mechanicalviolator · 5 years
“No problem…” He shrugged, trying to sound aloof but, it was likely you could hear at least a little bit of joy in his tone. He hadn’t really had anyone counting on him like this in a long time… Sure, Mama sorta did but it didn’t feel the same.
Ryou snorted. “Also make sure you’re there to help with the whole birth thing. I need a hand to break when I’m nervous.” A joke, maybe?
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mechanicalviolator · 5 years
“Hm… you’re welcome. But… let me know if you do need help with anything.” He added the last part while glancing away, not exactly used to offering help much until recently. He’d been much more focused on himself the past few years…
“Will do, and Asahi? Thanks, it’s nice knowing I’ll have some help if I need it.” Might as well encourage Asahi being a little more selfless, yeah?
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mechanicalviolator · 5 years
“Ah… well, you’ll still want to put things up quick. A puppy learns how to walk much more quickly than a human. After a while the kid should develop at a human’s pace but it’ll be faster the first few months.” He explained.
“Got it. I’ll be able to put it up, though, don’t worry.” He nodded. “Thanks, though, for letting me know I’m on a short timelimit to do it.”
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mechanicalviolator · 5 years
“That… might be difficult.” He had to look up information on baby werewolves and, well…. “How quickly will you be up to doing things after having a kid?” That seemed like it’d require a little recovery time, but…
“...Uh, as long as I don’t strain myself, I think I’ll be good as soon as the doctor’s release me from the hospital.” He shrugged. That’d be a day or two at most, probably, and as long as he was careful it wasn’t like the wound would open back up.
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mechanicalviolator · 5 years
“Ah, right…” Ryou was little. Even if the guy wolfed out he wasn’t too much taller. “I suppose I can help then. What do you need put away?”
“Don’t worry about it, I’ll just put the stuff up while the little one is still too small to move around much.” He shook his head.
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mechanicalviolator · 5 years
“Good, good. I’m reading up on things too, when I can.” It was a little more sporadic… but he made it work.
He snorts at that next comment, “I can imagine…. and the teething should be interesting as well. You’ll want to keep important things out of mouth’s reach.” Asahi had already planned ahead and stuffed most of his belongings up high.
“I know that, it’s just...” He flushed a bit. “Most of the high up places are hard to get and I don’t wanna risk falling off some chair trying to put my things you, you know?”
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mechanicalviolator · 5 years
“Heh, true.” He chuckles lightly. “I hope you’re reading up on parenting… and puppy care, too, probably.” They were both werewolves so the kid was probably gonna be one.
“I am, it’s most of what I do when I’m not at work!” Which made his life sound incredibly boring, but... it was the truth (and maybe his life was a bit boring). “Potty training this kid is gonna be hell, I can already tell.”
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mechanicalviolator · 5 years
Asahi blinked a few times before tentatively putting his hand to Ryou’s stomach. The feeling of the little one kicking brought a small smile to his lips. “Feisty little thing, huh…” he noted, amused.
“Guess we should’ve expected that...” Ryou looked up at Asahi, snorting. “We’re both a little feisty ourselves, after all... they’re gonna be something else to raise.”
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mechanicalviolator · 5 years
“…..Alright.” He would put that into consideration, at least.
Some time passed and, for a while, Ryou almost forgot he was pregnant. Not enough that it would freak him out, but enough that it was a pleasant surprise when he felt kicking.
“Asahi!” He ran up to the other man without another thought. “Quick, feel the baby.”
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mechanicalviolator · 5 years
Asahi could tell the smile was forced… but he decided not to bring it up. “Thanks…” he heaves a sigh and leans back further into the couch.
“No problem...” Ryou swallowed, hand remaining where he placed it. “But... don’t be afraid to question yourself sometimes, okay?”
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mechanicalviolator · 5 years
He looked over at Ryou, eyes a little wide. “You do…? I- I mean of course you do. I am the same!” He affirmed.
“Mmhmm...” Ryou placed a hand on Asahi’s arm, giving him a somewhat forced smile. “I believe you.”
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mechanicalviolator · 5 years
“Yeah… well I still don’t think she was right. I…I haven’t changed…” he mumbled the last bit before staring down at his hands.
“...I believe you.” He had to push at this slowly, pushing it all now wouldn’t be any good. “I’m sure you’re still the same Asahi.”
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mechanicalviolator · 5 years
Asahi tensed up, gritting his teeth. Denial battled with the sense that maybe Ryou was right… Maybe Akira had been right as well…
“I… don’t know…. I can see myself from another perspective, so….” he couldn’t be sure.
“There’s things about all of us that we can’t see ourselves. I was blind to a lot of shitty things about myself for a long time...” Ryou sighed. “It’s just normal.”
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mechanicalviolator · 5 years
“She was….” he nodded. “B.. but, that’s not true! I know myself better!” Except not really… his grasp on himself was shaky at best.
“Asahi...” Ryou frowned at him, and for once, had the bravery to keep pushing back. “Are you sure? You could be blind to things about yourself that others notice.”
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mechanicalviolator · 5 years
He tilts his head curiously at Ryou but decides to let him dismiss the first subject.
“She’s the player behind Blackrose… and since you know I’m Kite, I assume that’s enough to explain how close we were and when we met.” If not then boy he had more explaining to do.
“Ah... then... she was your partner during the first set of comas...” Ryou frowned, looking at his hands. “She probably knew you better than anyone else...” Meaning her words to Asahi likely had truth to them.
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mechanicalviolator · 5 years
“… I don’t get what the problem is with it.” He huffed. “But, yes…. arguments over and over. She told my I’d changed…. told me I never would have done this before. As if she really knows me….” he growls.
“Asahi... that’s because it’s a...” Ryou sighed, shaking his head. “Nevermind.... I’m curious, though, how close were you and your girlfriend, when you do meet and all that...?”
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mechanicalviolator · 5 years
“Right…” he gave a small nod. “I guess the biggest issue was she didn’t like my job…. and what I’ve been working on.” He sighs, shaking his head.
“...I-I can see why she wouldn’t like it.” Ryou didn’t like it himself. “But I’m guessing you guys got in fights because of it...?” Something he couldn’t dream of doing.
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