mekaonline · 8 years
(( /end trip
IM HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM HOME
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mekaonline · 8 years
((tumblr removed a video of my dog for being sexually explicit. ok. what
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mekaonline · 8 years
저는 비지니아에 있어요... kcon에 가고 싶어요
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mekaonline · 8 years
아아아아아 seventeen하고 bts하고 got7은 미국에 있어요
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mekaonline · 8 years
Hana stood as proud and tall as a five foot Korean girl could. She was so prepared to brag about this. “Ne, I was in the MEKA unit! ‘Mobile Exo-Force of the Korean Army.’ They drafted a lot of the top gamers in the country to pilot the mechs they had laying around. I didn’t want to go at first, but it turned out being kinda fun...” 
Yeah, sure, she was a hero, but the whole thing wasn’t... it wasn’t the best for her mentally. She went from smiling and proud to downcast in a split second; all it took was a couple not-so-great memories that she would rather forget. “Ah, well. It was fun until people started, uh... not coming back. Lost a lot of, ah, close friends. Fellow streamers and gamers. You know. Hah, that’s the military for you.”
She put her hands out in front of her and forced herself to smile, the universal gesture of ‘I have some major issues, but nevermind that!’ High Noon wanted to help her find her mech, she couldn’t scare him away with how fucked up she is. He’d probably think she was weak for being like that anyway, what with all he’s been through. 
“So, uh, I have absolutely no clue where my mech is, so that’s an issue. It’s gotta be somewhere there’s not a lot of people... I haven’t seen parts in the market yet.” Her voice was still shaking a little, which only made her more upset. She tried to push through it, thinking about the places she had to look. 
Places without people... well, she knew that Dockside didn’t have a lot of visitors. Might as well start there, even though that’s basically where she just came from. Maybe she could recruit Jack, too. If he wasn’t busy being an absolute asshole to someone else, that is. “Hey, Deadeye, have you been to Dockside yet?”
McCree eyed her dubiously. “’Served your country’? You were in the military?” How long could she have been enlisted? He assumed you had to be around 18 to join the military in Korea, so she couldn’t have served for more than a year, give or take. Some places did offer voluntary service a few years younger, though, as long as a parent signed off on it. He imagined an even more baby-faced version of the girl in front of him on some foreign battlefield, barreling down enemy forces in the cockpit of a big, pink robot.
McCree wondered if putting troops in giant robots to mow down the opposing side was commonplace in the Korean military. If it was, there were bigger cultural differences between the two of them than he thought.
Regardless of the length of her service, she didn’t look or act like she’d been through a tour of duty. She dressed funny and liked video games, the same as any other kid her age. And she was louder and livelier than he expected a former soldier to be. A stint in the military clearly hadn’t changed her much.
“I’ll buy my ticket as soon as I find a way outta here.” He smiled a little at her enthusiasm. Plugging her movie to an old cowboy, in the middle of some unknown, underground city? That took some dedication. Maybe he’d go see her movie after all.  
She didn’t mention anything else about her robot. She’d have to take care of that by herself. Old enough to drink, old enough to fight for her country, old enough to be on her own in Obsian. Really, her problems were none of his concern.
But fate had a way of pulling him into situations that had nothing to do with him. He suspected that this was one of those times; might as well jump into it on his own terms.
Besides, McCree was starting to take a shine to the kid.
“You ain’t gonna find your robot wandering around the city by yourself,” he said, “and it ain’t like I got a busy schedule. The two of us ain’t exactly a search party, but I reckon we can make a little progress on our own.”
He raised his arms over his head, one of his shoulders popping quietly as he stretched. By now, he just wanted to get moving. Standing around was making him restless; the thought of doing the same thing cooped up in some dive sounded like a fate worse than death. 
The Brass Rat could wait. Exploring Obsian, getting to know his way around the city, was a better use of his time. He was still going back for a drink later, though.
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mekaonline · 8 years
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mekaonline · 8 years
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me rping
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mekaonline · 8 years
This woman’s world was confusing. More than 13 months in a year? Absurd. Ridiculous. And she didn’t understand anything Hana had said about video games! They were one of the greatest forms of art, and Emily knew nothing about them. That was just sad.
