meaningfound-blog · 7 years
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[so I'm on my lunch break right now and LOOK WHAT WAS PLAYING ON THE RADIO GUYS I AM SHOOK also sorry the formatting on this post is so ugly. I'm on mobile rip me but I hope to get to replies/starters later today!]
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meaningfound-blog · 7 years
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meaningfound-blog · 7 years
lemme tell you about your portrayal. your ego is just ego. it's not a portrayal. you're really james gunn. ego is the vaas montenegro to mia's jason brody. i love it. cept like mia isn't a white fuck boy, but let's overlook that in this compARISON OK.
[ !!! THANK YOU SO MUCH. This was the sweetest thing. I haven’t been able to read my messages here lately because of how insanely busy work has been keeping me, but this lifted my spirits so much! I don’t know if anybody’s still interested in writing with me now that I’ve been gone for so long, but it made me smile so much to see this. I adore your OC and hopefully we can further explore her already-hilarious dynamic with Ego.]
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meaningfound-blog · 7 years
&&. starter call!
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     [ /blows the dust off this blog
     HELLO EVERYONE! I’ve missed you all so much! I’m so excited to say that my job is finally calming down enough to allow me more time to write. So, I know it’s been some time since I’ve actively been able to do threads ( and for that I sincerely apologize ) but if anyone’s still interested, like this post for a Father’s Day-themed starter from yours truly! I have all of today and tomorrow off from work, so I’ll get to them all as soon as possible. 
     And as for the threads I do have that I need to respond to, those WILL be answered sometime within the next two days! So be on the lookout! I love you all and I’m so glad to be back!]
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meaningfound-blog · 7 years
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IT’S COMMUNICATION THAT FAILS HIM. the sound dynamics that distinguish the language of flora colossus almost too complex for the average space dweller to understand; and yet, not complex enough, all at once. he’s no problem with perception, for he’s probably more observant than most ––––– he has to be, when the rarity of his bark and his being seems to attract the best and the worst of bounty seekers.
thus, it’s with a kind of healthy suspicion that the sapling monitors the celestial; flickers of a glance that does little more than check that he’s still there !  even at a height barely half way up ego’s shin, he stands with a strength that suggests he’s far bigger; feet solidly planted into the planet’s soil, vines raised to display his leaves that wave gently toward the light in night sky. he’s immersed, in a silence he does not recognise ( a silence that plays to the life of the planet; and yet, a suggestion that perhaps its life is not all its outward beauty would suggest –––– ).
ego’s words take him by surprise, and he has to twist his head to look up. he considers the question, and, although his young self does not recall their previous encounter, it only takes a moment for the youthful wonder to settle back against inklings of an ancient intelligence ( that which he’d inherited from his kin; perception ).   ❛   why is this planet so quiet? there is so much life, but –––– it doesn’t feel alive.   ❜       
     THERE’S A PAIN that comes with knowing that the heartbeat he feels behind his rib cage -- a bird fluttering its wings against a cage that might as well not even be there at all, for all the purpose it serves him -- is an artificial one. Ego would sooner submit himself to the fate of mortality than admit it, but while he can lie to everyone else and deny it, deep down he’ll always know it to be true. He’s always considered himself to be GREATER than mortal beings, lauding his power, his lifespan over them as evidence -- to others or to himself, he can’t be sure -- of his superiority, but the one thing he’s always wanted for, the one thing he can never have, is the one thing that they do. He may be alive, but they have LIFE.
      PERHAPS EVERYTHING HERE is a hollow imitation, but it suits Ego just fine. He shuts himself away -- he tells himself that this is all he will ever need, anyway, and to aspire towards anything beyond that would be a fool’s endeavor. He’s called to a higher purpose than simply breathing in and out, existing, blood running through his veins until one day it stops and, years down the line, he’s faded, forgotten. That’s the fate of a HUMAN, perhaps, but what is all that, to a Celestial? Why subject himself to the TURMOIL that mortality brings -- that disappointing thing that he’d always thought he wanted, only to be proven wrong -- when he can keep himself safe here in his pretty little picture?
