Types of Life Size Sex Dolls Every Doll Collector Should Have
We often invest our money in several things that help us escalate the level of personal well-being. So, don’t you think investing into adult dolls is just another way to boost your personal well-being as well as your sexual life? In the past few decades, these dolls have evolved as the most demanded sexual aids for both men and women. However, men are most likely to buy life size sex dolls than women, due to several reasons. But, we will be discussing this later. The major point of discussion here is about the different types of sex dolls that every sex doll collector should have.
Big Breast Dolls
Agree to it or not, but, most of the men like girls, who have big breasts over those, who don’t. Hence, this is an amazing variety of doll that will not just sexually fulfill your desires, but also be a tonic for eyes. The moment you stroke your penis in and out of her, you could see her beautiful tits thumping up and down. Visually appealing!!
Black Dolls
You might have different preferences for the skin color of the doll, like wheatish, black etc. The former color is easily available in the market. But, different colors, including black is quite rare. Hence, collecting a black doll will not just add a variety to your collection, but also give you a unique pleasure of making love to a black doll.
Mini Sex Dolls
This is another variety of adult dolls that you should have in your collection. Although they are small in size, yet their body assets, like orifices and breasts are quite huge.  So, you can be rest assured that these dolls will offer an erotic sexual pleasure, just like any other full size doll.
Luxury Dolls
As the name suggests, these dolls are quite expensive, yet offers value for money. These are the most realistic dolls that you can ever buy because these dolls are handmade, keeping the finest details very realistic. Body assets like vagina and breasts are well contoured and lifelike. Not just this, the internal vaginal walls and eyelashes too, make this doll highly realistic.
So, what are you waiting for? Buying sex dolls is very beneficial for men. Therefore, every man should have atleast one doll, as the perfect sexual partner. Grab your favorite type of doll and the moment you receive her at your home, you will start realizing the pinch of spice that the doll adds to your sexual life.
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Six Great Reasons to Own a Real Love Doll
Sex is arguably the most natural process in the entire world, yet for some bizarre reason it is also considered a very taboo subject, and that is such a shame. Without sex, you nor I would be here, yet we still can’t bring ourselves to talk about it honestly and openly, without turning red in the face and bursting into fits of giggles like schoolchildren. We all have different turn-ons and passions in life, and we all have different sexual preferences in the process. Because of this, the adult industry is thriving, and this has been the case for decades. Sex toys for men and women alike, are incredibly popular and are generating huge profits for adult companies up and down the globe. When it comes to popular sex toys however, love dolls are actually incredibly popular and are a great deal more popular than you might expect. Realistic sex dolls are sold to customers all over the globe every day, and they are incredibly beneficial as well. When we think of real love doll, we often think of inflatable blow up dolls with huge open mouths like the ones we see in comedy movies and comedy sketches on the TV. In reality however, realistic sex dolls are so, so much more advanced than that, which is one of the main reasons why they’re so popular. Below we’ll be taking a look at what these dolls actually are, before we provide a few of the key benefits associated with using them in the comfort of your own home. So, if you’re sitting comfortably, let’s talk love dolls.
What are love dolls? – Love dolls  are basically life-sized sex toys which are designed to look like realistic people. These dolls have ultra-realistic human features, they’re made from materials designed to look and feel like real human skin. They have realistic hair styles, eyes, eyelashes, brows, and much more besides, plus they also have realistic genitalia, which not only looks just like the real thing, but that also feels like the real thing as well. These realistic sex dolls are basically sex toys just like any other, except for the fact that they look and feel incredibly realistic. Most commonly these real sex dolls are designed to function as masturbatory aides, though sometimes they can be incorporated into the bedroom and can become a part of lovemaking sessions as well. Modern technology has advanced so much over the last decade or so, that truthfully some of the dolls available are so lifelike that people would struggle to notice that they weren’t actually real people at all. It may sound odd, but if you saw a photo of some of the more realistic dolls currently available, you’d swear that they were real people.
What are the main benefits of owning a love doll? – Now that we’ve looked at what these love dolls actually are, it’s now time to take a look at why the dolls are so popular, as we look at the key benefits associated with owning a realistic sex doll l. These benefits include the following:
Great wedlock protection – To some people, sex before marriage isn’t that much of an issue. However, to others, especially those with traditional values, sex before marriage is simply not an option. We all get urges every now and then, and if you were to get the urge but were adamant that you were not going to have sex out of wedlock, there wouldn’t be much you could do, other than regular masturbation. However, for people craving a more fulfilling and realistic experience, a realistic love doll would be absolutely ideal. The doll looks and feels lifelike, and if you were to use it, the experience would feel just like the real thing. This is ideal because you get to honour and uphold your values and traditions, yet you also get to experience sexual fulfilment and satisfaction at the same time.
