mcxjeongguk-blog · 8 years
“okay, so, what did your grandfather do?” it doesn’t stop jeongguk’s curiosity to know that it wasn’t the guy he just saved the life of who caused his own curse. ancestor or modern, it can’t hurt to know what not to do around a witch even if he’s not entirely human himself.
the boy snorts, giving the slightest eye roll when he’s chastised on his disney princess knowledge. he’s no expert; he spent most of his childhood underwater and didn’t have a little sister to use as an excuse to see the more recent films. “okay, princess. but i don’t think you’re elsa, she could handle her own shit and didn’t need to be saved like you. but let me know when you develop your ice powers, okay? instant popsicles sounds like a great idea.”
jeongguk gives the human one more careful look, as if he knows what to look for in a drowning victim anyways. “the ocean is full of fish pee. you’ve inhaled probably a gallon of fish piss. you’re welcome.” he says it so seriously that it’s comical, and it takes every bit of willpower he possesses to now break out in laughter. he’s looking for a reaction now, hoping to make the human uncomfortable, maybe disgusted. how funny would that be?
saved your life. { namjoon
    “it wasn’t me. my great-grandfather did,” namjoon admitted with a sigh. he finds it funny that people always ask what he did. he didn’t do a thing. he was a pretty nice guy, at least in his opinion, but naturally, he was biased. it was all just an unlucky situation where the bad luck just kept coming and coming. 
    he shook his head, rolling his eyes, “ha, ha. i didn’t say true love’s kiss. i said an act of true love. love isn’t simply a romantic feeling. didn’t frozen teach you anything? i’m obviously elsa.”
    the human smiled at his own contribution to the joke and shrugged his shoulders before shaking his head. he was fine. he didn’t want to go to the hospital. he was going to be fine. as soon as he was out of the water, he got all the water out of his lungs, so he should be fine. he didn’t die easy for being human. “i’m fine, really. but thank you. the worst thing i thought about the ocea was fish poop in it, but now i have to worry about a whole ecosystem. i’d prefer the fish poop…. no, i wouldn’t.”
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mcxjeongguk-blog · 8 years
he supposes it is a type of optimism, jeongguk is used to hearing it called an obsession. or maybe just his nature, if he’s talking to another natural or someone who knew of them. a mer can’t help but long for the ocean and the water even when he’s living on land, and has been living there for several years now.
somehow being told that he’s not going to be killed does nothing to calm the boy down. instead he just eyes the faerie anxiously, wondering what else could go wrong even if he’s not going to die tonight. maybe kidnapping, torture, something that could be worse than being killed. jeongguk doesn’t realize how wild he’s let his imagination run until he’s come up with a hundred different conspiracy theories, each more ridiculous than the previous. being told he has worth only makes it all creepier, and jeongguk can’t even find the words to respond to that.
but the name that he’s given doesn’t ring any bells. not that jeongguk can trust the faerie immediately, but he’s not quite as worried about being murdered or kidnapped or something else at least for now. “i’m jeongguk.” he doesn’t give his full name anyways, still a bit paranoid. “and yeah, i am.”
there’s a moment of silence as jeongguk sucks in a breath, deciding to say something he’s not entirely sure he wants to commit to. “you’re really not going to kill me, right? that would be really.. uncool. i have an exam next week that i really need to be alive to take.”
` poignant
    “that is beautiful optimism,” hongbin replied ecstatically, a bright grin on his face. his hands were clasped together, as if he were praying, though his fingers were intertwined together. he couldn’t help but find the merman’s words rather beautiful. a bit misplaced, but he was still grateful that someone with such a beautiful viewpoint would say something of such elegance about him.
     he can see the panic in the other. the wild thoughts running through his head like cogs in a machine. how many times has hongbin seen such a reaction to his words. the fear that the faerie would do something to him. hongbin had no ill-will towards the other. he loved all naturals. he found them all fascinating and the start of a new world where humans are the one who have to hide. it was odd. no human has actually done anything to hongbin and yet, he has a hate for them. they were worthless after all, but more so than even him.
   “i’m not going to kill you,” hongbin chuckled, as if the other had said some funny joke. he was so used to this reaction, “you still have worth after all!”
     he didn’t continue on what he meant by that, but maybe the other would see through those words. hongbin was telling enough without saying much else. he nodded, “that seems fair. i’m lee hongbin. i’m a faerie, but i’m sure you could tell that. and you’re a merman.”
