mcuwitchsbackupblog · 2 years
Also requests are still open so feel free to request any pg13 rated fic on my main blog @mcuwitch
Love yall <3333
Sooo... i'm going through though times butttt, I've still planned some special "advent calendar" fics, they aren't finished yet but let me know if you'd like me to post them !<33
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mcuwitchsbackupblog · 2 years
Only mcu!Peter Parker
Started: July 25th 2022
Last updated: September 11nd 2022
Hello there! glad you're here, have fun :).
🍄: fluff
🌧 : angst
☔: sad
📎 : my favourite
SERIES: Peter Parker x Reader (American Horror Story AU)
SUMMARY: This series is enspired by the events of each season of AHS, if you saw the show you know what i mean :).
-ASYLUM 🌧 (light fluff at the end)
-COVEN 🍄🌧 (more fluff than angst)
currently suspended
SPIDER-GIRL (Post - No way home) compleated
MINI SERIES: Mentor!Peter Parker x young!Reader (platonic :))
"You remind me of myself when i was your age" 🍄🌧📎
IN THE HEX (Westview AU!)📎
SERIES: Peter Parker x Scarlet Witch!Reader
IN THE HEX - Such a perfect life - Introduction 🍄🌧
IN THE HEX - 50s to 70s - part 1 🍄🌧☔
IN THE HEX - The 80s - part 2 🌧☔
IN THE HEX - Nostalgia - Prologue ☔
-A thought for another day - Peter Parker x ghost!reader ☔🍄📎
-Do you get deja vu? - Peter Parker x Reader (this is a short one sorry) ☔
-You're okay now - Peter Parker x widow!Reader 🍄🌧📎 (mostly fluff)
-The blip - Peter Parker x superpowered!Reader 🌧☔
-Zombies - Peter Parker x Reader (Zombie apocalypse AU) 🌧🍄📎
-Bruised - Peter Parker x Reader 🌧
-I would never - Peter Parker x Reader 🍄🌧📎
-No matter what - Peter Parker x sad!Reader 🍄☔
-Are you still there? - Peter Parker x Reader ☔
-One of those days - Peter Parker x depressed!Reader 🍄🌧☔📎
- The Ward- Peter Parker x Reader 🍄🌧
Patrolling with peter would include (Reader with similar powers to Scarlet Witch) 🍄
Cuddling with Peter would include 🍄
Being an ex-widow and dating Peter Parker would include 🍄📎
A chaotic relationship with Peter Parker would include. 🍄
A road trip with Peter Parker and the Avengers would include 🍄
Going to Coney Island with Peter Parker would include 🍄
The soap 🍄
First day 🍄🌧
"Introducing" the Young Avengers 🍄
Going on a date with Peter Parker being two Young Avengers would include 🍄
Kate getting enjured during a mission with the Young Avengers 🍄🌧 (soft angst)
America Chavez joining the Young Avengers would include 🍄
Waiting for your requests <3
FLUFFMAS (one-shot/headcanons series)
This is going to be posted between December 1st 2022 and December 25th 2022
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mcuwitchsbackupblog · 2 years
A road trip with Peter Parker and the Avengers would include.
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Tony driving
Steve in the passenger sit checking if Tony is drinking alcohol while driving.
Wanda and Vision smooching in the last row of the van
Bucky and Sam looking disgusted after seeing them
Nat just looking outside of the window
You and Peter sharing headphones and holding hands
Thor wondering why the street is moving.
Tony glancing back smiling at the two of you.
Peter taking your hands and resting them inside his hoodie sleeves if he notices they're cold.
*Happy y/n*
Everybody thinking that you are the cutest couple in the whole multiverse
"Hey y/n! It's our song!"
*the two of you vibing at your favourite song*
Finding a place to spend the night
Making a bonefire and sitting there all together sharing memories
"Does someone remember when Peter was too shy to even talk to y/n?"
"Mr. Stark, i'd reather not to talk about that..."
"Of course we do! I remember the kid asking me how to make a girl like him!"
"Happy asked me the same thing when he had a crush on Aunt May!!"
Wanda and Vis planning their wedding
Because why not
"I want a white dress with some red details and roses as a bouquet!"
"And mabe we could rent a castle for the cerimony because Tony said that he's gonna pay for everything!"
"I was drunk when I said that"
"Drunk words are sober thoughts..."
Sleeping in tents
"So... for this time y/n and Peter can share the..."
*secret handshake*
Watching Netflix movies that you downloaded the night before
"Cuddling would be amazing right now"
Lots of cuddles and sleepy pecks on the lips.
Also lots of:
"I love you"
"Are you cold?"
"Are you comfortable?"
"Are you ready sleeping?"
"Love ya babe"
Honestly it would be an amazing night.
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mcuwitchsbackupblog · 2 years
Going to Coney Island with Peter Parker would include
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It started as a date idea
It ended up with two teens running around Coney Island at 3 am
Peter being so happy to do all those prize games to get you THAT huge stuffed animal you've always dreamed of
Getting all types of greesy and unhealty food that we all love
Going on the fair wheel
"Y/N! We can kiss on the fair wheel like couples in movies!"
