meilanibrudenell · 1 year
Status: closed { @meilanibrudenell }
Location: Flower Shop
Normally, Paige would have swooned over a ‘mystery admirer’ that type of thing was right up her alley. However, she had solved the amateur mystery by the way the note was typed out. It was Lucian. He didn’t know where she lived, so of course he had it dropped off at her job. They were going back. Immediately. She walked into the flower shop, unopened bouquet in hand. “Can I, um, return these? Exchange it for a gift card? I can’t…” Paige shook her head, “it’s a long story, but I don’t want these.”
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The falter of her features happens the instant that chocolate orbs lock on to the delicately wrapped bouquet, familiar paper and styling that told her it was from their shop and that the client before her was a displeased one. It’s not a quality issue, it couldn’t be, her grandmother would have never allowed something that wasn’t perfect into the shop let alone back out it’s doors. “Of course. Roses aren’t for everyone.” There’s a warm smile offered to the stranger as she reaches out to collect the arrangement, an attempt to ease both of their nerves. “Was there something more fitted to you we can find?”
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meilanibrudenell · 1 year
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freyadudding on ig | source
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meilanibrudenell · 1 year
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meilanibrudenell · 1 year
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meilanibrudenell · 1 year
There wasn't much Meilani knew about washers and dryers — in fact, there wasn't much the female knew about anything when it came to living an independent life. Any lessons she had learned had either been trial and error or, in the cases that she was lucky, taught by her grandmother. "I think it may be best for everyone if I hire someone. I don't think the neighbors would much care for me creating an incidental indoor pool." His words seemed simple enough on the surface, but the mere thought of tackling a task such as repair filled her with anxiety more than anything, requiring a faith for herself that she didn't hold. "Oh-...you...you really don't have to." It felt wrong, being handed what felt like charity, certainly not someone who had ever needed it, recent days often spent pondering how to better spend the money she did have. His continued direction make it clear he's likely not soon to change his mind and a concern for having to ask him to repeat himself has her moving to follow the instructions; inserting her quarters, opening the door and then loading in her clothes.
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"anytime," he gave a quick salute as he watched her place the card in her wallet. "i'm gonna tell you a secret, a lot of repairs look deceptively difficult but they're not too bad to DIY. there are tons of tutorial videos and stuff now, and buying a part can be cheaper than hiring someone to get it done for you. especially once you become a homeowner and have to start paying for pricey repairs yourself." it was easy to make such a statement when he'd literally grown up messing with fridges, air conditioners, and dishwashers, oh my! when she suggested keeping the change, he shook his head. instead, opting to get eight quarters out, the two dollars needed total for a wash and a dry. he walked back to the washer, then handed them to her along with her twenty. "save it for a rainy day. the quarters are on me, today." they were the floor collection quarters anyways, it wasn't like he could really be asking for change for them. "alright, step two, you're gonna place your first two quarters in the slot. once you pop those bad boys in, it will power up the machine. once it's on, the door unlocks and you can start putting all your clothes in."
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meilanibrudenell · 1 year
It's a peculiar thing to her; the way that clear trauma was dismissed with a joke, with a laugh, appearing to roll off the other even easier than the offence of the thrown bag just moments earlier. It's not the first time she's seen it, therapy group sessions showing plenty who displayed the trait — a way of coping with the things that hurt them, to dampen the negative affects. Was it her own upbringing that made her incapable of such? The insistence upon manners and dignified behavior that rarely allowed for genuine amusement now somehow blocking her from understanding the witticism? Or was it something deeper? A piece of who she was, would have always been, despite her parents lessons? "I'm sorry." Even if she knows it's not the words the other would have interest in hearing, would likely brush off with another joke if they were acknowledged at all, the sincerity of her words remains palpable. "Oh-..." Meilani knows it's not with intent that they make an already difficult process worse, but it doesn't change the fact that she's settling the menu back into it's rightful place, fingers curling into her palms as if trying to rub something from them. "P-perhaps somewhere else is best." After all, eating items deemed unhealthy was tricky enough before adding unsanitary conditions onto it. "Maybe so." Careful not to touch anything else, she's moving back onto her feet and away from the table, and with any luck, out of the cafe entirely. "Maybe somewhere with a more sterile environment."