Can save time – For some of us, life can get in the way of pleasure, and if you spend all day at work, the last thing that will be on your mind when you get home tired and stressed, will be to have sex with your partner if you aren’t in the mood. With a love doll however, once you have relaxed slightly, you can use it however you like, and then go back to relaxing and enjoying your free time. As wonderful as sex is, when you consider foreplay, preparation, setting the mood etc, the entire process can take a long time. For days when you simply wish to get down to business and then relax, sex dolls are perfect as they will save a great deal of time for days when you just don’t have the time, nor the energy.
Can save relationships – Believe it or not, but there are a number of relationships which have been saved in the past, thanks primarily to these very love dolls. You see, for starters, all couples will go through dry spells in the bedroom. Whether it’s age, stress, libido, or even just time and life in general getting in the way, there will be times when sex just doesn’t happen. Some people can resent their partners when they aren’t in the mood for sex, and as awful as it may be, they may go out looking for sex elsewhere, and may subsequently cheat on the person they love. With real sex dolls however, these dolls can potentially save relationships by preventing infidelity. Rather than cheating on their spouse because they are craving sex, people can instead get the same thrills and feelings of excitement from a love doll. Other couples actually use them to spice things up in the bedroom, as they may decide to use them similarly to how they would with a threesome, except obviously the third “person” would be the doll.
Protect against illness and disease – For some people who are single and are happy to sleep with multiple sexual partners, as enjoyable as this may be for them, the main issue with this is the fact that doing so could potentially put their health at risk. You see, when you hit the bars and clubs on a Friday and Saturday night, if you were to get lucky, if you were sleeping with a complete stranger, you have no idea how safe this may be. Obviously you can’t ask them to pull out their complete medical history, and if drink is involved, people often lose their inhibitions and may even have unprotected sex. This puts them at risk of sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV, Chlamydia, herpes, Gonorrhoea, and much more besides. There is also the risk of an unplanned pregnancy. With a sex doll however, when you are in the mood for sex, you can get down and can enjoy as much as you like, without having to worry about potentially contracting any illnesses or diseases. For many people, the peace of mind alone, makes these dolls very attractive prospects indeed.
Clean and hygienic – The problem with inflatable sex dolls in the past, especially those from the 80s and 90s, was that because of their design and the material used to make them, cleaning them after they had been used was a real nightmare. The design meant that giving them a proper cleaning out after use was near impossible, so most people either didn’t bother, or would simply give them a quick rinse out with cold water. This obviously is not enough to kill harmful germs and bacteria, so you could imagine how disgusting these dolls became after a while. That was then, and this is now, and now things have changed a huge deal. Realistic love dolls available nowadays, are made from realistic hypoallergenic materials that can be submersed in warm soapy water as much as you would like. Once you’ve finished using the dolls, you can remove certain parts, submerge them in hot soapy water, clean what needs to be cleaned, and then allow them to dry, all in a very short amount of time. The cleanliness and hygiene you can enjoy with these newer more advanced dolls makes them very beneficial, and again, very safe as well.
Different designs available – Finally, the last benefit we’ll be looking at today, is the fact that many of the more advanced dolls currently available, come in a variety of different designs, so you can choose your ideal doll in no time at all. We all have different preferences, so whether you like blondes, redheads, brunettes, small chests, large chests, green eyes, blue eyes, or anything else, finding a doll that best suits your sexual preferences is now easier than ever. As if that wasn’t enough, companies such as hotxdolls, actually have their own factories which can produce custom-made dolls, based upon your unique specs and requests. Customers can request dolls of all shapes and sizes, plus they can even send images in of their favorite divas, and can have dolls custom-made in their image. With so much choice available, it’s no wonder why these dolls are so incredibly popular.
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Why Babyclon dolls are taking the world by storm
If you’ve been following our weekly blog posts, you’ll know that ordinarily, we like to talk about Realistic sex doll   products, and look at how these silicone sex doll items can bring happiness and pleasure to all kinds of people’s lives. This week however, we’ll be looking at something very different, as we will this week, will be looking at Babyclon dolls, also known as Avatar baby dolls. In this article we will be taking a look at how some realistic dolls out there, can be used for non-sexual purposes and how they can provide different kinds of benefits and advantages to people’s lives in a number of different ways. But what exactly are these ‘Avatar dolls’ why are they so popular, how have they gained so much attention, and why are people from all kinds of industries, seeing such huge potential in them? Well, below we’ll be aiming to answer all of these questions, and more besides, as we look at why these avatar babies are taking the world by storm.
