mechadynasty · 5 years
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    ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴋʏ ᴍɪɢʜᴛ ʙᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʟɪᴍɪᴛ ʙᴜᴛ ɪᴛꜱ ɴᴏᴛ ᴍɪɴᴇ!
 Reblog  this  if  youre  interested  in  a  new  Overwatch  OC ,  Lunar  Colony  inspired!                                 Written  by  shelbi,  follows  back  from  @junkgun​
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mechadynasty · 5 years
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( replies are happening finally, and i wanna get to making more verses for this blog again! )
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mechadynasty · 5 years
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“Your what.”
» Immediately, King decided it was better for his safety if he shrank back a step.
» “That’s... Right, yeah, you don’t know what mains are, of course you don’t,” he muttered. It was hard to keep a proper composure around the Highlord- the games didn’t do him justice.
» He was quick to spring back into a more excited tone once he started talking again.
» “In simple terms, it means you’ve got a fan! Which- out here, is. I’d consider it a good thing.” King paused, giving Alarak a cautious look. “That’s a good thing to you, right?”
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mechadynasty · 5 years
starter for @mechadynasty​
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   “Soooooooo how fast can this thing go?” Lets skim over introductions– no matter how important it was for a talking chimp to give. He was infatuated over anything that lookedextreme–
   Can this mech do loops? Oh god please– that would be awesome!
» Skimming over introductions was one thing. Kyung-soo didn’t even know what to make of this. A chimp talking about his mech as if it were the most fascinating thing was as flattering as it was enough to almost make him drop the energy drink in his hand.
» Did he just go along with this? How did a monkey get past security...?
» “Singijeon isn’t built for speed, but by itself?” His tone made him sound surer of whatever was happening than he was. There was a brief pause as he took a drink. “Way faster than you’d think. Even better’s the firepower.”
» “...How did you get in here, by the way? Myung didn’t- our captain didn’t tell us to expect this.” King gave a slight gesture at Mateo as a whole. “Unless this is a dream. I kind of wanna wake up. Now’s a good time for that.”
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mechadynasty · 5 years
          “ You say that “, Dae-hyun starts, reaching for the bag of snacks beside him to put a new one into his mouth before the cut-scene on the gaming console in his hands ends, “ as if one isn’t named Mastermind, and another “, he pauses so he can sit a little more proper on the pink beanbag, “ La Princesse Sereine “, it’s over-the-top, both tone and gestures, before he sinks back into the slouching position. “ I don’t think it gets much better than that. “
» Kyung-soo didn’t have much intent on playing- whatever Dae-hyun was doing, he considered himself as emotional support for the time being. It wouldn’t have been fair if he was supposed to go against Dae-hyun, and the pilot in yellow didn’t make his name by going easy on people.
» He slouched back, arms rested behind his head. More than anything, he looked like a dropped pile of limbs on his eye-searingly yellow beanbag. So far this run hadn’t made him actively recoil into his seat- maybe he could have hope in the guy.
» “Some of them have a ring to them! You hear Mastermind, you know what you’re in for! Then you hear La Princesse Sereine and know the pilot’s the centre of his own little world,” he explained between snorts of laughter. This had to have been a first for defending his team’s great choice in names.
» “Not rejected names that somehow went through, like, Tokki, or something. Actual rejected names.” The cutscene made for some interesting background noise, and Kyung-soo was quick to nudge the mechanic once it looked like the pause was over. If Dae-hyun couldn’t focus on talking at the same time, that was his problem. “Did you even see the list of names I tried to get accepted? I’ll get it if I have to!”
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mechadynasty · 5 years
Myung: So how are you and Hana getting along?
King: I think shes finally starting to warm up to me.
King: [sees D.Va in the distance and waves] Hey Hana!
D.Va: [flips Kyung off in return]
King: Yup, we’re besties now.
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mechadynasty · 5 years
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( i wanna make an oc rp blog but i have no idea who to write.. )
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mechadynasty · 5 years
Send me ∞ and my muse will tell you...
If I Think They Are: Ugly || Plain || Alright || Cute || Freaking Adorable || Pretty || Beautiful || Hot || Stunning 
If I Would Go On A Date With Them: Not even if we were the last two one earth || No || Maybe || Eh….Sure || Yes || WILL YOU MARRY ME
If I Trust Them: Not At All || Not Really || Kind of || Yes || With My Life
If I Care About Them: Not At All || Not Really || Kind of || Yes || Deeply
If I Would Sleep With Them: Not Enough Alcohol in the World || No || Maybe if I were wasted || Maybe || Eh…Sure || Yes || TAKE YOUR CLOTHES OFF NOW! 
My Comfort Level With Your Muse: Keep a Distance || Okay You Can Stand There, But Don’t Touch Me || Let’s Get Coffee and Talk || Let’s Cuddle || I Can Change In Front of You || Let’s Take a Bath Together
If I See You As: A Stranger || An Acquaintance || A Friend || A Close Friend || My Best Friend || A Crush || The Love of My Life
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mechadynasty · 5 years
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                                      Welcome to Meowdy!
All users must be 16+
Literate threads, regularly updated. All replies are asked to be 3 sentences minimum
Active, approachable, and attentive admin (you have to guess which one)
NPCs welcome
AUs welcome, but kept separate from the server’s canon. This is primarily a canon-compliant server so all writers must take up a canon muse.