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" it's the only thing he's tried in his life , " snorted pj . they wished others could understand the trouble with a father that was neither distant nor present . he was like a cat stuck in a box ; his child would have been better if the man had made a decision , to stay or to go , instead of teetering on the fence and refusing to fall either side . nebula was a little more fancy than park-ji’s usual stomping grounds . usually they were used to a thin , cheese-dripping slice at pizza planet , among the birthday parties and teenage first dates . what was the point in swirling foam , a smattering of chocolate powder in a halo , for eight dollars ?? still , it had to be better than spending their day in the crashdown with the stale smell of grease and dropped fries . “ risky ?? “ another bark of laughter . “ i mean , you’re half-right . there’s something super risky about eating some of the things on this menu , the risk being whether or not you’re going to spend the entire evening on the toilet after consuming it . i can’t imagine their hygiene rating is too great , “ pj wouldn’t have been surprised if they saw a rat shimmy along the wainscotting . maybe that was where the extraterrestrial thing had come from ; the men in black would have had a field day rooting through pasta and burger patties for alien DNA . " you know , maybe i should open my own place . roswell needs a cafe where you can get a coffee for less than a mortgage . "
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meilanibrudenell · 1 year
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no longer did she hold back on her intentions . stubbing out the tobacco end of her cigarette into the baked earth her arms parted , offering meilani an embrace beneath the waxy moon . between them and the sky there were secrets that couldn’t be told to anybody else ; evanie-may , although naive , spoke little of the sadness that rotted within her stomach , heavy and twisting a fist of guilt . “ secret between us and the stars . i like it , ” she mumbled against the other’s shoulder , pulling away and gathering her legs up from her crossed-leg position to stand . burdened lungs opened and welcomed the cool , night air — early spring twirled in her chest . “ this has been nice , ” she spoke sweetly , truthfully , dropping her gaze and blinking away the twinkle of tears . having a friend , even if just for a night , was a welcome change , a catharsis that evanie hadn’t realised she needed and yet had drawn emotions deep from her body like blood in a bruise . she would return to her apartment with her kitten and her half completed crochet to weep in the darkness . she was painfully aware of her loneliness in the presence of others . if only somebody would love her again , if only someone would take a chance on the redhead with a heart larger than her head , with her life displayed on a silver platter . “ i hope we run into each other again , and i hope when that time comes we’ll both be happier . ” the hope was more of a need . if life didn’t start picking up , evanie-may wasn’t sure what else she had left to give ; surely this wasn’t what jesus died for .
Much like everything else about the redheads introduction into her life, the way her arms part to welcome Meilani in blindsides the girl. It was a comfort that hadn’t been granted to her often enough in childhood and even now, tended only to be a brought forth by her grandmother. It’s why there’s a pause, a stranger to the intimacy shared between friends — if the two girls could even be considered such. Whatever they may be, her own arms are drawing apart before surrounding the girl in her own embrace, slender fingers curling just slightly into the fabric of the others top, a gratefulness that said she might have needed the moment even more than the other had. Her lips pressed into a line as tears stabbed at the back of her eyes before watering, just another unexpected piece dropping into the puzzle of her evening. There’s a part of her that doesn’t want to let go, that finds security here — she also knows the two of them are still virtual strangers and that they should both get back inside soon, before the chill of the night caused any damage to their delicate bodies. Her head quickly bowed, dampened eyes wiped away onto the sleeve of her coat in hopes that it might go unnoticed, lingering concerns over her appearance unable to be silenced even if the stranger had proved to be nothing like the people she had grown used to. “It has been.” Meilani followed suit, gathering herself from the ground, hands dusting remnants of the earth from her clothing before facing the girl once more, features solemn. “I do too.” There’s a preparation to part, to go their separate ways, but just as her feet begin to shift, Meilani hesitates for a mere moment. “Don’t-...don’t be afraid to love yourself.” Bold words for a girl who struggled so harshly with it. “I think we accept love that’s...that’s not real or whole because we think it’s the best we may get offered...but it’s not. Being alone is...it’s better than a love that’s not meant for us.”
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meilanibrudenell · 1 year
Closed Starter; @asher-finch​. Closed Location; The Stalk Market Florist.