Spending a lot of money
Being extremely happy while doing it
Everything would be fine
*y/n shivering*
*Peter eyes widening*
"You cold babe?"
*takes off his jacket and hands it to y/n*
"But you're gonna get cold too"
"I don't care"
*five minutes later*
"You know mabe i am a little cold..."
Him giving you piggyback rides because you are THE cute and not-toxic couple
Taking goofie polaroid pictures
Realizing that is late after May called you
Him walking you home and kissing you out of the door
"I love you soooo much"
" I love you soooo much too"
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mcuwitchsbackupblog · 2 years
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Peter Parker x Reader (Zombie apocalypse AU!)
Author's note: Hey there!! I just watched all WHAT IF... in one go and i loved the zombie apocalypse episode, SO I decided to write something inspired by it.
*i wrote this while waiting in line at a theme park...
Hope you enjoy ♡♡
Summary: Peter finds you during the zombie apocalypse.
The little underground safehouse i built months ago was that safest place in miles, going out to get food was no longer something i could do daily, but sometimes when you are starving it is a risk you gotta take.
The supermarkets were still full of stuff but weren't safe to live in, there was an old market near my location, I knew that once a little community of humans lived there, they lasted a month then they all died, well, they didn't properly died, they became zombies.
So that's were i was, looking around to get all the can food i could find, the door was webbed for extra protection but my spider senses was still on edge, I didn't know why, but I knew that I had to be quick.
The soup isle was one of my favourite, full of long lasting and delicius food. I was looking for tomato soup untill I heard something moving in a corner, I turned around but I saw nothing, then, i heard it, a small muffled whimper, i was trying to figure out were it came from, my eyes landed on a white door, I got closer and that's when I heard a louder cry, i softly knocked on the door trying not to startle the pearson inside even more then they already were.
No answer just a terrified squeal
"Are you okay? I'm not gonna hurt you, promise"
Still no answer
"I'm gonna open the door now" I warned
I turned the handle and immediately saw someone, a girl, curled up in a corner, face trailed with tears and hair sticking to her face, her whole body trembling.
She looked up at me, even in this state she looked really pretty.
I tried to get closer but she sunk deeper in her spot
"Hey...Hey... i'm not gonna harm you in any way, I have no weapons, i just want to help you" i walked towards her and held my hands up.
She stayed still and I noticed a big blood patch on her grey shirt
"Oh my god, you're injured! Did a zombie bit you?" I asked backing for a couple steps but immediately getting close again when she shook her head
"Take my hand" I held my hand out for her to grab it "I'll bring you somewhere safer, I can patch you up there"
She reclutantly took my hand wobbled falling on the ground, screaming in pain
I tried to shush her while picking her weak and shakey body up.
I made her wrap her arms and legs around me, I snuck my arm on her waist to keep her secured. After we got outside the shop i shooted a web and told her to close her eyes in case she was scared ,then we headed to my little house.
When we got in I placed her on the twin sized bed i found in the garbage. She was still crying and whining at the pain in her a abdomen "It's okay, you're safe now, the zombies are not gonna break in, it's zombieproof!" I tried to comfort her and I got up to get the first AID kit that Tony gifted me just week before the zombies got him.
I bent over and poured some alcohol on some cotton and started to clean the area, knowing the sting of the substance on a raw injury i took her hand trying to make her aware that I just wanted to help, she squeezed my hand at the painful contact, then i steached her wounds and handed her one of my shirts "Wear this, is clean" she took it and smiled widely.
then a question popped in my mind "Can you talk?" She nodded "Then why don't you speak?" I could sense her distress "It's fine if you don't want to, I don't want to pressure you"
"I-i..." I heard her say, I gave her an encouraging look "i-i just haven't used my voice in a while" I simply nodded
"Well um... i'm Peter, I live here alone, well, i mean, i used to live with some people in a another house but now they are gone..." i sat down next to her.
"I'm y/n, i've always lived alone since the start of the zombie virus"
"Alone! And you survived all this time!"
"Today i barely died" she whispered
"What happened?" I curiosly asked
"I was in a forest and i bumped in a small group of humans, they thought I was a threat, so they attacked me, I ran away and hid in the broom closed at the supermarket, then you found me"
I got closer to her and placed a hand on her shoulder, she didn't flinched, and I was glad about it, she was starting to trust me "You can stay here, as long as you want, even forever"
"I could use some company" I smiled
"Thank you Peter"
"I have a spare materess" i laughed.
I noticed that she cracked a smile, and that made my heart flutter
Was i falling in love?
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mcuwitchsbackupblog · 2 years
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Peter Parker x reader
Author's note: Hey, I was writing another fanfic called I would never and this popped in my mind,is like and alternative ending. Honestly I'm not gonna write something like this ever again because i think Peter Parker is a little angel.
Summary: Y/N is an Avengers in training and her first mission is to distroy am Hydra base but Peter her boyfriend is not happy about it.
