meal-on-wheels · 1 day
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top surgery tats
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meal-on-wheels · 1 day
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meal-on-wheels · 5 days
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Thinking about how Chilchuck and Laios started adventuring at around the same relative time in their lives
There are a bunch of similarities to their backstories - leaving home at a young age (14, 12), starting careers in exploring dungeons as young adults (19, 22), developing a complex about the first monster that killed them (Mimics, Living Armor), getting scammed or taken advantage of by other adventurers (succubus-hunting party, gold-peelers) - that they give me "past and future" vibes
Chilchuck is the older mentor to the less-experienced Laios. He joined Laios' party when Laios had only been exploring the dungeon for a year, and Chilchuck regularly gives advice based on his own 10 years of experience in an effort to support Laios as leader. There are several occasions of Chilchuck either teaching or wishing Laios would learn something in particular that he thinks would help with the job
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Laios is a reflection of Chilchuck's past from when he was just starting out as a naive adventurer, while Chilchuck is an example of the future that Laios is striving towards as a seasoned dungeon explorer and leader
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But also, they can represent missed opportunities and paths not taken for each other
An example for Chilchuck is that he isn't treated with the same respect as a tall-man because he is a half-foot. He can lead a union of half-foots, but leading a party of other races, many of whom would infantilize him, is unlikely. There are limitations to what he can do (physically and socially) compared to Laios simply because of how each were born, and it's partly why he's so hard on Laios to make him a good leader and not waste the opportunities afforded to him
Meanwhile as an example for Laios, who left his family and fiancée behind when going out on his own at 12 years old, who wasn't shocked that Chilchuck became a father at 13, and who even mentioned that some tall-men get married at 13, too...
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If Laios had never left home, would he, at 13, have married someone from his childhood and also become a father of three?
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meal-on-wheels · 6 days
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My masterpiece
Chilchuck by @/chiaragnak on IG
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meal-on-wheels · 6 days
I was bored in chemistry class and felt the need to do this after seeing Ryan Gosling Laios.
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Edit: Some people pointed out to me that Kabru is actually South Asian. I didn’t know it when I made the post so sorry for that.
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meal-on-wheels · 20 days
i think the main reason people dislike kabru is that they’re approaching dungeon meshi from the typical shounen protag framework where the main character is the moral authority and anyone who questions them MUST be a villain, but dungeon meshi is excellent at showcasing laios’ deep flaws and how he works to overcome them. from an outside perspective (kabru’s perspective) laios is dubious in morality and kabru says as much when he explains how laios is the only person he can’t seem to read. kabru doesn’t doubt laios because he’s plotting anything, he doubts laios because laios is a strange and offputting person who stumbles into a position of immense power and titular plot momentum, all of which kabru realizes well before anyone else, and which kabru also handles extremely apprehensively and delicately Because he doesn’t want to misjudge a strange but innocent man. basically if you dislike kabru you aren’t reading dungeon meshi right
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meal-on-wheels · 21 days
I think I finally put my finger on the big difference between Laios and Falin's personalities, because they are very similar, but they are also definitely not the same. Falin's better at not stepping on people's toes, but I wouldn't say she's super great at social navigation either, just less likely to shoot herself in the foot.
I think in brief, Laios is way more outspoken about his likes and dislikes and will put more energy into what he cares about and distancing himself from what he can't tolerate, while Falin is more happy to go with the flow of whatever the energy in the room is. You can see this in their different attitudes about their upbringing, and you can read some gendered stuff into that if you want, but I really loved the epilogue story of her with Shuro and her voicing a recognition of that in herself and resolving to spend more time building a framework for her to exist for her own sake. Really her response to Shuro is another strong point for this, where she doesn't really return his feelings, but also doesn't have a strong enough reason to want to reject him straight away.
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meal-on-wheels · 21 days
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It's a little hard to articulate, but this happens with me sometimes.
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meal-on-wheels · 21 days
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some manga panel redraws for funsies
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meal-on-wheels · 21 days
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he wants this cookie so effing bad its literally detrimental to his physical and mental health. he keeps talking about how he's a danger to humanity and he needs to kill him but if they were alone in a room together (perfect opportunity for murder) he'd just shove his tongue down his throat like the cure for cancer is down there. he is his own worst enemy.
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meal-on-wheels · 26 days
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meal-on-wheels · 26 days
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Labru, my good friend Labru
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meal-on-wheels · 27 days
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meal-on-wheels · 29 days
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meal-on-wheels · 29 days
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meal-on-wheels · 1 month
I attended a Dungeon Meshi themed dinner last weekend and wanted to share what was brought/devoured! Enjoy the comparison of what the dishes looked like irl vs the show
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meal-on-wheels · 1 month
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