mea11i7 · 14 days
mutuals do this!!!!
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mea11i7 · 23 days
Adopted Damian AU Index
Brief overview of the AU
Arc 1: Who's your Daddy?
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Arc 2: Welcome to the family
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Arc 3: A Breaking Point
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Arc 4: What could have been
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Arc 5: Who’s Really Your Daddy
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Arc 6: 4th of July
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
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mea11i7 · 27 days
Halfa Cass Masterpost
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Initial prompt and chapters 1-4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 part one
Chapter 6 part two
Chapter 7 part one
Chapter 7 part two
Chapter 8 part one
Chapter 8 part two
Chapter 8 part three
Chapter 9 part one (aug 30)
Chapter 9 part two (sept 6)
Chapter 9 part three (sept 13)
Chapter 10 part one (sept 20)
Chapter 10 part two (sept 27)
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mea11i7 · 1 month
I sat with a crying second grader today. (The age range is outside my wheelhouse but I was the most convenient adult.) He was crying, the other adults said, because his brother took a phone he was playing on. “Phone addicted,” everybody said. “If he would get up and play games with the other kids he wouldn’t be crying.”
He told me everyone lets his brother take things from him because his brother is younger, and doesn’t know better. He told me he doesn’t want to play because he’s tired, he has too many extracurriculars this summer and can’t get good sleep because “everyone in my camper is so loud when I’m trying to sleep.” He’s exhausted and only eight. His mom’s an acquaintance and told me she and the kid’s father are going through a separation — mom and four kids left the house to stay in a camper.
But people will seriously not listen to kids crying over seemingly minor things because on the surface it looks like a tantrum. If kids are given the space to articulate themselves they often will.
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mea11i7 · 1 month
"love is love" until it doesn't include sex
"love is love" until it lives in separate beds
"love is love" until it is queer platonic
"love is love" until it does not comply with compulsory sexuality and amatonormativity
love IS love, for aspecs, for sex sepulsed folk and for platonic relationships
"love is love" apply to more than same-sex relationships in a world where romantic and sexual relationships are considered more valuable
Remember to advocate for Asexuals and Aromantics this pride. Because we are also here, and we are also queer
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mea11i7 · 1 month
The Master Post.
someone asked for a master post so here we are.
The Wrong Robin Au (dpxdc): Ao3!, Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, ART!, Part Six.
Badger Day Au (dpxdc): Ao3!, Part One, Part Two, Part Three.
Delilah's language (dpxdc): Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four.
Just a Bite(dpxdc): Part One, Part Two.
72 hours(dpxdc): Part one, Part Two.
Biggest Regret: Part one, Part two.
The Disappointment: Part one, Part two(?).
Black Retrievers and Golden Cats: Part one, Part two.
Tag List? yes, there is a tag list. If you'd like to be added, please leave a comment on the linked post specifying which story's list you want to be added to. But in case I forget or something (which, let's be honest, I'll probably do.) you can follow this post by clicking the bell or the three dots.
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mea11i7 · 1 month
Red Valentine 2024 DP X DC
Stories by pairing:
Danny/ Jason
Hot Ghouls in Your Area
Ch 1
Ch 2
Ch 3
Ch 4
Ch 5
Ch 6
Ch 7
Ch 9
Ch 10 part 1
Ch 10 part 2
Ch11 part 1
Ch 11 part 2
Ch 12 part 1
Ch 12 part 2
Check Yes (to go on a date with a dead guy)
Ch 1 and 2
Ch 3
Ch5 part 2
Ch7 part 1
Ch7 pt 2
Ch 8
Ch 9 part 1
Danny/ Damian
Young Lovers Shot by Cupid ( he is wanted for questioning)
Ch 1
Ch 2
Ch 3
1K notes · View notes
mea11i7 · 2 months
Red Valentine 2024 DP X DC
Stories by pairing:
Danny/ Jason
Hot Ghouls in Your Area
Ch 1
Ch 2
Ch 3
Ch 4
Ch 5
Ch 6
Ch 7
Ch 9
Ch 10 part 1
Ch 10 part 2
Ch11 part 1
Ch 11 part 2
Ch 12 part 1
Check Yes (to go on a date with a dead guy)
Ch 1 and 2
Ch 3
Ch5 part 2
Ch7 part 1
Ch7 pt 2
Ch 8
Danny/ Damian
Young Lovers Shot by Cupid ( he is wanted for questioning)
Ch 1
Ch 2
Ch 3
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mea11i7 · 2 months
It's "See how well you can follow instructions" time ya lil fuckers!!
