megangodfrey · 3 years
Durring my DMP I found inspiration from the current pollution problems with plastic due to high demand even more so with COVID and the use of plastic cleaning product packaging.
My time in the first semester I carried out lots of research on the topic to be as sustainable as possible. I also found using old plastic items like plastic bottles and bubble wrap successful for embroidery, this is something I wanted to develop and carry out.
I developed the embroidery using plastic items I had collected and designed Frilled garments to show the waves and movement in the sea this was important as I wanted a deeper meaning to the collection.
I used dead stock fabric to be sustainable and limited the amount of waist in the collection.
I was inspired by Molly Godard as I love the movement and the effect of the drill design in her work, I find theses successful with bold and bright colours showing the volume well, this is something I wanted to take into my colour palette. I also loved the use of dresses and the feminine look she goes for this is what I wanted to show in my collection by using the use of design and colour.
To add more interest to the designs I give them all a asymmetric look to them to give more interest to the garments, the raw edges were also carried out though the collection to show the roughness in the sea and how it isn’t perfect.
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megangodfrey · 3 years
Case study
Alexandra Fullerton
Alexandra is a stylist currently working as fashion director at large at glamour magazine. She is also an author for a book called how to dress sharing her styling tips and tricks. Alexandra has worked for many celebrities and company’s using her styling skills and learning along the way.
Due to Alexandra being a inspiration for me I messaged her to ask if she had any tips which she replied with ...
Hi Megan, my best advice is to get work experience on magazines you read and love or assist stylists that you admire - work experience is the best route into the industry. Good luck!
This is beneficial to be as it gives me an area to look into and apply for when looking at internships.
When looking at her work I love her use of colour and patterns, her looks are never dull and full of volume and life. She always pairs her looked with perfect accessories and shoes which are a big feature of her work.
I have included a few of my favourite looked she has done for celebrities, I like these due to the bold colours and prints
Alexandra works with a range of females and males when styling, with a young style but is able to adapt this is something I would like to do as it enables you to cater for everyone giving them the perfect look.
She also heavily uses her Instagram to engage with people by talking on her story’s, interactions reels etc. This helps her following and people looking at her work, she also has a website using her online portfolio where you can ask her questions and book in to have a personal styling experience with her, this is something I will do and create my own Instagram showing outfits building a styling portfolio to show.
I aim to be further inspired by her work as I have purchased her book to read and gain more knowledge. I also will keep up with her Instagram to see what she is doing and her work for inspiration.
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megangodfrey · 3 years
Fashion Film
Due to not having a fashion show it was important to showcase our work so that our collection was shown. Due to this we come to the conclusion that a fashion film would work best,
A film crew hair and make up was contacted and show mood boards and inspiration of the look we wanted
For the film it was important we showed the clips we wanted for the best outcome and to show off the collection in the best way possible
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megangodfrey · 3 years
Fashion Film
Due to not having a fashion show it was important to showcase our work so that our collection was shown. Due to this we come to the conclusion that a fashion film would work best,
A film crew hair and make up was contacted and show mood boards and inspiration of the look we wanted
For the film it was important we showed the clips we wanted for the best outcome and to show off the collection in the best way possible
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megangodfrey · 3 years
During one of the PDP tasks and FMP it was important to organise a photoshoot in order to show an image of our collection in a high standard.
As a role within my promotion group it was important to make sure the images were posted and promoted on the group Instagram page, we also organised the models, photographer, hair and make up to enable the best outcome.
We contacted David lamb to take the photos for our shoot and researched suitable hair and make up stylists to be perfect for the role. We then chose a suitable date and time slots for everyone to attend to.
Creating a risk assessment form was also required to assess any risks we may face, including the current pandemic making sure we didn’t have many people in one room and masks were worn
The outcome was successful which the class having a successful image to show an outfit within their collection,
Before the photoshoot it was important that everyone knew what hair and make up they wanted to save time and be able to organise the schedules around. Everyone was asked to create a mood board showing there desired looks
I chose beach waves with a blue eye shadow make up look so give it a mermaid look that I wanted resemblance to the ocean was impossible to fit the outfit and style well
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megangodfrey · 3 years
Carly Williams Lucy Day Faye Spearpoint Chloe Plumfrett Sury Bagenal Ashley Raynor Annie Purtell Laura Fletcher David Lamb GH Leathers Happy Fabrics Whaleys
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megangodfrey · 3 years
Research - looking at other instagram pages for ideas on content, also looking at the best time of day to post for the best interaction. further what posts are more effective being reels etc to get the most viewers 
Hastags - looking at what hashtags work best on the instagram to reach the right people 
Reels - Reels are a current popular way to promote on instagram this gave me the role to create class reels and encourage others to make them. Reels get the best interaction and reach at least one thousand people
Content- Making sure were posting relevant content and posting to promote 
Highlights/ Stories - Posting stories to keep the instagram active and re posting others work to promote them and show the viewers what they're doing 
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megangodfrey · 3 years
Social Media - Instagram
Planning - Photoshoot, instagram posts etc
Communication- Emails and messages 
Advertisement/ Promotion - Instagram, posts ect
Research - Looking at other graduate instagrams for ideas, research best ways to promote and posts hashtags etc 
Team Work - Working in a small team making sure everyone has a role and communicates well
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megangodfrey · 3 years
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megangodfrey · 3 years
Mentor update.