WARNINGS: Domestic violence, Peter being violent.
It was supposed to be a normal date night at Peter's house, May was away for the weekend, the pillows and blankets for the fort were already placed on the floor.
But the two of you weren't cuddling while watching a movie, you were fighting, it was one of your first arguments since you started dating
"Y/N I don't want you to go on that mission! You could get hurt!" He scoffed raising his voice
"I was a soon to be Avenger you should have seen that coming! And how do you think I feel when you go on missions? I feel the same!" You said trying not to scream those words to his face.
"I'm spider-man I can do it!"
"And im the next Black Widow"
"Y/N, i just want you to want you to be safe because i lov..."
"Don't use that card with me now!" You interrupted him, tears forming in your eyes
"I don't understand why you are so stupid! Your first mission should be an easy one and going undercover in the fricking Hydra is not easy at all!"
"I am stupid? They hurt people! I want to hel..."
He fisted his hand and slammed it on the desk "NO! listen to me y/n!"
You flinched and backed up untill you reached the wall
" You can't go there, I've lost way too many people in my life i can't lose you too!" He screamed at you.
You genuenly felt scared at this point, you knew that Peter had this freak outs, you were there when he snapped at Happy once
"I don't want to keep fighting, I'm going to my room" your voice came out as a little whisper
"You can't leave me like this y/n!" He said as you ran to the door, he immediately followed you and grabbed your wrist harshly
"Peter, let me go, it hurts" you said trying not to cry, he just looked at me gripping harder
You couldn't take it anymore, tears started to fall down your face "Please Peter, it hurts!" you yelled "Peter let me go!"
"Kids! What are you doing?" I heard Tony say from the other side of the door
"Tony!" you cried out
"Y/N are you okay!" He sounded worried
"No!" Peter just kept staring at you with angry eyes and mouthing you to shut up
"Kids open the door!" Tony shouted trying to turn the door knob "Friday! open Peter's door" the door immediately opened and Tony's eyes widened "Take your hands off her now!"
Peter did what he said and realized what he had done "Oh my god, I'm so sor..."
"Do not even try to say that!" Tony scolded him angryly.
As soon as he left your wrist you ran down the hall "Nat! Natasha! Nat help!"
"What's wrong sweety?" She said with a worried look after hearing you screaming her name, you immediately hugged her, she held your trembling frame
"Peter... he-he...he" she pulled away and looked at you right in the eyes
"Hun, you can tell me, take a deep breath with me" you tried to follow her breathing, after you figured that your sobs where too much to talk you just extended you bruised arm
"That son of a b..."
"Hey girls!" Wanda said, but her smile dropped when she saw you and your arm
"Peter did it" Natasha informed the witch and she immediately ran in Peter's room, slamming the door open just to find it empty
"All the Avengers in the meeting room now" Tony announced through the speakers, he sounded pissed.
5 minutes later
When you sat down in the room with Wanda and Nat all the others where already there, Peter stand in a corner of the table away from everyone "Why have you called this meeting? What's so urgent?" Steve said.
"Well, today Peter messed up" Tony announced eyeing you
"Messed up?! He beat up y/n!" Nat scoffed
"WHAT!?" They all exclamed
"Look at her arm!" Wanda exclamed
Bruce got up from his seat and examined the bruise "The wrist is not broken but it's a little dislocated"
Everyone started to yell at Peter, Sam and Steve had to hold Bucky in place because he was starting to walk towards Peter with his fist clenched
"I'm so sorry y/n, I love you so much" he said
"You" Tony said pointing at Peter "Shut up"
"You two should break up" Steve said "If you beat her you don't love her"
" I haven't beat her! i've..."
"Dislocated her wrist!" Sam interrupted him "And I agree, you should break up"
"It's our choice!" Peter mumbled
"What do you think y/n?" Wanda asked you and everyone turned their eyes at you
"I... i agree, we... we should break up"
"Break up for this? Arguments are normal!"
"Beating her up is NOT normal Parker" Nat barked at him
Peter raised his hand to place it on the table and you flinched, everyone noticed, they were disgusted.
"I think y/n could use a break after all of this, come on hunny" Wanda motioned you to follow her.
You two went to your room and you started to sob in Wanda's arms
"I know sweety..." she tried to comfort you
That night you cried till you fell asleep, feeling absolutely miserable.
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mcuwitchsbackupblog · 2 years
I would never
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Peter Parker x reader
Author's note: Heyy! I wrote an alternative to this called Bruised check that out too!!
Summary: Your first argument with Peter without him knowing about your past trauma.
"Y/N i'm genuenly concerned about this! I just think you should practice a little more before going on that mission!" He raised his voice, and that made you immediately allarmed
"I think i'm ready, I've been practicing with Wanda for months! I can control my powers!" I replied trying to keep my voice from trembling it was our first argument as a couple and I've never told him about my experiences with fights when I was a child
"I know! And you're great, it's just that... i..." he trailed off
"What? You what?" I asked a little angry
"I don't want you to die! Damn y/n don't you get it?" He snapped at you, and after realizing what he did, Peter brought one hand up to cover his face in shame
After he did that you immediately sheilded yourself behind your hands, flashbacks running through your mind, you totally froze, your hands started shaking.
