. ‘Pretty stylish, though.’ She thought to herself before getting to her feet, “Let’s go after them!” Petra, Jesse and Reuben took off running out of the alley, a determined and agitated look on Petra’s face, “I’m either getting that diamond, or I’m getting my skull back-”
“Or you’ll make them pay, right? Right?” Jesse piped up, almost looking eager to see Petra lay a smack down on Ivor and Emerl. “Come on!” Petra called behind her, dismissing Jesse’s question.
what’s going on
Jesse jumped at the sudden voice in her head, “Huh? Petra did you say something?”
“No, why?” Petra glanced at Jesse with a confused stare. “Uh
nothing. It’s probably nothing.” Jesse replied, shaking it off as being tired from the building contest and saving Reuben. The three ran out into the streets where Endercon was taking place. “Do you see them anywhere?” Petra asked as they looked out over the sea of people. “We lost them.” Jesse sighed. “Then we’ll just have to find them again.” Petra replied, “Go!” Petra and Jesse split up, Reuben following Jesse a few feet behind as they darted off into the crowd. The two searched through the crowds of people by the stalls when

“There he is! Gabriel!! Gabriel!!!”
A crowd of people pushed past Jesse as Gabriel the Warrior walked by with two ushers who kept the crowd at bay.
Gabriel..? He’s
he’s here?”
Jesse jumped as she heard the voice again. She ducked behind the back of an empty stall as she called out, “Hello? I heard your voice. Show yourself!”
not so loud. My head still hurts
” The voice groaned. Jesse’s eyes widened as she watched a slightly transparent, blue figure appear in front of her. She had long hair that seemed dyed in some places, and freckles on her cheeks. She wore a short-sleeved shirt over a slightly longer-sleeved shirt with matching trousers. There was a sash around her waist that was tied at the front and wore shoes with matching gloves. The symbol of the Order of the Stone was on her shirt and on her chest was a stone similar to the lapis Jesse was wearing around her neck.
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Lapis held her head in pain before groggily looking at Jesse. Here eye’s widened a bit as she spotted the gem that Jesse wore around her neck. Her gaze kept switching between her own gem and Jesse’s before she eventually stopped and went, “Huh
well this is weird
definitely a first for me
me too
” Jesse replied, still in shock. “Oh good!” Lapis smiled, “It’s not just me then. Then again, it’d be pretty concerning if you had gone through this before, huh?”
“Uh, yeah
” Jesse shook her head as she snapped out of her surprised state, “Sorry, but who are you?”
“Oh right!” Lapis chuckled, “I’m Lapilisia Lazul, but you can call me Lapis. And that,” Lapis motioned to the gem around Jesse’s neck, “Is my gem you’re wearing. Now this is just a hunch – plus my memory is a bit off right now – but I think I was poofed, sealed inside that necklace, and now I’m in your head because you put it on. Gem magic, am I right?” Lapis went to playfully elbow Jesse, but her elbow just phased right through her, causing Jesse to jump in surprise but Lapis just shrugged it off, “Anyhoo! What’s your name?”
“I’m Jesse.” Jesse replied, recovering from her shock. Jesse then noticed Reuben looking at her with a confused and concerned look. Lapis gasped excitedly, “Oh. My. Stars! That is the cutest pig I’ve ever seen! What’s his name?”
“Oh, that’s my best friend Reuben.” Jesse replied before turning to Reuben, “Bud, I know it looks like I’m talking to air right now, but apparently this isn’t an ordinary lapis Ivor and Emerl traded us.”
“Ivor and Emerl
” Lapis muttered as something seemed to click in her head, “Yeah
yeah I think I remember
“Wait, you know them?” Jesse turned back to face Lapis. “Yeah
my memory is really fuzzy right now
but I remember I used to work with them
but I got into a fight with Emerl over
we were in the Nether and she
yeah, that’s right!” Lapis’s eyes went wide before she pouted angrily, “She poofed me! She must’ve put me in that necklace. Of course, why didn’t I think of that?! She’s an expert in Gem arcane! Ooh, when I get out of here, she’s gonna get it! I dunno what ‘it’ is yet, but you can bet she’s gonna get ‘it’ big time!”
‘She pretty eccentric
’ Jesse thought to herself before talking to Lapis, “Well, Ivor and Emerl promised to give my friend Petra a diamond for a wither skull but traded us your gemstone instead. Wanna help us find them?”
“Well, I’m along for the ride anyway,” Lapis shrugged motioning to the necklace, “So sure!”
“Alright! Let’s go find them and get that diamond! And maybe we can get Emerl to set you free.”
“Win-win! I love it! Let’s do this thing!”
