meitenepuuce · 10 years
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meitenepuuce · 10 years
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meitenepuuce · 10 years
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Finished drawing my tiny book.  Expect come Snackies updates soon.
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meitenepuuce · 10 years
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meitenepuuce · 10 years
So, do it. Decide. Is this the life you want to live? Is this the person you want to love? Is this the best you can be? Can you be stronger? Kinder? More Compassionate? Decide. Breathe in. Breathe out and decide.
(via soul-runner)
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meitenepuuce · 10 years
the little things count as well! Just cleaned my desktop. It`s a lot nicer now :) Helps getting my shit together easier.
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meitenepuuce · 10 years
Yesss! The first day has been a success! I had a plan for today and I followed it. Well, it wasn`t perfect but let`s be honest - this was a sunday so I had a little bit too much on the list. but I did more than expected!
Yayy for a good start! :)
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meitenepuuce · 10 years
New goals!
As ridiculous as it sounds, I AM determined to make another list of goals to achieve till the end of this year. I`m actually aiming for getting my shit together till the end of summer but that`s a bit too much I guess.
The feeling I want to achieve with the help of these activities is - I want to feel in control of my actions, looks, achievements, career. I want to be able to rely on myself(as in - if I make a promise to myself to run in the morning, I actually do that)
1. Go to sleep by midnight most nights(except parties and other extraordinary events) and wake up by 8:00 everyday
2. Do abs and arm excercise every morning for at least 5 minutes(I`m not gonna include running because of my anckle)
3. Read a book in the evening instead of stare at youtube for at least 30 min
4. Get shit done when at work!  - set realistic goals for everyday on what I want to get done and don`t leave the office until that is done!
5. On the same note - plan the day the previous evening(allowing adjustments, of course)
6. planning includes thinking about meals.(i`m not gonna think this one through right now in the middle of the night)
so - by the end of the summer I want to see a progress and I want to be able to look good in clothes I have that have started to look a bit small.
by the end of the year I want to be able to fit in clothes size 40 and earn 700 euros a month
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meitenepuuce · 11 years
Starting over.
So... I`ve been neglecting this Tumblr account for a while. And even though I`m at much better place in my life than I was a year ago when I started this little thing, I am actually seeing that I have gotten into my bad old ways quite a lot lately. and it just is not acceptable.
Unfortunately a lot of my unfittness I can blame on my injured ancle. But I think I`ll just start this very simple habit of just going for a 10 minute walk every morning so that when I`m finally OK and can start running I`ll have formed a habit of getting out of the house for "fitness" purposes.
I have fucked up any kind of schedule so I am starting to take small steps to getting on track. I`m starting TODAY
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meitenepuuce · 11 years
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meitenepuuce · 11 years
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meitenepuuce · 11 years
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meitenepuuce · 11 years
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meitenepuuce · 11 years
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meitenepuuce · 11 years
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meitenepuuce · 11 years
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MelVFitness posted this image on instagram a few days ago with the following caption:  "Check out my transformation! It took me 15 minutes. Wanna know my secret? Well firstly I ditched the phonewallet cause that shit is lame, swapped my bather bottoms to black (cause they’re a size bigger & black is slimming), smothered on some fake tan, clipped in my hair extensions, stood up a bit taller, sucked in my guts, popped my hip- threw in a skinny arm, stood a bit wider #boxgap, pulled my shoulders back and added a bit of a cheeky “I’m so proud of my results” smile. Zoomed in on the before pic- zoomed out on the after & added a filter. Cause filters make everything awesome. What’s my point? Don’t be deceived by what you see in magazines & on Instagram. You never see the dozens of other pics they took that weren’t as flattering.”  http://bit.ly/MVFvoornafoto 
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meitenepuuce · 11 years
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(and hell fucking yes i used to be one)
try getting ready in the morning wearing only the underwear you look the best in (only buy underwear you feel the best in) or get ready naked. it’s like a scientifically proven fact that all boobs are amazing, and i’ve discovered there’s this weird victoria’s secret angel switch that gets flipped when you’re nude putting on makeup or brushing your hair. you just look like a fox.
don’t be scared to do things you’re really good at in front of people (they want to see) and don’t be scared to talk about how good you are at things (there is a difference between arrogance and confidence, and we’ve been told repeatedly that being proud of ourselves is cocky and unattractive: FUCK THAT, WE’RE JUST THE SHIT, WE CAN’T HELP IT)
in recent years i’ve discovered that i’m super hot. you also happen to be super hot. i think “super hot" is a combination of attractive, unique, and comfortable. it just took me a long time to learn how to make myself feel and look super hot, learn what you need to do to make yourself realize you’re super hot, and do that. (if you think i’m an idiot and i’m just telling your to put on tons of makeup, read the next bullet)
make yourself feel pretty. makeup is not a bad thing. no, you don’t need it. no, you don’t have to have it to be “super hot." but the coolest thing about it is that it’s a useful tool for shaping your hotness into exactly what you’d like to show to the world, and that’s badass. it’s okay if you aren’t born looking the way you feel inside, cause you have the power to tweak. that also goes for your hair, your clothes, etc. for example, do you think your head looks like a penis when your hair is short? grow it out. do you absolutely love when your head looks like a penis? THEN FUCK YEAH KEEP IT THAT WAY
be honest as much as you possibly can. to yourself, be honest all the time. if you find you are having a really hard time telling certain people the truth, then maybe they are the wrong people for you. do you trust them? do they make you feel bad about yourself? NAH DUDE FUCK THAT
if you are uncomfortable, you are instantly not super hot. i don’t mean like if you are wearing shoes you love and they hurt your feet. i mean, if you’re shaving your legs every single fucking day and you hate it but you don’t want anyone to say anything. instead, you should only shave your legs so you can feel the pleasure of your smooth legs against the sheets. or because YOU like them shiny when you’re at the beach. and if you like your legs hairy, don’t shave them! only change yourself if to YOU, that is super hot.
masturbate all the time. that is all.
the only person that deserves anyone as super hot as you, is a person that knows they are super hot. and a person that realizes you and fawns in the glorious light that is your super hotness.
don’t go to work if you have nightmares about it. quit and get a new job. you maybe probably aren’t going to love it (hey, maybe you WILL), because it’s work. but if it is affecting your well-being to the point of suffocation then quit. there are tons of shitty jobs that are less shitty than that one. 
you really need to have a catalog of things that you know make you feel better. you will come across these things slowly and randomly. but remember them, and practice them when you feel shitty. you’re going to feel shitty, so be stocked up on plenty of antidotes.
hurting yourself is so fucking not okay. i cut myself and all i got were these lousy scars. i starved myself and my pretty hair fell out and my brain was all fucked every time i ate anything for years. i tried to kill myself and had to stay in a mental hospital for the most miserable, depressing, loneliest week of my life. i drank myself into a stupor for a couple of months straight and all it did was hinder me learning how to actually help myself and solve my own mental issues. stop all that shit, and start figuring out how to love and how to feel better and how to be badass when you’re all alone and how to feel super hot.
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