"Babe?" You could faintly hear Peter say "Hey y/n, i'm so so sorry, are you okay baby?" He got closer to you "Can you hear me?" You felt a hand touch your shoulder, tears running down your face "y/n please tell me what's wrong, is there something I can do? I... i... m so sorry y/n"
His soft voice brought you back to reality, you blinked a couple of times "Hey, Hey deep breaths" he tried to calm you down but tears kept pouring out
"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have snapped at you, I don't know why I did that, tell me how to make this better, can you talk babe?" You shook your head
"It's okay, can i hug you baby?" You nodded and he got closer to you and tightly held you "I'll never do that again, I swear, never ever again" he repetetly mumbled while kissing your head
Then he picked you up to cuddle on your bed and calmed you down whispering sweet nothings
"I'm sorry Peter" you mumbled as you laid your head on his chest while he stroked your hair
"What! Why? You shouldn't be sorry babe, I AM sorry, I just... help me understand, did someone used to hit you?"
" Well, my dad, he used to fight with my mum every day, fights would get really bad and..." you stopped to sniffle and he took your hand
"He would hit her, and the times when I tried to contain the argument i would get pretty beat up too"
"Oh my god y/n, why haven't you told me?"
"I just...I don't really know, i guess I just wasn't ready"he nodded
"I would never hurt you , got it?"
"Got it" I smiled
"I love you"
"I love you too"
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mcuwitchsbackupblog · 2 years
No matter what
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Peter Parker x Reader
Author's note: Hi! I don't know how to define this one, is basically just a comforting fanfic. If you are sad i'm so sorry for you.
Summary: y/n just needs a shoulder to cry on.
Your vision was blurry, tears were staining your face, you were curled up in the corner of your bedroom, your head buried between your chest and knees, sobs and whimpers were the only sound you could hear.
A suddent sound startled you and you remembered that you invited Peter, your boyfriend, over.
"Hey y/n! You wouldn't believe what I saw on patr..." his goofie mood dropped as soon as he saw you "What happened babe?" He said getting closer to you and hugging your trembling figure "Was it something I did?"
"N-no" you wispered "I don't want to talk about it now"
"It's totally fine baby" he said placing a soothing kiss on my head then he placed a hand on my hair and stroked them softly, I let out another loud sob and he pushed me closer to his chest " It's okay, I got you y/n, let it all out".
He kept holding me and mumbling sweet nothings to calm me down untill I ran out of tears, he gently pulled away and brushed his thumb under my puffy eyes "Do you want to lay down?"
I nodded, he picked me up and tenderly layed me on my bed, then Peter flopped down next to me pulling my body close.
"Love you y/n"
"I love you too Petey, thank you"
He shook his head "You don't have to thank me babe, I will always be here for you no matter what"
You both fell asleep in each other's warm embrace, feeling safe and loved.
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mcuwitchsbackupblog · 2 years
Are you still there?
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Peter Parker x reader
Summary: Peter is on coma and y/n his girlfriend can get into minds. WARNINGS:Death, Brief mention of suicide, pain.
"Hey Peter?" I said as I adventured in the black space inside his mind "I'm here" I heard his voice a couple of steps in front of me, there he stood peacefully looking through a box labelled "Peter and Y/N"
"Hi love" he told me while i sat down next to him "Peter, the others have been asking if..."
"I want to wake up? In that case I would wake up, just, not now" he interrupted me
"Why?" I asked
"I feel good in here, I love this boxes! They have all my memories i just have to close my eyes and then I see all the good times"
"Peter, they want to uplug you" I said with tears in my eyes
"What?" He asked turning around to look at me
"The meds, they think your dead, I can't tell them you're not because they wouldn't believe me, if you stay here any longer you are going to die" I held his hand "Why don't you just come back?"
"It's not as easy as it seems, you know, there is a lot of pain in our reality, I could just go"
"Do not even say that! Everybody loves you there, you know what May does all the time since you got into coma? She cries, day and night, Tony doesn't even sleep anymore and I can't think of a world without you" Tears were now running down to my neck
"Hey! don't cry" he said wiping my under my eyes
"Promise me that tomorrow when i'll wake up, you'll be back"
"I... i...y/n... i will, promise" he said, but i could tell he wasn't saying the truth
i pulled away from him "i don't belive you" my voice cracked
"I swear that if you don't wake up i'll follow you"
he looked at me with wide eyes "No, don't even say that! don't you dare..."
"Then you know what you have to do Peter" i said as i started to fade, going out of his mind
"No Y/N! wait!"
I opened my eyes again and saw him laying in his ospital bed, unconcius
" What did he said?" May asked from the chair next to mine
"I think he is gonna wake up, but it wasn't easy to convince him"
TIME SKIP (The next day)
"We are ready to unplug him" the doctor announced, we were all there, the Avengers, me , May, Ned and MJ
My eyes were full of tears, i blinked and they fell down my cheecks, and that's when i saw it, his and moved.