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mcxjeongguk-blog · 8 years
“the ocean is bigger and greater than anything. if she can handle me and all of my fuck ups, she can probably do something for you.” he speaks about the water like his first love, or like the goddess of his religion. jeongguk was never a very spiritual boy, but his eyes light up when he talks about the ocean, and a smile crosses his face with a warm glow.
normally he wouldn’t argue with a stranger like this, but he feels the need to defend his favorite thing in the whole world. but he doesn’t press the man for more information despite his curiosity about the chilling problems.
oh god. what if jeongguk is talking to a murderer. suddenly his blood runs cold and he glances over at the stranger cautiously. stranger danger, his mother’s husband had impressed that upon him when they came to live up on land. i’m going to die here. jeongguk’s suddenly convinced of it, and he tries to console himself by reminding himself that at least he’s by the ocean.
“i’ll tell you my name if you tell me yours first.” he tries not to look too suspicious, too on edge as he glances over at the stranger again. maybe if he plays it cool then he won’t be murdered. jeongguk doesn’t watch the news religiously, but he’s pretty sure he’d recognize a name of an escaped convict or something roaming around busan. but there’s something off about the guy, how he talks so lowly about himself. maybe he’s an escaped psych ward patient? it’s still no comfort to jeongguk, who has no idea how to deal with any situation.
` poignant
    ( tw: self loathing )
   magical? what a funny thought. hongbin was a faerie. he was born from magic, but magic was something that didn’t come easy. his wings were clipped years ago by the vampire who bought him. for all he knew, his wings were sold to some witch or mage to use to their heart’s content. he has long since lost interest in magic. it was only useful if he could use it.
    the homeless faerie brushed his bangs from his face. his sweater obviously too large, even for his stocky frame. the sleeves extended past his hands, almost looking like paws. it was ratty and had holes and pieces of string trying to fall from. it was dirty too. most likely, it hasn’t seen a washer in weeks (which was actually true).
    “solving all of my problems? i wouldn’t wish that on anyone,” hongbin laughed lightly, “my problems are quite chilling, but they are mine to bare. what right do i have to get rid of them?”
    hongbin rested his arms against his chest, staring at the ocean again until his blue eyes moved to the merman beside him. “though i have no right to ask, can you tell me your name? i understand if you’d rather not tell me. i am a nobody and offering your name to someone so pathetic is quite a waste, but i’m curious.”
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mcxjeongguk-blog · 8 years
it’s like some fairy tale bullshit and jeongguk can’t help but let out a bark of laughter. it’s like beauty and the beast.. or some other disney classic that every child has seen at some point in their life and it’s so damn corny that the boy can’t help but want to mock it. “what did you do to piss off a witch?” his face would look like it’s in awe, but the smile and raised brows make him much more mischievous, almost mocking of the human.
he doesn’t realize how hypocritical his judgement is when the mer curse is also so closely intertwined with love, and the loss thereof. sure he’s perfectly aware of what happens if he gets his poor heart broken, but it doesn’t remind him not to throw stones in a glass house.
“so? you’re waiting for true love’s kiss? like snow white? or anna? which disney princess are you?” jeongguk’s grin is cheshire-esque, and he’s much less concerned about the human’s well-being knowing he’s cursed. if namjoon has survived this long with incurable bad luck, then there’s certainly nothing jeongguk can do to help him.
the boy runs a hand through his hair, ruffling it in attempt to dispel some of the water dripping down his back and so it doesn’t dry plastered flat against his head. “you sure you don’t want to go to the hospital or something? i don’t know how much of my ocean you swallowed in there. what if there’s an ecosystem in your lungs right now?”
saved your life. { namjoon
   namjoon coughed a bit more, sighing soon after. it was hard trying to explain his curse. it made sense to him, mostly because he lived it for twenty-one years and not only that, he lived with his father who suffered the same fate. it was just everyday life. just like someone put their pants on one leg at a time, he tripped of air and fell into the ocean (though he did puts his pants on with both legs at a time, but he was quirky like that). 