Here's a poll, you can't press any of the options, that's the only rule, no voting. Reblogs, likes, and comments are totally allowed, you just can't vote
You all have one week, let's see how this goes
@maryland-no-rabies Tagging cause I need people to see this
Have fun !!
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mea11i7 · 2 months
Hello has this been done yet
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mea11i7 · 2 months
Ambassador Danny AU
Just a silly thing knocking around in my brain.
Batman halted in the door of the conference room, taking in the sight of a strange being lounging imperiously in his chair. His white hair seemed to defy gravity ever so gently and his green, glowing eyes—Jason’s eyes—stared back with none of the regard or fear so many people showed towards Batman. His tanned face was speckled with tiny stars that Batman had to actively resist becoming memorized by. The boy’s choice of covering was sheening armour that refracted the light through his chest-plate of black ice. The white sleet that sharpened his knuckles seemed perfectly capable of movement despite it encasing his hands in similar fashion to the chest-plate; glassy in it’s brutal edges and as hard as the sheets that form over the coldest of lakes. 
The watchtower had been invaded. Batman had questioned why the place was so cold when he’d arrived. Now he knew.
The only thing that kept Batman from immediately reacting might have—very much—had to do with how young he looked. A boy in the second half of his teens.
And the fact that several other Justice League members were at Batman’s back as he strolled further into the room, watching the boy warily.
The boy’s eyes were unconcerned as he watched the Justice League file in. Worryingly so. Who was he that he would be so unfazed, how powerful? Or was it faith he wouldn’t be harmed, taking advantage of the Justice League’s strong morals?
The teen had commandeered the chair with all the authority of a king and the confidence of one assured of their own position. He sprawled across it. The chairs were all identical of practical, unassuming make, but this boy made it look like his throne as he leaned heavily on one side and stretched one leg way on the other. A hand was extended to dangle off one chair-arm and he had a knee braced up, showing an armoured shin protecting his black, sturdy, cargo-like pants and iced boots that jagged treacherously upwards.
The boy smirked. “Took you long enough. I was getting bored.”
Batman resisted the urge to clamp his hands over his already protected ears from the unearthly static and screeching glaciers that came from the boy’s mouth. He noticed Superman flinch and his face grimace.
“Who are you?” Batman growled. This boy was obviously inhuman. He was also an unknown. Batman would be foolish to underestimate someone who had somehow infiltrated the watchtower without being seen or setting off any alerts. Who exuded too much confidence, as if the entire world was at his fingertips.
Attacking took the back-burner in favour of garnering information in such a concerning situation.
“You may address me as. . .” He contemplated a bit too much for Batman to believe whatever he would give them would be his true name. “Danny.”
“. . .Danny.” 
The name was so. . .normal.
“How did you get here?” Wonder Woman asked with hints of warning and aggression.
The boy smiled. He had fangs. Too many sharp teeth. He didn’t answer and was revelling in their ignorance.
“What are you doing here?” Superman asked. It said something about Danny’s energy that even superman was being cautious about approaching.
“Waiting for you.” He smirked.
“Why?” Batman pushed as much threat and intimidation into his stance and words as he could. He usually didn’t have to think about it. “What do you want?”
Danny chuckled and a shiver ran up Batman’s spine. Goosebumps formed even through the protective layers that shielded him from the cold.
“Why don’t you sit?” The words should have been innocent. They felt like a trap. “You’ve gathered for a meeting, haven’t you?” 
The league members didn’t move. Danny sighed.
“Fine, fine, fine.” He rolled his eyes and Batman was eerily reminded of how much the adolescent exasperation reminded him of his own children. Danny leaned off the chair arm to lean an elbow on the table instead, propping his chin up. He was all teeth. “The Infinite Realms wishes for peace. I’ve come to investigate the possibility of a treaty on behalf of the High King.”
Batman held the phone away from his face at Constantine’s uncharacteristic display of panic. It did not bode well and it settled uncomfortably in his bones.
He grunted in affirmation.
Constantine swore up and down enough to fill Alfred’s swear jar ten times over. “What do they want?! What did you say to them!? Ohhhh, bloody ****! You’ve already antagonized them haven’t you?!”
