me-x-the-devil 8 days
Of course he remembered how they used to be. There had been a time where he hadn't been able to keep his hands to himself. Hell, if he was being honest there was still a part of him that couldn't. ''Yeah,'' he said, clearing his throat. ''That should be fine.'' he nodded. ''Should we maybe get the second first kiss out of the way so it's not as awkward there?''
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Wren smiled as he took her bag, following behind him to his car. "Thank you." She was about to get into the car when he stopped her. Looking at him, she bit her lip a little as she thought about it. "Well, we used to be pretty affectionate. Are you going to be okay with that? Like, if I wanted to kiss you?"
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me-x-the-devil 11 days
Ethan let the matter drop since he didn't want to start an argument before they even went away together. He carried her bag to his car, and then opened the door for her out of habit. ''Wait,'' he said before she could get into the car. ''Before we get there, we should probably make a plan on how to act, right?''
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"Thank you." She smiled proudly since she convinced him. Wren liked to be generous from time to time, sue her. Lifting her bag, she looked at him as he grabbed it from her. "I never thought you were an asshole..." She started, her brows furrowing. "But thank you. You always were a gentleman."
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me-x-the-devil 11 days
He took a deep breath as he put his phone back in his pocket. ''Fine. If you want to pay, then I won't stand in your way.'' he said. ''I was just saying that you don't have to.'' he said as he got up. He took the bag from her and then looked at her. ''Before you say anything, you might think I'm an asshole, but I'm still a gentleman. Which means I'm carrying your bag whether you want me to or not.''
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It was actually one of her biggest pet peeves when it had came to their marriage. There was no spoiling the other, even if she had wanted to. "They're not going to ask who paid for what." She pointed out, grabbing her overnight bag. "Okay, well we should hit the road then, huh?"
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me-x-the-devil 14 days
Open to anyone Plot; My muse had a massive crush on yours for years, and now your muse is back in town, and might finally be realising that they had a feelings for her too. But is it too late? Zelda had been in love with them for years now, watching from the side-lines as they dated other people all through high school. They'd gone separate ways in college but had still kept in touch, during which she had tried to move on, but every time she thought that she had, they'd randomly show up to visit her or their home town. It had now been nearly two years since they saw each other and she had finally started to move on and was dating a guy called Anthony, who was really good for her, and was a real sweetheart, and she adored him. They had been dating for a little over a year and were talking about maybe moving in together. Her life was going just the way she wanted it. That was until she saw them walk through the doors to her grandmothers flower shop.
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me-x-the-devil 21 days
In the past, he would have watched her close up, admiring the care she'd put into the bakery, but now that was too painful, so he just looked at his phone instead. ''That's okay. You don't need to do that. We'll split it like we would have if we were still together.'' he said, putting his phone away as he stood. ''Less suspicious that way.''
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Wren smiled as he went to sit down. It was almost like old times. There had been many times where he'd show up to pick her up and sit at the same table to watch her close. She finished wiping the counters down and swept the floor before going to her office to grab her bags. "I'll pay for everything on the way. Gas, food, whatever you want." She offered her ex husband. "I really appreciate this. I know I've said that already but I felt like I needed to tell you again."
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me-x-the-devil 21 days
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me-x-the-devil 23 days
''So, uhm... do you want to watch a movie or something?'' he asked, feeling incredibly awkward in that moment. ''Sorry, I just... Don't really know how to act around you. I'm trying to be patient and give you space to work through what you need, but at the same time, my entire being just wants to pull you close and never let you go.'' he told her. ''I am starved for your touch and affection.''
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the moment had passed for skye, and even though she had grown up a large deal from the girl that sam met all those years ago, even the girl that xavier laid his eyes on. but that didn't mean that she wasn't human, and considering she was quite insecure when her flirting didn't pan out with the reaction she initially wanted she felt hurt and irritated and did not want to continue. she hated that even though he was always the one who made her feel the most loved and wanted, he could easily tug at that like a rug underneath her before she fell on her ass. "sam's at the hospital." she muttered with a small shake of her head. "michael should be out soon."
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me-x-the-devil 23 days
He watched her as she moved, his eyes moving over her body, very clearly checking her out. ''So... we're alone then?'' he asked her. ''Or is Sam home?'' he asked, wanting to know. He'd missed her and he wanted to flirt with her, but also didn't want to be interrupted by Sam or the girls.
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her orbs narrowed when all she got was a curve of a smirk, not even a full one at that. she was basically giving herself over on a silver platter.. or more so a marble counter top, and he wasn't at all biting her bait. she lowered her icecream as she pushed herself off the counter with a bemused sigh. "yeah they are knackered, very easy to get down for a nap."
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me-x-the-devil 23 days
He packed whatever he would need for the weekend, including parts of his wedding suit, and a pocket square that would match her dress. As Thursday rolled around, he parked his car outside of her bakery and walked inside. ''Take your time. I'll wait.'' he said, going to sit down as she finished closing up.
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"That sounds good. I'll send you a picture of the dress so you can match your tie or something." As he mentioned his wedding suit, she couldn't help but chuckled. "Well, you did look good that day. So I'd be a lucky lady." She smiled as he told her he'd be there. "I'll see you then."
Later that night she sent him a picture of her in the dress to show what she'd be wearing. Thursday came a lot quicker than she expected, she was quickly trying to finish closing the bakery for when he'd come pick her up. She heard the bell above the door and turned towards. "Hi. I'm almost done I promise."
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me-x-the-devil 23 days
''I bet.'' he said, giving her a small smirk, his eyes on her lips as she licked the ice cream. ''I only had one appointment today, a guy who wanted a wolf tattoo. Very clich茅.'' he said with a small chuckle. He leaned against the counter and opened the soda, eyes on her. ''Did the girls enjoy themselves?''