    “proba-ably not,” he coughed again, lifting his hand to wipe the snot from under his nose. almost choking definitely screwed up his sinuses. he needed a tissue. 
      the human glanced over at the other and smiled, “nice to meet you, jeon jeongguk.”
     he had to stop himself from laughing when the other asked ‘how are you alive’, because if he would get 1,000 won every time he heard that, he’d be rich by now and that would just solve a lot of his problems. “good question. it’s a really looooong story. a cure? yes and no. the only way to lose it is true love… an act of true love or something. probably like throwing myself is front of a bullet or something. i really don’t know. though i can say, no one has been seriously hurt because of my curse… i hope…”
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mcxjeongguk-blog · 8 years
“i’m close enough!” it comes out whinier than he means it to, like a little kid reminding you that they’re actually seven and a half instead of just barely seven years old in their rush to grow up. maybe he should slow down, enjoy youth while he still can, but it’s always in hindsight that people realize that they forgot to stop and smell the roses. jeongguk clears his throat. adults are much more mature than seven and a half year olds, he needs to at least pretend to act his age, or the age he thinks he already is.
a little smile breaks into a big grin, pleased with himself when he hears the astonished sounding noise from jimin. it was just a tiny little shove, hardly anything to pick a fight over if jeongguk did say so himself. but maybe the blatant disrespect for an elder tipped it over the edge, and he worries vaguely when jimin full names him. so he plays dumb, innocent, all big shiny eyes and playing up the sweet innocent youngest thing. “test you? why would i do that, hyung?” it’s probably obviously an act, but jeongguk knows from experience if he’s cute enough he could get away with nearly anything.
he is thankful to jimin in his own way where he doesn’t quite say it out right, at least not in the moment where he’s still doing his best to be a bratty teenager. he’ll thank him later, somehow with actions rather than words; maybe insisting on treating for lunch when he could just mooch off the kind hyung instead. but for the moment, all he says is just a mumbled “thanks, hyung,” not at all unlike a little kid who’s begrudgingly learning their manners.
* fish out of water
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mcxjeongguk-blog · 8 years
he really does not want jimin to start over; he wants it all to be done as soon as possible. he goes so far as to hold his breath, holding himself completely still and receptive to jimin’s gentle treatment as if that will hurry this hyung up and jeongguk can go back to pretending that he didn’t get caught on a fishing hook. the embarrassment of the event had not quite left him yet, not had the irony been able to escape him, and he’s already decided that once this is over he never wants to talk about it ever again.
“don’t patronize me,” his lips turn down into something that’s more of a pout than a frown even as his eyebrows knit together and try to turn his sullen expression into another glare. the fight is leaving him though, no longer in so much pain now that all the prodding and moving is completed ( though there’s still a dull ache if the wound, that won’t go away for a while ). “i am an adult, hyung. i’m nineteen now, remember?”
the boy has half a mind to punch jimin, or pick him up and throw him to pluto, since jimin is pretty compact and jeongguk thinks he has a fair shot of being able to make it that far, he’s pretty strong if he does say so himself. he settles for pressing the palm on his good arm against jimin’s chest, fingers splayed, and pushing him back just enough to unbalance him. it’s more playful than vengeful, especially as a smile sneaks across jeongguk’s lips. jimin surely wouldn’t take revenge on an injured friend anyways, right?
* fish out of water
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mcxjeongguk-blog · 8 years
he types a short message to his mother on his phone, assuring her that he’s okay even though it’s late and that he’ll be home soon enough; he has his keys with him so she and her husband should lock up the house. jeongguk hadn’t meant to spend all night out with classmates, not a school night where he knew he’d be loathing every moment that he had to sit in class tomorrow, but the study session was imperative to attend and he’s glad he did, he was obviously not up to par for that test next week.
it’s close enough to home that he doesn’t mind walking, but there’s something beautiful about the end of summer, the start of the fall season that has the air just crisp enough that he wants to wear a hoodie instead of tshirts, but not so cold yet that he sees his breath when he exhales. there won’t be many nights like this, not when fall kicks into full swing and winter comes along sooner than anyone wants it to.
jeongguk is startled when someone starts speaking to him, flinching away even though reasonably he should have heard the footsteps, or something, before the words were even uttered. he wonders if he should be scared for his life, but the other man looks harmless enough and jeongguk knows how to run. pretty fast, especially for a kid who’s more used to a tail than two legs.
“the ocean is pretty magical.” jeongguk ends up humoring the stranger, glancing between him and the ocean carefully. “it’s my favorite place.. and it sort of has a way of solving all your problems.” at leas for him, it did. he never felt more at peace than on the beach, or under the waves. it was a escape from the very human life he had to live, a welcome one.