 To Be Continued

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mcsmseason3 · 4 years
Minecraft: Hunger Games Mode
So...every time I make a new fan-made story, I run the characters through the Hunger Games simulator...and even though it tortures my very soul every single time I go through this...I will do it for you. Let’s start the pain!
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Axel has his priorities straight, I see.
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Dude, you’re on the same team!
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That’s how season 2 really ended! But seriously, how tf did these two take down TWO admins?!
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Round 2: ...I regret this already...
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Strangely wholesome...which usually means crap’s gonna hit the fan HARD.
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Told you.
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So it takes a sadistic competition for these two to actually work together, eh?
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Ellie, what the Nether?!?!?!
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I mean...Rosa’s pretty crafty with plants, so I wouldn’t put it past her.
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This is what you get for being a jerk earlier.
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Okay...seriously out of character for these three. Usually singing is Soren’s thing...until someone dECAPITATED HIM!!!
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Such a heroic death...
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I imagine Lapis doesn’t drink it and just uses her powers to make funny shapes with it.
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That...that’s incredibly ironic...
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Okay, while I understand that Maya wouldn’t kill Rosa (since they’re both Ocelots/Blaze Rods), but WTF, NURM?!?!
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I’m surprised it took Magnus this long to kill someone...
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ROUND 8: We have the resident-go-getter, the griefer king, a water Gem, an insane former admin, and a member of the Blaze Rods. Who’s gonna win?!
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Xara actually protecting someone for a change. This will last all but a second.
Also, WTF MAGNUS?!?!
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Aaaand there goes Maya...
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...huh...honestly didn’t expect one of my characters to win...
Welp! Crap happens! See you never, because I’m not doing this torture again!
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mcsmseason3 · 4 years
MCSM Origins Book I: Enter Lapilisia Lazul - Part 2
Lapis and Emerl arrive in the Nether to find Magnus and Ellegaard, two members of the Order of the Stone, fighting some ghasts. After aiding in their defeat, Lapis receives an offer that chnages everything.
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Previous Chapter: Here
Next Chapter: Here 
Lapis held tightly to the edges of the minecart as she prepared herself mentally for whatever chaos was awaiting her and Emerl. Lapis was sure that if she had a heart, it’d be beating out of her chest. As the carts got closer, Lapis and Emerl heard the cries of the ghasts, explosions and yelling.
“Magnus, watch where you’re exploding those things!”
“Hey, it’s not my fault you keep getting in the way!”
Lapis heard Emerl sigh as she muttered, “Those two, I swear
” Emerl then turned back to face Lapis, “Get ready! It’s showtime!”
The carts turned a corner and grinded to a stop as Emerl noticed a large crater where the tracks should be. Floating above were three ghasts – one with two arrows in it. Another arrow just barely grazed the ghast as Lapis turned to see where it had come from. Bow and arrow in hand, Lapis saw a woman with brown hair and pale skin, wearing brown, black and gold armour with redstone embedded in the chest armour, along with brown pants and dark red boots.
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“Fire in the hole!!!”
Lapis jumped in surprise as a TNT block went flying into one of the ghasts, destroying it. Standing behind what looked like a hastily-put-together TNT cannon was a bald man with a black bandanna tied around his head with holes for his eyes. He wore green armour with a leather belt and four yellow buttons on his chest, along with brown and gold gloves and boots.
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“Ha! What were you saying, Ellie?” Magnus yelled with a cocky smirk. Emerl saw one of the ghasts launch a fireball at Magnus. “Magnus, heads up!” Emerl yelled out as she dived between Magnus and the fireball, blocking it with her shield. “Nice timing, Emerl.” Ellegaard nodded to the emerald Gem as she aimed her bow at the ghasts, “These ghasts ambushed us while we were building the rails.”
“Where’s Ivor, Soren and Gabriel?” Emerl yelled out as she reflected another fireball with her shield. “Up ahead finishin’ the rails!” Magnus replied as he loaded another stack of TNT into the cannon, “They told us to distract while they finish it off.” Magnus noticed Lapis as she climbed – albeit clumsily – out of the minecarts, “Who’s the noob?”
“That’s Lapis. I found her while patrolling the forest.” Emerl replied before turning to Lapis, “Alright, Lapis. Show me what you got!”
“R-right!” Lapis stuttered as she summoned her weapon. It was a long whip with small blue crystals encrusted in the whip. The handle was also blue with golden markings. Lapis held onto the handle with both hands as she wound back and flung the whip forward like a fishing rod. It wrapped itself around one of the ghast’s tentacles. Lapis ran over to where Emerl, Magnus and Ellegaard was and began pulling the whip towards her, reeling in the ghast, “I got it! Go ham on it before it destroys us!”
