medamoiselle-blog · 7 years
A drug-resistant strain of the HIV virus discovered in the Philippines has the potential to spark a new epidemic, scientists have warned.
HIV prevalence among Filipinos has risen sharply in the past decade, at a time when infection rates across the world are beginning to decline.
The United Nations estimates the number of new cases identified in the Philippines each year has risen by 140 per cent since 2010.
Researchers are concerned a new drug-resistant version of the virus, HIV subtype AE, could be fuelling the epidemic.
The strain is more aggressive, more resistant to antiretroviral drugs and progresses to Aids faster than the HIV subtype B generally found in western countries.
“The HIV virus has the potential to transform itself into a new and different virus each time it affects a cell,” Dr Edsel Salvana, director of the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology at the University of the Philippines told DW.
“There are nearly 100 different subtypes of HIV, with new subtypes being discovered every day.
“Most HIV infections in the Western world are of subtype B. Most of the research that we have on HIV is also on subtype B, though it accounts for only about 12 per cent of all global HIV infections.
“We have discovered that the explosion of HIV in the Philippines is due to a shift from the Western subtype B to a more aggressive HIV subtype AE.”
Dr Salvana added: “Those infected by the HIV subtype AE are younger, sicker patients who are more resistant to antiretroviral drugs. We are also seeing a faster progression to Aids under subtype AE.”
Around 5,000 people in the Philippines were living with HIV in 2006, compared to around 56,000 in 2016, according to UNfigures.
The number of new cases being diagnosed has also spiked in recent years, with some 10,000 new cases identified in 2016 alone, giving the country the fastest-growing HIV rate in the Asia-Pacific region.
Dr Salvana warned work done in recent decades to combat the HIV virus risked being undone if research was not conducted into the new strain.
“HIV is not done yet. We cannot think of HIV as a single virus but as a collection of viruses that are evolving, with a new mutation that can possibly set off a new epidemic.
“The gains that we have made in decreasing HIV infection rates will be short-lived without research and treatment for HIV subtype AE,” he added.
“This is urgently needed. Specifically for the Philippines, we need more scientists willing to do research work on HIV.”
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medamoiselle-blog · 7 years
Be so focused on your growth that everyone else’s business is irrelevant
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medamoiselle-blog · 7 years
I agree with you, @midwest-medblr , 100%.
These trolls really do need to get a life.
During a care conference today with multiple clinical care teams and a patient’s family, I witnessed an older male doctor call the female physician in the room by her first name and the male physician in the room by Dr. LastName in the same sentence. How patronizing. I threw up in my mouth a little.
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medamoiselle-blog · 7 years
Getting in shape sucks, but being in shape is awesome. Being fat sucks, but getting fat is awesome. (source)
125 notes · View notes
medamoiselle-blog · 7 years
Group projects in school weren’t meant to teach you teamwork, they were meant to teach you how to deal with the incompetence of your coworkers in the workplace.
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medamoiselle-blog · 7 years
TSK: I’ll just keep edging towards the exam room door while they hash this out.
Patient: I only kiss you that much to get you to SHUT YOUR YAMMERING MOUTH for a few minutes!
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medamoiselle-blog · 7 years
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this is a hell of a ride isnt it? this is a horror show
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medamoiselle-blog · 7 years
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Granny: No printer, just fax!
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medamoiselle-blog · 7 years
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medamoiselle-blog · 7 years
Mood for 2018:
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medamoiselle-blog · 7 years
Let 2018 be the year of moving on.
Let’s make 2018 the year of learning and growing and taking the little steps that will bring us toward big goals.
We’re moving on and we’re moving forward. Let’s dare to be hopeful in 2018.
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medamoiselle-blog · 7 years
My boyfriend broke up with me and my 80 year old, 5 foot tall, Indian grandmother told me that “there are lots of men…”
I thought she was then going to say “…in the sea” but she said “…they’re like flies” and made a disgusted face.
She hates flies.
468K notes · View notes
medamoiselle-blog · 7 years
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medamoiselle-blog · 7 years
How would you describe every year of medical school?
First year: 
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Second year: 
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Third year: 
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Fourth year:
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Intern year (aka first year of residency):
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All subsequent years of residency:
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Attending at a teaching hospital/when you’re the attending and you see med students:
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medamoiselle-blog · 7 years
2017 in Review
I read mdA’s year in review and wanted to use her template to reflect on my year, too. 
1 - What did you do in 2017 that you’d never done before?
Hung out with a group of friends and slept over without worrying about all the studying I’d have to do that weekend, went to a classmate’s/friend’s wedding, signed up to take Step 1 (omgomgomg), went through a messy break up, traveled to Europe by myself, rode on a train for the first time! (which actually took 6 hours instead of 4 because something was wrong with the train and they had to fix it halfway through the journey), killed a spider, read Lolita, went on a vacation for Spring Break, completed a project and wrote a research manuscript from start to finish, went to the Weeknd’s concert!  2 - Did you keep your new years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I dont remember if I made any resolutions last year...I usually don’t. But, for this year, I am going to continue doing what I have learned to do these past few months: 
1) focus on myself more (my health, my fitness, my happiness) 
2) get rid of toxic people and distractions in my life 
3) study for and do well on boards 
4) No more social media until after boards 
3 - Did anyone close to you give birth?