“Look,” Hana sighed, “you can insult my months and my video games, but don’t tell me that a huge ass robot with twin fusion canons and a built in defense matrix, capable of ripping apart a rampaging mechanized Godzilla with the right pilot, which is me, can’t help us get home. Especially with people like McCree around. We’re from the same organization, one known for kicking ass and taking names. 
“So if you, Emily-sshi, uh...” Something about this woman wasn’t right. Nobody around here seemed right except McCree, and that was because she was sure he wasn’t from some movie or book or video game she liked and knew the ending to. Their ending. Thank God she could rely on that fact. “You look really familiar, you know that? Like some chick that died in a video game I played. The only thing that’s coming to mind is cold? And mice? But whatever!”
Before she knew it, the woman was turning to go. Leaving already? Must have places to be. “Jack’s a big baby. A really mean, really murderous baby. And, uh, I don’t think I need anything. I mean, if you could tell me a decent place to get vegetarian meals, like, you know... without meat? That’d be great. Otherwise, annyeonghi gaseyo, ajumma.”
Oh, Emily was making this worse. She suspected that this was the worst part of Obsian–lots of stolen people that the city made sure it could keep separated by virtue of the fact that the kidnapped were from completely different times, dimensions, planets, cultures, and languages.
She shook her head. “The Month of Songs is a real month, the thirteenth one of the year. Comes after the Month of Clans and before the Month of Earth. I’m going to chance the guess that your months are just called something else…” Emily waved her hand to one side. “January, February, and whatever else you have.” By the whales, even time wasn’t tracked consistently across lands.
Hana seemed especially concerned that Emily didn’t know what a video game was. She tried to describe it but it didn’t help. “My childhood was fine and my mother provided me with the very best. If it’s just a story where you’re the character, perhaps it’s just a story about history where you play out the events with yourself in the middle of them–like in theater play. You simply participate in the story that has already happened.” She knew both Jack and Hana were from the future. It seemed possible. Although she couldn’t imagine anyone filling Jack’s role–the man was certainly in a class of his own.
But Hana just seemed frustrated with that answer and threw up her hands, giving up. She moved on to something else, asking Emily to be on the look out for bright pink metal plates. She laughed. “As much as I admire your energy, I doubt whatever you’re trying to build will get us out of here. The city stole us and it will keep us here until it wants to let us go.”
And she shook her head, smiling. “And here I thought I needed to protect you from Jack but you can handle him on your own, can’t you? I sincerely apologize for underestimating you.” And she went to turn. “If there’s nothing else you need from me, I’ll be on my way. It was nice to meet you Hana Song.”
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mekaonline · 8 years
To say Hana was disappointed would be an understatement. Nobody here seemed to be able to understand the words she was using, let alone follow her when she spoke. 
Out of everything said, one thing in particular was bothering Hana. What kind of world was this woman from? “What’s a ‘Month of Songs’? Do you guys not have actual, real months? Like January, February, you know?” This was weird. And it seemed to be the only thing Hana focused on in Emily’s short story. 
As confused as Emily looked when Hana spoke, her confusion seemed to reach a whole new level with the mention of video games, and Hana noticed. She could not let someone not know what video games are. “Wait, you don’t know what a video game is? What kind of childhood did you have, did you play with a hoop or something?” What was the best way to go about this? “Like, you read, right? Imagine being able to see the story you’re in and make choices and... it’s like you get to be a character in the story. And sometimes the stories are really good, and sometimes there’s no story at all really.”
Hana tossed the metal part she was holding onto the floor. She needed to get working on that thing ASAP, but she didn’t exactly have all the necessary parts yet. Maybe Emily could help? “Hey, Emily, can you keep an eye out in the market for stuff that looks like, uh,” she pointed to the small pile of pink metal, “Like that. I’ll pay you back if you wanna pick it up for me or something. I know we, like, don’t know each other, but this would be super helpful and believe me, the sooner I get this thing put together, the sooner we all get out of here.”
Emily blinked. I can’t keep up. I could literally slow down time and she’d still be talking too fast.