“Not bad, kid!” Magnus smirked as he launched another TNT at the trapped ghast, destroying it. “One more left!” Emerl called out. “Look out!” Ellegaard yelled as the last ghast fired a fireball at the group. “I got it! Stand back!” Lapis flung her whip at the fireball, causing it to wrap around it. She spun it around like in hammer-toss, until she finally released it – falling onto the ground in the process – and the fireball went hurtling back towards the ghast, killing it. Lapis breathed heavily as she got to her feet, staring at where the ghast once was. “Ok
that was pretty freakin’ awesome!” Magnus laughed as he gave Lapis a hearty slap on the back, causing her to stumble a bit, “What was your name again, kid?”
“Lapilisia Lazul.” Lapis replied with a smile, “But you can call me Lapis.”
“Pleasure to meet you, Lapis.” Ellegaard gave a small smile as she walked up to her, “My name is Ellegaard, and the reckless nutcase here is Magnus.”
“Well, at least I’m not an egghead know-it-all!” Magnus argued.
“Oh, is that the best argument you could think of? Maybe if you emptied all that gunpowder out of your head, you could actually make a logical thought.”
“Well your head is so full of redstone, I sometimes wonder if you’re actually human and not some redstone creation!”
Lapis glanced back and forth between Magnus and Ellegaard as they argued before turning to Emerl, “Are they-”
“Always like this? Yep.” Emerl finished with a sigh before interrupting the two bickering humans, “If you two aren’t busy acting like children, the rails got damaged during the fight and need to be fixed before the others get back.”
“Oh, of course.” Ellegaard nodded as she walked away from Magnus who just glared at her, “This ain’t over, Ellie!”
“It never is
” Emerl muttered under her breath as she went to help Ellegaard with the rails. “So you’re like Emmie, eh?” Magnus asked, motioning to her gemstone, “My guess is a Lapis?”
“Nope. Azurite.” Lapis grinned. “Oh. I thought since your name is Lapis, it’d be a
” Magnus seemed genuinely surprised but was cut off by Lapis giggling, “I’m just kidding. I’m a Lapis Lazuli.”
“Yeah, I knew that! I was just
playing along! Yeah!” Magnus grinned smugly, “Anyways, I’m Magnus – greatest griefer in the world and king of Boomtown. Ellie over there is our redstone nerd and ruler of Nerdtopia.”
“Redstonia!” Ellegaard called over her shoulder. Magnus just stuck his tongue out at her, earning a chuckle from Lapis. “I can hear your insufferable bickering from down the rails!” A voice called out as three minecarts clattered down the rails just as Ellegaard and Emerl finished the repairs. The first to climb out, who Lapis assumed was the one who called out, was a man with long, slick black hair, an unkept beard, and pale skin that looked like it hadn’t seen the sun in years. He wore a long olive coat with black shoes and a leather belt with a lapis stone on it.
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“At least you managed to get rid of the ghasts. I would’ve been able to take them on, but we needed to finish the rails first.” A man with dark skin, dark brown eyes and a dark moustache said as he climbed out of the cart. He wore dark blue armour with diamonds embedded in it.
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Another man with ginger hair with a moustache and beard with tanned leather armour, grey gloves and pants climbed out behind him, “Well, we got the rails to the ice spikes portal finished, that’s the important part.”
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“Glad to hear that the rail is the important part and not the fact that we nearly got roasted by ghasts.” Magnus rolled his eyes as he folded his arms. “You know Soren didn’t mean it like that, Magnus.” Emerl sighed. Ivor glanced at Lapis, “And who’s this?”
“Uh, hi! I’m Lapis! And I guess you’re Ivor?” Lapis smiled. “How’d you guess that?” Ivor asked narrowing his eyes at the Gem. “Emerl said Ivor was a person who looked super grumpy but was actually really nice.”
“W-WHAT?!” Ivor seemed taken aback, his face turning red, as Emerl turned away quickly to hide her face from Ivor. Magnus burst into laughter as Gabriel, Soren and Ellegaard chuckled a little. “Oh
oh geez! That face
haha!!” Magnus wheezed while pointing at Ivor, “Lapis, that was awesome!”
“I mean
she’s not wrong, Ivor.” Soren shrugged. Ivor just shot him a glare before sighing, “Let’s just head back before more of those ghast show up.”
Lapis went to follow the rest of the Order back to the carts when her gem and eyes suddenly began to glow. Lapis saw herself push Magnus out of the way as a fireball hit her in the shoulder, causing her to poof. Lapis snapped out of her vision and sighed, “Poofed twice in one day? It’s better than that time I was poofed five times in that tournament back home
” Lapis climbed into one of the minecarts as she and the Order zoomed back to where the main portal was.
