medicalmagician · 4 years
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Sunset themed moodboard for the Apprentice from the Julian route of The Arcana for anon!
-Mod Harley
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medicalmagician · 4 years
Most days, Ilya brought fresh pumpkin bread home with him from Selasi when I’d been managing the shop all day, or if he’d been doing house calls until after the clinic closed.
Yes, I ate a lot of pumpkin bread.
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medicalmagician · 4 years
After Ilya moved in with me, we spent a lot of time dancing in the living space, no real reason, just to have fun together. It was lovely.
The neighbours probably hated us singing terribly at one another and cackling at bad jokes, but we were happy; we were also making up for lost time. I’d lost a lot of memories, and even with some of them returning so had he; there was a lot of time that the plague and then everything after had taken from us. We were enjoying making new memories, being ourselves with nothing looming over our heads, and actually getting to have a normal day-to-day together.
We were dorks, and it was the best thing.
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medicalmagician · 4 years
Once Ilya reopened his clinic, I went back to work there too; Asra helped manage the shop sometimes, but he wasn’t always available, so most of the time I alternated the days and times I worked at each place. I had different schedules for different weeks of the month; there was always a week the shop wasn’t open, but the others I alternated the day/s I worked, or the shop was only open in the morning / afternoon, etc
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medicalmagician · 4 years
Lucio wasn’t there at the solstice ball after everything, for obvious reasons, but he was there for the ones before; I explicitly remember him getting into a huff over me being in the same carriage as him and Nadia when I still worked there, and eventually just went fuck it and told us to take a different carriage to him.
Later claimed it was so they each got the “recognition [they] deserve”, but in reality he was just terrible to Nadia, and jealous of me for whatever reason.
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medicalmagician · 4 years
Ilya and I were dorks. That is all.
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medicalmagician · 4 years
In addition to the language used in Vesuvia (both the dialect used in and also the main language), I spoke at least one or two others; it took me a while to relearn them though, because Asra and I didn’t share all same languages + he didn’t want to overwhelm me more than I already was trying to relearn everything I’d lost
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medicalmagician · 4 years
The Vesuvian dialect was a bastardisation of the language, mostly because of the cultural and linguistic exchange going on within the city
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medicalmagician · 4 years
Hi! I’m an Apprentice, Ehsan, from the Arcana! I’m looking for anyone, both canonmates and sourcemates. I’m 22, so please no minors.
I come from an upright Julian ending; I was nonbinary, got a lot of my memories back, and had a kid with Ilya somewhere down the line. I’ve got a lot of memories on my kinblog @medicalmagician, so feel free to look through that and like / reblog this or message me there!
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medicalmagician · 4 years
Hi! I’m an Apprentice, Ehsan, from the Arcana! I’m looking for anyone, both canonmates and sourcemates.
I come from an upright Julian ending; I was nonbinary, got a lot of my memories back, and had a kid with Ilya somewhere down the line. I’ve got a lot of memories on my kinblog @medicalmagician, so feel free to look through that and like / reblog this or message me there!
forgot to mention in the call that I’m 22, so please no minors!
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medicalmagician · 4 years
Valerius recognised me; he never thought I belonged at the palace when I was there originally, much less as the random magician Nadia hired, which is why he was such a prick to me when we “met”. He knew she didn’t remember then and so he could get away with treating me how he always wanted to.
He eventually actually apologised, and seeing him foot-in-mouth was exceedingly satisfying.
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medicalmagician · 4 years
smh I’ve kinned another twink
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medicalmagician · 4 years
The next time Ilya came to see me after Asra left, I was waiting outside the door for him, and I think I scared him for a moment because my eyes were so bloodshot and red around them from crying that evening. It’d been almost a week since he’d left at that point, and Ilya profusely apologised that he hadn’t come to see me sooner; he assumed worse than had actually happened initially and just ran the rest of the way down the street once he realised I’d been crying to just scoop me up in a hug.
His arms were warm and comforting, and I just cried for a bit because I was so afraid he wouldn’t come back, and that he’d come down with the plague and die all on his own, and there was nothing I could do to help him if he was somewhere else. Ilya cradled me whilst I cried and blubbered at him about how scared I was, just listening to my fears and comforting me as best he could. Being able to get it out was extremely helpful, and after I’d finally calmed down, he did his best to make me smile a bit before asking me if I was ready to be let go and then getting up to make us some tea while I nestled myself into the pillows.
He stayed the night with me, even though he probably shouldn’t have, and didn’t leave until I was well and truly awake and had eaten; it was probably the best sleep I’d had since Asra left. We kissed goodbye and Ilya promised me he’d be back as soon as he could be, and I went to the clinic feeling a lot more capable of helping my patients with a clearer head too.
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medicalmagician · 4 years
The argument Asra and I had when he left during the plague was over Ilya somehow letting me down because he wasn’t there for me, which was more fear on Asra’s part than an actual belief he held, and he directed that fear onto Ilya because he was the other person as close to me as he was, and the only other person who he trusted to keep me safe.
Lucio was extremely demanding, as well as finding a cure came before personal lives — which I agreed with; there were a lot of factors that meant Ilya was at the palace for weeks at a time, and Asra knew it too, but he was scared. I wasn’t angry at him, I’m still not; much of what he said hurt, but I knew he meant no malice. We just had a long history together, and because we lived together as well, he had much more of a chance to break down with me than others did. I knew Ilya cared and that he came as often as he could; he was doing his part, and I was doing mine. On top of that, I was afraid that if I left, Ilya wouldn’t make it, and I probably would have done exactly as Asra did for me if I’d been the one to leave and return to find someone I loved dearly had died. I’d never have shown it around my patients, but the plague genuinely terrified me.
The rest of the “argument” was mostly just Asra pleading for me to come with him, that we’d come back when things were safe, etc. and me telling him I needed to stay for the sake of my patients; most of the clinicians in the city were at the palace like Ilya, and many of the remaining were at the Lazaret to help the dying, so I was one of the few left to actually help the sick in the city itself. I wish we’d parted on better terms, but Asra was in the middle of packing when we argued; I’d come home from the clinic fairly late and he was already in the process of it, and he instantly said “we’re leaving” the moment I got upstairs, which is what started it. I think I tried to chase after him in the street when he left, not sure if I caught up to him or if I just dreamed I got to say a proper goodbye when I cried myself to sleep.
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medicalmagician · 4 years
We spent a lot of time trying to coax Muriel out of his shell a bit, and he was getting much better at allowing himself to exist with others
He even started actively asking for help sometimes; it was nice seeing him recover and become much happier overall.
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medicalmagician · 4 years
There was a lot of public cleanup / explanation needed after the masquerade, for a whole host of different reasons.
We had to explain after the masquerade why Ilya was still alive—for a few reasons, since people had also seen him publicly hanged.
After Lucio’s grand entrance, people didn’t really question that he was innocent when it was publicly explained, but him still being alive freaked people out, and there were rumours for a while that someone had switched places with him, etc.
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medicalmagician · 4 years
Dealing with seeing multiple timelines got better over time; at the very least, it became a lot less startling and stressful, though some of them were still upsetting or difficult to deal with.
I had a lot of support from my friends though, especially Ilya and Asra.
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