With the chime of the door, her gaze lifts from the bouquet she’s currently in the midst of wrapping, calling out a warm greeting to the patron who’d just entered. It’s only when she finishes her presentation and delivers it to the customers before her that they move to leave and allow her chocolate orbs to land onto the familiar face, warm smile inching further upwards as amusement tugged at it. His arrival could only mean one thing. “You know...I’m pretty sure my kuia thinks all of your stops in here are for new additions rather than replacements. She would be heartbroken if she knew the truth and you would likely be banned.” A half truth, knowing her grandmother was too soft a woman to ban anyone who hadn’t committed a proper offense but sure that the male before her wouldn’t escape without a stern lecture on taking better care of his plants. “How many times is this now? I mean...I don’t know exactly the requirements to be listed as a serial killer but...I imagine that the plants most certainly consider you one.”
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meilanibrudenell · 1 year
Closed Starter; @kaitogabriel. Closed Location; Aurora Apartments.
Meilani herself can't say that she's entirely sure how it came about — two strangers, wandering at night, both venturing from and returning to the same place in a routine that had gotten hard to ignore. Shared glances had transformed into greetings and then into conversation and before she knew it, in an event that was a rarity for the female, she was welcoming him into her apartment instead of his own. It wasn't anything substantial; a mere evening shared between two people who seemed to find familiarity in each other's presence whilst still somehow remaining unknown. Yet, when she turns from her mailbox to see the shadow cast upon her belongs to him, to see him for the first time in daylight and not nightfall, she's left feeling exposed in a way that even the intimacy shared within her room hadn't granted. "Gabriel." It's less a greeting than some strange realization, as if stating his name would transform how her mind was processing the moment, delicate fingers tugging on the arms of her sweater without conscious thought.
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meilanibrudenell · 1 year
She’s like warm days, sunshine, honey and love.
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meilanibrudenell · 1 year
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meilanibrudenell · 1 year
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meilanibrudenell · 1 year
"Understandable, and good, because they aren’t real in the way we think they are.” Breanne let her hostility for that group show again. “That’s why we sit outside and talk. It’s less suffocating than inside. All that energy has to go somewhere. Why not release it into the wild? Usually the best way to find places is looking around until you find a cool spot. That’s how I’ve stumbled upon things but don’t go too far into the desert, that’s never a good plan. That’s too much nature to be alone with.”
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“Are you saying you don’t believe in all the alien hype? Isn’t that considered a transgression in Roswell?” Of course, such was a thing that Meilani herself didn’t believe in either, a woman far more based in fact and science than conspiracy — though she wasn’t likely to share those words with someone who hadn’t made their disbelief adamantly clear. “It’s better for our mental and physical health to get out...to ground ourselves with the earth.” Even before she had met her grandmother and learned the lessons that weren’t taught within the walls of the lush schools she’d attended, nature had been a place that had called to her; only now was she not only able to answer, but better able to understand why.
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meilanibrudenell · 1 year
"Like peach blossoms?" The words are delivered with a smile, not her best attempt at banter but far from her worse either. The aforementioned flowers were beautiful but while they were the beginning of what may eventually turn into a peach, the color was a vibrant pink rather than the shades of coral seen on the fruit, perhaps not what was meant for Guillermo's household but Meilani had learned enough that she felt she could make something of the sort work. "One order of happiness coming right up."
Once he's back outside the cooler, she allows the door to fall shut, drifting around the store with familiarity and collecting an array of flowers into newspaper. "It sounds like the horses are conning you into spoiling them." Though it was a con she would just as soon fall for, dark eyes lifting hesitatingly towards him as she settles her items onto the counter. "Maybe I could start bringing some by?" A treat as much for her as it was for the horses.
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“Anythin’… vibrant, like ripe peaches. ” He smiles, feeling a buzz blossom across his chest at the mention of the fruit. “They’d be great for the house. And my mood, heavens knows I can always be happier.” The arms entangle across the broad chest, a heavy exhale coming from the nostrils that were tickled with greying hair. It was a partial lie, albeit it shouldn’t be something for the companion to dwell much. Guillermo is just an old man with a big heart.
“Probably some marigolds too… The horses like ‘em in the field but seem to enjoy it more when we buy em…” He chuckles, a small grimace twitching at the corner of his lips from a harsh memory of a horse shoving him to his behind because he was in the way of some flowers. Definitely not a nice feeling and the rancher was left laying for some time. A mix of embarrassment and old joints getting the best of him.
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meilanibrudenell · 1 year
“The skyline looks a little different each time I come here.” He said as he lit up his cigarette, thankful he wouldn’t bother her. He blew out smoke.” You’re ever curious about the stars ?” He asked.” Like imagine if they just decided to attack us one day ?” He said with a laugh.” That would be something .” He joked .
