mehbleheh · 10 years
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Inspired by #blackout 
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mehbleheh · 10 years
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Blackout day ft. My little sister and me
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mehbleheh · 10 years
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I don’t know if the Weeknd cares for his fat fans, but I’m proof that he should.
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mehbleheh · 10 years
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The only selfie that turned out alright for the blackout. Don’t sleep on it, I even put makeup on for this 😅♥♥♥
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mehbleheh · 10 years
Resurrecting to post this on this tumblr too
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Gotta get all the old selfies out the way first 👍👍👍
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mehbleheh · 10 years
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mehbleheh · 10 years
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mehbleheh · 10 years
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This is Kim Zuluaga. A 18 years old trans girl from my city, Medellín (Colombia). When she was seventeen, it was the first day of another year of school and she attended to it with the uniform that girls use (The bottom picture is the actual picture of the first day of school) her appearance shocked a lot of students and caused polemic in the school’s council , after all of this the director of the school told Kim that she needed to follow the norm and she should go with the boys’ uniform to study, she refused to do that therefore she had to quit school. After that she put a tutelage asking the court of justice to make the school change it’s opinion and let her go to school with the girls uniform, sadly the court didn’t go on her favour and she lost the tutelage. Even though it was a big punch she didnt give up and she made an appeal to the court & after a year she won. 
Even though she won’t go back to this highschool this was a big step towards acceptance for the LGBTQIA community in Colombia. There’s still a long path to walk but with more people like this young girl that path won’t be hard.
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mehbleheh · 10 years
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Black Teen Fatally Shot By Police 2 Miles From Ferguson
#Berkeley #Ferguson #AntonioMartin
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mehbleheh · 10 years
Real quick. EVERYBODY save them vines of the crime scene.
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mehbleheh · 10 years
there are always multiple sides to an opinion.
I can respect that.
but there arent two sides to this. 
these aren’t two sides of an opinion.
because there aren’t two sides to facts. 
there are facts, and there are opinions.
racists cops are murdering my brothers and sisters.
this is a fact. 
there is no debating.
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mehbleheh · 10 years
Y’all can’t tell me this isn’t adorable. Black mommy supremacy.
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mehbleheh · 10 years
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Hi there, my name is Shane Burcaw. I’m the guy who looks like a cross between a robot giraffe and a pterodactyl above.
I need your help. I was born with an incurable disease called spinal muscular atrophy, but I’ve had the amazing fortune of always having the medical and adaptive equipment that I needed. Unfortunately, there are thousands and thousands of people living with diseases just like mine who can’t say the same.  I want to use my time on this earth to change that. 
My nonprofit organization has recently launched a new initiative to help families affected by muscular dystrophy. 
We give to you our newest initiative: No More Nightmares. This program will strive to supply families and individuals affected by muscular dystrophy diseases with:
wheelchair accessible vehicles
ramps to make their houses accessible
and other adaptive technology to help them live healthy, productive, and comfortable lives.
We have set a $5000 fundraising total to be achieved by this Tuesday. This will give us a great boost as we begin helping the families who apply for grants.
If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you’ll know that making a positive impact on the world is my biggest concern (besides trying to make you laugh so hard you throw up vital body organs). 
Here is the link to donate: http://igg.me/p/1019795/x/9161855
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mehbleheh · 10 years
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The first hijab wearing news anchor on American television.
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mehbleheh · 10 years
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mehbleheh · 10 years
In case you haven’t heard yet, the cop had both a dash cam and a body cam.
Neither were turned on.
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mehbleheh · 10 years
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Just some knowledge for y’all this morning! #AntonioMartin
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