 “So you survived the creeper explosion, but was poofed by hitting the ground?”
“Yep. Pretty silly, huh?”
Emerl and Lapis were explaining how they met as they approached the portal. “Don’t beat yourself up.” Ellegaard replied, “Emerl once got poofed by a baby pigman on our first trip to the Nether after beating a large army of them.”
“The lil’ brat snuck up on me! How was I supposed to see him?!” Emerl called from the back of the carts, earning a laugh from the rest of the group. “I have to say, however,” Ellegaard continued, “Your skills were pretty impressive back there.”
“Aw, ‘twas nothin’” Lapis blushed a light shade of blue – which made her gold freckles stand out – as she scratched the back of her neck sheepishly. “Whoa! Cool markings, kid.” Magnus pointed out, looking at Lapis over his shoulder. “Oh, you mean my freckles?” Lapis asked, motioning to the small golden dots on her cheek, “Some lapis Gems have gold markings or specks on their gems that carry over to their physical form. And I’m one of them. It’s pretty rare back home, so I’m pretty proud of my babies!”
Magnus laughed as Lapis poked both of her cheeks and stuck out her tongue. “So where are you off to next?” Gabriel asked. “Dunno.” Lapis shrugged, “I’ve been kinda wandering aimlessly ever since I got here.”
“Well, if you like,” Soren began, “From what Emerl, Magnus and Ellegaard are saying, you seem like a capable fighter, and I’m sure Emerl wouldn’t mind the extra pair of hands. You could stay with the Order if you want.”
“Really?” Lapis exclaimed, “Th-that’s alright with-?”
Lapis was cut off by a familiar cry from behind as the carts arrived at the steps to the portal. “Uh oh. We have company!” Emerl called out, seeing a ghast giving chase to them. “Quick! To the portal!” Gabriel yelled as everyone clambered out of the carts and dashed up the steps. As the Order began to jump through the portal, Lapis remembered her vision and quickly ran at Magnus, “Magnus, watch out!” She pushed Magnus out of the way as the fireball slammed into her shoulder and poofed her, sending her gem clattering onto the ground. “Lapis!” Magnus exclaimed as he quickly grabbed her gem and dashed into the portal after the rest of the Order.
 Upon reaching the other side, Emerl glanced around to make sure everyone got through, “Wait. Where’s Lapis?”
“I have her.” Magnus replied, holding up Lapis’s gem, “She got poofed saving me from that ghast. It was kinda weird though. It was like she knew it was gonna happen.”
“That’s because Lapis is a Shard like me. Except her power is the ability to see future events before they happen.” Emerl explained. As she said this, Lapis’s gem began to glow brightly. “Um, Magnus? You might wanna put the gem-” Emerl was cut off as Lapis reformed and landed right on top of Magnus.
down.” Emerl finished with a sigh. Lapis rubbed her forehead before noticing she was on top of Magnus and quickly got off him with a small blush on her face before helping him up, “Er, sorry! Are you okay?”
“Yep, I’m good!” Magnus replied, dusting himself off, “I’ve had worse.”
“He’s not joking about that, by the way.” Ellegaard added, “He nearly dies every Tuesday.”
“I think that’s kinda exaggerating a bit.” Magnus rolled his eyes. “It’s not.” The rest of the Order replied in near unison.
“Anyway, since we were rudely interrupted by that ghast before,” Soren began, “What’s your decision, Lapis.”
“I think the proof’s in the pumpkin pie.” Emerl chuckled as she motioned to Lapis’s robes. They were the same as before, but now bore the same symbol Emerl had on her cloak, except hers was blue and gold. Lapis smiled proudly and nodded. “Alright!” Magnus laughed as he wrapped an arm around the gem and gave her a noogie, “Welcome to the Order, kid!” Lapis laughed before being eventually released from Magnus’s noogie hold. She could feel excitement bubble up within her. This was the beginning of a brand-new adventure

but not in the way she was expecting.
 To Be Continued...
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mcsmseason3 · 4 years
MCSM Origins Book I: Enter Lapilisia Lazul - Part 1
Lapilisia Lazul, or Lapis for short, is a Gemonyk from Krystalyx in search of adventure beyond her own world. Her travels lead her to Emerl, another Gem from Krystalyx and a knight of the Order of the Stone. Little does she know that her life is about to change completely.