4 - Did anyone close to you die?
5 - What countries did you visit?
Some European countries, Mexico, Japan.
6 - What would you like to have in 2018 that you lacked in 2017?
Better, more supportive friends. I used to hang out with a group of gunners (they literally wouldnt share resources because they ‘dont want other people to do well on boards’ and didnt understand why that was upsetting to me). I distanced myself and I’ve been happier.  7 - What date from 2017 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
April 14th, went on a spontaneous quick trip to Japan mid semester and learned most of renal phys on the 15hr plane rides to and from Tokyo. Stayed at the Disney resort and had a magical time. 
8 - What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Taking care of my mental health, getting to know myself better, submitting my manuscript for publication. This year was full of ups and downs and many firsts, so I’ve learned a lot and have gained experiences that I value very much. That’s an accomplishment to me.
9 - What was your biggest failure?
I stopped running a few months ago, but I plan on getting back into it before this semester starts!  10 - Did you suffer illness or injury?
Thankfully, nothing serious.  11 - What was the best thing you bought?
I bought myself a ring and I absolutely love it! I love the way it looks on my finger and like wearing it. 
As for practical things, I bough an iPad Pro and now that’s all I use to take notes, study, etc. I don’t use paper anymore and it’s really nice to have all my material in one place.  12 - Whose behavior merited celebration?
All of the women and men who shared their stories using #MeToo. My parents for putting up with me and taking care of me when I visit, physically and mentally tired. The one student in our class who shared his struggles with suicide and depression in an effort to help others.  13 - Whose behavior made you appalled or depressed?
a lot of politicians...people trying to take away net neutrality, Trump and his tweets, the ex who told me [after we’d talked about doing residencies in the same hospital and how many children we wanted, etc.] that he wouldnt be introducing me to his parents or be able to marry me because I wasn't Egyptian and his mom wouldnt approve [Boy, bye], the mom who tried to exploit money using a bullying video.
14 - Where did most of your money go?
BOARDS. Who knew it was so expensive to schedule board exams...*le sigh* Also, a lot of money spent on resources...*le cry*
15 - What did you get really, really, really excited about?
I woke up to the first snow of the season and I could not contain myself!  16 - What song(s) will always remind you of 2017?
The Weeknd-Staryboy  17 - Compared to this time last year, are you: I. Happier or sadder?
A little bit of both...sadder and more stressed in some ways, but happier and more content in other ways. Overall, I’m in a good place. 
II. Thinner or fatter?
III. Richer or poorer?
18 - What do you wish you’d done more of?
More dancing. 
19 - What do you wish you’d done less of?
Social media.  20 - How will you be spending/spent christmas?
Hung out, made and ate xmas dinner, and enjoyed great company <3 
21 - Did you fall in love in 2017?
No, i thought I did at some point tho.  22 - How many one-night stands?
23 - What was your favorite tv program?
The Blacklist. 
24 - Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
Yeah.  25 - What was the best book you read?
Both Nejma and Salt by Nayyirah Waheed were great reads.  26 - What was your greatest musical discovery?
Dua Lipa.  27 - What did you want and get?
A ring, cute Timberland boots, an iPad Pro w an apple pen, an A in neuro (neuro is our most difficult system, it’s a 6 credit hr course with a lab, and I was scared to take it. But, i ended up really liking it!) 28 - What was your favorite film of this year?
I haven't been to the movies in years. I prefer Netflix/Amazon prime and watching from the comfort of my bed/couch. 
29 - What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
Turned 23. I studied for an exam, but got to celebrate with my family 2 weeks later. Lots of good food and cake!  30 - What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
If I had the wisdom I have today at the beginning of this year (2017) haha 
If people were kinder to each other. 
31 - How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2017?
scrubs 90% of the time. business casual or professional 5% of the time. Leggings, sweaters, sundresses, boots/heels, long dresses, etc. 5% of the time.  32 - What kept you sane?
family, Netflix shows, shopping, traveling.  33 - Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Pietro Boselli *heart eyes*
34 - What political/social issue stirred you the most?
Healthcare equality, DACA/immigration issues, net neutrality
^ Im going to keep MdA’s answer because yes!! 35 - Who did you miss?
My maternal grandmother who's been dead for 6-7 years now, but I still think of her some times. Also, my best friend who’s moved to another state for grad school.  36 - Who was the best new person you met?
I became closer to someone in my class this past year and I love hanging out with her. She is always so cheerful and optimistic. I love that about her. 
37 - Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2017:
Trust your intuition and don’t settle. 
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medamoiselle-blog · 7 years
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In a private cemetery in small-town Arkansas, a woman single-handedly buried and gave funerals to more than 40 gay men during the height of the AIDS epidemic, when their families wouldn’t claim them. -Source
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medamoiselle-blog · 7 years
You’re not asking for too much you’re just asking the wrong person
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