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she was swiped her tongue over the edge of her icecream as she caught a bit of cream before it slipped from her plump lips. she was aware now that he was in the room that she could use her actions to her advantage to some degree. "was good.. though very hot." she swept her raven locks over her shoulders which made the dainty lace that dipped between her cleavage show even more. "how was your day?"
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me-x-the-devil 23 days
Xavier had just come home from work, only having had one client that day, and he'd figured he'd just head home and spend time with the girls. And of course with Skye. He'd take any time that he got to spend with her. He knew that she was still trying to deal with their past, and he was patient with her, always would be, but he missed her so fucking much. It didn't matter that they were living together, and saw each other every day, he still missed her. So when he saw her in the kitchen, he walked there and grabbed a soda from the fridge. ''How was the park?''
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skye had been trying this whole.. 'we aren't together' thing for a little while with xavier. they'd broken up, effectively because skye couldn't rationalise their past and how it clearly effected their future and moving forward together. however, there was clearly some form of tension, especially with them living under the same roof. skye was sat up on the kitchen side in a black lace topped sundress. she'd just kicked off her sandals after spending most of the morning in the park with the girls she was now enjoying an icecream with her long legs hanging over he edge of the counter. @me-x-the-devil
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me-x-the-devil 1 month
''I'll wear something semi-casual then. Something I'd wear for a business meeting.'' he said with a small shrug. ''You don't have to do that. I'll wear something I already own. Like half my wedding suit.'' he said, obviously trying to make a joke though he felt like it would fail. ''Yeah. I'll be there.''
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Wren nodded, looking down at the glass in her hand. She shook her head, downing the rest of her bourbon. "I don't even know if the groom is wearing a suit. But if you go out and do that, then send me how much it is so I can reimburse you." It was the least she could do. Putting the glass on his desk, she stood up from her seat. "Okay. So you'll pick me up after work on Thursday? I'll be ready at the bakery."
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me-x-the-devil 1 month
''I'll bring the camper either way.'' he said, scratching the back of his neck. He took a deep breath at the mention of her dress and then nodded. ''Sure. I mean, I guess I have to pick a suit or pocket square to match.'' he said. He hated this entire situation that they were in. But he'd put it aside for her. This once. ''Like I said, don't mention it.''
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Wren chewed the inside of her cheek, nodding her head. She never thought there'd be a time where they had to discuss where they'd sleep. How did they get here? "We can figure it out when we get there. I'm sure the bed will be big enough for the both of us." She does remember him sleeping on the camber bed. Back when things were starting to get rocky. "So, I'll text you all the details. Do you want a picture of my dress?" It was like they were discussing prom. "Thank you again for doing this."
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me-x-the-devil 1 month
''It's gonna have to be isn't it?'' he said with a small sigh. As much as he would like to be the one sleeping on the bed, especially for his back, he couldn't do that to her. ''No, no. You take the bed. I'll pack my camper bed. Fuck knows I've slept on that thousands of times.'' he said. Despite his anger towards her, he was still a gentleman after all.
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Wren didn't want to just wave it off. He was doing her the biggest solid. She would have to find a way to make this up to him. "Right. I know that." She nodded, giving him a small smile. At the question of sharing a room, she swallowed thickly. "Um, yeah. Is that okay? I can sleep on the floor and you can have the bed. It would just make it look more realistic if we were in the same room."
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me-x-the-devil 1 month
''Well, I mean, I kind of am. And I am happy to be your tutor.'' he said, winking at her. He let out a breath as she sank down on his cock, moaning softly for her, the drugs in his system made him feel so much better. He couldn't help the small smirk that appeared on his lips. ''Oh you think so?''
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Olivia chuckled a little as she blew out the smoke. "You sound like you're my tutor." What did he see in her anyways? Did he enjoy the idea that he'd have to teach her in the bedroom, corrupt her in such a way? She put her hands on his chest as she maneuvered her body, sinking down on him with a shaky breath. Letting herself get used to him being fully inside of her, she watched as he blew the smoke out of his nose. "You are so fucking hot."
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me-x-the-devil 1 month
''Don't mention it.'' he said, waving her off. He knew that this would be a very, very hard weekend to get through, but he'd do it. Because in the end he did love her and he would do anything for her. ''Well, I am the boss, so I can.'' he said. ''I am assuming that we will need to stay together?'' he asked her.
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Hearing him say fine, a sigh of relief washed through her body. "Thank you." She knew it'd be hard for him. They had hurt each other, so to ask him of this was going to be big. "It's next weekend. We're all staying at this big place Olivia rented. Can you take next Friday off? We'll drive up Thursday night and stay until Sunday morning."
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me-x-the-devil 1 month
Ethan looked at her for a long moment, not saying anything, as he thought the whole thing through in his head, weighing the pros and the cons. On one hand, she'd broken his heart and they fought a lot, but on the other... He sighed. There was no point in denying that he did still have feelings for her. That he still loved her. She had made him believe in love and happiness and life again. So of course he'd do this for her. ''Fine. When's the wedding?''
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Wren chuckled softly as he asked, shrugging her shoulders. "It's Olivia. She has her ways of convincing people. Anyways, it's just a small little wedding. Just family. Which is why it's more important that you be there." Her family loved Ethan. He was like her mom's second son. Which is why it crushed her to have to tell them they were divorcing. Wren looked at him. Why would he do this for her? "Look, I know I should've told them. But I haven't been able to get myself to tell them we're divorcing. They all love you and it will crush them. So I just am asking to help me out this weekend. After the wedding I'll tell them and you never have to see me again."
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