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Next Chapter: Here
Many years ago, before the defeat of the Ender Dragon

 It was a sunny afternoon. The forest was silent aside from the occasional trickling of a stream or the odd animal or bird passing by. A cliff stuck out from the tree line, looking out over the woods which seemed to stretch out for blocks and blocks. The sound of footsteps on grass interrupted the silence as a woman seeming to be in her mid-20’s wearing sky blue robes and a blue cape hiked up the cliff. She had brown hair with blue highlights, pale skin, and golden freckles. What stood out most was a round lapis lazuli stone with a golden casing around the edges that seemed to be embedded in her chest.
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  Lapilisia Lazul, otherwise known as Lapis, looked out at the forest with bright eyes. “Wow
” she gasped in awe as she admired the view, “This is even prettier than the forests in Verde.” Lapis sat down on the cliff edge, her legs dangling off the edge as she felt a light breeze blew past her. Lapis had been travelling for the past few months, travelling by ship from her home in the Azurialis Archipelago to the Kingdom of Verde before crossing the Farlands that separated Krystalyx and Minecraftia. There were quite a few similarities between the two worlds
the biggest difference, of course, being the lack of magic in Minecraftia compared to Krystalyx. That and the lack of humanoids that are made of light and have gemstones embedded in their bodies. The people of her home were sad to see her go – she was the Blue Shard after all, she was pretty much their national hero-to-be – but knew that the journey would be good for her.
 Lapis’s thoughts were interrupted by the sound of hissing coming from behind her. She looked behind her, only to be greeted by a creeper trudging towards her. “Uh oh!” Lapis went to get to her feet, but the creeper was quicker on the draw. It exploded, causing Lapis to fall backwards off the cliff. “Please just poof, please don’t shatter, please just poof, please don’t shatter!” Lapis prayed as she squeezed her eyes shut and fell to the ground below.
 Lapis’s form disappeared upon impact with the ground as her gem clattered onto the earth, thankfully unharmed.
“Who goes there?!”
A voice rang out followed by the sound of footsteps running through the forest, “I heard an explosion! Is someone hurt?” A woman – roughly in her late 30’s – rushed through the trees into the small clearing near the cliff. She had short, side-swept, black hair with bright green tips and bangs. She wore a green shirt with long flowing sleeves and exposed an emerald stone on her chest, black trousers and green boots. There was a bright green sash around her waist and black and green gloves. Covering her outfit was black cape with an odd green symbol on it. She had pale skin and bright green eyes with pupils shaped similar to her gem.
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  Emerl Verdyk glanced around the clearing, an emerald sword with a golden hilt in hand, with a confused look on her face, “Hello? Anyone here?” Emerl looked up and the cliff top and noticed a small crater taken out of it. “Tch
creepers. Such a pain
” she sighed. Emerl turned to leave before a small glint of the sun hitting something caught her eye. She dismissed her sword and walked over to the object and picked it up. “A lapis lazuli?” Emerl muttered, confused as to why loose lapis was just lying around, “No wait
this is a Gemonyk. What are you doing all the way in Minecraftia, friend?” Almost on cue, the gemstone began to glow and levitate into the air. Emerl took a few steps back as the light being emitted from the gem shifted into a humanoid form before scattering to revel Lapis – good as new. “Whoa!” Lapis exclaimed as she landed on her feet, stumbling a bit before examining herself, “Okay, gem’s intact
outfit still looks awesome
still have hair, that’s a plus
can’t see my face so gonna have to hope my freckles are still there. I love my babies! Alright, overall: looking good!” Lapis breathed a sigh of relief. Noticing a presence behind her, Lapis turned around to see Emerl standing there with a small smile. Lapis noticed the emerald stone on her chest and her eyes lit up, “OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH!!! You- you’re a Gem! You’re like me!”
Emerl nodded before extending her hand, “Emerl Verdyk; former knight of the Kingdom of Verde, current knight of the Order of the Stone. At your service.”
“Lapilisia Lazul, but you can call me Lapis!” Lapis grinned shaking Emerl’s hand before her eyes going wide, “Wait a sec! Emerl Verdyk? THE Emerl Verdyk?”
“That’s me.”
“No way!” Lapis’s jaw nearly hit the floor, “You’re the Green Shard that went rogue and disappeared! You’re in Minecraftia?”
“Yep. When you’re trained from the moment you emerge from the earth to be a ‘great warrior-hero of legend’, you tend to get sick of it after over 30 years.” Emerl shrugged, before looking around, “Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m guessing you were poofed by that creeper explosion just there, right? Come. I’ll bring you to the Order’s temple where we’ll be safe from any more day-time monsters. You can tell me about how you ended up here on the way.”
“Alrighty! Lead the way!” Lapis smiled cheerfully as she followed Emerl through the trees.