` poignant
   the streets were so empty at such a late time. was it nearly 1am? he passed by a shop on his walk and saw the time. then it had been about 12:30am. he had to be walking for at least thirty minutes by now. he didn’t mind it all that much. he didn’t need to sleep anyways. he could sleep later, if he wanted. no one would pay much mind towards him.
   as he walked, he stared at the sleeping city with a smile. all the people; humans and naturals mingling together as crisis fuels the city. times like this are so depressing. people must he sad, but in the sadness, there must be happiness, right? he could only dream of such things.
   his eyes caught sight of a figure, his brow raised. someone so late? as he stepped closer, his eyes focused on the figure and he didn’t see any reason not to go over. of course, his mere presence is just rude, but maybe he was a glutton for punishment and abuse.
   hongbin took every step forward until he was beside the other. his eyes went forward, “the ocean… sure is beautiful. it reflects the moon and the stars, almost like a beautiful piece of art… if i swam in it, would it wash the filth away?”
    he smiled brightly, his dimples appearing, “what a stupid thought. that is impossible.”
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mcxjeongguk-blog · 8 years
   “g-gross,” namjoon muttered at he did what he was told. he moved to rest on his side as he coughed. water left his mouth again, but then it was good. his throat hurt, but at least he was breathing. that was what was important at this point.
    it takes him a bit before he starts to feel a bit better. maybe a little lightheaded from being unconscious, but he ignores that as he forces himself to sit up. he probably should have waited a bit, but lying down was boring and he just wanted to sit up at this point. he reached up and ran his hands through his damp hair. he was soaking wet. the walk home was going to suck. what else was new.
     “kim namjoon,” he breathed out with a relieved sigh.
     “nice to meet you, …. ? i’m fine though… i’ve drowned before. like three times actually. once at a pool and a kid got so scared he peed… that was not fun,” he shuddered at the thought of that. he sighed a bit, “i’ll be fine. thank you. you’re a merman, right? don’t freak out. i know all about naturals. i don’t know if you can tell, but i was cursed… by a witch. bad luck… hence the multiple times i’ve drowned.”    
jeongguk makes a silent promise to himself to take an online cpr and first aid course or something so the next time he fishes humans out of water, he doesn’t just sit there without a clue of what to do. it’s rather embarrassing to feel so useless when he should be a hero, saving the guy’s life and all. he watches the stranger carefully, as if he’ll keel over and suddenly die a horrible watery death right in front of his eyes.. on perfectly dry land.
so he had a dramatic imagination; it served him well in high school creative writing class.
“should you be sitting up, kim namjoon?” jeongguk repeats the full name, committing it to memory as a concerned look betrays his cool facade. he’s pretty sure that he shouldn’t be exerting too much energy after a near death experience. “i’m jeon jeongguk.”
three times. jeongguk doesn’t have the shame not to just give a dumbfounded look. how could someone be so dumb that they continue to go near the water when they can’t swim.. and have paid the price for it in the past? “how are you alive.” and namjoon is full of surprises apparently, because the boy stiffens up when he hears that he knows what he is. it’s enough to make him wary even after the other man explains his connection to the natural world; he’s not exactly sure how to deal with this sort of person.
“is there a cure to this or something? you’re a hazard to the people around you.”
saved your life. { namjoon
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mcxjeongguk-blog · 8 years
“jesus christ.” the boy mumbles the the name unlike a prayer, more of just an exasperated statement and maybe a little bit amazed that the human wasn’t actually dead. he was worried for a minute there, because the only thing that could be worse than a dead body on his beach would be a dead body with his fingerprints on it on his beach. jeongguk has no intention of being framed for murder today or any other day.
there’s something discomforting about being only half dressed when he’s on land; taking clothes off to swim was fine in the water but jeongguk doesn’t like the feeling of being so exposed in front of a stranger now. he finds his shirt, covered in sand and almost definitely going to be uncomfortable when it sticks to his saltwater-ey skin, and tugs it back on anyways. he doesn’t think that the drowning victim is going to care all that much, but he feels better this way anyways.
“lay on your side so you don’t choke and die on your vomit.” he saw it in a movie once. the words come out more snappishly than he intends, the reality of the situation hitting him all at once. this human had almost died and jeongguk was the only one around. should he call an ambulance or something? just how much water had the dude swallowed before he pulled him out.
jeongguk stares uneasily at the stranger. he’s not good with people, and he’s probably the worst possible person to respond to the situation with his beautiful lack of lifesaving knowledge, but he figures that someone shouldn’t be left alone right after they’re fished out of the ocean. “do.. do you have someone you need to call? what’s your name?”
saved your life. { namjoon
    namjoon had the odds stacked against him since birth. his fate was sealed years ago before his parents were even born. that what the fact of life for every male in namjoon’s family line. due to the shallowness of his great-grandfather, the men were doomed to suffer. he could hear the laugh of every witch, every natural that can sense his curse. every taunt a peer sent his way when they watched namjoon get pants in gym, every girl who screamed because he walked into the wrong bathroom, or every police officer when he was accidentally in the wrong place at the wrong time.