After my email go Carly I went on to ask about fashion illustration to see if she had any tips when using illustrator. She then responded that she hadn’t used illustrator so didn’t have any tips, but she suggested doing a free month trial at skill-share which she recommends to learn new things as she had recently used it to learn about pro create. After this I am now looking into skillshare to set up a free trial which will enable me to learn more skills
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megangodfrey · 3 years
Target Market. 
Age- 18-30
Style- Feminine, colourful
Interests- Healthy living, nightlife, fashion and the environment  
Job- Influencer/ fashion blogger
Shopping - Shops in high street shops often but jobs in high end when it comes to special occasions. This can include Zara, H&M, Mango also Stella Mcartney and Molly Goddard 
Due to this being my customer I plan to create a feminine colourful collection of garments with lots of frills and volume. I will also be heavily influenced by sustainability and the current global pollution issues, this will be done by using recycled plastics and creating a statement embroidery to show this message of how the plastic is distorting the sea along with the sea life, it also shows how plastic can be reused in fashion. The use of frills give the garments a uniform and show the waved in the sea as a hidden meaning it also gives a feminine look to the outfits. The collection also looks at current trends in my research due to my customer being into fashion and keeping up with what's current in the industry. I have also considered fabrics which will be fitting to my customer this being fabrics which will create drama and volume but also being light due to the customer enjoying there time on holiday meaning these garments can be worn on there holidays and at home. The fabrics also include organic cotton and being as sustainable as possible and picking the better options, although Tulle being apart of my fabric choice isn't 100% sustainable it can be recycled and re used. Although sustainability is important it is also important these designs are garments to keep and stay and not a show away piece this makes fashion unsustainable due to it being a ‘throw away society’. This collection will also aim to be affordable to its customer. 
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megangodfrey · 3 years
As apart of the promotion team I have taken over the instagram highlights on the page, this week I gathered a small cover picture of peoples names and a background for everyone to have their own section. This has been an effective way to organise the story and peoples work for viewers to see. Sneak peaks have also been posted to the instagram for viewers to see and add engagement it also allows more content and posting on the page keeping it active. This sections shows a small picture of the class work and tagging their Instagram below. 
I have since updated my own instagram by creating a reel as they're popular at the moment to get the most interaction and views, I found this sucesseful as I gained a few new followers and over 1k views and I will continue to create theses. I also found them helpful to document my processes at uni and showing others the stages throughout my collection until my final outcome. 
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megangodfrey · 3 years
CV Update.
Throughout my time at university I have been updating my CV to get it to the best it can be, I have currently been working on my CV bio. This is a rough draft I have made using the strengths and weaknesses powerpoint and work shop. I have added spaces for information I don't have yet which is my final grade and a gap for the job role which I am applying for. 
I am a recent graduate with a …. degree in Fashion and Textiles from the University Centre Colchester seeking an … position. During my degree, I have developed good skills in time management and being able to manage my work, due to the heavy demands of assignments and research. As a result of this, I am also able to work under pressure. Especially when balancing my educational workload with a part time job. During my degree I have further expanded my creativity by being able to adapt to new trends and project briefs, this has given be excellent skills to adapt my work to fulfil all requirements.  I am looking to further challenge myself and gain further knowledge within the industry.
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megangodfrey · 3 years
Mentor contact
Last week I had contacted my mentor Carly Williams to find out any tips and about her previous and current jobs and experience she has in the industry. This was so help with any ideas for when I graduate also things to bare in mind when finishing my degree, I also found this contact helpful due to being able to ask her questions I had and wondered about. These are the questions I asked along with Carlys answers. I found finding out about her past job role and placements also helpful and interesting to see possible roles and paths for after graduation. I am now going to contact Carly to see about any advice for illustrator and fashion drawings due to her success in illustrations and I’m currently completing mine.
