megalovania-exe · 5 years
Undertale valentine cards (2018)
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Au’s related
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Here they are~ just as promised uwu 
So.. uhm.. if you were on the poll you’ll see 5 more ships than said, thats because I wanted to add more undertale ships (not related to aus) and because it was sad to see so many sanscest ships left behind ;u; (like.. They were 21 and I had to choose just 5!!! thought it was unfair / not equitable ;u;)
Thank you so much to all the people that helped me with the phrases, and HUGE thanks to @maya-tl for helping me so so SO much! I owe you a lot hun! thank you!
Btw, just a reminder
If you dont like one of the draws / ships you see here, please, save it to yourself. I dont want any rude comments or anything, It was really hard to get this 25 draws done and Im already too tired to deal with hatred, okay? please
All these draws are for free use, but
Do not modify any of the draws, steal them, claim one as your own, remove the watermarks, etc. PLEASE ;U;
uhm.. btw @dreemurr-skelememer I saw you like some of these ships so… gotta tag ya (?) sorry if it bothers you ^^’ not gonna do it again if it does ;u;
Sorry for the bad english!
Tag list (of the owners of the characters) below!
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megalovania-exe · 6 years
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h e
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megalovania-exe · 6 years
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megalovania-exe · 6 years
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i don’t even know what i’m doing anymore aaaaaaaaa
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megalovania-exe · 6 years
I would say b3 screams "Papyton" so i'll go for that! :D
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megalovania-exe · 6 years
Sans, after Frisk kills every monster in the Underground: this is so sad alexa play megalovania
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megalovania-exe · 6 years
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*   nope nope nope nope nope.
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megalovania-exe · 6 years
despite everything, megalovania still bangs
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megalovania-exe · 6 years
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Whew! Finally finished this little animation I’ve been working on of Sans vs Chara! :) I pretty much have no experience in animating things…. So this was really hard…. And it’s really sketchy, but I hope you enjoy it anyway!
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megalovania-exe · 6 years
Mettaton: *walks into art museum*
Mettaton: I am here to donate myself.
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megalovania-exe · 6 years
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Is this considered fontcest?
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megalovania-exe · 6 years
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you may remember those sad and smol cuties QwQ their a little bit older but I still like them
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megalovania-exe · 6 years
You guys, I will literally never be over interpretations of the skelebros where they are just so VISCERALLY siblings Like don’t get me wrong, I’m don’t mind people doing their dramatic shit or fluffy goodness. But like, give me some GOOD ACTUAL SIBLING CONTENT
Tale Bros:
-Sans uses a baby voice around Papyrus when he wants to gently tease him. “aww, I’m so pwoud of my baby bwother”
“but you’ll allllways be my wittlest bwother” Sans ports onto the nearest high surface and pats Papyrus on the head with a shit-eating grin. Papyrus screams.
-Despite being the one to institute the swear jar in the house, Papyrus is actually the biggest contributor. It’s like Sans has a sixth sense for when Papyrus is about to swear and will appear in the doorway with a shit-eating grin as Papyrus sighs and puts 3 g in the jar.
-Don’t think its all one sided though. Papyrus has seen ALL of the weird shit Sans looks up online. (For a guy with so many secrets to keep you’d think he’d figure out how to use incognito mode or at least wipe his search history). He doesn’t know what half of it means but given how pale his brother goes every time Papyrus so much as coyly alludes to it in public is good enough for him. 
Fell Bros:
-I’ve talked about this before but the ongoing levels of a prank war between these two are reaching DANGEROUS heights. Both of them are petty as shit and decidedly extra. I mean, when Red is the one in the relationship that’s the most likely to say “you know what, maybe this is too far”, something has gone terribly, horribly wrong.