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mechadynasty · 5 years
beep beep how’s my portrayal ?
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mechadynasty · 5 years
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Busan, South Korea brought to you by u/mmaronn @ r/CityPorn
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mechadynasty · 5 years
‘ you can have my forgiveness but you can’t have me’
» Fuck. Why wasn’t he surprised? In a sense, he was. He was surprised that the comment stung as much as it did. It was too late to be having this sort of talk.
» Don’t think about it. He figured it was safer to shrug the comment off instead. Overthinking it would be the death of him, even if that was the only type of thinking he could manage when the only other option was using his impulsiveness as a sort of autopilot.
»“Whatever. I’ll take forgiveness and knowing you decided to listen, it’s what I expected to hear,” he said, arms folded across his chest. “Why’d you bring yourself into it? Needed a reminder that you’re better than me somehow?”
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mechadynasty · 5 years
‘ you have to keep moving forward ’
» The advice wasn’t easy to take when he’d been unceremoniously thrown out of his mech, lying on his back as if almost blinding himself by looking up at the sky would provide him with any answers.
» Working on Singijeon was something else when the mech had its own schedule of what it felt like doing. This was supposed to be a test run where he had space- fuel that was less likely to set the rickety thing alight theoretically should’ve done him better.
» Instead, King knew he’d have to stick with repairs instead.
»“You,” he began, barely beginning to sit up by the time he heard the rat. “Can shut up.”
»“You realise how hard it is to move forward when one loss means that your mech doesn’t want you in the driving seat anymore, right?” There was a pause, and then the pilot decided he would actually sit up, hands rested on his lap. Singijeon would only work with a pilot, but a system failure meant it was so much harder to control than it ought to have been. “Take one of those things for a spin and you’ll get why.”
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mechadynasty · 5 years
“Not all of us got it cushy in Junkertown, mate,” grumbled Jamie, heaving his pack over his arm and then going to cut off some meat. “I’m just tryin’ t’get by.”Hell, he didn’t even have it cushy in Junkertown when he lived in there.
“Huh? Nah, mate, you can get ‘em out. Happens sometimes, eh? Just like any other food. Honeypots don’t really bite, anyway. It’s super uncommon. It’s easy enough t’treat, too, but they ain’t gonna. They’re not aggressive.” Or even defensive, really. “Take no preparation, either. Just a bite out o’ the pot, eh?”
Finally, Rat turned to look at the other and gave him an almost snarky fashion. “You above eatin’ bugs? Too good for ‘em? Meanwhile in Junkertown you’re scarfin’ down irradiated river fish out o’ the self-polluted supply. I figure at least the bugs ain’t livin’ an’ breathin’ garbage.”
» Anyone who was comfortable in Junkertown was probably comfortable because the Queen liked them. Or you were like King, and your life hit such a low to the point Junkertown was decent by your own standards.
» The short junker almost looked like he was taking what Rat said into account. Less out of a culinary standpoint, more like the ants themselves were as much of a spectacle as the man promising to eat them.
» “Maybe this is why our image is so bad,” he thought aloud, quickly glancing up to meet the other’s look. Was this a challenge? He was above eating bugs that were in just as irradiated dirt no less than three minutes ago, but Kyung-soo wasn’t above being challenged to do something he thought was as ridiculous as that.
» “What’s that supposed to mean? You know I am!” Kyung-soo agreed without hesitation, rolling his eyes at the mention of irradiated fish. “I’m above not blacking out because of hunger, too. Everyone’s got bigger worries than fish with added tumours. If people can survive on fish living in garbage, might as well save the bugs and grubs for you n’ your buddies.”
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mechadynasty · 5 years
She cocked her eyebrow, but didn’t take her eyes off her activity.
“It’s less like that was the worst suggestion and more like it was the final straw.”
» It looked like he was in thought for a minute. A dangerous sight to see when you were dealing with this asshole.
» “That’s a record time for how fast you’ve lost it with us,” he commented, slouching back where he sat. “Did something other than me get under your skin earlier? Maybe I shouldn’t be the one being run over.”
» “Either way. If you can make a mech collision work for you, it’d be pretty impressive. Myung could watch it happen and she’d probably grab some popcorn.”
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mechadynasty · 5 years
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what does your mixtape sound like?
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mechadynasty · 5 years
hey, do u have a link to the prompt sending rules? i want to make sure i’m not doing it wrong, i see you saying not to send prompts without someone to rp with? do you not want to write, like...would they be called drabbles? like an independent thing? ty for the info!
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( don’t worry anon, you read it right! )
( the rules about sending prompts are on the rules tab, which is here! this ask made me realise i should edit it so it has its own section on the page )
( the tl;dr is: i’d rather use prompts for rp purposes rather than drabbes! i’m open to doing ship related shorts (it’ll just take a while), but sometimes i get asks with no context aside from the quote and i don’t know what to do with it. )
( as a general rule of thumb, i don’t want to do independent shorts since they’re really, really demanding for me. my focus isn’t great and uni means i don’t have a lot of energy to focus on working on drabbles, so i prefer to keep prompts to rp threads- i found it’s easier on me that way! i hope this makes sense! )
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