"Wait!" i screamed and ran to my boyfriend
"Hey babe, i'm here, wake up!" i took his hand, and his eyes opened
"I promised, right?"
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mcuwitchsbackupblog · 2 years
One of those days
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Peter Parker x reader with depression
Author's note: Hey, if you're suffering from depression always remember that you're not alone, even if you feel like you are.
Summary: you feel miserable and Peter is there for you.
Sorry for any eventual misspelling.
WARNINGS: depression, blood, blades, suicide attempt, self harm.
Please DO NOT read if any of this warnings upsets you in any way.
It was one of those days, one of the days that made you feel like killing yourself.
As soon as you opened your eyes you felt the horrible weight of live, only the thought about getting up was painfull, but you tried, you had promised Peter that you would get better, as soon as your bare feet hit the cold floor you felt like wanting to die then and there, the heavyness of your limbs, the numbness in your head, you felt like dying today.
Your parents were out of town, and your mind started to think about doing something that you promised not to do anymore.
You raised you arm a bit and took a quick glance of the small scars you placed on yourself, a lot of time passed since the last time you cut yourself.
That day Peter found you in your bathroom drenched in your own blood, you faintly remembered his screams "Don't leave me please! Y/N, babe, please stay with me!" You remembered the look on his face when your eyes opened, his eyes where red and swollen, tears rolling down his cheeks, his face and sweater where full of your blood, he was rocking you in his arms and stroking your hair, when he saw that your eyes opened he pulled you closer to his chest, sobbing histerically "I thought i lost you! Don't do that again please, y/n, i love you so much baby". After the shock was a little bit gone, he cleaned you up with watery eyes, your tears where silent but you sobs washed through your body like waves, he changed both of your clothes and patched up the fresh cuts on your wrists. Then he took your weak body to your bed and tucked you under the soft white sheets, he slid next to you and pulled you as close as possible, there you talked about what happened and you admitted that you were struggling depression from a while now. That day Peter kind of saved your life and you promised him to never harm yourself again.
Untill today.
You where in your bathroom looking for the little razor blade you hid from Peter 'just in case...' and then you heard your phone ring from the other room, it was too far and you just wanted to feel the blissfull sting of the blade on your wrists.
Then on the other wrist
You closed your eyes breathing was becomind harder, mabe you went too deep this time, red blood was pouring out, your vision blurring and your phone ringing again, you decided that it was better for you to answer, it was Peter for sure, you had to make him think that you where all right, so you brought your phone to the bathroom and answered the call
Reader's pov
"Hey baby, everything good? Why did you took so long?" He was concerned, i could tell.
"I just woke up late" my voice was trembling.
"Are you sure you're all right babe? Look, if you are having a bad day i could just stay with y..."
"NO!" I said a little louder then expected, I started to cough and noticed that there was some blood coming out of my mouth.
"Y/N i'm coming to your place right now, but you have to stay on the phone okay?" He steated .
"No babe, Pete... i'm fine, I'm just... I'm... really tired, that's all..." my eyelids where heavy, I sunk on the floor .
"No... no" I heard him mumble "Babe, do not close your eyes, please, i'm begging you, stay awake, i'm on my way don't hang up" he was breathing fast, he was running, running for me.
"Petey" I wispered feeling my life slipping away me.
"Yes babe, what's wrong you can tell me, i'm here love" he was crying now.
"I feel good, it's peacefull, don't worry, just, get over me once i'm gone" my heart was beating at a slow peace.
"No love, don't say that" he sobbed.
After a couple minutes, the intense numbness got me compleately, I faintly heard keys opening my door and footseps getting closer to me
"No, no, no, no baby, stay awake!" He scooped me up in his arms, shaking me lightly, his warm tears fell on my face, I opened my eyes a bit
" Yes y/n, keep your eyes open for me babe, you can do it" he got up from the floor and opened the shower, he sat down holding me tightly, the cold water hitting us, he took my wrist trying to stop the blood, panic was all over his face,
"Okay i got you, it's gonna get better, promise, just stay awake please, I can't lose you"
I realized that I wasn't gonna make it, I struggled to get my words out of my mouth.
"I-i lov...e y-ou Pe-ter"
I woke up to the sound of my steady heartbeat on a monitor, a hand squeezing mine, I tried to open my eyes, I was in a hospital room, i turned my head to the side, and there he stood, a tired and broken Peter Parker
"Hey lovey" he said with a big smile on his face "I'm so happy to see your beautiful eyes again"
I smiled too "I'm so sorry Peter, I don't know what i thought when I did it"
"You don't have to think about it now, it's all over, you just lost a lot of blood, luckly we have the same blood type"
"I love you Peter"
"I love you too" he paused for a second and then added "You scared me so much love, I thought I really lost you this time, I booked an appointment with a therapist, we could go together if you want, it should help you to you know, deal with all you bad thoughts"
I nodded
"Well look who woke up!" A smiling nurse said "You were really lucky that your boyfriend found you dear" she said before going out of the room.