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       ❝ HM, I THINK you’d be surprised to find this out, but some people actually do PREFER the quiet, my friend, ❞ says Ego with a tight smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes. He’s dodging the question, and it couldn’t be more obvious; but as far as he’s concerned, he doesn’t actually owe any of his guests anything more than the hospitality he’s already shown them. In any case, he’s running out of time -- sooner or later, he’ll have to get them out of the way somehow. ❝ And I assure you, everything here is just as alive as you or me. Mostly because this planet, well . . . IS me. ❞
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meaningfound-blog · 7 years
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     THE BALL OF light, formed with great care and pulsating a deep, electric blue ( a surprisingly SOFT hue, only just barely hinting at the fathomless power that lies beneath the surface ) flickers out as if her words are the cue, and Ego stares in subdued amazement. Gradually, he lowers his hands from their position at level with his chest, where he, mere moments earlier, had given a rather rousing -- at least, in his opinion -- demonstration of the very building blocks he’d used to make this body of his.
        ❝ PLEASE, CONTROL YOUR enthusiasm, ❞ he deadpans, though it only takes a few passing beats of silence for a rueful smile to twitch into place at the edges of his perpetually-smirking mouth. ❝ Sorry if that was rude of me -- it’s just, well . . . usually that little trick you just saw slays ‘em in the aisles, you know? ❞ A chuckle, light and uninhibited even in the face of his companion’s admittedly intimidating glare, punctuates his sentence. ❝ As for what I WANT, well . . . at the moment, maybe that would just be for you to trust that I mean you no harm? ❞ He almost laughs. It’s such a CLICHE, the alien visitor, bent on painting himself a benevolent tourist. ❝ My business here isn’t exactly common knowledge, I’m afraid, but I can tell you that doesn’t involve anyone else but yours truly. So I wouldn’t waste time worrying over it. ❞
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          she trusts no man with such confident SWAGGER. diana knows that charisma exists           separately of good intent – & so her soft expression transforms into a pointed glare.            “ why are you showing me this? “ the amazonian questions a bit aggressively, finding           something inherently untrustworthy about the man. even if his tricks are beautiful ones. 
               “ … what do you want? “
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meaningfound-blog · 7 years
&&. life update!
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     [Hey, friends! First of all, HELLO AND THANK YOU to all my new followers that I gained during my brief absence! I’m so grateful for each of you, and I hope I continue to post content that you enjoy. I just wanted to pop in here and tell you all how truly sorry I am that I haven’t been able to be on here regularly over the past two weeks -- this week especially. My job is getting really down to the wire, and I’m working summer things at my university, as well, so time is kind of tight for me at the moment. ( I should probably get better at queueing things up to keep this blog from getting stagnant, but oh well. ) I thank all of you for being so patient and understanding of this, but I promise, I’ll be back regularly soon enough!
     For now, I have time to write VERY sparingly. My muse for Ego is still live and kicking -- so much so that I’ve been itching to write lately -- but I have to make wise use of my time. I can’t stay up as late writing because I have to rest and conserve my energy for my very physically demanding job. But rest assured that the ideas have been buzzing in my brain, and as long as you guys are willing to wait up for me, I have every intention of responding to threads and creating new ones, as well! 
     But yeah, I just wanted to throw this out there so that my longtime followers get an idea of where I’ve been -- I promise I haven’t disappeared into the wild blue yonder -- and to assure my new followers that I’m not usually so absent, hahaha. I hope you all are doing well, and THANK YOU so much for the positivity you left on my little heart post a while ago! I read them all, and they made me smile so much! You guys are the best!]
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meaningfound-blog · 7 years
I highly recommend you follow the person I reblogged this from.
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meaningfound-blog · 7 years
the people behind me at gotg vol 2: haha they're playing catch
me, actually literally crying: ....they're playing catch
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meaningfound-blog · 7 years
x | @didntmeantomutiny
      HIS FOOTSTEPS FALL short as he enters the cockpit, standing in the doorway, an expression of curiosity bordering on outright bemusement lingering on his features. Where moments earlier, Ego had been striding along with purpose, determination in his gaze sharp and focused enough to cut through solid steel, now he can only blink, taking in the scene before him with as little disappointment he can muster. He’d been expecting to find Yondu Udonta here today; there’s still UNFINISHED BUSINESS between the two of them that needs to be sorted out, and he’d been rather looking forward to the prospect of finally telling that slimy Ravager exactly what it is he thinks of him.
