meaniemarizzzy-blog · 4 years
March 03, 2019 4:48 A.M.
Hey hey and I’m back with another blog! Wow, I should really stop writing at this hour.. LOL. So it’s one day before your birthday today, and I just wanna update you real quick on how things have changed since I last wrote about us. I just finished reading my blog about you last September, and my oh my A LOT has changed. Last October 25, 2019, someone confessed their love...... guess who fell for who?...... You guessed that right! HEHE. YOU fell in love with your BESTFRIEND! Hay nako, Archie, should I start getting scared of your girl bestfriends? Joke! Well long story short, we changed our BFF status to “exclusively dating” last November 06, 2019. Who would’ve thought? God really does work in mysterious ways. I always prayed for you ever since the beginning of our friendship, that you may find a loving partner who won’t hurt you as your last one did. And ever since we started dating, I always pray that I didn’t wanna hurt you in any way. But almost four months in, I know I’ve hurt you lots of times, and I’m sorry for that. (You know, there are a lot of times when I second guess myself being with you, because of how underserving I am to have someone like you. But I guess, I’ll just wait for you to get tired of me HAHA.) I hated seeing you get hurt even then. I was always so protective of you, it’s like I want to shield you from the pain this world gives. And maybe it’s because you are undeserving of it. You are one of the kindest people I’ve met, and honestly that is one of the million things I adore about you. You are so genuine with other people, and make it to the point to make sure that everyone’s okay. You almost never hold grudges against people. You are very forgiving of the most unworthy people (not a good trait btw). I hope that you learn to know when to put your foot down. I don’t wanna see other people abuse your kindness AGAIN. Always remember that not because you are a good person, you’ll let everything pass. It’s better to teach people to become a better version of themselves rather than being the enabler of their bad attitudes.
I know that you are SUCH a forgetful person, but never did I ever see you forget to care for people, to say thank you, to hold doors for me, to feed me, to appreciate, to be polite, to be grateful, to be humble, to be kind, to be understanding, to be patient, and to love me. I know that I may not be the perfect person for you, because of how many great women are out there. But always know that I’ll always be here to try to match how great of a person you are. I’ll always try to change myself to attain my best version. I can’t promise you a perfect relationship, but I’ll always believe in us. I will always strive and work together FOR US. I’ll learn to look past bad arguments, and become more understanding and patient. Archie, you are the greatest blessing God has EVER given me. Thank you for coming into my life, even though it wasn’t in the best circumstances. Thank you for choosing me everyday. I pray that you get the life you always deserved to have--- success, happiness, friendships, family, peace, and love. You are the light at the end of my darkest tunnel. I love you so much, baby! I hope you have a great birthday celebration!
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meaniemarizzzy-blog · 5 years
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meaniemarizzzy-blog · 5 years
I think I’m losing myself, and I don’t know if I can ever come back from this
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meaniemarizzzy-blog · 6 years
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meaniemarizzzy-blog · 6 years
October 28, 2018 2:36 A.M.
Hey so I crashed at slex earlier today. Got scratches on my car and on the car I accidentally bumped into. And guess who was there for me?? *Cue in drum roll*
I’m so depressed right now I honestly don’t know what to do. Isn’t it so hard to feel unimportant to everyone? I can honestly disappear right now and maybe they’ll care. The thing is, people only care after you’re gone, to be honest. There’s this deep emotion in me that feels like i’m in a deep black hole i cannot get out of. I desperately want someone to be there for me always, like “my person”. I need someone to be with me through my good days, and especially the worst days. WHY DO I ALWAYS CRY THO???? im that hurt maybe? WTF i hate myself
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meaniemarizzzy-blog · 8 years
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I watched the movie Split even before the announcement of the incentive dedicated to it. It really was an attention catcher when I first watched the trailer because how often do you see movies with a concept like theirs? 23 dissimilar personalities in one body is quite the number that can be hard to explain when inhabited in a single person. The movie in particular involves a kid, a woman, a violent man, and OCD personalities which made it controversial because in the past I never knew that distinct personalities can coincide in one body like the one in the movie. During my 1st term in DLSU, I took up NTROPSY which was basically an introduction of simple concepts with regards to psychological concepts. I remember our lesson about multiple personality, though our professor did not elaborate on it, It really became an interest to me. The dissociative disorder was a real thing that may happen to people when an individual underwent severe abuses of any kind during their early childhood. How often do course topics associated into movies right? This was my primary reason to await on the movie.