“No.” Batman ground out.
Constantine was quiet. Several seconds ticked by.
“. . .WELL?!”
“He claims the High King wants to negotiate for peace.”
There was silence on the other end. Batman usually preferred it when Constantine was quiet, but this was thick and seemed to claw out of the phone to infect the watchtower. It muffled the noises and beeps and drowned out the presence of the other league members who had stepped out of the conference room with him.
Then there was a great, controlled release of wavery air. When Constantine spoke, it was more serious than Batman ever remembered hearing him.
“Okay, okay.” Constantine mumbled to himself. “Listen closely, Bats, and repeat everything, and I mean everything, to your circus clowns.”
Superman cleared his throat. “We’re here.”
“Of course not! Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter are monitoring him.” Batman said. 
Constantine grumble-sighed. “Good.” He mumbled. “Two of the competent ones. I don’t trust Bats not to **** this up and get us all killed.”
“What now?” Flash said.
Batman was a little offended. “Constan—“
“NO!” He yelled vehemently. He sounded a little manic. “Batsy, you have the emotional intelligence of a wet paper bag, a sad, trampled, wet paper bag with so many holes that it can’t even be considered a bag anymore, you have the emotional intelligence of wet, paper scraps and the diplomacy of a feral hyena! Unless he addresses you first, Do. Not. Initiate! Do not open your mouth! I have no faith in you whatsoever!”
“I will n—“ Batman tried to growl again, but Constantine cut him off. Again!
“No!” Constantine reiterated oh, so eloquently. “Look.” He sighed. “Getting news of the newest High King since he defeated the last one has been near impossible. All Deadman will tell me is that he’s better than the last guy and we are incredibly lucky our entire dimension wasn’t wiped out after that stunt the American government pulled with the Anti-ecto Acts.”
Batman saw some of the leaguers pale. He suddenly wasn’t feeling the best either.
“Anti-Ecto Acts?”
“Laws declaring their species non-sentient and illegal, I dealt with it, thing is, this is an extremely delicate situation.” He stressed. “We don’t know what kind of ruler he is, what little thing might set him off, and we cannot afford to set the High King off! Capiche?! It’s a good sign that he’s willing to negotiate peace, but he could change his mind. Some ghosts are very temperamental.”
“Ghosts.” Several of the leaguers repeated. Constantine let out an incredibly exasperated sound.
“Do you idiots know nothing?! Yes, ghosts! The Infinite Realms is the dimension between dimensions, the land of the dead and the never-born! They are incredibly powerful entities and many of them could level our planet easily! Whatever you do, DO NOT ask how they’ve died! It is highly taboo and you’ll get yourselves killed!” Constantine let out a stressed groan.
“I would come back and deal with this myself, but I am. . .occupied at the moment. Don’t try to negotiate without me! You lot will muck everything up! And seriously, DO NOT ASK HOW THEY’VE DIED! Keep the Ambassador happy until I can get there, convince him to stay! We might not have another chance like this, don’t annoy them, do not ignore them, and, just in general, don’t give the ambassador any reason to deliver anything negative to King Phantom and have him erase us all, got it?”
The Justice League exchanged several, stunned looks.
“Got it?”
Batman grunted.
“Good. And Bats.” Constantine added lowly. “If this fails, I am blaming you for the end of the world.”
Constantine ended the call and the phone beeped before drowning everyone in silence. The leaguers shared more looks.
“Now what?” Hal said.
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mea11i7 · 2 months
Stickers AU Master Post
Please subscribe to this post to be updated when new parts of this series come out, as the tag list is getting out of hand and posts with long tag lists seem to be getting shadow banned.
As always, direct linking on the mobile app takes out the readmore cuts. If you would like to read without spoiling the surprise stickers, please click my blog name after using the link to go to the original post.
Parts 1-5 (long post)
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
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mea11i7 · 2 months
DP Mechanic AU Part 6
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 4.5 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
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"I have to wait for the engine to cool off, so it’s going to be a while before I can even start.” 
Danny gave Dash a surprised look. It hadn’t occurred to him to leave- this wasn’t like dropping his car off at a shop. Dash may have offered, but he was still doing Danny a favor, and it felt wrong to abandon the person you asked for help. 
