megantjee · 7 years
Healthcare in India!
Hi guys, I saw that I was forgotten to tell you something about healtcare in india!! Sorry for that.
in india the care other than in the Netherlands. We have enough hospitals, doctors, general practitioners and nurse here in the netherlands, unfortunately, that is not anywhere the same.
in India, there are few doctors! When people get sick they have to travel far to go to a doctor. I find that very weird that there are so few private practices. It is also hard for you to find a doctor with a degree, there are many "fake" family practices. who have a practice focused on but have never studied for doctor. I find that very to see. I believe that everyone deserves good care and no pain must suffer. Unfortunately, it is not anywhere as good as here in Netherlands.
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megantjee · 7 years
Looking back on my internship.
What is the time gone fast! my internship is over and I have my internship sufficient completed! This internship was difficult, but I have learned to stand up for myself. I have seen so many new things and i learned so many things that I don't forget! I have so much experience and I am very grateful! I have been working hard on my assignments and especially the blood sugar and the wound care I have learned a lot. of course there are things I have to work on next year! I need to make a good schedule next internsgip, so that I don’t run behind my assignments.. I want to thank you guys for the comments and the likes. if you have further questions you can leave a comment and i will respond on it!
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megantjee · 7 years
A Discussion!?
This week I have make a discussion with Danilo a friend of mine, I'm curious what your opinion is, leave a comment because I would like to read you opinions!
Using animals in medical research should be banned
Megan: I think that it not should be banned, because I think that it helps in the society. I also think it is the same as that we slaughter animals because you are using the animals. we need the animals for research to do, because we can not testing on humans because that is dangerous.
Danilo: I agree, I don't think it should be banned. How I see it is that the humans comes first and if animals can help with illnesses combat then I think it should be done. But some of the animals die in a horrific way and I think that's really pathetic and unnecessary.
Megan: I think you’re right. The animals shouldn’t be treated in a way they end up dying in a horrible way. I think the animals should suffer as less as possible. And when research is not going well at all, I think the animal should die as quickly as possible, so they don’t suffer.
Danilo: I agree, I want that the animal don’t suffer. But I don't want the investigations go away because it can help humanity.\
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megantjee · 7 years
A day in the life of a Nursing Student
on my internship I have different duties and responsibilities. It is expected that I'm neatly against the patients and that thinking of their privacy. The things I did on my internship were very diverse. I did people wash, take care, measure vital signs, wound care, bandaging, help with eating and many more things. I think I found the most fun thing to do is helping with the wounds take care of the patients. I always found wounds very interesting and I have to be carefull sometimes that i don’t say "ooh that looks so awesome" if I see a wound. I would like to be a wound nurse later.
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megantjee · 7 years
Hi all Actually was on the schedule to make a vlog, but because I am not that great on video so I tell you something on my blog.
I want to tell you more about what happens in my life. I am busy for my driving license for a while. It's a bit better every time, but I would not say that I'm natural. Unfortunately, the car stops regularly (woeps). hope I'll have the red card in my hands around the summer.
Another few weeks and then it's May holidays. I've been looking forward to it for a while. In May holidays I go to Shawn Mendes. I've been looking forward to it for a very long time and just can not wait any longer.
Work hard for a few weeks and then it's so far! I'll keep you informed!
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megantjee · 8 years
My first interships days.
Hello everyone, 
i’m going to tell you something about my first interships days.
I work by the care group Elde, they have different care settings. I work at Molenwijde, on a somatic department. that means that the patients cognitive still good is but  physical not. 
My colleagues are so nice to me and they are giving me good guidance. I have see the first 6 days so much new things, for example: a patient with a PEG-probe, that is a probe directly in the stomach and not trough the mouth first.
I have take care for patients already independent and it went well. I found it fine that  i can do things indepent because i don’t like to follow people al the time, i want to do things and not do nothing.
Everything together it was a good first start! :D
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megantjee · 8 years
My favorite things.
I’m going to tell you soming about myself. I’m Megan and i’m 19 years old. I’m doing the education nursing. 
i will tell you something about my favorite things, so that you can know me better. 
First of all i love to eat, food is my first and only love <3. nono i’m joking, one of my favorite things is singing, i have singing in a choir for 10 years. i have done great things. i went to Rome with my choir and i have singed for the pope. that is something that i will never for get. i have stopt singing in the choir when i go to my new school. now i only sing in the shower. my other favorite thing is my friends! i know that this is so thing that so much people say but my friends are amazing and they support me with every thing, they respect my opinion and they wil always be there for me. 
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