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The required article to read was pretty hard to take in because I do not usually read articles that are deep into terms and heavily filled with vocabulary type of words. This is the first challenge I had in understanding the concept of personal identity. I also think that the article was solely for the use of professional philosophers because of how it was explained and the terminologies was associated with it. After reading the article, I found that it is difficult to understand the theories of personal identity. Well maybe because the given article was not for meant for my intellectual capacity. So after not understanding the different theories of personality from the article given, I tried to research further about what personal identity is really all about and the possibility of the case of Kevin from the movie split.  
The first article I found about “Personal Identity” was written by Eric Olson. He defined personal identity as when a person feels a special sense of ownership and attachment. I define this when a set of beliefs, hobbies, likes/dislikes complete your sense of completeness and your being. For example when your hobby is ice skating, this will be part of your identity because this particular activity gives you the sense that you are you and it completes who you are. But as time goes on, our personal identity changes when we experience difficulty or new interests pops out. Our personal identity can be changed through time and other different factors. He discussed the term personhood which simply refers differentiating nonperson to person. It is the checklist of being a person and how it is to be a non person. In the same article, this particular equation was formulated: “Necessarily, a person x existing at one time is a person y existing at      another time if and only if x can, at the first time, remember an experience y has at the second time, or vice versa.”
The equation gives meaning to different identities. For example, like in the movie split, whenever the light was used by someone else the other personalities would not be able to recall the present moment which means that they are not the same person. Philosophy post on multiple theories regarding personal identity and the problems entailed by it. One example is persistence, they discussed about the possibility of an entity to be the same one in 2 different times. This is relevant to people these days because in different times, some people act in a different way according to who they are with and how they feel about the certain group of people. Like me, I act differently around people when I do not like their attitude, I tend to be a douche towards them. When I’m with a new set of people, I tend to be quiet and mysterious around them. The theory about persistence can also be described in my situation and others as well. After reading the article, I thought about my situation and for a second I thought that i have different personalities towards different group of people. But after reading further, I think it is normal to have variations in attitude with dealing with groups of people. 
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 The movie Split was well thought of and planned by the director. The director also took time putting in mysterious plot twists in the movie which made it more interesting to majority of the people. James McAvoy did a great job portraying the role with different personalities that goes with it. I was amazed of how he changes into different personalities in split seconds when the personalities were all scrambling for the “light”. Kevin was showed in the last part of the movie unknowingly of the situation that the other personalities did. This shows that Kevin was really a different entity amongst the very distinctive personalities in the movie. Kevin is awaken by the light when the actress says his last name. This way Casey can get hints on how to defeat the monstrous beast that evolved as the 24th personality of Kevin. He lived below a zoo which is where he adapted the behavior and mind of the animals inside. He got wild and killed everyone else except for Casey because of the escape route Kevin gave her which was the gun. Kevin discovered that he was out the “light” for quite sometime and over this time, his different personalities had taken over his body and more importantly, his life. His personalities explored these philosophical issues by having a powerful identity, a kid who does care about what is happening, and ones who are just there to oppose bad decisions made by other personalities. Each of the portrayed personality had different identities in them that none of them are alike. Each of them posed different interests and attitude to the real people around them. They also had different phobia and disorders which made it easier for Casey to fight against. 
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 In my opinion, Kevin’s different personalities did a great job in taking over his life up until they kidnapped these 3 girls. His personalities kept a low profile before the incident which made them in control of Kevin’s body. Dr. Fletcher is a wonderful psychologist because she knows skips and turns on the 23 personalities. She knows when something is off and if someone is pretending to be another. This helped the real Kevin discover that he was out of the light for so long and that he needed to be in control once again to stop his evil personalities in killing and doing bad things. It was nice to expound on the different issues on his multiple personalities which made me understand Kevin’s situation and the unlikeness of his case. Before this movie, I never thought that a person can be a habitat for more that 10 personalities which made me think that this movie is just for entertainment, but after reading articles about the issues, I learned to open up my mind to endless possibilities that the world poses on different areas of our being.
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Kormacher, Carsten, Personal Identity
Olson, Eric T., (2002), Personal Identity
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