    such was the life of kim namjoon, the human cursed with eternal bad luck.
    maybe he should have known better then to go the ocean, but the boy needed to vent. namjoon was someone who tried to be a bright personality despite how his life seemed to turn on him at every step he took. one step forward was at least ten steps back, but regardless, he tried. but he was still human and as a human, holding things in was not a good thing. so namjoon visited the ocean. he stood at the pier and he screamed as loud as he could. he didn’t care if people looked. most of the time, it was during an early weekday. no one was around.
     the pier was wet and he took one step and fell in. it was quick and namjoon wasn’t going to be able to save himself. also, he couldn’t swim.
    he may have knocked his head on the pier or the shock of being in the ocean knocked him out. eventually, who knows how long, he felt himself waking up. a voice came to his ears, but he didn’t know it. instead he chuckled lightly before spitting up some water, “dying isn’t… easy… for me…”
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mcxjeongguk-blog · 8 years
“they’re gonna hurt later anyways..” he mutters rebelliously, though he’s stopped his squirming and loud complaints for the moment. jeongguk knows it’s not like he’ll just magically be healed by antiseptic treatment and bandages. every time he moves that muscle, shifts that skin, he’ll feel it and remember that there’s a healing wound there. at least until he can magically heal the wound, that is, but he’s not sure when he’s going to get a chance to go to the beach when he has so much homework that he doesn’t want to do.
he tries not to wince so much as he sucks his lower lip between his teeth and gnaws away at the chapped skin there, if only to keep himself from letting out very unmanly whimpers of pain. it doesn’t serve him well when he shoots jimin the best glare he can manage, given the situation and how pathetic he really was being about it all, and snaps, “i’m not cute, i’m an adult now.” as if after hitting that magic year 18 suddenly eliminates all opportunity for cuteness in a young man. jeongguk can dream, but not all that much has changed in over a year after all.
a low sound of confirmation rumbles from his chest, not quite trusting himself with actual words in case they come out as more childish whines again. there’s some sort of pride or ego in him that doesn’t entirely make sense, some will to make himself out to be stoic and strong even at his weakest moments. “i’ll let you know if i lose feeling in my fingers.” the words don’t come out as dryly as he intends them to, his voice cracked with the uncomfortable sensation of a jostled wound, but he’s pretty sure the sarcasm translates anyways.
* fish out of water
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mcxjeongguk-blog · 8 years
mxnamjoon replied to your post 
hi jenn plot with me
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mcxjeongguk-blog · 8 years
hello i’m back again are u sick of me yet
if you remember me, i’m steph. i’ve had jeongguk on and off for a while now but i’m hoping to really stick around this time!! so please please please plot with him, i’m best reached via aim ( taeloup ) or twitter ( @taesthetes ) since i’m not entirely reliable in tumblr ims ; o ;
i’m really hoping to stick around for good this time, so i’m eager to get threads up for jeongguk asap!!
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mcxjeongguk-blog · 8 years
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– baby, watch your back.
introducing jeon jeongguk, a nineteen year old merman and student; his loyalties lie with the no one.
Keep reading
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mcxjeongguk-blog · 8 years
“are you gonna get in the water or just stand there looking at it?” on most days he’d mind his own business, he’d ignore the young woman and what he read as confusion about the water. he never quite understood how anyone could fear open water, but of course as a mer jeongguk was born and ( mostly ) raised in the ocean. he had his bias, of course.
he knows he’s not invited to this pool pond party, that the girl is a total stranger and probably the last thing she wants is some kid who thinks he knows more about the water than she does, but alas here he is. and if it’s going on the record, he probably does know more about the water than she does. “it doesn’t bite, y’know. it’s probably not even that cold; it’s august.” he shrugs, it should be obvious but apparently not to some people.
fish tale ;
the forest feels cool despite the hot summer day. sunbeams stream through the linings of the trees, creating sun spots on the floor of different diameter. the wind blows ever-so-often and the branches of the trees sway with the movement. the leaves make a quivering sound from being shaken by the wind. momo is in the midst of this forest, squinting up at the sky overhead. her sandals are abandoned by a base of a nearby tree. her toes wiggle against the cool, dewy blades of grass. she shifts her weight to and fro once before centring herself. her head drops and she’s now facing the large pond in front of her.
she doesn’t swim – er, can’t, actually. she never has been the type for swimming. besides, nixies were the ones that lazed about the watering holes, afloat on their backs to keep cool even while soaking up the sun. momo usually stayed off to the side and dipped her feet into the water but she never swam in it before. she wasn’t sure if she actually could.
her purple eyes blink. she thinks back to how she saw the humans do it. in fact, many humans are impeccable swimmers (though she’s suspicious that there’s some level of magic involved). they moved gracefully in the water, from what she’s seen. they play and don’t feel awkward at all. which is why she was there, staring hard at the pond before her. she lifted her foot and dipped her toes in to test how it felt.
hirai momo didn’t swim. she wasn’t sure why she was going to try.