1. What advise would you give when applying for jobs?
-Be friendly and be yourself. Think about your style of work and apply for jobs that fit with your style. If you are a good suit for a job you are much more likely to get that job.
2. What past jobs and work experience have you done?
-I worked at Oasis for 7 years and this was the first job I got straight from uni. I did work experience as an assistant designer for an ethical fashion brand a couple of times while I was at uni. I also did a weeks work experience at Hand & Lock and also a week at Cosmopolitan Bride magazine, all while I was still at uni studying. I think the more work experience you have, the better chance you have of getting a job as it sets you ahead of other candidates. And it shows that you are a hard working person who is really passionate about what they want to do.
3. What job are you doing currently?
-I currently have my own business, Carly’s Illustrations. I paint and design prints and gifts. I am still growing my business and will soon be making surface pattern designs which I hope to licence and sell on Homewares
4. What did you do after you graduated?
-I worked at Oasis for 7 years. I was lucky enough to get my job straight after I finished uni. I started there as a design assistant on jersey and print, and worked my way up to senior designer on accessories and footwear.
5. Did you find it difficult to get a job, and how did you try to stand out?
-I was very lucky getting my job, as I got seen at new designers by someone at Oasis and got interviewed and got my job from there. I was really friendly and spoke to lots of people who would come to the stand. And I think my final collection stood out as it was colourful and had lots of detail. In an interview for a job I think it’s best to just be you, be natural and be friendly. And lots of work experience also helps too.
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megangodfrey · 3 years
During our promotion team meanings we concluded that Instagram will be the main form of promotion. From this we chose to take over the previous years Instagram page instead of creating a new one due to it already having a following. When starting up the Instagram I deleted irrelevant content being the highlights and some previous posts. The display picture was then changed into a updated one being a black and white image to look smart and fresh, after this I sent an email for the class to make there own cover photos for their section in the Instagram page to start to organise the content. Another email was sent to create an introduction for everyone in the class to be introduced to the followers unable to engage with the viewing, reels were also re posted to enable more engagement. I also carried out a range of research looking at other universities and design pages Instagrams to see how they promoted themselves and got engagements, this helps to understand and gain ideas for our Instagram to get the best outcome.
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Here is a picture of one Instagram used for inspiration and the Instagram before and after we started to make the changes
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These images attached are Instagrams taken for inspiration and the previous and current class Instagram page
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megangodfrey · 3 years
My 10 Brands. 
1) Selfridges.
Selfridges would be an ideal place of work as they offer personal shopping careers and assistant jobs enabling you to learn and work at the same time. “Our products are exceptional. And so is the service that accompanies them. Providing customers with advice and building on your luxury brand knowledge, you’ll create an unrivalled shopping experience.” This is a place I would like to work due to the wide range of brands they work for and would be a big client base due it to it being a big store. 
2) River Island
River Island offer many styling jobs within the company and assistant jobs. I would like to work for this brand because they're a high street commercial brand which a similar style to me and would be a brand I related to and have enjoyed shopping in for years. This company is also a good work to work up in and gather a range of clients and contacts. 
3) Davids Bridal
Davids Bridal is also an other ideal place I would like to work. The company offers many careers, I have always liked the idea of helping others feel confident in what they wear as a way to express themselves and feel good about their body's. “At David’s Bridal, we empower our customers and our employees to stay true to their dreams and find the one, whether that means the wedding dress that matches her personal style—or the career that’s a perfect fit.” This is something I would like to practice in making others feel amazing on their wedding days. This would be an awarding job and would learn a lot from. 
4) ASOS Internship 
Asos offer Internships “They offer a global summer internship for 2 months. Opportunities exist in global trading, digital analytics, data science, UX/UI, content, performance marketing and social media.” This is a brand I like and would like to work for it covers a range of styles and works with many brands which is a good way to meet people and get contacts. These internships Would be beneficial gaining a further understanding off the job and the brands learning a range of new skills. 
5) BooHoo Internship
This internship offers knowledge on a buying and merchandising role. This role would include 
 • To assist and support the merchandising team for the designated category, including providing administrative support as required. 
• To work closely with both the merchandisers and the buyers for the designated category to develop a full understanding of the range supported.
This would be beneficial to understand the brand and this job role and gain lots of knowledge and experience. Buying and merchandising is an area I have always thought about within the industry and would be a good way to further understand the role.
6) Ted Baker internship
Ted Baker are a woman's and mens wear brand which offer many internships as a chance to learn around the role and gain new skills. I would like to work for this brand as I like there style and garments, this would mean working with a style I like giving me more enjoyment out of the role. This brand is also a brand I would like to work for due to being able to gain new skills from the brand as they show you a lot within the roles. this would also give me future contacts and potential employment. 