 “So you’re a Shard too, then?” Emerl asked as they emerged from the forest. “Yep!” Lapis replied with a smile, “But I don’t have a handle on my powers yet. They tend to come and go as they please.”
“The Blue Shard’s power is Future Vision, right? You can see glimpses into the future?”
“Yup. It’s a pretty cool power, in my opinion! But not so cool when you get a bad vision, especially since the events are kinda set in stone.”
“How do you know that?”
“I’ve tried to change the events myself. But it seems that every time I try, I somehow end up ensuring they happen. Ugh
even just thinking about it makes my head hurt.” Lapis then laughed nervously, “Kinda wish I was given a heads up about that creeper though. My visions tend to have lousy timing sometimes.”
“You’ll learn to control it eventually.” Emerl gave a reassuring smile as she summoned a green and gold shield, “You’d be surprised how many times I’ve summoned this thing by accident. Hit my mentor in the head one time!”
“Oh no!” Lapis giggled. “Yeah, got an extra hour of training for a month after that.” Emerl chuckled as she dismissed the shield, “But it was pretty funny.” Emerl looked up as she spotted the temple peeking over the hilltops, “Ah! Almost at the temple now!”
“By the way,” Lapis began, “Who are the Order of the Stone? You’ve mentioned them a bit now.”
“Where do I begin?” Emerl chuckled, “They’re a group of heroes that travel to the far corners of the world in search of adventure. They’ve been from the Nether to the bottom of the sea!”
“Cool!” Lapis’s eyes brightened in awe, “You guys must have to travel a lot.”
“Yeah, but we have a rail system in the Nether that helps us get to places.” Emerl replied, “Their actually down there working on it while I patrol the are around the temple. Looks like it was a good thing I did, eh?” Emerl gave Lapis a playful nudge, earning a giggle from the Gem.
 The two Gems entered the temple. Lapis gazed in awe at the beautiful structure. “Watch your step!” Emerl warned as she stepped over a pressure plate, “There are anti-monster traps set up here to protect the place.” Lapis looked at the walls and saw small dispensers embedded in them. “Aww! They look like lil’ faces!” Lapis cooed. “They’re not so cute when you take an arrow to the foot. Trust me.” Emerl chuckled, remembering the time Magnus stepped on one of the plates by accident and Emerl nearly got poofed as a result. “So what are the rest of the Order like?” Lapis asked as they walked through the Library, “Well, the Leader and Founder of the Order is Soren.” Emerl began, “He’s a master builder, a genius, but also a bit of a goofball
and prone to burst into song for reasons I’ll never understand. There’s Gabriel the Warrior, who is the strongest out of us. He’s a little full of himself, but he means well. Magnus is the Order’s rogue and a walking disaster zone. Seriously, his room is so full of TNT and I’ve no idea how he hasn’t blown a hole in the temple yet. Ellegaard is another genius of the Order. She knows pretty much everything about redstone and what it can be used for. The stuff she’s able to come up with is incredible. However, she and Magnus tend to butt heads a lot. If you ever hear shouting echoing around the temple, it’s more-than-likely them. Last is Ivor, the Brewer. He’s an expert in potions and enchantments. He looks grumpy but he’s actually quite eccentric when it comes to adventures. Whenever we leave on a trip, he always yells at the top of his voice ‘ADVENTURE!!!’”
Lapis laughed as Emerl mimicked Ivor’s shout, her voice echoing off the walls as they walked up the staircase. “What about you?” Lapis asked. “Well, I’m not really a member of the Order per se. I’m more like
” Emerl searched for the word in her mind, “
a bodyguard! Like, you know how the Shards had the Royal Guard back in the dark days? I’m like that!”
“That’s kinda funny considering you’re a Shard!”
“I guess it is!”
As the two walked up the stairs into the map room, Lapis’s eyes were drawn to a small trinket standing upon a pedestal. “What’s that?” Lapis asked. “That’s the Order’s Amulet.” Emerl replied, “The Order uses it to track the other members when they’re on the surface. Hmm
” Emerl glanced between the Amulet and the map, “Odd
they should be on the surface by now. What’s taking them so long?” Emerl turned to Lapis, “Hey. Ever been to the Nether?”
 “Whoa!” Lapis gazed up at the obsidian framing the purple portal, “This thing leads to the Nether?”
“You got it.” Emerl nodded, “Just a heads up: the heat in there is pretty intense, so water powers might not work.”
“Don’t you worry.” Lapis grinned, “I don’t need my powers to kick butt!”