Peter tenderly kissed my cheek and looked in my eyes "I will be with you every step of the way babe"
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mcuwitchsbackupblog · 2 years
Today i was on google and i randomly searched my own blog because why not, honestly i'm glad i did it because i found out about this web site called Tumgir that basically steals fics, art and pretty much every content on Tumblr. They also try to simulate the tumblr guide lines, desings and even logo.
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I felt somehow violated so i cliked on the link, as soon as it opened some weird virus downloaded on my phone, luckily i have a strong "VIRUS KILLER".
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They just put our contents there without permission.
I noticed that you can request to remove your blog from there but i don't know if that would actually work.
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DO NOT USE THAT WEB SITE!!! is creepy and to be honest is really rude, tumblr writers or artists spend hours working on their contents and some of us don't even get much response in the actual tumblr, just knowing that there is another web site that steals our works without any credits really makes me mad.
I still wonder why web sites like Tumgir are not taken down yet.
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mcuwitchsbackupblog · 2 years
IN THE HEX - Prologue
Peter Parker x ScarletWitch!Reader
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Author's note: Introduction, Part 1 and part 2 here!!! This is not edited!!
Summary: You finally face the truth.
You found the strenght to open your eyes again, your hands that were once on his face were now caressing the air, you retracted them and glanced at your surroundings
You were back to when it all started, with the excepition that it was night, the morning you first came to Westview daylight was shining.
The city below looked just like it was that day.
The day you came to Westview, the small village that Peter always dreamed to live in
"I found this city! It is beautiful! It's in New Jersey, the name is... wait... i don't remember... oh! Westview! It has a lot of great things! The history, the desing! God! I wish i could live there once i get older!"
It's not like you had already planned your actions, it was just to see what he found so special in there, but when you got to that hill, your pain, your sorrow, your emotions, they became unberable
Flashbacks of your scarlet magic slipping out of you as you fall on your knees were running through your mind, screams echoing in your ears
All you could do now was just stare at the deam lights and letting a tear slip out.
You took all the courage you had and stepped forward, slowly waking down to what was once your home
The civilians were still in their houses, scared to come out, scared of you,
the Welcome to Westview sight was closer and closer every second, you wanted to stop, to go back to that hill and stay there a little more, just to "remember the good times" a small smile tugged on your face as you called back when Peter said that you once.
And now just as he left this world you were about to leave your own little reality, going past the light blue sight and turning around
Welcome to Westview home is where you make it
My home was Peter, but now he was gone, i knew that i couldn't bring myself to make a new home, i didn't wanted to.
I turned around and walked down the road, forcing myself to leave my love behind me.
And never go back.
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mcuwitchsbackupblog · 2 years
Part 2: The 80s
Peter Parker x ScarletWitch!Reader (Westview AU)
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Author's note: Introduction and Part 1 here, read them first!!
Summary: Is the end.
Reader's pov
After what happened a couple of days ago i could sense that Peter was starting to understand something, he questioned me weird things, i caughed him staring at me really often, even though i manipulated his mind he knew, i don't know how, but he did.
The 80s were way better then the 70s, the ambience, the colors, and Star Wars, Peter loved Star Wars.
"It. was. amazing." Peter said when we got out of the theather, i smiled and hugged him, he stopped and picked me up, i piggybacked on him to the pizza place.
We ordered our favourite pizza and as we were talking, i heard heavy footsteps coming from the door, an army of men with plently of weapons showed up.
"Y/N L/N we know you're here" Peter looked at me with wide eyes "You don't belong here!" i exclamed
"We know what you've done" one of them said
"Drop the guns" i ordered, they didn't listened to me "DROP THE WEAPONS!" i screamed as my magic trowed all of them around the room, i made all the civilans in the place go back to their homes.
Peter was still there not knowing what was going on "Go home Petey" he shook his head "No, no, now you tell me what's going on!"
"You need to stop this!" the man said "You don't belong here, go away" i repeated my words from earlier "You are lucky that i'm not destroying all of you"
"We know why you've done this! you have to let him go, the Hex is strong but one day, he would eventually find out about Westview"
"I've done this for him, to keep him safe, do not try to manipulate me" my hands glow red "Now, i'm gonna ask this one last time, go away or next time you talk to me there wouldn't be Y/N to answer, there would be the Scarlet Witch"
"You kindnapped hundreds of people y/n! this whole town is a creation of your brain, you are hurting innocent people!, this is all fake! you hurt people y/n!"
"What, y/n? tell me what's happening!"
"I can't..."
"Your girlfriend kindnapped a whole city! Westview is her creation, she chooses the decade, she eraeses memories and control the civ..."