“Hana,” Emily held up a hand the girl stopped in mid-sentence and in mid-bounce. “I cannot understand a word you are saying.” She counted off the reasons why. “First, you’re speaking too quickly for me to understand. Second, I don’t understand half of the words you’re using. I apologize, I really do, but I’ve only been here a few weeks. I don’t know a great deal about everyone here.”
Hana frowned and Emily tried her best to answer her questions.
“I’m.. uh… not from, England, did you call it? I’m from the Empire of Isles. Created out of the War of Four Crowns. The war ended on 14th Day, Month of Songs, 1625, with Gristol emerging victorious. I hail from Dunwall, located on the southern tip of Gristol. When I was taken, it was 1852. This is all I know to tell you.”
Now it was Hana who seemed confused. Emily shrugged. She was doing her best.
“I don’t know where everyone is from really. I’ve been told by Rhys and Jack that they’re from a planet called Pandora. They got the idea of different dimensions from me. I have no proof other than the strange collection of people I’ve met.”
She wasn’t quite sure how to address the next part.
“He’s from this video game I tried to play once, it was kinda cool. He’s the villain in it.”
Alright. I can believe Jack being a villain. Emily tried to parse out what Hana was saying. In it? In what? Something called a video game? The phrase held no meaning for her. “Uh huh. I suppose Jack may not be the nicest of people.”
Hana stopped bouncing for a moment for pick up another metal piece. Emily had no idea what it could be for. It was far too large for the young girl to wear.
And then she questioned Emily’s assessment of Jack. Emily smiled softly. “Ah, well, sometimes charm means something different to different people. Perhaps his charm is hard to see.” Emily shifted. “Masks are like that you know? Purposeful hiding of qualities no one wants anyone else to see.” And then she laughed. “We all have things we’d like to hide. Especially here.”
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mekaonline · 8 years
“So... does this mean you’re not from England?” Hana frowned, laying back on the mattress. This whole thing is getting her nowhere, and it’s going to keep getting her nowhere until Emily gives up some actual information. “You’re from somewhere that isn’t Earth? Like another planet, or another dimension? Jack said there are people from all different kinds of other universes here. He’s from this video game I tried to play once, it was kinda cool. He’s the villain in it.”
Hana picked up a spare part that was lying on her bed from earlier. Thank God I didn’t land on that. That would have been painful. She spun it around in her hands, trying to figure out where it fit in on the mech. The upper right leg, probably.
“And, uh,” she glanced up at Emily, trying to figure out what it is she’s hiding using pure telepathic power. Nope, didn’t work. Never does. “What charm? I haven’t seen any charm from him. I’ve seen a nasty attitude and a whole lot of anger, but no charm. Hey, can you tell me what’s under that mask of his? Never got to play the game where he gets the mask You think he’s got wrinkles? My money is on wrinkles.”
Hana was speaking more gibberish at a breakneck speed. Emily smiled in blatant confusion once Hana reached the end of whatever list she’d been rattling off. It seemed to make Hana happy.
Can she not tell I have no idea what she’s saying? In these situations, Emily had been taught to nod and smile thoughtfully It was doing no good now. But Hana kept on flitting about chattering away.
“Also, like, what’s up with Jack saying you could kick my ass?” Emily tried opening her mouth but Hana continued. “You don’t look like you could fight.“ Again Emily tried interrupting, holding up one finger. But, she continued. “What’s up with that? What kinda training did you get put through?”
Emily had no idea how to answer any of that. She came to make sure this girl was okay, considering she was paired with Jack but Hana seemed to have enough vim and vigor to go around.
“Jack talks a great deal, surely you’ve figure that out?” Emily offered. “He’s probably afraid of anyone’s ability to see past his charm.” Hana bounced up and down happily. Emily hadn’t noticed a small symbol on the girl’s uniform. It looked like a stylized rabbit. It was cute. She smiled. “Well, you don’t look like you’d be any challenge to take on but I’m sure you’d disagree. Perhaps appearances are deceiving.”
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mekaonline · 8 years
Oh. This Emily chick really didn’t wanna dish out info. Biting her lip, being super vague... tell-tale signs of someone who doesn’t wanna answer questions. Hana watched enough K-Dramas to know how this works. She honestly wasn’t really invested in finding out about her before, but now? Now she had to know. 
