meetyoualltheway · 7 months
Sounds great! Rosanna will be there! With plenty of candy.
Her Halloween plans are a good bottle of energon wine and a bunch of horror movies. A cozy night in.
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meetyoualltheway · 7 months
Can Rosanna come over?
The last two times it's just been disaster after disaster. Maybe Spooky Night can break the curse and Iridessa and Jr can behave themselves... :)
It's ok if not, of course!
Her Halloween plans are a good bottle of energon wine and a bunch of horror movies. A cozy night in.
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meetyoualltheway · 8 months
Well, when Cherr insists on cleaning, Rosanna does her best to help--but Iridessa is the opposite of helpful, and she gets the point. "Only if you let me bring you some back," Rosanna says. "It does seem to have settled down--whatever it was. But I feel like you should at least get dessert, given the mess Iridessa has done her best to help create. This was so not what I had in mind when I thought she and Junior should get to hang out some." She's leashing her fox as she speaks.
"I'll be back in a flash with your goodies, darling."
Hey can you hold this? (Hands you a goth leopard gecko)
" AH-! "
She panics at the sudden apparenace of the creature in her hands, and that combined with her current state of luck, the gecko slips throught her fingers and onto the rug where in unceremoniously snatched up in Juniors jaws, who's back from his play date at the neighbors.
" Wh- Junior no! "
It's a good 5 minutes of her trying to get him to drop it before she gives up
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meetyoualltheway · 8 months
Rosanna and Cherr help one another up. It doesn't seem like either of them needs to go to the hospital, anyway; Cherr's doorwings were knocked slightly ajar and Rosanna's knee hurts, but everything slips back into place.
"Good boy, Junior," says Rosanna, only to look over to the table where Iridessa is eating their food.
"I swear I did train her," she begins, and goes to the table and grabs a carton that neither Cherr nor any of the foxes has eaten from yet. She doesn't really even care what it is. It's not what she ordered, and it's definitely overdone, but it's food.
Heavy food. Greasy food. It looks like they have...yep, the receipt on the bag says this was ordered by someone named Drag Strip for four other people and they're probably very annoyed that they have all of the sugary little cakes and tea sandwiches Rosanna ordered.
"Whoever ordered this had bad luck too," she muses, "because it was five guys who, based on what they ordered, were all hung over, and they got our food. And neither of us actually went into the frozen energon shop--I was just thinking about it. I think whatever's causing all these problems is a localised phenomenon. My day was going fine till I got to this block. Maybe we should go someplace else?"
Hey can you hold this? (Hands you a goth leopard gecko)
" AH-! "
She panics at the sudden apparenace of the creature in her hands, and that combined with her current state of luck, the gecko slips throught her fingers and onto the rug where in unceremoniously snatched up in Juniors jaws, who's back from his play date at the neighbors.
" Wh- Junior no! "
It's a good 5 minutes of her trying to get him to drop it before she gives up
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meetyoualltheway · 9 months
"Well," says Rosanna, "it's not what I ordered, but it smells all right." She carries the cartons to the table. "Someone must have been partying all night last night, there is a lot of bismuth brittle here."
Iridessa horks up the dead lizard.
Rosanna frowns and breaks off a big piece of the bismuth, then grabs the paper towels. "You might as well go ahead and dig in?" Rosanna cleans up after her pet and cajoles Iridessa into eating the bismuth.
Everything's fine until she goes into the kitchen to wash her hands.
Cherr's used to having smaller people over, so there's a stepstool, but the top step breaks when Rosanna sets her second foot on it, and Rosanna is now on the floor with soapy hands and the solvent is still running.
Hey can you hold this? (Hands you a goth leopard gecko)
" AH-! "
She panics at the sudden apparenace of the creature in her hands, and that combined with her current state of luck, the gecko slips throught her fingers and onto the rug where in unceremoniously snatched up in Juniors jaws, who's back from his play date at the neighbors.
" Wh- Junior no! "
It's a good 5 minutes of her trying to get him to drop it before she gives up
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meetyoualltheway · 9 months
As soon as Junior drops the gecko, Iridessa grabs it and swallows the lizard whole. She will regret this.
So will the carpet.
Rosanna has gone to answer the door. The food delivery's here. It looks like a lot more food than Rosanna would usually order from Cypher Eats, even allowing for the fact that Cherr is bigger than her.
That's because it was somebody else's order.
Hope you like bismuth.
By the time she opens the bag, the delivery drone is long gone.
Hey can you hold this? (Hands you a goth leopard gecko)
" AH-! "
She panics at the sudden apparenace of the creature in her hands, and that combined with her current state of luck, the gecko slips throught her fingers and onto the rug where in unceremoniously snatched up in Juniors jaws, who's back from his play date at the neighbors.
" Wh- Junior no! "
It's a good 5 minutes of her trying to get him to drop it before she gives up
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meetyoualltheway · 9 months
Rosanna sighs. "Well, we're having puffed mineral rings. I've never ordered from this new place, but their Yap! reviews are great. You know, we could sit on the couch...and see what's on the entertainment feeds today?"
M!A Luck Sinkhole: For two days your luck is so terrible that it may bleed out and affect those around you as well!
The day starts off horribly, if her luck is anything to go by. She was out of her meds and Joy wasn't available for a restock meeting until next week, so she pilled on another full nighter to her previous roster. It's not so bad really, she has experience living through life while running on fumes, and the weather looks perfect today! All she needs is a glass of energon and she'll be on stable feet in no time.