7) Harrods 
Harrods offer many jobs and work experiences including the role of a personal shopper. This role offers their assistance to the store unable to help buyers find what suits them or even finding the perfect gift for someone fitting their shopping requirements. Harrods also offer further training opportunities which would allow me to learn further and move around in my jobs gaining more knowledge. “As a Personal Shopper in Harrods you will deliver exceptional customer service experience whilst building brand loyalty and evolving your client book. You will have a clear understanding about multiple categories and constantly keep up to date with trends across all areas”
8) H&M
H&M offer many visual merchandising jobs and internships this will enable me to learn new skills and about the role gathering more knowledge. 
Job Requirements: 
• Attractive collectively agreed remuneration package, including 30 days of vacation, company pension and capital-building benefits, vacation and Christmas bonus
 • Regular feedback, training and lots of opportunities to develop further within the company • A great corporate culture with open doors in which appreciation, diversity and inclusion are lived 
• You know how to perfectly stage trends, support current promotions with the appropriate product presentation and create a unique H&M look.
Farfetch offer merchandising jobs which will enable me to understand the brand and learn more about the role. “Our London Head Office is based in Old Street, London's tech hub, and is home to a broad range of teams including Ecommerce, Tech & Product, Brand Engagement, Buying, Merchandising and People more. Our open plan space is ideal for collaborative working and sharing ideals, or you can enjoy some quiet time in our dedicated library. We also have a large outdoor terrace which is the perfect spot to have a team lunch or host events.” This company would be ideal for me as I like the company and use them when I'm shopping, they all offer many benefits and further training within the company.
• Equity within the Farfetch group and annual bonus/or commission. 
• Flexible benefits - Private Insurance, Dental Insurance, Season Ticket Loan, Employee Saving's Isa's, ClassPass and more. 
• Discount of 50% off at Browns. 
• Life Insurance, Critical Illness Insurance & Pension Scheme.
 • Flexible working environment and more.
10) Burberry
Burberry offer many jobs one being visual merchandising, this is a role I would like to look further into and gain experience in due to it sounding like something I would enjoy as a role. Burberry is a luxury designer which many benefits in the brand. Burberry is also a brand I like with a style I like as well due to there strong heritage and looks. 
• Input into product assortment by providing detailed consumer and product feedback including market information, pricing comparisons, regional requirements to central merchandising team 
• Assort and buy by store through optimizing assortments / sizing by stores
 • Prepare pre-market analysis to input into regional buying strategy for product category 
• Work side by side with planning partners to build seasonal financial plans by highlighting areas of opportunity, category sell through etc, shaping the assortment architecture of the region 
• Regular contact with key stores & regional teams to understand trade and consumer patterns whilst adapting store profiling as necessary.... and more 
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megangodfrey · 4 years
Industry Zoom Meetings
Lucy Day - Notes from dissucsion
Simple clean images and white space, small captions on social media and websites
Instagram can be more important than a website, website is more profession but more people are on instagram. 
Advise for work experience - Send a printed portfolio or something physical for them to see to enable you to stand out. keep contacts and don't be disheartened by no jobs due to covid and keep trying, also jobs don't always look for employment until certin times. keep developing work for a flexible handwriting as being able to work in different styles is important. 
Work Experience - all work experience helps as even bad experiences can show you what you don't want to do, also always show a good impression due to it being a small community. 
Plans for graduation - the aim was to start at royal collage. 
Always have a part time job for support and income.
Faye Spearpoint - Notes from dissucsion 
Linktin - for networking and contacts as a good way to get in contact with people and opportunities 
Ideas on job - knew she wanted to work in print but wanted a break to think about what she wanted to do and identify who she would want to work for. 
Tips to stand out - Having an internship and experience helps, working with people even if it's unpaid to benefit you and gain knowledge.
Working Freelance - A new way of working finding new designers and working with them and sharing designs buying art work. First it's hard to identify prices of work but experiences help to understand pricing and help to see day rates and charges. 
Advise in digital print - Digital is key as its a big part of the industry, always develop skills in adobe to work with the software as that's what they use. Skill share £80 a year to work with people to show you new skills 
CV - Keep the CV up to date ask friends and others for ideas and if there is anything to add, look at templates. 
Portfolio - Research and see what you liked to get ideas, tailor CV and portfolio to what your applying for as you want to show what is relevant, add and develop portfolio when you can. 
Challenging in jobs - tailoring work to company is hard, also not hearing back from companies who you have applied for but keep contacting and applying as it takes time. 
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