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For the wix on the go, there are an assortment of convenient and discreet places to keep your sigils working and hidden from prying eyes. These are just some of the places you can sneak in a sigil to assist you through the day!
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witch’s basil lemonade
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basil is an herb i hold close to my heart as a witch, as it’s told in folklore that witches of old used basil to fly on their brooms. its magickal properties include steadying the mind, bringing happiness, love, harmony, and wealth.
lemons, rich with the aura of the moon, are excellent fruits for healing and cleansing. 
to make basil lemonade, you will need:
☾ ½ cup rinsed basil leaves
☾ 3 tbsp. sugar
☾ 4 cups water
☾ ½ cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
in a bowl, combine the basil leaves and sugar. with a wooden spoon, crush the leaves with the sugar until crushed well. add water and lemon juice, and stir clockwise until the sugar is dissolved (about 2 minutes). add more sugar to taste.
strain out basil leaves and serve over ice. 
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Talk to your house
Your house is a sentient being with it’s own spirit and soul. Some people identify this spirit as their household deities or friendly house spirits. But some people have altogether forgotten how important the spirit of their house is. Talk to your house. Houses that have been ignored tend to be dull, tired and susceptible to hauntings and negative energies.  So talk to your house, listen to its aches and pains, say hello. Tell it that you come in peace, tell it that you are there to listen to it speak. Be grateful to your house. And watch the energies of your home transform themselves into joy. 
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wait I have another “scary” story that’s actually just something else inexplicable that was tbh pretty sweet
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These amazing gifts came in the mail from @artwitchpath! I'm absolutely in love with how gorgeous everything is and how much love and thought went into it. I'm extremely grateful to have such a generous friend ♡ thank you so much again!!!!
The whole package was themed around the sun & sea (which of course is a huge part of my craft, life, and aesthetic)🌊☀️
It also came with a very pretty card and a in depth description of each item
1. A sea witches journal- handmade by @artwitchpath!!!!! "something I originally intended to be for Aphrodite. I never felt compelled to work in it and I realized it was meant for someone else... you."
I fell in love with this journal the minute I saw it. It's probably my favorite gift I've ever been given. It immediately reminded me of a gorgeous beige&warm colored beach. The fish hook was another thing that caught my eye and it reminded me of Moana who's my favorite princess!! Also!! Its made if multi media paper and I've been dying to start doing watercolors (and watercolor magic) again; a perfect ocean themed journal for that!
2. Sandalwood incense cones- "these smell great and remind me of the sea and sun" sandalwood is definetely one of my top 5 favorite scents I love it so much. It's so beachy and warm!
3. Seashell divination set- a yes/no/maybe divination set in a velvet satchet, these are so cute and the writing is adorable ( in hindsight I wish I had taken them out of the satchet for the picture)
4. Sun kissed oil- "a homemade dandelion infused sunflower oil I made this past spring. Infused and charged using sunlight, good for sunburns, dry skin and other things"
I used this on a dry skin patch on jasmine's skin (my almost 6 month old daughter) and it helped tremendously! I LOVE that its baby safe because baby safe oils are so hard to find! And it leaves skin smooth and glowing (you can literally see the sunshine on your skin). I've already used this oil like on 10 different things 😂 I really love it!
5. Mermaid pendulum- another homemade gift! (Made with shells found on the shore) "its charged with the intent to bring clarity and to tap into the deep sea of your own intuition"
i adore it, It's so beautifully made! I cant wait to bring it to the beach and so some sea side pendulum readings!
6. Saffron and cinnamon tea- "grounding, invigorating, and full of positive energy" this tea is absolutely life changing. It taste like a grounding warm sunrise, it also gives me strong desert vibes??? saffron and cinnamon are great solar magic ingredients and belong to the goddess Eos!!!
7. Solar plexus chakra essential oil roller- I love this scent so much its light and citrusy! I immediately put some citrine chips in it to boost the energy! I'm addicted to the scent (Organic Jojoba Oil, Organic Cedarwood Essential Oil, Organic Juniper Berry Essential Oil, Organic Grapefruit Essential Oil, Organic Lemon Essential Oil)
8. Sea star bracelet- an amethyst bracelet with a starfish charm! "The amethyst is for boosting intuition, trust, sleep, and connection to spiritual self. The starfish serves as a reminder that we can regenerate our beliefs, mindsets, and grow new limbs of thought that allow us to manifest happy and healthy lives"
This really hit me and honestly I havent been able to take it off. Especially during this challenging time in my life when I'm depending on therapy and trying to grow, and learn to trust and be happy♡
9. A sea witches spoon- a homemade spoon made of an actual seashell! "A great tool for adding sea salts to ritual baths, stirring tinctures, scooping herbs, or even just a decoration"
Almost everything here was made by @artwitchpath, give her blog a look! Her art is stunning and she has some amazing posts on incorporating art into witchcraft!!! And even solar art!!!