And then, groggy and tired, she trips on the rug and falls down her stairs down to the main floor.
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meetyoualltheway · 9 months
"Right," Rosanna says, because yes this is absolutely weird and on the other hand she is Glit's best friend and Glit just told her he thinks his new boyfriend is going to propose, but by the way this boyfriend of his is named...Megatron? Why would anyone want to call themselves THAT?
"I'm ordering Cypher Eats," she says, and whips out her phone, only to discover that her favourite blue energon ice is unavailable, because the shop is not taking orders--and yes, it's a block away, she could just walk there, except apparently, it is on fire. Well...you can't go wrong with puffed mineral rings, and breakfast time is whenever you want it to be, so she places another order instead. "Cherr," she says, pointing out the window, "why is the frozen energon shop on fire? Everything they sell is cold!"
M!A Luck Sinkhole: For two days your luck is so terrible that it may bleed out and affect those around you as well!
The day starts off horribly, if her luck is anything to go by. She was out of her meds and Joy wasn't available for a restock meeting until next week, so she pilled on another full nighter to her previous roster. It's not so bad really, she has experience living through life while running on fumes, and the weather looks perfect today! All she needs is a glass of energon and she'll be on stable feet in no time.
And then, groggy and tired, she trips on the rug and falls down her stairs down to the main floor.
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meetyoualltheway · 9 months
"I thought you knew I was coming, we talked about it last week--"
Rosanna sighs. "Well, anyway, your lock is broken. When I saw you there on the floor-- did you hurt yourself? Do you want me to call a medic?"
M!A Luck Sinkhole: For two days your luck is so terrible that it may bleed out and affect those around you as well!
The day starts off horribly, if her luck is anything to go by. She was out of her meds and Joy wasn't available for a restock meeting until next week, so she pilled on another full nighter to her previous roster. It's not so bad really, she has experience living through life while running on fumes, and the weather looks perfect today! All she needs is a glass of energon and she'll be on stable feet in no time.
And then, groggy and tired, she trips on the rug and falls down her stairs down to the main floor.
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meetyoualltheway · 9 months
"Cherr. Get up. I can't lift you. I'm way too small."
Rosanna is CONCERNED.
Her lavender turbofox slips its leash and attempts to lick Cherr's face.
M!A Luck Sinkhole: For two days your luck is so terrible that it may bleed out and affect those around you as well!
The day starts off horribly, if her luck is anything to go by. She was out of her meds and Joy wasn't available for a restock meeting until next week, so she pilled on another full nighter to her previous roster. It's not so bad really, she has experience living through life while running on fumes, and the weather looks perfect today! All she needs is a glass of energon and she'll be on stable feet in no time.
And then, groggy and tired, she trips on the rug and falls down her stairs down to the main floor.
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meetyoualltheway · 9 months
"Everyone knows who you are. But the Lord High Protector is down, and the Prime is distraught, and I'm trying to keep this ship running, so cry me a river!"
worst. honeymoon. ever.
i want to talk to the manager.
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meetyoualltheway · 9 months
"This is a fucking plague ship, Magnus. Go back to your room. Rodimus thinks you're dead and will be happily surprised you're not if you two behave yourselves. Shelter in place. Otherwise your husband won't make it home alive and I understand even Iaconian cops have to investigate if the groom doesn't even live through the honeymoon."
worst. honeymoon. ever.
i want to talk to the manager.
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meetyoualltheway · 9 months
What is a gimp suit? Is that some kind of adaptive fashion for humans that are disabled or something?
...Atari, stop laughing at me!
0 notes
meetyoualltheway · 10 months
Being Rosanna, she thinks they're cute. From a safe distance, but she does wonder how hard it would be to tame one if you weren't a minibot with a poison tolerance of Nope.
In fact, just... don't go outside.
There are giant scorpions out there.
It's like the reckoning with scorpions.
So many fuckiny scorpions.
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meetyoualltheway · 10 months
"You are already forgiven. I couldn't stay mad at you if I'd ever been mad in the first place," Rosanna says lightly. "I have friends on Earth and on Sanctuary. There are several places you can swim on the Sol System depending on your heat and cold tolerances and your pressure rating. My amica Glit is CMO at Sanctuary."
She eyes the straw in Slipstream's drink thoughtfully, uncertain if she wants a sip of that or something of her own.
Diveplane wants to visit Earth.
Slipstream's not sure if that's a good idea. She's heard rumours about the place.
She'll ask around. Discreetly.
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meetyoualltheway · 10 months
Rosanna reaches for an arm up; if she's going to sit in the same seat as Slipstream, she is going to need it. "I missed you too," she says, "Presents are important, but presence is more so."
Rosanna's not exactly a big girl, but she's certainly grown, now, and she can take care of herself. Being taken care of is really only fun when it's a choice.
"When I'm not playing, I could go with you sometime, maybe--though I trust your instincts about whether or not the location's appropriate."
She is a minibot, after all. "Have you ever been to the Sol System? I have a lot of friends there, and any friend of mine would be a friend of yours."
Diveplane wants to visit Earth.
Slipstream's not sure if that's a good idea. She's heard rumours about the place.
She'll ask around. Discreetly.
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meetyoualltheway · 10 months
"Hello, gorgeous. Fancy running into you out here." Rosanna grins. "How've you been?"
Diveplane wants to visit Earth.
Slipstream's not sure if that's a good idea. She's heard rumours about the place.
She'll ask around. Discreetly.
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