meetmeinduskwood · 3 years
What I should be doing: my stats homework.
What I'm actually doing:
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meetmeinduskwood · 3 years
Words cannot accurately describe my level of excitement for this game. Friday needs to hurry on up!!
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meetmeinduskwood · 3 years
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This tumblr meme got postedin a bug group today and I had fun explaining the actual biology going on so I’m just gonna paste it here too!!
Believe it or not, that venom actually did evolve for hunting little tiny prey. A rat can blind or maim even a larger snake in the blink of an eye if it bites the right spot. A mouse needs to only chomp a single gash into a larger spider and the spider is doomed. Tiny fish and shrimp can tear through the soft body of a box jelly or swim away so hard they take a tentacle with them!
Worse, if prey is pumped full of venom and still escapes, the predator loses a ton of energy it took to make that venom. Even if it didn’t get hurt in the scuffle it is instantly weaker and hungrier, and many venom-reliant predators starve to death this way.
And STILL worse: odds are just as likely the creature they come across when they’re hungry is *another venomous predator.* What’s a scorpion encounter most often in a desert? Other scorpions, tarantulas, centipedes and snakes.
That’s actually scarier than the herd of elephants. That’s like if you had literally nothing to eat but extremely large, furiously angry badgers, and you got to pick any kind of gun to hunt them with, but you had to actually make the ammunition from scratch, I mean you gotta actually forge the ore into the bullets or something. The smart thing to do is pick a weapon that seems like total overkill, so even though it’s harder to make, a single hit GUARANTEES a meal while you craft the next bullet. Don’t ask why you’re alone in an apocalyptic wasteland with nothing but badgers, ore and a forge, but now you know how the funnelweb spider has to live.
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meetmeinduskwood · 3 years
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So I know this is not a new theory, but on the second playthrough, I'm really seeing some odd behavior from Cleo. Why is she so worried about me suspecting Thomas? I get a strong impression she really likes him. Enough to get rid of her best friend so she can swoop in and comfort the boyfriend?🧐
If that's the case it seems odd that she suddenly suspects him after he showed up at Hannah's apartment. If she knew where the spare key was hidden, wouldn't it stand to reason that Thomas would as well?🤔
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meetmeinduskwood · 3 years
So today I learned that ants and bees are descended from wasps😶 How did I not know that?
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meetmeinduskwood · 3 years
Installed Dead City today, Everbyte's other cyoa story. The format is very different than Duskwood, but I'm enjoying it so far. I wanted to support the studio so I didn't install the free version, but I'm not sure if the free version has the ability to skip the time when Sam is gone too. I decided I wasn't going to skip any time, to give a more realistic feel to the game. I've read it was quite a short story though, so when it's finished I've decided to delete my dave game and play Duskwood again from the beginning and see what I missed 🤔🧐🔎
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meetmeinduskwood · 3 years
And another thing...Is it possible that Cleo told us the girl's name was Jennifer Manson to throw us off the trail of the bracelet, or was it just an honest mistake from an old memory?
And who pawned the bracelet? I thought for sure it had something to do with Jennifer Hanson (because of the initials) but that bracelet seemed far too fancy to have belonged to a child.
Maybe it really did belong to Jessy after all and she had to pawn it to help her family after being forced to come live with her grandparents? At one time I entertained the thought that Jessy and Phil were working together as the kidnappers, because they found out that their father was cheating with Hannah and Lilly's mother...but that seems a stretch. Yet, it would explain the marks being at both places Jessy has access too without looking suspicious, Rogers garage and her own home. Jessy became super suspicious to me when she suddenly asked for everything I knew about Phil and what they had on him. And I read a plausible reason for her attacking Richy in the woods, (on another post) that said she did it to throw the suspicion off her brother since he was in jail during the attack. The only thing is, we don't even know why Phil is in jail. For all we know, he could have been jailed for tax evasion or serving to minors...
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meetmeinduskwood · 3 years
Spoilers ahead
So, as much as I wanted to like Richy, he was suspect number one from the very beginning, and this is because (at the risk of sounding like I have serious trust issues) he was way too nice from the get go. Here your number comes through from a missing girl's phone, and all of her friends (understandably) are like WTF. They don't trust you, they don't like you, and sure as heck don't believe you when you say you don't know Hannah. Except Richy. He acts super nice and friendly all of a sudden, and encourages them to trust you etc. I think the only reason why, is because he's the kidnapper and needs to keep you in the group and get the others to trust you so he can find out exactly how you're involved and why, and exactly how much you know.
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meetmeinduskwood · 3 years
I'm spending way too much time obsessing about what happened to Richy. "if I watch the video again I'll totally see a clue" 😅
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