megaburningfan-blog · 7 years
For those who don't have the Family Don't End in Blood book...
I have some exciting news. Due to a very generous person on Tumblr, I have Jared’s entire chapter. If you’d like to have it as well, I can email you the PDF. Reblog to let me know you’re interested, and message me your email address so I know where to send it to.
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megaburningfan-blog · 8 years
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— Charlie, you're a genius! — I know. In fact the problem.
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megaburningfan-blog · 8 years
Mentions of Genevieve and Thomas at BurCon
❤ Jared nearly lost the cuff bracelet he wears with Thomas’ name and birthdate on it. He’d put it in a bag with other valuables the day he went waterskiing in Austin and it fell out. He thought it was gone for good because he wasn’t sure it was safe for him to go looking for it in the dock area, but the police came out and helped him find it. Jared confirmed that he’d gotten ahold of Misha’s phone in Toronto, then later passed his phone around so we could all see a picture of Thomas’ blonde hair. He talked about how Thomas has blonde hair and blue eyes, then pointed out that he did as a child as well.
❤ Jared talked about trying to understand what Thomas is saying since he can’t really talk much at all yet. Thomas wakes him up in the mornings sometimes asking for “monay?” which is apparently Thomas-speak for more neigh when Thomas wants to watch a show (maybe a video) about a cartoon horse that he really likes. Jared isn’t great in the mornings so he tends to flail around a lot and weakly protests before finally giving in and turning on the TV. He says he doesn’t feel comfortable telling Thomas he can’t watch yet, because Thomas doesn’t understand why it’s better for him to go outside and play rather than stay inside and watch TV and it doesn’t seem fair to make him when he can’t understand. They’ll do that when he’s old enough to communicate better.
❤ Jared’s favorite episode was “The French Mistake.” Gen’s family was in town for her birthday and freaked out over the stunts.
❤ Jared Padalecki told a story of Genevieve’s family coming to the set for her 30th birthday while shooting “The French Mistake.” During a scene where two stunt men came flying through a glass window, her grandparents, in their 70’s and never having been to a movie set, looked completely shocked. Gen’s grandfather took a piece of the glass for posterity.e
❤ Jared says when you ask Thomas what a horse says, he says “naaayyyyy.”
❤ “It was kind of a reminder of how strange our job can be” Jared says Gen’s grandfather took a piece of stunt glass home.
❤ This Thanksgiving will be Jared’s first away from his parents because Genevieve isn’t able to fly right now. A fan joked that that must mean he’ll have to cook, and Jared said no, he’d leave that to the hotel staff.
❤ Jared talked about having a lot of time off lately, but said after the holidays he wouldn’t have a day off for quite some time. He won’t even be able to get time off for the birth of his new baby, which he hates but accepts since he’ll have time to get to know the baby when grows up.
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megaburningfan-blog · 8 years
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switch  [Theme 62]
in which i tried to do a combo fansite style/container theme… this is what i came up with O_O
Features - —
350px wide posts 
centered container theme
left or right aligned info bar
description + additional/more info section in info bar - unlimited text ( auto scroll )
optional hover tags
optional show/hide captions
optional side banners ( left banner, right banner or both ) 
side banner images are 80px wide by 440px high
sidebar title images are 180px wide by 20px high
permalink image is 350px wide by 20px high
background image is centered on theme ( included as example template )
customisable colours
up to 5 additional links
Any glitches, or questions, hit up my ask. Thanks :3 DON’T REMOVE CREDIT, a like or reblog would be appreciated! *please make sure to view all available options in the basic editor!
font-awesome icons used for custom ‘ask’ and ‘quote’ posts
photo and video resize by shythemes
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megaburningfan-blog · 8 years
Dean toddles into his baby brother’s room late in the night, rubbing his eyes with one hand while he drags along his stuffed kitty under his arm. He always sleeps better next to Sammy, and he knows that Momma and Daddy need to get their rest, too. It’s dark except for the moonlight pouring in between the blinds and the little nightlight by the door, but Dean doesn’t let it scare him as he tip-toes inside.
He’s got to stretch up on his toes to reach the little latch to slide the side of the crib down, tongue poking out between his lips on concentration. It’s real quiet, just the creaking of the floorboards under his feet and the muffled slide of wood on wood when he manages to get the little opening down.
“Hiya, Sammy,” he whispers, ‘cause Sammy’s probably asleep and Dean doesn’t want to disturb him. “Cuddle?”
He’s met with silence, so he just grabs his kitty and climbs up carefully, settling on the little pad alongside Sammy’s prone form and curling around him with care. It takes him a moment to get settled, making sure he’s between Sammy and the gap in the crib’s bars and that his kitty is comfortable under his arm, but as soon as he stops moving, he realizes that something is wrong.
Sammy is very, very quiet.
“Sammy?” Dean whispers again, putting a hesitant hand on his brother’s tiny arm. He doesn’t get a response, and there’s something unsettling about the way Sammy feels under his touch. Tears prickle at Dean’s eyes against his will as he sits up, kitty falling to her side in his lap as he tries to get Sammy’s attention. “Sammy!”
Sammy doesn’t respond, and he doesn’t move. It takes Dean too long to realize what’s wrong, and his breath hitches hard around a panicked sob when he figures it out.