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There’s a breath of laughter almost inaudible as it drifts into the night, the small smile tugging at the edges of her lips perhaps the only sign it had ever existed to begin with. “Attack us?” It wasn’t too strong a reach to wonder if the girl thought about the very stars she stared up to, she had and did, only perhaps not in the way with which the male beside her was. “In the sense that the sky is falling and we're all doomed or...more conciously?”
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meilanibrudenell · 1 year
“ you’re a legend; thank you. ” a sigh of relief escapes scarlett’s lips after she thanks the other person, and a hand falls to her chest. ‘ a legend ’ is perhaps a little excessive to call the other, however the blonde is especially grateful that she’s now not going to be leaving her expensive decor in her car for other neighbours to pinch. she hopes they wouldn’t, but there’s always a seed of doubt lingering in the back of her mind. “ if you could take one of the boxes for me, so i can take the other and the art piece, that would be so much help. ” the blonde instructs, waving her hands around as she talks like she always does whilst leading her new found companion to the trunk of her car. people who really know scarlett can vouch that when she’s in the right mood, she can talk underwater with her mouth filled with marbles, and today she seems to be in a pleasant mood as such. “ i owe you, seriously. like if it’s anything small, like taking some milk - well, it would be lactose free, i hope that’s alright - or something serious, you’ll know where to find me. i’m just up a flight of stairs. ”
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There’s an exhale of laughter that escapes her thanks to the praise, sure that her mere assistance wasn’t something worthy of a grand tale or notorious namesake — sure that nothing in her life was. Thankfully, Meilani had never felt that something of the sort had been her purpose on this earth, there to make the most of what she could and in that moment, that meant a helpful hand. “Of course.” Black loafers trail across the concrete after the new neighbor, dainty digits brushing hair back over her shoulder lest it gets caught before carefully balancing her grip around the box. While Meilani didn’t appear to be much on the physical front, her muscles were toned both due to the years of dedication to dance and now, days spent transferring loads of flowers about and from the store. It allows her to both keep hold of the item and, after assuring that the blonde beside her had collected her own load and was okay with it, close the trunk. “I’ll keep you in mind should I need some lactose free milk.” A truth unlikely more than it was an outright lie, bothering others with anything a task she still struggled with, even when she did need help. “Hopefully not too many flights of stairs. I fear I’m not as tough as I may look.”
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meilanibrudenell · 1 year
Her gaze drops onto the card, her own hand extending to collect the paper and allow herself to scan over its contents. She wasn't aware of what the apartments policy was on allowing outside workers to come in and fix a problem, nor if there even was one, but should much longer pass without the promised check in from maintenance, she may very well call and find out. "Thank you." There's a polite nod, card tucked safely into her wallet, dreading that she may need to ask for additional assistance later. "I'm not sure I would have known where to start looking for help otherwise." Meilani's left stuck in her place as he silently disappears back to the desk, uncertainty replaced with apprehension at the sight of the weighty coin collection. It was a task she wasn't only reluctant to tackle, especially when he had other work to tend to — additionally, the mere thought of having to carry the other seventy two quarters home after she was finished brought no joy or interest. "Oh, that's...that's alright. You can just keep the change." Despite the fact that tipping workers had merely been a part of her upbringing, such didn't always seem to be the same around these parts, a remembrance that causes her to falter. "Or...pass it along to someone who needs it."
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"well, it's your lucky day," nate always had this spiel ready in case someone mentioned a broken appliance while he was working at the laundromat, "i happen to have a side business doing washer, dryer, dishwasher, fridge, and other appliance repairs. my rates are an unbeatable price, and i've had almost a lifetime of experience." he reached back into his pocket for one of his cards, also handy whenever this conversation came up. it had his name, email, phone number, and working days printed on the card, along with the various names of the appliances he was willing to fix. "if maintenance doesn't check on it soon, just give me a call and i will try to get it sorted asap for ya'," he smirked, extending the card towards her. the smirk was wiped off his face when she handed him a twenty dollar bill. it was rare he had to break change for anything bigger than a five. he cleared his throat, and held up a finger so he could go back behind the attendant's counter to get the jar (more like five gallon water jug that had it's top cut off), filled more than three quarters of the way with pennies, dimes, and quarters. he hefted it onto the desk with a grunt. "this might take a minute, do you mind helping sort coins?" he asked, sheepishly. "got a preference in coins? the machines take quarters, but it might take a while to find eighty of them to make up for your twenty."
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