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here’s my take on himalayan pink salt: it tends to be listed as associated with love and friendship and positivity because it’s pink, but do you know why it is pink? because of the high iron content in it. iron, as in blood and rusted swords. think of it: blood salts. warding against fae tricksters, perhaps a blood substitute for some workings, an ingredient for binding oaths and for curses, a powerful but personal protector. strength, revenge, rawness. nothing wrong with the original associations, just a thought. i personally wouldn’t consider it as strong a purifier/energetic cleanser due to iron technically being an impurity
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Runic Languages And Symbols : Introduction
Runes are one of my favourite things to use in my craft. I like the look of them and how we can use them in our craft.
There are several different types of runes such as Theban script, Anglo Saxon runes, Enochian, Moon glyphs and Phoenician. I'll go into depth of each of them.
First Theban Script, it is known as the Wiccan alphabet. It is one of the main types of runes and is most commonly used in rituals and in book of shadows. It's quite simple to draw once you have the hang of it but might take some people more practice.
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Second Anglo Saxon runes, this is an older type of rune. It is another main type of runes and is quite commonly used. As the name suggests it comes from Anglo Saxon times. The runes are easy to draw but the alphabet itself is harder to get. It is mostly use for rune stones and can be a great addition to your craft.
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Third Enochian, some of you may recognise these runes. It is an angelic language and is commonly used in mediums.
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Fourth Moon glyphs, these are a personal favourite because of how beautiful they are. Moon Glyphs are magick symbols used for connecting with nature and Esbat magick. Unlike the others they are usually used by drawing them with ink onto the skin. They are slight harder to draw because of this.
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Finally Phoenician, Phoenician is the oldest recorded alphabet. It can be used for simply writing or for rituals.
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Hope you found this helpful. Blessed be.
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What's wrong with your plants?
This has helped me pinpoint what’s wrong with some of my plants incredibly easily! For those who don’t have the greenest thumbs 😊😊
Symptom: Long, pale leaves; small new leaves Cause: Not enough light; too much nitrogen Cure: Give plant more light; reduce fertilizer frequency
Symptom: Leaves curl under or have yellow or brown spots Cause: Too much light Cure: Move plant away from light source, or shade plant with blinds or sheer curtain
Symptom: Mushy stems; lower leaves curl and wilt Cause: Too much water Cure: Water only when soil is dry to touch; make sure drain hole is not clogged
Symptom: Leaf tips are brown and leaves wilt Cause: Not enough water Cure: Soak pot for 20 minutes in water and let drain; water when soil is dry to touch
Symptom: Leaf edges are crinkly and brown Cause: lack of humidity Cure: Mist leaves, or place pot on tray of moist pebbles
Symptom: Lower leaves turn pale and drop off Cause: Lack of fertilizer Cure: Fertilize plant regularly during growing season
Symptom: Leaves turn yellow or curl and wilt Cause: Too much heat Cure: Move plant to cooler spot in house; be sure plant is not close to heat vent or on top of TV
Symptom: Plant wilts between waterings; roots growing out of drainage hole Cause: Pot too small Cure: Repot plant into a container one size larger
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🦌 Hope you enjoy my dark fable about a dear deer family. (poetry/illustration by yours truly)
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I’m upset because I want to change the world but the world is too big and people are too mean
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plant tips🌿
this list of issues that may be occurring in your plant & how to cure them is very short! if you have any further questions please feel free to send me an ask/suggest additions to the post. issues may vary depending on the plant! other issues may occur that are not mentioned in this post. much love!!! -m💖
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[🌹] issue: pale leaves/small excessive new leaves why?: too much light. cure: try to reduce light. shade the plant with a sheer curtain if possible!
[🌹] issue: mushy stems! some of the lower leaves may curl/wilt. why?: too much water. cure: be sure to check the drainage holes. if something is stopping the water from reaching the drainage, make sure to unclog it. only water when the soil is dry to the touch. (depending on what kind of plant you have, this may vary. i’d suggest doing some online research on the plant itself.)