“An island? Oh, cool! I’m from Busan. It’s in South Korea.” Hana wasn’t sure if this woman was even from any Earth that had a Korea. Whatever, odds are it did, right? “What island are you from? Japan? No, wait, you don’t look Japanese at all. Ok... Hawaii? Anywhere in the Pacific? Iceland? England. Oh, you’re from England, that’d explain so much about why you look like you’re... y’know. Not a peasant?” She was pretty sure she hit the nail on the head here. Had to be England.
“Also, like, what’s up with Jack saying you could kick my ass? You don’t look like you could fight. What’s up with that? What kinda training did you get put through?” She still didn’t believe that Emily could take her. Hana was a black belt in taekwondo; she’d like to see anyone try and challenge her in close combat.
I’m going to die trying to keep up with her. Hana didn’t seem to mind that Emily was practically running Hawker House, following her to her room. She would have never allowed someone to just barge in without inviting them first. Hana bounced onto her bed, cocking her head in confusion.
Emily shifted uncomfortably. Perhaps this girl hadn’t intended on Emily following her. Maybe the cultural differences between the two were causing a greater rift than she could fathom.
Hana kept talking though, although seeming a bit confused. Emily was beginning to think she should see herself out the door if the girl was just talking for the sake of being polite. But then she asked Emily about herself.
She bit her bottom lip. This young lady seemed to be pretty open with her: former military experience, used to attention, and very open with what she wanted to know.
“My story?” No one had asked her that. Not even Jack. “I’m from… an island.” Emily shrugged. She didn’t want to lie but she didn’t want to tell the truth. “We rely on whales, shipping, factories… that sort of thing.” She watched Hana’s face, hoping that would be enough.
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mekaonline · 8 years
It felt like it took ages to calm down. Soon there was nothing but him singing and the sound of the river and the ‘ocean’ nearby.
After a couple more minutes, she took a deep breath and prepared to actually, really speak. “I still think, in general, you’re a terrible person, even though you aren’t being bad right now,” she said, voice cracking a little, “Obviously I have to fix this whole evil murderer thing. Teach you how to be at least a decent person or something, can’t have the guy I’m stuck with down here with acting like a babo. That means fool, by the way. I think you’re gonna hear it a lot.” 
She let go of him and dried her eyes, “Also, like, sorry for the hugging thing? But also not sorry? Also I’m not a bit sorry about what I said back there, you really did act horribly in the games. But all people sound like they’re horrible where you come from, so maybe that makes everyone good.” Hana paused for a second to think on that. “If everyone is bad, then is nobody bad?”
Jack watched as the niña unwound from her ball, breathing only slightly more even. He face was flushed and blotchy, still wet withing shining tears, like that of a clear river.
She shifted, coming at him on hands and knees, and wrapping her arms around his torso tightly. It was…not something he was used to, Angel having become more distant as the years went on. She had quite the arm strength for something so small and slim.
Hana pressed her face into his chest, and he slowly lowered his arms down, wrapping one loosely around her, and using the other to rub small circles on her back. She was babbling about her friends and how she missed them. And apparently one of them spoke a similar language to Jack. 
“…I can’t be here alone.” Jack felt his heart, something he knew was guarded and hidden behind walls of smiles and guns and glibly-worded death threats, crack just the tiniest bit for the child sobbing in his arms. He would want someone to be there for Angel if she was in this position, wouldn’t he?
“Don’t worry, pequeña, I’m here. I wont let you be alone, I promise,” he said softly, humming again while he rubbed her back. The singing had seemed to work earlier, so he would sing to her again.
“Mira lo lejos que hemos llegado Mira este lío que hemos hecho Todavía estoy rezando para que el sol las lágrimas de mi cuerpo desde la sombra Dime que estamos ido demasiado lejos Dime que vamos a estar bien Juro por Dios que me iría en este momento Si el cielo no estaba tan lejos…”
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mekaonline · 8 years
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mekaonline · 8 years
Hana had always been clingy and touchy-feely with people who had shown her even a small amount of kindness. That, as unfortunate as it was, extended to Jack as well.
She scrambled forwards, wrapping her arms around his torso and clinging to him like a little kid. She needed comfort right now, who cares if it was from Jack? He could have been a talking tree for all she cared.