"Stop it! i did it for you Petey!" i said
"Why?" he asked with tears in his eyes
"There is no time to explain him, hurry up and end this hell!" another man shouted
"No, never" i whispered and raised my hands, flames of dark red powers coming out of them
"Stop!" Peter yelled and held both of my hands down "You don't want this! i know, you're just... you are...i don't know who you are anymore"
Tears poured from both of our eyes "Stop all of this please y/n, please love"
I took a moment to realize what i've done, I've caused pain to a lot of people, and even my boyfriend was begging me to stop, my mind was blurried with madness but Peter, he was the only one that could bring me back to reality again
I nodded and replied "Okay love, everything for you"
When i moved towards the door the army scooted away from me, they were scared, i reached the outside of the place and looked at the sky
"What are you planning to do now?" Peter asked behind me
My eyes close, my mind visualizing the Hex, demaging it, from the 80s back to the present in seconds.
"What is this?" Peter asked surprised watching as his surroundings changing
"Come with me before it gets too late" i extended my arm to him
We flow to a small hill on the west side of Westview, the sun was setting, making our tear stained face glow, we sat down and my hands went up to his cheeks
"I don't really know where to start" i started, voice cracking
"Just say it, i can handle the truth" i wanted to tell him that he probably would've not handled what i was about to say
"You...You... you died Peter, you're gone"
He looked at me with wide eyes "What do you mean?...oh, that's why everything was so..."
"Weird?" i interroupted him with a light chuckle
"Yeah, weird" he sadly laughed back, more tears running down his handsome face "How did that happened? How did i died?" he lightly asked me
I couldn't look at him while remembering those moments "I can make you remember if you want, we don't have time to explain"
He nodded and i let my powers wash through his body
"Oh, i died in the battle with Thanos, didn't i?" his voice was heartbreaking
"You did" i sobbed "I just wanted to protect you Peter, we could have stayed together, i just wanted to keep you safe, to keep you here with me"
"I know you didn't meant to hurt anyone" he placed his hands on my waist
"But i..." i trailed off as i saw the red borders of the Hex getting closer, Peter noticed my distress and looked at me right in the eyes
"I love you y/n"
"I love you too Peter" i cried out, the Hex getting smaller and smaller every second, it was so close, my love was leaving
He seemed to realize that it was time for him to go, opening his mouth he slowly whispered
"We have said goodbye before, so it stads to a reason"
"We'll say hello again" i finished for him
Everything near us was already ingulfed in gold sparks, the lower half of his body disappered
"So long darling" he added before fading away,
I closed my eyes
my love was gone, this time, forever.
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mcuwitchsbackupblog · 2 years
Part 1: 50s to 70s
Peter Parker x ScarletWitch!Reader
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Author's note: Heyyy!!! check out the introduction.
summary: Something in your plan goes wrong and confirms Peter's doubts about Westview.
Peter's pov
I felt weird, there is no other word to describe it, the days seemed to pass either very quickly or very slowly, sometimes i would wake up and forget what i did the day before, usually when that happened i reached out to y/n she would talk about all the activities we did and joking about the fact that i could suffer from short term memory loss.
She was always so calm, a big smile adorned her face every time i looked at her, appearance was neat and maniacally on point, sometimes i wondered if she felt the same as me.
Today i woke up and picked up a sharpie from my pencilcase, i placed a cross on the calendar: 23rd June 1956, y/n was coming to my house to watch some TV together, i cleaned my room and made my bed
"Hi Miss Parker!" i heard my girlfriend say
"Hello dear, Peter is in his room, you know the way" my aunt May answered kindly, light footsteps were getting closer, then a knock on the door
"Petey! is me!" I opened the door and placed a tender kiss on her cheek "Hi y/n!",
we sat down on the carpet near the litte coffe table and my new TV "Look, you press this and then..." i pressed the button on the top of the device "You have this!" i gestured towards the imagines
"I know how a tv works Petey" she laughed "How do you know?" i asked with a questioning look, her eyes widened, i saw them glow "What do i know?"
"Nothing lovey" i smiled and turned to the TV, she smiled back and placed a kiss to my forehead.
A mute movie was playing on the black and white screen, y/n was clinging to my arm and i placed my head on the headboard of my bed, i looked at her and noticed that she fell asleep, turning my head to the TV and i noticed that it was slowly gaining colors "What the f..."
my clothes were changing, the decorations in the room were different, even y/n's clothing wasn't the same, her light blue dress was now a pair of brown pants with a white blouse, i glanced at the calendar, it dated 1974.
I shook y/n awake "What's wrong peter?" she yawned
"There's something wrong" as soon as i said that she was fully awake, looking around the room, she didn't seemed confused or scared, she had a face that mixed disappointment, sadness and anger all together "May i ask again? what's wrong?" she questioned with red eyes
"Absolutely nothing sweety" i replied "I'm going to get some snacks"
"Okay Peter" her voice was low and a tear pouring out of her eye "What's wrong y/n?" she looked up and sadly smiled "I just love you so much"
"I love you too!"
Part 2 Prologue
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mcuwitchsbackupblog · 2 years
Such a perfect life - introduction
Peter Parker x Reader
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Author's note : i was sad today so i created this. Also this is not edited.