-On slow nights they like to watch shitty TV together. Reality TV is a guilty pleasure for both of them. Red pretends to be above it but you know he’s gettin a little emotional at the end of the Bachelorette. Edge drinks wine while Red drinks shitty lite beers and pretends drinking that horse piss makes him tough
-If both of them start roasting you at the same time you need to RUN
-A young Red: bro bro its okay, you can hit me back, don’t tell dad
Swap Bros:
-Listen, I don’t care what the fandom thinks, Stretch and Sans are both honest about the quality of their brother’s cooking. Blue experiments with a LOT of different taco recipes once he has access to different ingredients. Stretch is generally pretty good-natured about taste testing but every now and then he likes to ham it up a bit Including pretending to die for a full 15 minutes, during which time Blue just stepped over him on the kitchen floor. 
-Blue became a bit of a health nut when he got older, but both of them have massive sweet tooths and have been raiding each other’s stashes at every possible moment since both of them were babybones. Annual ritual every Halloween is both of them trying to track down what bizarre location the other has hidden their candy in. Stretch usually hides his better (he has a lot of practice from his cig habits), but Blue is not above using fake crying to get what he wants. That said Blue is also more likely to share without being asked.
-These guys were pretty ride or die as kids but on the rare occasions when they fought Blue would absolutely make a big show of crying if Gaster was anywhere nearby. Being the younger sibling has its perks.
Swapfell bros
-The age gap is the most severely felt of any of the bros. Rus already had a smoking habit by the time Black was old enough to know it was bad for you and Rus called him “Squirt” off and on until he was nearly 15. Then Black started getting on his Royal Guard hype train
They finally settled on Chief. Its respectful but Rus can put a sarcastic spin on it when he wants to lowball his disapproval.
-You know that “gravity is increasing!” scene from Lilo and Stitch? That, all the time, even as adults. 
-Both of them have weird issues with touching each other. Makes them anxious, particularly Rus. In the rare moments where they really need some extra comfort Rus has a tendency to put a hand on top of Black’s head. Its a kind of “big brother’s here” gesture that was really comforting when he was a little kid. Black deals with so much responsibility on the daily that sometimes it can feel nice to feel like someone’s kid brother again, no matter how much he hates it in day to day life. Black, on the other hand, wraps Rus in blankets and places him in a dark room by himself with food so he can destimulate for a bit.
-when Rus is feeling particularly petty he’ll turn his read receipts back on and not reply to Black’s texts. Or if he does respond it’s only with a thumbs up emoji. Drives Black crazy.
Horror bros:
-Crooks is always a little slow on the meme train and it makes Axe CRINGE sometimes once they hit the surface. He does his best not to show it because he knows Crooks is acclimatizing same as him, but the Lord is TESTING him.
Axe, dissociating into the next plane of existence: No, bro, who?
-Crooks finds laundry relaxing and absolutely refuses to let Axe do his own. Crooks likes strong vibrant colors, that kind of thing you can only get with fabric softener and separating loads. Axe just washes all of his clothes in a mass and it makes them look washed out and mono-color, which he can’t stand looking at.
-As both of them slowly adapt, Axe eventually tries to introduce some light teasing back into their relationship. Not a lot, Crooks is a bit more emotionally delicate than Papyrus and if he’s having one of his Bad Days even gentle mocking can send him into a spiral. After everything Undyne did to him Crooks has a chronic fear of failing, of annoying people, of doing things wrong or a burden. But as both of them begin to recover, Axe learns how to joke with him again. He hadn’t realized how much both of them missed it. 
-Their home is filled with the tackiest merch. Crooks has a gnome collection out front that honestly creeps Axe out a bit but the trade-off is Axe gets to keep his six different singing fish.
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megalovania-exe · 6 years
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Kustard in its natural habitat
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megalovania-exe · 6 years
Anyways here’s what I’ve been working on the past month and a half - enjoy
(also the full uncut post is here if people prefer reblogging that)
(and since everyone keeps asking there is a video link here and on youtube)
- warning for lots of Genocide Run spoilers -
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megalovania-exe · 6 years
Reblog if you agree that people who have only watched LP’s of games instead of playing them are just as valid as someone who has
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megalovania-exe · 6 years
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(Full Comic Under “Read More”)
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