She was sobbing and hiccuping, but not panicking much anymore. “Everything is so weird and whatever language you’re speaking sounds a lot like what Lucio speaks and, and I miss him, I miss Mercy and I miss my eomma and I wanna go home, I can’t do this, I can’t be here alone.” She was having the episode of a lifetime, and most of it brought on by how alone she was. When Jack had yelled at her, she realized she had nowhere to go. She had a boarding house to get to, yeah, but she had nothing and no one else.
She was calming slightly, so he kept up the singing, repeating it over and over until she could breath easier. She seemed to be thinking about something, but Jack wasn’t a mind reader, so he wouldn’t be able to tell you what about.
Her arm twitched, and she looked down at it, gazing at the wound. She sniffled and looked up, though not at him directly. More like passed him, off into the distance. She seemed embarrassed.
“’M sorry, sorry, didn’t mean to, to hurt myself.”
“I know you didn’t, pequeño, I know. Those things just ten to happen. I’m sorry too, for yellin’. That was somethin’ I shouldn’t have done.” He shifted so he was sitting on the ground, legs stretched out slightly in front of him. He didn’t care about getting dirt on his jeans, he had a few other pairs. 
“How are you feelin’, niña? I know panic attacks aren’t much fun.”
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mekaonline · 8 years
Singing. Singing? He’s singing? 
Her eomma had sung ‘arirang’ to her sometimes when she was little and upset over things her appa did. Her only two escapes from what was happening around her were her eomma’s kindness and video games.
Hana’s breathing was calming down, if only just a little, and she could finally see through the tears in her eyes. God, he must think she’s pathetic. An adult, hiding and crying like a child. But she couldn’t help it; she had to grow up so fast, and it was so much easier being a little less than mature.
He was being so kind now. Why? He didn’t seem like the kind type, especially not after all the stories of killing people and controlling people and being absolutely ruthless. Now... now he was playing nice? She wondered if it could be a trick or something. But what reason did he have to trick her, unless he was even more cruel than she first expected? 
Her conclusion was that she was being too paranoid about this.
The mark on her arm had started to hurt now that she wasn’t feeling completely numb. God, what was she going to do about this? 
She sniffled, trying hard to make it seem like she wasn’t upset at all, even though he saw the huge fit she had thrown. “’M sorry, sorry, didn’t mean to, to hurt myself.”
She was curled into a ball, shaking, and there were jagged scratch marks on her skin, and blood under her nails. She whimpered as he got closer, so he stopped. The mark on her arm was bleeding sluggishly, and would probably end up leaving a faint scar.
She started breathing fast, and mumbling something he couldn’t understand in that language she spoke. It was fast and hurried, slightly slurred. She was shaking slightly harder than before, eyes tightly shut.
“Niña, niña it’s okay. Just breath, sí? You’re alright, I’m not goin’ to yell at you. I’m sorry, pequeño,  I was angry not at you but at others. I’m not goin’ to hurt, you, I promise. Just breath, pequeño, you’ll be okay,” Jack said, trying to be as soothing and as quiet as possible, so as not to startle her more. He just hoped that it worked. 
He knew that everyone calmed down differently, but he didn’t know what that was for Hana, and had to wing it the best he could. Jack himself tended to get violent towards anybody, including himself, if people got close, and he only calmed down when he was left alone for a while.
She was still mumbling, so he thought that a different tactic might help. There was that one old song he used to sing to Angel, when she would get upset after a bad dream. Maybe it would work?
He hummed a bit, to remember the tune, and started singing softly, “’Si tan sólo, aunque sólo sea,’ los suspiros de pájaros carpinteros, ‘La corteza en el árbol era tan suave como los cielos.’ Mientras que el lobo espera abajo, hambriento y solitario, El llanto de la Moo-oo-oon, ‘Si tan sólo, aunque sólo sea’.”
He just hoped it worked.
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mekaonline · 8 years
((hana is a crybaby and panics fast. dont let how cocky she is fool you. shes a baby and everything freaks her out and she breaks down any time she’s yelled at 
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mekaonline · 8 years
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a story about how i learned what the definition of tome was
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