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mcxjeongguk-blog · 8 years
he can’t help it when he flinches away from jimin’s careful hands even though he knows, he knows, that it’s for his own good. even so, he can’t help the hiss of pain from escaping his lips because alcohol on an open wound burns and he wonders if risking infection is worth saving himself the agony of sterilizing the split skin.
“bullshit. you know that your poking and prodding and supposed ‘cleaning’ stings.” he’s being difficult on purpose, complaining even though he knows that his hyung really is just helping him out. jeongguk supposes that it feels good to act standoffish, if only to cover up his embarrassment of getting hooked. he’s only half fish after all, he really should know better than to get caught on the sharp little hooks.
despite his words, he sits as still as he can manage for jimin, forcing himself not to wriggle too much even as the antiseptic burns his cut rather uncomfortably. “are you done torturing me yet? hyung, it hurts!” he can’t keep the note of a rather childish whine out of his voice, for a moment not bothering to pretend that he’s mature past just barely dipping his toes into actual real life adulthood.
* fish out of water
“calm down, i’m not going to hurt you,” jimin huffs, glancing up in affectionate irritation while he swabs the alcohol over the younger’s wound, frowning. “you’re an idiot, you know that? getting caught on a fisherman’s hook, look at how big this gash is. i know this is just temporary until you can find saltwater to heal in, but you can’t just walk around with it exposed like this, either.”
sometimes he seriously wonders if jeongguk has lived amongst humans as long as he says he has. the boy was still learning– a lot, and jimin felt like he had to chase after him with a HOW TO HUMAN book sometimes, just to make sure he didn’t get into trouble or draw the wrong type of attention.
but he couldn’t stay mad at him, either. jeongguk’s puppy eyes are killer and jimin would be lying if he said he wasn’t wrapped around his favorite dongsaeng’s finger. rip.
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mcxjeongguk-blog · 8 years
saved your life. { namjoon
he’s pretty sure that it’s the nature of his species that has him drawn to the water. most of the time it’s the ocean, wiggling his toes in dry sand and sneaking off into saltwater where he sheds skin and legs for scales and a tail. jeongguk can’t help it, he doesn’t want to. he adores the water, as any mer should. even when it’s not convenient for him to swim, it’s soothing just to be near open water.
except there’s something wrong. he hardly notices at first, the way that the waves are affected by a foreign mass. he’s no lifeguard, he doesn’t know to look for people struggling in the water. jeongguk only notices when he sees a splash that isn’t from a bird diving after a fish or something. only then does he notice something amiss. there’s a person in the water, and he doesn’t look like he knows how to swim.
the boy doesn’t really think about it. he doesn’t think about being a hero and saving a life or if there’s any benefit for him. he’ll make up stories about how he didn’t want the publicity of a drowned body found on his beach later, but there was hardly and thought at all when he’s hastily tearing off his clothes to dive into the water. kicks from a strong tail push him close to the human much quicker than a pair of legs would have and he’s grabbing the stranger’s arms, dragging him back to shore where a human being belongs.
is he dead? jeongguk doesn’t know what to do when he pushes the body back up on land, untrained in first aid as he is. he shakes the man’s shoulder. “c’mon, i did not go out of my way to save you just for you to die on the beach like this.”
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mcxjeongguk-blog · 8 years
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introduction – !
Hello, hello! It’s time for our very first meme– this time, we’re doing sentence starters, as something to help you with all your starters and first interactions. You can reblog and participate in this meme whenever you want– it’s a huge masterlist, meaning you have tons of possibilities! We also regularly add to it, meaning that it’s constantly evolving and changing, so check back often! That being said, make sure to send this out to others! It’s no fun if you get five memes while none of the people who sent them to you get nothing back. Make sure to keep the meme going! And finally: No one-liners! Try to be as creative as possible, and don’t be afraid to let your imagination go wild– as long as it’s reasonable, of course.
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