[🌹] issue: the edges of your plant’s leaves are dry, crinkly & brown why?: lack of humidity. its indication of poor watering habits.   cure: find a way to give the plant a little extra moisture. i find that misting the leaves is fairly helpful.
[🌹] issue: leaves turn yellow & curl/wilt why?: too much heat! cure: try to move the plant to a cooler place in your house. be sure the plant isn’t too close to a heat vent/space heater/tv.
[🌹] issue: leaves wilting & brown at the tip. why?: lack of water. cure: try to find a way to get the plant more moisture. something that i will do is flush the plant with water until there is water drainage. if the soil is dry to the touch, i think it’s time to do that.
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Ever encountered someone who practiced witchcraft despite their fears? I have a phobia; just drawings of shadow people give me panic attacks. But I want to learn. I want to conquer my fears and practice actual witchcraft. I know the more I look into the spiritual, the more it willbe drawn to me. Any advice on how to work through fear?
Nearly everyone who is a witch (hell, even magicians), including myself. The real shit is scary. Always will be. Doubly so for witches, as they find strength in the powers that are wild, chthonic, or flat out hellish. Witch spirits are notoriously rough. There isn’t a secret or a trick to becoming unafraid. You just have to learn the methods that either protect you from attack or destroy the attacker. The fear doesn’t just go away. In fact, I’d say it’s an integral part of it. 
The scariest thought is that nothing is nearly as private or secluded as you’d like it to be. Every time someone does real magic, it’s like a bubble bobbing on the top of a lake. It catches attention. Some good, some bad. And you either learn to deal with that before or it teaches you after. 
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someone explain the jewish holidays to me like i'm 5 years old
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Inktober Day 11 "Snow"
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Crash course on fake stones/misrepresentations
Because I have been too lazy to type this all up.
If your quartz has teeny air bubbles it’s glass.
If it’s got a fruit name it’s dyed. End of story. (strawberry, cherry, lemon, pineapple, blueberry) yes there may be some very rare exceptions-fire quartz being dubbed strawberry- but due to the rise in fakes with that name it’s generally called fire quartz now.
Aura quartz is a regular quartz that’s been bonded with another material. (man made)
Cinnabar Infused Quartz usually reconstituted and mixed together to make a red crystal.
Green quartz can be grown in a lab and anything that forrest green color is
Magnesite and howlite look very very similar to turquoise when they’ve been dyed, magnesite will have very deep cracks in it though.
No there is no white turquoise. 
You can do a uv test to see if it’s real
Often faked with Copal. They look nearly identical.
Amber will float in salt water-copal will not.
Irradiated/dyed stones:
Very vibrant colors!!
Irradiated: (they irradiate the crystals to get a deeper or more vibrant color)
deeply pigmented topaz or kunzite
dark (almost black) smokey quartz 
very deep pink or red tourmaline 
colored diamonds 
some cultured pearls 
vibrant yellow heliodor 
other stones may be dyed as well, generally if it looks fake..it is.
Heat treated stones: (really not a bad thing but if you’re going for natural)
Amethyst-lighten color+remove brown
Citrine-heat treated amethyst.
Aquamarine-remove green
Ruby-clearer stone 
Sapphire-clearer stone
Rainbow Cal-Silica
Nope, completely fake 100%
Literally just car paint layered with calcite and resin.
Citrine: (im so sorry)
Much of the citrine on the market is lab made.
If it’s lab made it’s usually amethyst that’s been heated until it changes color
The bottom of these stones will be white with more color at the tips.
Lapis Lazuli:
High quality is vibrant blue, hard to come by, and very expensive.
Low quality howlite, jasper or sodalite is dyed blue, and passed off as lapis.
Acetone will remove the dye but damage the stone.
The clear green obsidian you see all over ebay is slag glass.
Natural green obsidian has been found but it is opaque and is more gray than green.
there is red obsidian as well but again, it’s not a vibrant red and is more brick colored.
Wikipedia is not always right.
it’s glass it’s legitimately just glass
also glass. 
real opalite exists but it’s green and not commonly found
once again, don’t believe everything on wikipedia.
Doesn’t naturally form in the crystals, lab made!!!
rlly pretty though
Not naturally magnetic!
Magnetic hematite is 100% man made!
I’ll add more as I come across them~
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