Just a reminder that if you want to be up-to-date on the newest news in kink bingo (including our signups), you should be following @mcukinkbingo, and not this account!
Round 5 Signups Are Live!
MCU Kink Bingo is a bingo event focused on creating kinky content set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and we’re starting signups for our fifth round of bingo!
The schedule for Round 5 is as follows:
July 1st, 2020: Card signups open July 21st, 2020: Card signups close August 1st, 2020: Cards sent out August 15th, 2020: Last day to request changes on cards August 30th, 2020: Revised cards completed January 30th, 2021*: Last day to post content for Round 5 February 7th, 2021*: Last day to post masterposts for Round 5
*Dates subject to change.
If you’re interested in the event, please check out our rules, and then head over to the signup survey! The survey is designed to allow us to create the best cards possible for each individual participant. To see the master list we use to create cards, check out the kink list. We’re trying out a new way of doing signups, so feel free to contact us via Tumblr with any feedback or questions you have.
Just to reiterate: Cards are not being sent out until the beginning of August. It doesn’t matter whether you sign up on the 1st or the 21st - everyone gets their card at the same time. :)
Thanks for reading, and again, feel free to reach out with any questions!
- Mods Al and Aoife
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*offers hugs and condolences*
Thank you, Nonny ❤
-Mod Aoife
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New Blog Alert!
If you’re interested in receiving the newest information on Kink Bingo, head on over to @mcukinkbingo!
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New Blog Alert!
If you’re interested in receiving the newest information on Kink Bingo, head on over to @mcukinkbingo!
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I meant the masterpost page for all past rounds not just 4, though I can understand with everything that’s happened even I didn’t get to get anything from my card done (I’ll be resubmitting it for my next round)
Ah, yes! Sorry for the confusion. Mostly our obstacle with having a masterpost page was that it was hard to organize in a way that was easily navigable. We’ve had about 100 participants per round, and a fair few of those are first-timers each go around, which means we’d be looking at several hundred masterposts to organize (assuming everyone submitted one). Beyond that, people change usernames, collaborate, and do other things that make making an organized masterpost list difficult. I’m still looking for a way we can do that well, but it’s been on the back burner since prepping for Round 5 and its changes is more pressing right now!
- Mod Al
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With the move will we finally be getting a proper masterpost list for everyone who participated. I know when you all first joined up it was being worked on but nothing new since so I thought I’d ask
At the moment, that’s not one of our plans. If you’re interested in viewing the masterposts for Round 4, you can find them here - as you can see, not that many masterposts were submitted, so spending the time making a page for them and organizing them isn’t something we feel strongly about. 
- Mod Al
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With the move, can I still use my round four card (thats unfilled) for round five?
You still can, yes! We still are going to be keeping all our records of previous rounds - the move is just so the blog can have a more consistent tagging system and anyone who is inactive/no longer interested in following the blog will be shed from the followers list. 
- Mod Al
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Hi all,
First of all, a huge thank you to all of you for sticking with us during the wild ride that has been the past four months. So much has happened that none of us could have anticipated, and we appreciate your time and patience throughout this craziness.
As originally planned, Kink Bingo will be going on hiatus as we finish Round 4. We’re going to be making quite a few changes to Kink Bingo for Round 5, though – including moving to a new tumblr account! The tumblr account you’re reading this from will become @mcukinkbingo-archive on May 15th, and a new @mcukinkbingo blog will be created in its place. This change is to allow us to have a more consistent tagging system for square fills, and also to allow people the choice of whether or not they’d like to continue following Kink Bingo under a no-stress environment. We encourage you to follow the new blog when it goes live; we’ll be posting reminders on this blog about the change periodically.
We also have some changes to the moderator team we’d like to announce. Mods BuckysP and Bunny are stepping down due to their current real-life situations. We thank them for the time and care they put into Round 4, and wish them all the best! Decisions about whether or not we’ll be adding new moderators to the team will be announced as we move closer to Round 5.
Speaking of Round 5 – we heard a lot of frustration at the beginning of Round 4 about cards not going out as fast as people would like them, and part of that was due to the posting period and signup period overlapping. To mitigate this and give everyone the same amount of time to post, we’re going to be introducing a signup period prior to when the posting period begins. For Round 5, we’re looking at a signup period of July 1st to July 21st, and a posting period of August 1st to January 30th. In short: everyone will sign up before the end of July, anyone who signs up will receive their card on August 1st, and they will be able to post fills until the end of January. You’ll notice this is also a longer round time than we’ve had in the past (six months as opposed to four); we’d like to see how having more time affects people’s enjoyment of the event.
This is just the beginning of the changes we’re looking to make for Round 5, but we’re so excited to share this journey with you, and thank you again for your support!
- Mods Al and Aoife
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Kink Bingo Master post
N4: Setting: A Car - drive me wild
G3: Trope: Sharing a Bed - with you by my side
@mcukinkbingo, thank you for running this bingo! I didn’t complete as many fills as I’d hoped but I had a lot of fun.
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SunAlso’s KB Masterpost
Tumblr media
It’s very sad this year :( @mcukinkbingo​ for Round 4
Handy (Fitzsimmons, E, 1.3 K) for the square “Hand Kink” 
Long Cool Woman (Scis & Spies, T, 1K) for the square “height difference” 
Rolling In the Deep (Fitzsimmons, E, 3.3K) for the square “Location: Swimming Pool” 
Unpredictable Outcomes (Fitzsimmons, E, 1.8K) for the square “free space” 
And that’s all she wrote, folks. 