       RATHER THAN YONDU, though, the man sitting in the chair across the room from him is unfamiliar to Ego. Or at least, he’s familiar in only the vaguest of ways; perhaps they’ve met in passing before, briefly spotted one another during Ego’s numbered and equally exhaustive trips back and forth from this place, delivering instructions ( occasionally DEMANDS ) to Yondu. Immediately, something in his facial expression calms down; while he’s more than willing to unleash all levels of fury on Udonta, he doesn’t want to press his luck and potentially burn bridges with someone when he’s uncertain as to what position of power -- if any -- they may hold. He’s not so foolish as to go picking fights he can’t finish, even if he knows he’d win in the end.
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        ❝ YOU -- YOU’RE YONDU’S . . . what, exactly? Second-in-command or something? ❞ Ego would be lying if he said that he’s not totally thrown by this; all the same, he draws a deep breath, convinces himself that it’s a minor inconvenience at best, and presses onward. ❝ I’m guessing that he’s not here at the moment. Any idea when he’ll be getting back? If not, then I presume you’re able to take a message for him? ❞
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meaningfound-blog · 7 years
THE VEINS OF THIS WORLD PULSED IN HARMONY ; it was felt , the force shuddered at whatever it touched … all was new , unknown, FRIGHTENING in its suspicious capabilities but she found as much excitement as she did hesitation , eyes alight with the magnitude of it all. to have such power would be ….. intoxicating , and not for one moment could she imagine it all , to craft with her hands when all they knew was DESTRUCTION.
Perhaps it had inadvertently drawn her here ? 
The force had rippled a massive rift across the sky when she’d passed it , unbeknownst to the power it held , and its ultimate intent . It worked in mysterious ways ; it always had . Some manner of sentient decision making HAD to be embedded into the code of reality ….. Talon could sense that, it wanted more from her , anticipated MORE.
She too, wanted all the stars had to offer . 
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“  Well that is a delightful surprise. ” 
With the abstract reality she now inhabited , it’d hardly seemed plausible that such a simple delight could be readily available — then again , he’d crafted stone , plant, and LIFE from his hands , what was a touch of pleasure amid the necessary & mundane ? She smiles , warming a bit to the idea that she’d spend some time here …. 
It was peaceful , once given thought – so far from the jedi, & any bounty hunter worth his salt. She was wanted across any & every galaxy , and it’s begun to take its toll . Settling … calming … soothing ; her hand flexes , and pats the back of his gently once – contact with an otherworldly entity was frightening, but she wanted to extend what gratitude she could before absinthe surely stole it away. 
“ I’ll take anything you’ve got .” 
Her laugh thereafter was weak —– there’s not too much amusing about the situation she’d found herself in , and yet she insisted on pushing jokes through the very small fissure of her fear. She smiles at him, and gestures that they go forth into whatever room ( out of , realistic THOUSANDS ) , he kept his stores within. 
“ Thank you  , again . I cannot imagine this is a pleasant change of pace . I know I would prefer my isolation to be … isolated . Away . Empty.”
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      ❝ WHAT CAN I say? I’m a man who prides himself on being full of surprises, ❞ says Ego, and it’s a more obviously truthful statement than he thinks he’s ever made before. In spite of the generally welcoming and outgoing image of himself he tends to project to the rest of the universe, he’s quite an enigmatic figure, ceaselessly internalizing even the most innocuous thoughts and plans that may happen to cross his mind. Naturally, such a secretive personality works to the advantage of one with a flair for the theatrical like Ego. The more he keeps to himself, the more he gets to put into a dramatic reveal. ❝ When you’ve lived by yourself for as long as I have, you get accustomed to keeping stuff to yourself. If there’s anything that slips my mind or I neglect to mention, feel free to ask. I promise -- I don’t keep big secrets. ❞
      AND THERE’S A coy smile there to hide a devilish lie. This planet was practically built on secrets -- some of them far too dark, too COMPLICATED for anyone to ever know. In his mind, there’s never been any question, and the things he’s done have always unequivocally been the right thing to do ( at least, that’s what he TELLS himself, especially when those troubling thoughts keep him up at night. ) But he knows what others would say if they ever were to find out. He can see it now already -- the judgment on their faces, that sense of moral superiority that all mortal beings seemed to possess, especially around him -- and the last thing he needs is another threat to such carefully-laid plans.