“Oh, uh.” Danny responded eloquently as he figured out what he wanted to do. “Well, if we have time to kill, I can go grab us some food.” 
Dash gave him a puzzled look. He figured he could let Danny drive his truck, but he didn’t think that’s what Danny was getting at, and Dash wasn’t inclined to let someone else take his baby for a spin. 
“How do you plan to leave? You don’t have your bike.” He asked 
Danny grinned at Dash, always delighted when people who knew about his powers forgot about them. “Well ya see, when you’re half ghost, gravity is just a suggestion.” 
“Fuckin hell.” Dash muttered as he ran a hand across his face. “I can’t believe I forgot about that.” 
Danny just laughed at him 
‘Wait,” Dash started, as he looked back up at Danny. “Why do you even have a car- or bike- if you can just fly everywhere.” 
Danny shrugged, the smile content on his face. “I mean flying is like walking. At first, it’s normal and easy, but after an hour or two you get tired.” 
Dash nodded along, crossing his arms. “That makes sense.” 
“Plus, if I catch my parents as I’m flying, they tend to shoot at me, so that sucks. And its inconvenient to find a quiet place to transform back. Also, if I never showed up in some sort of vehicle, I’m pretty sure someone would finally get suspicious.” Danny listed. “Do you want me to keep going?”
Dash brought his shoulder up in a half shrug, “Point taken.” 
After a beat Danny looked at Dash and asked “Do you want me to take you flying?” 
Dash almost startled at the idea. It took every fiber of his being to not yell “Yes!” But the idea of being pressed against Danny- against Phantom- after being confronted with the very real crush he had developing on the boy was mortifying. He knew very well he couldn’t play it cool, so with heavy disappointment and a lot of effort Dash managed to say, “Not if it means we might get shot at by your parents.” 
“Can’t fault you there” Danny said with a placating smile. “How long does it take for a car to cool off?”
“Since it’s still spring? Maybe like 20-30 minutes” 
“Cool! Nasty Burger it is. You get to drive though since we’re not flying” Danny grinned as he started walking to Dash’s truck. 
It took a moment before Dash started moving. He was surprised Danny was sticking around- surprised Danny even wanted to be around him. But he also wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth, so with a grounding breath, he grabbed his keys from their hook and climbed into the driver’s side. He could play this cool. 
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The drive was short and rather silent- the only noise being the soft music coming from the radio. The lack of conversation made Dash nervous, but small glances to his passenger showed Danny didn’t look uncomfortable, so he let it be. 
“I plan to pay” Danny declared as he opened the car door and slipped out of the truck. Dash followed suit. 
“Why?” Dash asked, grimacing at how harsh he sounded. He picked up his pace briefly to try and get to the door first, opening it for Danny. 
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“I mean, sure. But I’m fixing your car in the first place to pay you back for-“ Dash looked at the dining area halfway filled with patrons, “everything.” 
“Yeah, and I’m for sure taking advantage of that.” Danny retorted, walking up to the register and relaying his order to the kid probably only a year younger than them. “-and whatever he wants” Danny said as he stepped to the side and looked at Dash, giving him no room to argue. 
Dash relented, and ordered. 
“Oh, to-go by the way” Danny said as he pulled a $20 out of his wallet. Dash observed that the ratty leather thing was as beat up as the one pair of pants with the hole in the knee Danny always seemed to be wearing. Dash wondered to himself how hard of a hit the car repairs would have been. 
Almost as fast as they ordered. the food was ready, their number called and the boys were walking out with their prize. A thought occurred to Dash as he was pulling his seat belt on. 
“How’d it even happen? Becoming Phantom?” Dash wondered out loud. 
He regretted the question as soon as it left his mouth. He could feel the mood shift in an instant and he swore it got colder in his car. Danny didn’t look at him, his face unreadable and his eyes fixated out the passenger window. Dash backed his truck out of the parking space hoping the movement would break the tension he unwittingly created. 
“That’s a story you’ll have to unlock later” Danny muttered   
Dash nodded. He didn’t know if Danny saw the motion, but he was too scared to speak. The radio tried to fill the space with its music, but the silence between the boys stayed oppressive until they pulled into Dash’s driveway. 
“I’ll be back” Dash said as he rushed out of his truck, finding his own voice loud after the silence. “I’m gonna change into clothes that can get dirty.” 