Summary: Reader created Westview to keep Peter save, or at least that's what she tells herself.
Hope you enjoy!!
Since you fixed some small mistakes, life was beautiful, you didn't care if your mind only had a hint of sanity left, the people you loved were safe, you were like the god of your little world, in full control of every single thing around you.
You lived with your family in a big house at the end of the road, your house was stunning, you've always dreamed an house like that, your beloved boyfriend lived just five minutes away from you, it was summer, no school, no stress, just peace and rest, two things that you both needed
to keep him safe
All the mornings you and Peter went to the bakery downtown to get fresh pastries for breakfast, walking hand in hand and sharing loving looks while elderly couples smiled at you two "probably remembering the good times" at least that's what Peter said when he noticed them, even though you knew exacly what they were thinking, but you didn't wanted to think about it, it was all for him
to keep him safe
In the evenings you went to date nights in a nice and quite place, eating and laughing, bringing happiness to each other, you were often lost in his handsome eyes, looking at the way they lit up every time you made that cute face he loved, or when he playfully rolled them after you made a silly joke. Of course sometimes things went wrong, you hated when all the work you made had little flaws : one day a waiter approached you and begged you to set him free, your eyes glow and your magic entered his mind
"What do you mean?" you asked playing dumb
"Nothing miss L/N" he excused himself
"What the hell was that?"
"What Petey?" you did the same to him, you hated using your magic on your love, but sometimes, it was necessary
to keep him safe
"Nothing lovey" he answered while getting closer to you and giving you a kiss.
Life was perfect.
But what you didn't know was that Peter started to silently understand that something was wrong.
part 1 part 2 Prologue
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mcuwitchsbackupblog · 2 years
Part 1: 50s to 70s
Peter Parker x ScarletWitch!Reader
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Author's note: Heyyy!!! check out the introduction.
summary: Something in your plan goes wrong and confirms Peter's doubts about Westview.
Peter's pov
I felt weird, there is no other word to describe it, the days seemed to pass either very quickly or very slowly, sometimes i would wake up and forget what i did the day before, usually when that happened i reached out to y/n she would talk about all the activities we did and joking about the fact that i could suffer from short term memory loss.
She was always so calm, a big smile adorned her face every time i looked at her, appearance was neat and maniacally on point, sometimes i wondered if she felt the same as me.
Today i woke up and picked up a sharpie from my pencilcase, i placed a cross on the calendar: 23rd June 1956, y/n was coming to my house to watch some TV together, i cleaned my room and made my bed
"Hi Miss Parker!" i heard my girlfriend say
"Hello dear, Peter is in his room, you know the way" my aunt May answered kindly, light footsteps were getting closer, then a knock on the door
"Petey! is me!" I opened the door and placed a tender kiss on her cheek "Hi y/n!",
we sat down on the carpet near the litte coffe table and my new TV "Look, you press this and then..." i pressed the button on the top of the device "You have this!" i gestured towards the imagines
"I know how a tv works Petey" she laughed "How do you know?" i asked with a questioning look, her eyes widened, i saw them glow "What do i know?"
"Nothing lovey" i smiled and turned to the TV, she smiled back and placed a kiss to my forehead.
A mute movie was playing on the black and white screen, y/n was clinging to my arm and i placed my head on the headboard of my bed, i looked at her and noticed that she fell asleep, turning my head to the TV and i noticed that it was slowly gaining colors "What the f..."
my clothes were changing, the decorations in the room were different, even y/n's clothing wasn't the same, her light blue dress was now a pair of brown pants with a white blouse, i glanced at the calendar, it dated 1974.
I shook y/n awake "What's wrong peter?" she yawned
"There's something wrong" as soon as i said that she was fully awake, looking around the room, she didn't seemed confused or scared, she had a face that mixed disappointment, sadness and anger all together "May i ask again? what's wrong?" she questioned with red eyes
"Absolutely nothing sweety" i replied "I'm going to get some snacks"
"Okay Peter" her voice was low and a tear pouring out of her eye "What's wrong y/n?" she looked up and sadly smiled "I just love you so much"
"I love you too!"
Part 2 Prologue
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mcuwitchsbackupblog · 2 years
Hi!! I've always wanted to take requests so i set up a couple of rules. Feel free to send them at any time of the day, i'll write them as soon as possible.
I only write for MCU!Peter Parker.
Sorry for my TASM and Raimi lovers. Everything has to be PG-13 rated.
And if i write your requests i would appreciate a reblog...
List of the things i take requests for:
One-shots inspired by songs
Mini series (not more then 2 parts)
Types of Reader i write for:
I don't specificate skin tones, body type and phisical features in general. Inclusivity is one of my priorities here.
The classic Reader
Super powered!Reader
Scarlet Witch!Reader
Sister!Reader (only platonic)
Mental illiness i write for:
Social anxiety
ED but it depends on the request
Dissociative disorder
AU!fics i write for:
Zombie apocalypse!AU
AHS!AU (mainly Murder House but i accept everything)
Thank you for your support, i hope to read your requests soon🤍
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