“You- you gotta breathe, Sammy,” he whispers desperately, rolling his brother onto his back and watching in horrified distress as Sammy’s arms fall limp to his sides. His lips are parted slightly, tinted faintly blue in the low light, and his eyes are closed. His fingers are half-curled and Dean doesn’t think he can breathe, either. “You- you gotta, you gotta b-breathe, Sammy, c'mon-”
He’s got his little hands pressed to Sammy’s chest like he can will the air into his brother, and he realizes with a sick feeling of dread that there’s no thump-thump, either. A complete lack of the warm, comforting sound that usually lulls Dean to sleep on nights like this. He presses a little harder and he whimpers and he’s crying, now, tears dripping down his cheeks and off the end of his nose only to land on Sammy’s perfectly still features.
Momma sounds tired and confused and worried, but Dean can’t even look up. He’s too busy shaking his little brother, trying to get some warmth and breath and life back into Sammy’s tiny body, and he’s still there when she reaches the crib. When she gasps and reaches out and scoops Dean up in her arms and screams “John!”
Dean just watches his brother, still and quiet in his crib. He feels sort of numb, and he can’t breathe right, either.
Sammy doesn’t wake up. Dean isn’t the only one who cries.
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megaburningfan-blog · 8 years
SPN SDCC 2016 Panel Summary
Warner Bros will be celebrating Sept. 13th as #SupernaturalDay!
Very emotional sneak peek of s12. Dean riding with Mary. She says: “I never wanted this for you and Sam.”
Snippet included: Mary throwing Dean down, Sam being tortured, Cas spewing blood..
Jensen yanked off Jared’s beanie.
Going back to basics in s12, along with the hunt for Lucifer and the British MOL. They can’t get bigger than God, so Singer says they are doing smaller stories this year. Good old fashioned horror. 
Pokemon Go mentioned in Hall H. Jared: There’s a legendary Pokemon here I just found.
Jensen notes that Mom’s return will have a major dynamic change. Mom left when Sam was a baby and Dean was a child. Jensen: Dean has grown up, Sam has just gotten larger lol. The children that she knew are now men that she doesn’t. It’ll be interesting to see them try to bridge that gap. Her presence will make them all more vulnerable.
It’s been fantastic to have Samantha on set. Sam Smith joins them on stage!
Jared on Samantha: She is obviously more beautiful than the both of us combined.
Samantha says being able to experience Mary from a new perspective is really fun and interesting.
Jared notes that it’ll be an interesting dynamic to bring it back to family. Find out more how you become family. Now they’re not just brothers, but sons again, starting anew. 
Jared motions to Misha, acknowledges Cas is family. Mary is their blood, but will she be family like others have been? Says it’s interesting since family doesn’t end with blood and they’ve had someone (Cas) who is both not human and not blood be family. 
Dabb notes that Mary has been mythologized to them. They have knowledge of her, but they don’t know her. 
Dabb also says that Cas knows how important Mary is to the boys and he’ll have a cool dynamic with her. He might be tattling on the boys to her lol.
Cas is back to more like season four - he’s got his mojo back. Misha refers to Cas in the beginning of this season as having an “angry, fighting spirit.” 
Crowley’s family dynamic will be “returning in a more expanded scale.”
Ruth joins the panel!!
We’re going to see Jodi, Donna, Claire, Alex, and Gavin again.
Crowley wants revenge on Lucifer.
Ruth says she wants to explore the “toy boy” side of Rowena. Jared: It’s boy toy lol. She says she isn’t sure if Rowena is ready to be a grandmother (re Gavin). 
Lucifer is now looking for a vessel. He’ll try out a few different ones, needs to be strong, like Sam and Castiel. 
The first vessel Lucifer finds is a rock star named Vince, who will be played by Rick Springfield! Shot his first scene today and is doing an amazing job. 
A fan proposed to his girlfriend at the panel and she said yes aww.
Jensen says he feels like he could handle himself against a monster. The rest of the cast says it would be a Yellow Fever reenactment lol.
Jared: If the lights flicker or it gets cold, I go, “It’s okay guys, I got it” :P
Jensen’s daughter JJ calls Jared’s sons “my boys.”
Apparently Jared and Jensen walked into a bar in Austin and got asked if they were there to kill ghosts or something lol. 
Jensen wants to see the hunter side of Mary and the similarities between her and the boys. 
Singer: You don’t ever get to year 12 if you don’t have incredible fans. Fans encourage them to keep the show fresh. Thanks the fans. 
Jared is holding his AKF candle from last year. 
At the end of the panel they showed the s11 gag reel! 
Info via: Clarissa, Geek Scape, Keysmash,  HOF, Vlada, SuperWiki, Kamy, Sil’s livetweeters list, #SDCC #SupernaturalSDCC tags 
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megaburningfan-blog · 8 years
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Memorable work by Jared Padalecki.
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megaburningfan-blog · 8 years
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Hug from Jared.
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megaburningfan-blog · 8 years
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Fan:-you Have to show so many beautiful women. Jared: I only saw one...
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megaburningfan-blog · 8 years
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megaburningfan-blog · 9 years
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"Сыпал снег, и огромные белые хлопья застилали дорогу. Кто-то выбросил из окна очень высокого дома перекладной календарь, и листки его летели, как хлопья снега или прожитые дни, и человек шел по снегу (конечно, по снегу, не по дням же). Шел человек по снегу… Они усыпали улицу, черненькие цифры пролетевших дней, и ветер пытался приподнять бумагу, чтобы, вдруг взвившись вверх, швырнуть ее в окно человека, выбросившего год под ноги прохожим, выбросившего дни в снег, дни, ставшие снегом, который сойдет. Мальчик шел по листикам разбросанного перекладного календаря. Был вечер 31 декабря. Падал снег."
© Иосиф Райхельгауз. Не верю.
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