Dash came back down to the garage in a different pair of jeans and fitted shirt that had clearly seen the inside of a car. He noted Danny had set himself up on the family of stools that lived against the wall of the garage. One holding his food as he sat on another with his homework in his lap. Dash went straight to the Honda Accord and popped the hood, placing the prop into its spot. 
  “Did you want to eat first?” Danny asked    “I will,” Dash said as he pulled out a tub and finagled it under Danny’s car, opening the access valve and letting the coolant rush out. After setting up the car to drain, Dash washed his hands and joined Danny.    “I wanted to get the coolant draining first” Dash explained as he grabbed the take-out bag and rifled around for his food.    “Cool that you guys have a sink in the garage.”    Dash looked up at Danny’s face, trying to find any traces of the earlier mood. It seemed the storm had passed. Dash decided then and there he’d tread lightly on anything related to Phantom. It was a surprising observation to him. He’d never assumed it’d be a bad thing to suddenly gain superpowers- aside from having to fight ghosts now- but something had happened, and Dash wasn’t about to test this new tentative acquaintanceship? Comradery? Friendship? For the sake of answers. A year or two ago he might have made demands against keeping secrets from him, maybe grab Danny by his shirt and threaten him. But now Dash understood the sanctity of sharing at your own pace. 
“Me and my dad left one too many handprints on the garage door, so my mom made us install it.” Dash recounted after a beat. 
Danny gave a thoughtful hum in response. Silence consumed their presence again. It was disquieting to Dash, but better than before, so he let it sit- finishing his burger quickly. He wasn’t used to being around people he didn’t know how to talk to, most of his contact being with Kwan, or Paulina or the football team. But after years of antagonism on both his and Danny’s parts, he assumed silence was at least a step in the right direction. 
Brushing the crumbs off his hands, he got back up and went to the car, shifting the container now filled with liquid and starting the work of removing all that was necessary to reach the broken pump. Setting his mind to work was always like flipping a switch. It was easy to follow the steps and let his hands do the thinking for him as he removed the serpentine belt. As he was removing the power steering pump a thought occurred to him and he looked to where Danny was scratching in answers on a worksheet. 
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“How’d you even get your job anyways? I feel like shops don’t usually hire high schoolers” 
“Mm,” Dash hummed “Probably not. But Mr. Harper- uh, the owner- has been friends with my dad for forever, so he’s seen me working on cars since I was a kid. Plus, he needed the help, so I didn’t even really apply, he just kind of offered.” 
“Do you like it?” Danny asked.  
“I like the money.” Dash stated as he unscrewed the old water pump. “The job is fine, but it’s more fun to work on my own truck than fix other people’s cars.” 
“It’s not all bad. It’s good to have something to fall back on if I can’t go pro” 
“Do you think you can? Go pro?” 
Dash set the old water pump to the side and leaned up against Danny’s car, crossing his arms as he thought, leaving new smudges on the already stained t-shirt. 
“I don’t know.” Dash admitted, turning towards Danny “I think I’m supposed to be sure I can, but it’s weird to think about when you’ve only played High School.” 
“Where are you planning to go for college?” Dash asked in return, wanting to change the subject. 
It was Danny’s turn to look uncomfortable with the topic. “I don’t know if I'm going to college.” He stated, twisting his pencil in his hands. “The ghosts attacks have decreased recently, but unless I disable my parent’s portal, I don’t think I can really leave Amity. And even if I disable it, it’d just be a matter of time before they rebuild it, and the last thing I want is to leave everyone helpless just so I can live normally.” The pencil looked like it was ready to snap in Danny’s hand before he released a sigh and slumped a little more against the wall. 
“I guess I didn’t think about that.” Dash said quietly 
“It’s the only thing I’ve been thinking of.” Danny muttered 
“Aren’t your parents ghost hunters? Can’t they take care of the it if you leave” Dash asked, knowing this was high risk territory but feeling helpless to the rising tension. He was starting to realize how little he knew of Danny and how disconcerting it was to reconcile the fact that the boy he had bullied and the hero he had crushed on was the same person living with the anxiety of two lives. 
Danny shook his head at Dash’s suggestion. “They probably could take care of the ghosts, but they’d experiment or eviscerate any they catch. The ghosts don’t actually mean harm- usually. They just want to experience living again for a moment. They don’t deserve being subjected to whatever my parents come up with.” 