Thank you very much to the KB mods (mod?) for hosting this event, I had a good time thinking about all my squares, even if I didn’t have time or brain to write the fics! All your hard work is much appreciated. 
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Hi will there be a next round delay?
Hi! We’ll be posting our changes to the bingo and our anticipated schedule for next round sometime in the next week - we want to make sure we’ve got all the stragglers and masterposts for round 4 before moving onto round 5. :)
- Mod Al
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MagicDraconia16′s Kink Bingo Masterpost
Square filled: N1 - A/B/O Dynamics, pair-bonding; Work Title: Waiting For You; Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22727284 Square filled: B1 - Roleplaying; Work Title: The Pleasuredome; Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23142787 Square filled: B5 - Doing a striptease; Work Title: Post-Heist Debrief; Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23936317
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Title: Post-Heist Debrief Author: MagicaDraconia16 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23936317 Square Filled: B5 - Doing a striptease Ship/Main Pairing: pre-James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark/Stephen Strange Rating: Teen Major Tags: Thieves, no-powers, rivals, amateur porn, striptease, minor swearing Summary: This is the grand tale of Ali Baba and the For- uh, just a sec...
Actually, this is just the tale of three thieves, who reluctantly band together and then decide that maybe, just maybe, the others might have something worth stealing. Word Count: 4165
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Von’s MCU Kink Bingo Master Post
MCU Kink Bingo Round 4 Master Post for Von_Gelmini (link to my series on AO3)
It’s a short cycle on this BINGO, but there’s no requirements, so I completed as much as I could before April 30, 2020. The mods were very nice about getting me a card when I’d just fallen past the wire, so thanks guys. :)
All stories are Starker. Peter Parker/Tony Stark. Except one. That’s WinterIronSpider, Peter Parker/Tony Stark/Bucky Barnes.
Square B-3 - An Accord - Prompt: Clothed Sex
Square I-1 - Daddy, I’m Bored - Prompt: Daddy Kink
Square O-1 - Outside the Eggshell - Prompt: Sensory Deprivation
Square O-5 - A Touch of His Hand - Prompt: ABO Unexpected Heat
Square B-5 -  Reversal of Fortunes - Prompt: Slavery
Square O-3 -  Icarus - Prompt: Shibari
Square B-3 - A Boy in a Dress - Prompt: Crossdressing
Square I-2 - My Beautiful Statue - Prompt: Objectification
Square G-1 - Piercing Play - Prompt:  Piercing Play
Square N-4 - Armor Kink - Prompt: Armor Kink
Square N-3 - An Accord, the Moodboard - Prompt: Free Space
No bingos, I’m afraid. But I did manage to fill 11 squares, mostly posting them at the last minute. Use better time management next time, Von! Those deadlines really sneak up on ya. :) The event was a lot of fun. Looking forward to Round 5.
Thanks to the mods for hosting the event & for all their work.
Final bingo card below the cut:
Keep reading
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Heyooo o/ not sure if this is the best way to send support or not, but! Here we are! This is a huge event that covers topics that can be sensitive, with tons of participants, across multiple platforms. Even from the outside, I can see there are dozens of moving parts to making this happen. Regardless of what issues you mods or participants think there were, you have done an admirable job. Fandom would be a poorer place without this event and without the efforts you bring to it. Thank you
Thank you so much, Rise! This has been an adventure with a lot of ups and downs and we really appreciate the kind words! 😘😘😘
-Mod Aoife
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Hey Nonny,
Just wanted to throw my two cents in here. It's mostly my fault that responses are slow right now because I lost someone dear to me a couple weeks ago and it hit me hard. With all the virus and quarantine stuff going on, I wasn't in a healthy place, and losing one of my best friends sent me into a spiral that I am still struggling out of. I can guarantee that acting like an asshole on anon is not going to help in any way. It's not going to make us answer you faster, it's not going to help me cut through depression and grief, it's not going to make us care more about whatever your problem is. Next time you send an anonymous ask, maybe consider what your actual intent is, and if all you want is to lash out like a child, then don't.
-Mod Aoife
Can you do your job and check mail? I've sent two emails because it was important to get some moderator help, you don't use your messenger system, you expect everyone else to hand feed you everything. If not, look for replacements. I'm sure there are people willing to help.
Hi there,
I need you to take a deep breath and consider if sending a rude anon message to someone running a fandom event is really going to help you feel better. I’m sorry if things aren’t going the way you want them to, but I am doing the best I can with the current situation. I’m not sure what you mean by me expecting people to ‘hand feed’ me everything, but insulting me anonymously isn’t going to get your problem solved any more quickly.
- Mod Al
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MCU Kink Bingo Round 4 Masterpost
Not nearly as many as I would like, but hey, it’s pandemic time so I’ll take it.
@mcukinkbingo - Final Masterpost.
1) Happy Father’s Day Square: Found Family AO3 Pairing: Spideypool (Peter Parker X Wade Wilson) Summary:  It’s father’s day and Ellie wants to make a gift for her dad. Her dad’s boyfriend Peter is to the rescue.
2) You’re Okay Square: Trope: Pet Names AO3 Pairing: Spideypool (Peter Parker X Wade Wilson) Summary: Wade’s been distracted for a few days. Peter convinces him to talk about it, but a discussion about pups is not what he expected. Basically fluff.
3) Keeping the Antichrist Square: AU!Hell AO3 Pairing: Ironhusbands (Tony Stark X Rhodey) Summary: Tony and Rhodey debate what to do with the antichrist. AU!Good Omens (sorta)
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