“Keep that enthusiasm going!” Emerl smirked, “Off we go!” Emerl jumped into the portal, Lapis following suit. Lapis’s jaw nearly hit the floor at the view around her. Red rocks, fire and lava as far as the eye could see. The two gems stood upon a dark coloured platform with stairs leading downwards to several minecart railways. “Keep up.” Emerl called behind her as she made her way down the steps, “If I remember correctly, they took
this one.” Emerl hopped into a minecart and Lapis hopped into one behind her. “Hang on tight!” Emerl grinned as the carts took off down the railway. “Whoa! Whoohoo!” Lapis laughed as the carts sped through the Nether, “This is amazing!”
“It’s fun, right?” Emerl chuckled, “So a few Nether-Need-to-Knows. Number 1: don’t attack the pigmen. They won’t hurt you if you don’t hurt them. Number 2: Keep a distance from blazes and magma cubes – or lava accordions as I like to call ‘em. Number 3: Soul sand is the sandy brown stuff. That’ll slow you down if you step in it so be careful. And number 4: beware of-”
Emerl was cut off by a distant wail followed by shouting which was coming from up ahead. “
ghasts." Emerl finished with a sigh as she summoned her sword in one hand and held tightly onto the minecart with the other, “I should’ve known. You ready for a fight, kiddo?”
“Bring it on!” Lapis cheered.
This was gonna be fun!
 To Be Continued

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mcsmseason3 · 4 years
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Lapilisia Lazul, otherwise known as Lapis, is a Gem that left a life of relaxation and being adored by her home for a life of adventure and excitement. During her travels, she meets another Gem named Emerl - a knight who serves the Order of the Stone - who changes Lapis’s life completely...for better or worse...
MCSM Origins Book I: The Fatebound Gem
Coming Soon...
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mcsmseason3 · 4 years
Krystalyx - A World Beyond the Farlands
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Krystalyx is a world beyond Minecraftia's Northern Farlands. It is the homeworld of Gems where most originated before colonising other worlds - a process that was soon discontinued upon seeing the damage it was doing to worlds such as Minecraftia. Krystalyx is divided into six regions mostly separated by the Mariin Sea.
Kingdom of Verde:
The home region of the Green Shard and the largest country in Krystalyx. The landscape includes plains, forests, lakes and swamps. While most 'common' gems from other countries pass through or move here in hopes of making it in the trading business, Verde is mostly inhabited by 'higher-clarity' gems such as Sapphires, Emeralds, Beryls, etc. However, they are known as 'snobbish' and 'stuck-up' by some - mainly those from Kwartzil.
Kwartzil Desert:
Kwartzil is mainly home to Quartz gems and is where the original Pink Shard emerged. The country was once as green and as flourishing as Verde, but fell to desertification due to lack of farming knowledge. The people begged their neighbouring kingdom for aid and got a large, guarded wall in return. This lead to tension between the two countries. Some think it's only a matter of time before either side acts on these tensions.
Pyropix Island:
The youngest country in Krystalyx that started out as a single small volcano in the Mariin Sea, where the Amber Shard emerged from the lava. Multiple eruptions over the years slowly formed an island of rich volcanic soil around the volcano and many gems migrated there to cultivate the land. However, only one village managed to be finished as some gems were scared off by rumours of 'evil creatures' lurking in the dead forests surrounding the base of the volcano. The gems of Pyropix mainly keep out of the conflicts of the surrounding countries, but pay no mind to other gems visiting the island as long as they don't cause a ruckus.
Azurialis Archipelago:
A series of small islands in the north-east of Krystalyx. But don't be fooled, the small islands disguise a cerulean utopia below the waves. The gems of Azurialis are relaxed, helpful and friendly - traits usually seen in their Shard. Tales say that the gems used to live on the surface when the archipelago was one large island, until the Blue Shard had a vision of the country being destroyed by a great flood and the only escape was to rebuild their home underwater.
Not much is known about Krystalyx's Arctic north, other than it's an endless blizzard 24/7 and that it's said the icy wasteland was the emerging place of the White Shard. No gems live up there due to the extreme snowy conditions, and those who travel there tend not to return. Reasons for that vary to gems being shattered by the extreme cold and air pressure to a beast of ice and snow guarding the land. No one knows for sure, nor is anyone brave enough to find out.
The Isle of Shards:
A small island in the middle of the Mariin Sea that once served as a base of operations for the five Shards during the Dark Times. The five would meet here to discuss their next move and the temple would serve as a reminder of how all five countries came together in unity during those times...a reminder that has been seemingly long forgotten by some...
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mcsmseason3 · 4 years
MCSM Season 3: Origins - Character Introductions
In the last post, I mentioned that MCSM Season 3 and Origins would introduce four new characters into the lore. I think it's about time you got a little peak at them...