Danny looked at Dash with a tired smile “Thanks for trying though.” 
Dash saw the obvious out of this conversation and took it, nodding his head in acknowledgement, and turning back to the car with the new water pump in hand. Dash was fully realizing he didn’t know how to talk to Danny. Every question he asked seemed to run into tense territory. He wondered if Manson and Foley had this problem or if they had been so indoctrinated in Phantom and Danny’s life that they knew how to handle it all. He’d never felt this out of his league socially. 
It was easier putting everything back into place and Dash finished the ordeal with practiced efficiency. After the last of the coolant was funneled back into the system, Dash let the hood drop back into place. 
“Alright,” Dash started, Danny perked his head up. “that should last you a while depending on how much you drive. If it gives you problems again let me know and I’ll take a look at it.” 
Danny smiled at Dash before setting to work packing up the scattered pages that constituted his homework. 
“Thanks man,” Danny said  as he slung his backpack around his shoulders. “Seriously, I know this is just like a guilt trip for you or whatever. But this saved my ass” 
As unenthused as Dash was at the description, he let it be as he watched Danny pull his keys out and place his bag on the passenger seat. He looked up at Dash. 
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HOT DIGGITY Danny's turn to go "oh fuck, is he attractive?"
Quite the opposite of the last update what with being much more word heavy and only a sprinkling of drawings. I think Part 7 is going to be similar. I've already started writing it out and I think it's going to be as long as this
Thanks for waiting!! The next part is also going to take like 3-4 weeks, so you'll have to continue exercising your patience.
Also, tidbit, I like to think Paulina gave Dash those dice for his car when he turned 16 (I don't know why I like this idea so much, but it makes me smile)
Also, I am back to the HB pencil if you couldn't tell. It's cleaner than my tma days thou. ALSO everyone be proud of me. I drew that car by myself. Like I had reference open in a different tab, but like ground up I drew that. no tracing. I'm a car person now (not really)
Thanks for reading!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 4.5 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
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mea11i7 · 2 months
Gotham Twitter AU:
Started: 2024 June 15
Last Updated: 2024 August 02
Account Profiles
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen
Part Seventeen
Part Eighteen
Part Nineteen
Part Twenty
Part Twenty-One
Part Twenty-Two
Part Twenty-Three
Part Twenty-Four
Part Twenty-Five
Part Twenty-Six
Part Twenty-Seven
Part Twenty-Eight
Happy Birthday Tim
Part Twenty-Nine
Part Thirty
Part Thirty-One
Part Thirty-Two
Part Thirty-Three
Part Thirty-Four
Part Thirty-Five
Responses to comments on Tiktok re: Twitter Au
Part One
Part Two
Incorrect Quotes:
#1: Jason and Bruce
#2: Dick and Damian
#3: Tim and Jason
#4: Duke and Damian
Joker Painting
Superboy Fit
Nika and Damian
Wonder Woman Painting
Poison Ivy Sketches
Olympic Athlete Bruce Wayne
JayRoy Wedding
In The Waiting Room
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mea11i7 · 2 months
This is the master list of the Phancomics I’m making based on @nerdpoe and @spidori prompt ideas that Danny’s master plan to hide his ghost identity is to pretend to be a meta. But not just any meta. He somehow makes 10 different Hero Identities based on his various ghost powers and named dp for/inspired by his various ghost friends/mentors.
Original Inspiration Post
Photo OP
The Ticket Part 1
The Ticket Part 2
Danny has the Vote
Stage Names
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mea11i7 · 2 months
Stage Names
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mea11i7 · 2 months
Danny wakes up, strapped into a rollercoaster train car with a bunch of other civilians, in a dilapidated amusement park, with an insane clown laughing through the speakers.
He can see that the track is entirely broken, and that it will send them straight to the ground.
Danny knows he won't die.
Danny knows the civilians in the train car with him will.
So he slowly freezes the wheels until the car stops, a mere four feet from the edge, allowing the icy tendrils to snake down the support struts and reinforce them. His eyes are letting out a faint blue glow, his hands frosted over, and he isn't so much focusing on keeping the ice stable as he is focusing on getting it into the gears and ensuring that the train car can't be knocked off the track.
Now the civilians are feverishly whispering words of encouragement to him, to keep it up, while the local vigilante family fights the Joker.
Why, oh why, did he think that going on vacation in Gotham was a good idea?
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