What are Babyclon dolls? – Babyclon dolls, also known as avatar babies, are relatively new products that have been generating a great deal of interest online. Initially a video of the dolls was posted online on the Instagram social media page. The video quickly went viral and it has currently been viewed close to 3 million times, and that number is growing every single day. Some people were intrigued, some loved the video, and some were creeped out, but what are these avatar dolls? Well, if you’ve seen the movie ‘Avatar’ you will instantly understand why these dolls are known as Avatar babies. You see, they are designed to look, well, just like baby creatures from the Avatar movie. By the way, these creatures are known as Na’vi and they are unforgettable due to their blue-coloured skin and humanoid features. These baby dolls are basically designed to look like baby versions of the Na’vi. Now, you’re probably thinking that light blue baby dolls made from silicone will look about as unrealistic as you can get, but you would be wrong. You see, these dolls are made from ultra-realistic platinum cured silicone which looks and feels about as close to human skin as you can possibly get. Babyclon are a Spanish company that focus on creating realistic-looking baby dolls, which is why their Avatar dolls gained such a lot of attention. If you saw a picture or video of these baby dolls, you would swear that somebody had simply put face and body paint onto real babies, along with a few prosthetics to create the trademark Na’vi look, and in fact, that is exactly what people did think. Some people were outraged that a parent would do such a thing to their child, only to find that in fact, they weren’t real babies at all. The dolls are fantastic if you’re a fan of the Avatar movie, though they do not exactly come cheap.
What are the key benefits of these dolls? – So, as you can now probably see, these Avatar baby dolls are very popular, but why is this? Well, in reality, there are a number of reasons for this. They include:
Ultra-realistic – As mentioned, these dolls are made from ultra-realistic platinum cured silicone to create a skin-like texture that looks and feels about as close to real human skin as you can imagine. The dolls do not come cheap, but boy do you get your money’s worth if you choose to purchase them. They look incredibly lifelike and if you’re a collector of dolls, an Avatar fan, a movie buff, or perhaps a combination of all three, these dolls would make a very welcome addition to your collection.
Opens up new possibilities in the adult industry – The technology used to create these Avatar dolls is like nothing you will have ever seen before, and the results speak for themselves. Whilst this is fantastic for Avatar fans, it also opens up a whole variety of new possibilities for people working in other industries. You see, the platinum cured silicone looks and feels so life like that people cannot tell the difference between these dolls and real human beings. For companies that manufacture realistic sex doll products, this is extremely promising because, theoretically, they could use this silicone to create adult silicone sex doll   products that look and feel incredibly lifelike. Whilst love dolls are gaining popularity and are becoming more advanced every single day, the material used in these dolls takes things to a whole other level entirely. For those who work in the adult love doll industry, this is very promising indeed because the material can help make a very good product, an outstanding product.
Great for practice before parenthood – Becoming a parent is tough, and if you rush into it, you can easily find yourself becoming overwhelmed with the entire experience. This is where Babyclon dolls are proving to be so beneficial, because these dolls are actually fantastic for soon-to-be parents, or people thinking of becoming parents, who wish to get some practice in before the take the plunge into parenthood. The dolls can be dressed just like real babies, you can look after them just like real babies, and they can help give you a better idea of what to expect if you are serious about becoming a parent. For parents, or even young girls looking to get an idea of what motherhood is like, these dolls are perfect.
Modelling benefits – Let’s face it, there is, and always will be, a huge demand for baby clothes and accessories, because people will always have babies. These babies of course need to be dressed in various clothes and outfits, and if you want your baby to look great, you will want to find the best outfit that you possibly can. The problem is that often, you can’t see what the outfit will actually look like on a baby, because generally you cannot use a baby for modelling clothes. If you were to model clothes on a baby, it would be distressing for the baby, getting it changed into new outfits would take too long, you would struggle to get the baby to keep still to get good shots, plus, there is always the risk that the baby would have a little “accident” on the nice clean clothes it was wearing. Because of this, baby clothes are generally not modelled, so you can’t actually see how they look on your child, until you dress your baby yourself. The promising thing about these ultra-realistic Babyclon dolls, is the fact that, as they aren’t real, you can dress them however you like, and not have to worry about distressing them etc. You can basically use the doll as a mannequin for clothes, outfits, and accessories, which may make your items more desirable. As the technology advances, the same materials can be used to create dolls of different shapes, genders, ages, shapes, and sizes, so modelling clothes will be easier than ever before.
A wonderful grieving tool – Losing a baby is one of the most distressing and traumatic experiences a person will ever experience, and we can’t even begin to imagine just how badly those affected must be feeling. Though you never truly get over that kind of experience, there are things you can do to help you begin to move on and begin living your life once again. Babyclon dolls can potentially be used by grieving parents to help them to truly mourn a child they may have lost, and to help with the grieving process to help give them closure. Obviously a doll can never replace a real human being, they can slowly help people to overcome their grief and to begin the healing process.
Promising for the movie industry – When we switch on the TV, or head to the movies, often we will find that many of the movies and TV shows we watch, will feature a baby, or babies, in various scenes. Some movies and shows are actually based around babies (Baby’s Day Out, Look Who’s Talking etc). As the saying goes however ‘Never work with children or animals’. The reason for this is that filing scenes with babies can be tough, because they basically do what they want, when they want. As modern science
and technology continues to advance however, in the future, there may be times where these dolls can be turned animatronic so the dolls could basically be used as stand ins for human babies in certain scenes. This is much safer, it is less distressing for the babies, and of course, it will help the shoot to run a whole lot smoother in the process.
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