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Name: Lapilisia Lazul
Alias: Lapis           Lapis the Cerulean Knight           Lappy           Freckles
Species: Lapis Lazuli Gem
Place of Emergence: Azurialis Archipelago, Krystalyx
Gem Weapon: Whip
Hair: Brown and blue
Eye: Blue
Age: Mid-30's
Occupation: Knight of the Order
                     Shard of Fate
Affiliation: Order of the Stone
                 The Krystal Shards
Likes: Her freckles, water, adventure
Dislikes: Having bad visions, slimes, being lied to
Lapilisia Lazul, or Lapis for short, was a former knight of the Order of the Stone and the youngest member. She was once a high-ranking Gem in the Azurialis Archipelago, but abandoned that life to become a fighter and crossed into Minecraftia. She accidentally got herself poofed when she fell of the side of a cliff while exploring and was found by Emerl Verdyk, Knight of the Order, and was taken in by the Order before becoming Magnus and Ellegaard's babysitte- I mean, bodyguard. Lapis is very bubbly and cheerful as well as a huge optimist. While she is capable of thinking things through, she prefers to go with the flow for the most part.
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Name: Emerl Verdyk
Alias: Emerl the Emerald Knight
Species: Emerald Gem
Place of Emergence: Kingdom of Verde, Krystalyx
Gem Weapon: Emerald Sword
                          Power Shard Shield
Hair: Black and light green
Eye: Light green
Age: Late-40's
Occupation: Knight of the Order
                      Shard of Power
Affiliation: Order of the Stone
                   The Krystal Shards
Likes: Sparring, reading, experimenting
Dislikes: Seeing others get hurt, not being prepared, being interrupted
Emerl Verdyk is an Emerald from the Kingdom of Verde in Krystalyk where she trained as the Shard of Fate from a young age. However, she grew sick of her training and living in a kingdom that all too often butted heads with their neighbours and left Krystalyx in search of something better, abandoning her duty as a Shard. She stumbled upon the Order's temple while exploring and went from being a travelling muscle-for-hire to the Order's Knight and bodyguard, quickly bonding with the other members - particularly Ivor. She later trained Lapis in combat when she joined the Order. While she can come off as cold and intimidating, she's a good mentor and very patient.
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Name: Rosalien Kwarts
Alias: Rosa
Species: Rose Quartz Gem
Place of Emergence: ???, Minecraftia
Gem Weapon: Dual Falchions
Hair: Brown and pink
Eye: Pink
Age: Early-20's
Occupation: Builder
Affiliation: Ocelots
Likes: Building, cake, flowers (but doesn't admit it)
Dislikes: Vegetables, being called girly, her shirt being called a dress ("It's a tunic top!")
Rosalien, or Rosa, is a member of the Ocelots and a skilled builder. While she comes off as a tomboyish nuisance, she's actually really friendly and can be a bit of a softy. She used to be a bit of a loner as many people were put off by her intimidating aura (and the fact she had a gem embedded in her neck), but was befriended by Aiden and joined the Ocelots through him. While she seems like the type to go off and do whatever she wants, she's incredibly loyal to those she considers her friends. Due to emerging in Minecraftia, she doesn't know much of her Gem heritage.
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Name: Julia Blaisel
Alias: Juli
           Admin Julia
Species: Fire Agate Gem
Place of Emergence: Romeoburg, The Underneath
Gem Weapon: Scythe
Hair: Brown, red, orange and yellow (Human)
         Orange, red and yellow (Admin)
Eye: Amber (Human)
        Orange and red (Admin)
Age: ???
Occupation: Admin
Affiliation: The Admins
Likes: Helping people, animals, her friends
Dislikes: Being alone, feeling trapped, water
Julia Blaisel, or 'Juli' as Romeo calls her, is a Fire Agate that emerged from the earth in Romeoburg. She was taken in by the Admins and made one of them. She became fast friends with all of the Admins but was exceptionally close to Romeo. Juli is friendly and upbeat, but can be cowardly at times and tries to avoid conflict. However, if pushed too far, she will fight back. Like Rosa, she didn't emerge in Krystalyx so she know's little of her heritage.
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mcsmseason3 · 4 years
Welcome to the MCSM Season 3 blog! This blog is a fanmade season/AU for Minecraft Story Mode. I hope you enjoy!
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What if I told you that the Farlands served as walls between worlds? Such as a world full of mystery and wonder and beings that were born from the earth and wielded magical powers? When Jesse finds a mysterious crystal embedded in her hand one morning, it sends her and her friends on one of the biggest adventure of their lives.
A fanmade Minecraft Story Mode series/Steven Universe-ish AU coming soon. Preceded by MCSM: Origins - a prologue featuring 4 new characters. 
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