       IN ANY CASE, Ego suspects he’s not the only one here who’s kept their share of secrets. Talon intrigues him -- or perhaps it’s not so much her as it is her POWER that draws his attention. Her energy feels so vastly different from anything he’s ever felt before, even in all his journeys to different planets in his search to begin The Expansion. If he’s being entirely honest ( a rare feat for Ego ) it worries him. He’ll just have to bide his time, he supposes, and see what he can find out in the meantime.
       ❝ WHAT ABOUT YOU? ❞ he asks, and there’s a flicker of almost boyish amusement in his gaze. ❝ Are you much of a secret-keeper? You seem like a woman who has her fair share of stories. Not a bad thing at all, of course, but -- well, I do wonder whether or not I’ll be able to hear them, as long as you’re my guest. ❞
      MAINTAINING A CURIOUS, watchful eye on her all the while, Ego beckons her through a winding corridor just off to their right; the noise of their footfalls, usually soft and ambient when there’s only one person walking through these halls, now seems oddly amplified, echoing off the high, soaring ceilings. In theory, he supposes he could simply conjure something, but it would take so much effort -- and, more than that, he wants to take this opportunity to get to know this stranger he’s taken into his midst. A little stroll might be just the thing to get the real measure of her.
        ❝ AH, NO NEED to thank me, ❞ Ego assures her as they continue walking, punctuating his sentence with an artless, dismissive wave of his hand, as if shooing away a fly. His tone of voice sings of modesty, and he’s careful to ensure that it’s seen as genuine; first impressions make all the difference in this sort of situation. ❝ It’s a refreshing little change, if you ask me. Good of you to keep me on my toes like this -- I was starting to get lazy, being by myself here and all. If you prefer isolation, though, I think you’ll be more than comfortable here. There’s not many who even know this planet exists. It’s all you could want in privacy. ❞
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meaningfound-blog · 7 years
Things I love: you can hear his voice so clearly in your writing??? The dialogue flows so well! And you bring so much life to him too I just love it 10000/10 would recommend
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     [ !! This is actually sO SWEET WHAT THE HECK– im dead thank you so much!! When I first started writing ages and ages ago, dialogue was one of the things I struggled with most, especially getting it to sound natural and move the story along in the right way. It means SO MUCH that you enjoy what I’ve written out for Ego! And I’m so glad I’m getting his voice down! His is a bit of a tricky one, because of that outward friendliness, but then you have to know when to bring out a bit of the menace, too. It’s been great fun. Thanks for the encouraging words! It goes without saying I think quite highly of your Owen, as well! :’D]
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meaningfound-blog · 7 years
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❛ maybe if the brain was an APP people would start using it. ❜   today’s mood : less than optimal.   ❛ what do you think? ❜
@meaningfound​ // sc
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     IT’S AN ASTUTE observation if Ego’s ever heard one before. Though his experience with the people of Earth is admittedly limited -- with the exception of Meredith, her family, and a select handful of others he’s had to work his way around along the way, he tends to keep himself distant from humans and their affairs -- even he knows that the statement is a well-founded one. ( Or, at least, he THINKS it is -- it’s been a while since he’s visited this place, and he doesn’t exactly ever remember hearing of anything called an ‘app’ during his last stay, but he thinks he gets the idea. ) Some things truly never do change, and the inability to think for themselves, to dare to push against a pervading mob mentality in their society, yet remains such a MORTAL trait.
       ❝ THERE’S ALWAYS SOMETHING, ❞ Ego agrees with a laugh of mildest, laid-back amusement. He can’t help but appreciate the IRONY of discussing the woes of the human obsession with modern technology with a being who, more or less, appeared to be a PRODUCT of that obsession. He’s not fool enough to call attention to such a thing, of course, but he doesn’t have to say it, anyway -- it’s given away in the glint in Ego’s sharp blue eyes. ❝ Last time I was here, video games were just starting to be all the rage. Now it’s all this. Can’t say I’m surprised -- they always seem to need something to latch onto. Either way, there does seem to be a bit of a bias against using any brains here, doesn’t it? ❞
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meaningfound-blog · 7 years
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meaningfound-blog · 7 years
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this is literarily all I could think of during the entire film and I can’t stop laughing
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meaningfound-blog · 7 years
Tell me what you enjoy about how I portray my character
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meaningfound-blog · 7 years
sympathy for the devil // the rolling stones
I watched with glee while your kings and queens fought for ten decades for the gods they made
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