mediinfo · 2 years
Your eyes need constant moisture and lubrication from your tears. Tears combine water for moisture, oils for lubrication, mucus for even spreading, antibodies and special proteins for resistance to infection. When the tiny glands around the eye malfunction, dry eyes result. Dry eyes may cause:
Eye pain
Itching and redness
Blurred vision
Light sensitivity
Feelings of a foreign body, grit or sand in the eye
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mediinfo · 2 years
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a troubling disease usually found in people over age 50. In most cases, it affects both eyes and progresses very slowly. The main symptom is loss of central vision. Activities that require central vision – reading, driving and watching TV – are most affected.
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mediinfo · 2 years
Your hands are remarkable anatomical structures with amazing capabilities, which you need for practically everything you do. Your hands are also subject to various types of injuries, degenerative conditions such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, congenital defects and infections. Some of the more common hand conditions include Dupuytren’s contracture, trigger finger, ganglion cysts, damaged tendons and arthritis of the thumb. In orthopedics, a hand surgeon deals with conditions of the hands, wrists and forearms, and often treat these conditions without surgery.
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mediinfo · 2 years
Your hands are remarkable anatomical structures with amazing capabilities, which you need for practically everything you do. Your hands are also subject to various types of injuries, degenerative conditions such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, congenital defects and infections. Some of the more common hand conditions include Dupuytren’s contracture, trigger finger, ganglion cysts, damaged tendons and arthritis of the thumb. In orthopedics, a hand surgeon deals with conditions of the hands, wrists and forearms, and often treat these conditions without surgery.
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mediinfo · 2 years
Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by pressure on the median nerve as it passes through your wrist under the carpal tunnel ligament. This causes pins and needles and numbness in your fingers, which can make handling or gripping objects extremely difficult if not impossible. Carpal tunnel syndrome is common in people who overuse their hands for repetitive motions such as typing for hours on a keyboard or close work that requires fine motor skills. Carpal tunnel surgery is sometimes needed to ease pressure on the nerve.
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mediinfo · 2 years
There are two main arteries that bring blood to the heart muscle. Each of them is about the size of the tip of a pen or about 3 mm. This is how blood flow gets to the heart muscle so it can pump blood.
Diseases of these arteries are known as coronary artery disease. What happens is that over time they begin to narrow, frequently started by cholesterol buildup or damage from high blood pressure, diabetes or cigarette use. They will subsequently develop scar formation and calcify. They narrow down and limit how much blood flow reaches the heart muscle.
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mediinfo · 2 years
This records the heart’s electrical activity while the patient goes about their usual daily activities. The ambulatory test procedure allows the patient to walk and perform other daily activities during the test. Also called ambulatory EKG, 24-hour EKG, cardiac event monitor, heart rate monitor or Holter monitoring. Portable event recorders are worn by the patient for specified periods of time to reveal longer-term heart functioning. A heart rate monitor does exactly what the name suggests: it monitors a patient’s heart rate.
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mediinfo · 2 years
Dental bonding is an alternative to teeth veneers and can be used as a restorative procedure for teeth that are chipped, cracked, discolored or misarranged.
How does dental bonding work?
The tooth is prepared for dental bonding by lightly etching the surface and applying a bonding liquid. Once the liquid sets, a plastic resin is applied and sculpted into the desired shape by the dentist. Once set, the resin is trimmed, smoothed and polished to a natural appearance.
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mediinfo · 2 years
The invisible way to straighten your teeth without braces. Instead of traditional metal braces, Invisalign uses clear aligners.
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mediinfo · 2 years
Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) is a chronic disease in which plaque builds up in the arteries to the legs. It affects 8.5 million people in the U.S., including 12-20% of people over the age of 60. This buildup typically occurs gradually. If allowed to progress, blood flow in that artery can become limited or blocked all together. This progressive disease can reduce the quality of life and mobility.
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mediinfo · 2 years
A thoracic aortic aneurysm, or TAA, is a widening or bulging of a section of the aorta within your chest, that slowly degenerates. The aorta, the body’s main blood vessel, starts at your heart, and extends all the way to your pelvis, where it branches toward your legs. The larger the aneurysm, the higher the risk it may rupture, leading to damage of the aortic wall and bleeding that could cause death. For this reason, it is crucial to seek early intervention.
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mediinfo · 2 years
1 Source Solutions employs Certified Life Coaches and provides life coaching services for other industries and professionals in addition to dental practice development and dental practice management. Coaching includes partnering with dentists and professional clients from other industries in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to create harmony and balance in their personal and professional lives and maximize both their personal and professional potential. Life coaching is about finding balance and satisfaction in all aspects of your life, regardless of your industry affiliations or profession.
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mediinfo · 2 years
The course not only covers laser physics, safety, soft-tissue interaction and demonstrations of clinical technique but the information is delivered in a proven, methodical approach designed to facilitate learning, accelerate clinician performance and increase practice productivity and profitability. Attendees will be captivated and engaged as they are led through the exciting world of lasers in dentistry and periodontal therapy.
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mediinfo · 2 years
ESWL is short for extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, which is the most common treatment for kidney stones in the U.S. It’s a nonsurgical technique for treating stones in the kidney or ureter (the tube between the kidney and the bladder) using high-energy shock waves. ESWL sends sound waves through your body, which in turn break kidney stones into smaller fragments. ESWL uses these shock waves to crush kidney stones into dust that can more easily move down the urinary tract and pass harmlessly from the body.
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mediinfo · 2 years
ESWL is short for extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, which is the most common treatment for kidney stones in the U.S. It’s a nonsurgical technique for treating stones in the kidney or ureter (the tube between the kidney and the bladder) using high-energy shock waves. ESWL sends sound waves through your body, which in turn break kidney stones into smaller fragments. ESWL uses these shock waves to crush kidney stones into dust that can more easily move down the urinary tract and pass harmlessly from the body.
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mediinfo · 2 years
Cystoscopy is an office procedure used for diagnosis of various bladder and urethra conditions, and to answer certain clinical questions for people who have more extreme cases of incontinence. In this procedure, we fill the patient’s bladder with fluid, which our doctor examines through a telescope in only a few minutes.
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mediinfo · 2 years
Cystoscopy is an office procedure used for diagnosis of various bladder and urethra conditions, and to answer certain clinical questions for people who have more extreme cases of incontinence. In this procedure, we fill the patient’s bladder with fluid, which our doctor examines through a telescope in only a few minutes.
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