melancholaes · 4 years
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melancholaes · 4 years
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The Devil All the Time (2020) dir. Antonio Campos
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melancholaes · 4 years
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“ you think i look like the kinda person who gets hit without hitting back? ” the question was rhetorical — he didn’t expect an actual answer nor did he think there was any possible one besides a resounding no. and while he didn’t think his face was particularly pretty, he wasn’t about to turn down the compliment either. “ good to know i still got it, though. almost had me worried there for a moment. ” there’s a hint of teasing to his tone, as much as one could get from leo on a regular day. fingers wrap around the bottle and he brings it to his lips for a much needed sip, which ends up larger than supposed. when he puts it down on the coaster again, gaze then falls on the other male. “ were you there? ”
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“ oh tough guy, we love those. “ the bartender laughs. his hands settle in what he was cleaning (really more just fiddling with) and he leans against the bar behind him, still facing the biker.  “nah, i was out. don’t ask me where cause i totally don’t remember. i should’ve gone though, whatever unmemorable thing i was doin’ clearly wasn’t worth it. seein’ two men rolling around might have been more fun.” he smirks, then laughs at his own comment. he grabs a water bottle, which is questionably filled with actual water, but the straight face he fronts as he sips from it doesn’t give any truths away.  “anyway, here.” he pours a shot of whiskey and slides it over to leo, “for the pretty face.” 
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melancholaes · 4 years
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The statement is a bold one, one that is equally as full of expectation and innuendo as his own had been. It causes a rouge wonder to how many times a day Ches repeats the same pattern, the same dance, before it gets tiring. Regardless, he cracks an even wider grin, all boyish and suggestion, paired perfectly with darker laughter. “You’ll come more than once if you’re lucky.” He muses casually before switching the subjects. “Please, I could suggest the bathroom right now and you’d be there with bells on.” He calls the bluff before taking another sip. “But, don’t misjudge the simple things. They are worth it, sometimes.”
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he loves a man who can play the game right along with him, and at his level. brows lift and his grin only broadens at monroe’s comment. “aren’t you a gentleman.” he states and leans forward, resting against the bar between them. he scoffs and rolls his eyes, as if that weren’t the truth coming from his lips. “i’m not a bar bathroom whore, please, monroe. i at least need the back seat of a car. a nice one preferrably.” he chuckles with a grin. the whole act is so mechanical at this point, it’s muscle memory. he doesn’t tire of it, he hardly knows anything else. or, rather he does and his urge keep that buried is enough driving force to never give up the facade. “oh? what simple things are so great then, hm?”
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melancholaes · 4 years
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she nearly loses her balance as gemma leans back into her, but years of practice have hayley able to stand straight — even on high heels, while alcohol was fighting her blood to see which would be the main thing running through her veins. head nods in agreement at the mention of more shots ( even if that is quite possibly the last thing she needs ), and as blue eyes find the handsome gentleman her friend was referring to, a fit of giggles slip past her lips. “ that is a great idea, gem — ” words are slurred, hand tugging at gemma’s to pull her along. “ you’re full of those, huh? i think our generous friend here would agree. ”
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there were very few clients that came in and out of the club that gemma was selfish with. she never understood the territorial dancers or working girls who don’t let their clients talk to or even glance at other girls. she, more times than not, tugs hayley or her other girlfriends along for the ride. more money out of his pocket and into theirs, right? and more drinks to go around. her smile is bright and wide, wavering with the flow of alcohol coarsing through her. “oh totally,” she looks to the man who slurs and mumbles out something along the lines of an agreement and gemma wastes no time in flagging down the attention of a waitress. “what are we doin’, huh? should we go hard?” her brows wiggle at her words and she looks between her friend and the man. “tequila? jager?”
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melancholaes · 4 years
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the benefit to his lifestyle was that he very rarely had to want for anything, because with a click of a button his bank account would be padded with a few unearned zeros. this explained why he turned, with two almost identical shirts, both boasting a price tag most wouldn’t dream up, before nodding to either one, in turn. “important question, which one? i’m judging the answer.” @melancholaes·
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no shirt is the first comment that comes to her mind as her attention is pulled toward the dark haired man, with his question. she glances between the two, which look like duplicates, and her eyes narrow. “uhh . . .  that one?” she suggests, though it sounds entirely more like a question, as she points toward the garment he holds in his left hand. “special occasion?”
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melancholaes · 4 years
it was no secret to anyone that celine could run her mouth at any given chance, it was no different when she had taken the place next to connor and started rambling about anything that her mind could wander off too, she barely even looked at him to see if he was following the rapid words that left her mouth which were cut off not long after by him “oh,” she says with a chuckle “i do like when attention is on me, but don’t worry i wasn’t saying anything important.” she turns to face him with an arched eyebrow “what got you so spaced out?”
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“i know.” it’s a rarity for con to really listen to anyone around him, save for possibly two women. both for entirely different reasons, and neither of them were celine. he looks to her then shakes his head a bit. “nothin’.” he grumbles out and leans back in his seat. a bottle of water is brought to his lips and that’s pretty much all her has to say on the matter. he wouldn’t share if the problems were miniscule, he certainly is not about to share what is really circling around in his brain the past few days, which has him even quieter than usual. and that is quiet.
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melancholaes · 4 years
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Mateo wasn’t a greedy person, but when it came to this? He couldn’t get enough if he’d somehow had him every second, of every day. Lucas was a light that he didn’t know he needed, and there was a strange solace he took in that. The man had a beauty that moved him, a beauty that almost convinced him to stop living like everything was replaceable - because this? This never would be. “The term is selective hearing.” He quips back, feigning the fact that he couldn’t actually understand him. Leaning a little closer, using that as an excuse, even while his eyes fell to watch Lucas’ lips move, appreciating every second of it, before pulling back up. “The second part, the second part sounds really good, I think I want it on tape.” He nodded along with his own statement, almost laughing before head shakes. “And I have to admit…I want you, especially alone, but generally any way I can get it.”
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blue eyes roll at the sarcastic remark from the brunet and he chuckles softly. “you can’t start tuning me out now, married couples in their forties with a million kids and a mortgage do that and we’re not there yet.” the promise of that future slips out without much notice. it was a comment slipping off his tongue, not much thought of how it could be taken. fingers grip a bit tighter at mateo’s hand and he his smile slips a bit wider. “well,” he picks his head up just a bit and glances around them before he looks at him with a playful gaze. “we are alone now.”
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melancholaes · 4 years
maya laughs at his history her head shaking slightly “come on, luke, i bet you will get your rep back up by this time next week.” she fixes herself in her chair and rests her elbows on the table “if they deserved a detention, they deserved the detention. it’s part of your job, they know that.” she waves her hand in front of her face “besides, you being you, your students will hop on your train again soon. i’m my high school career i had two detentions and one of them was given to me by one of my favourite teachers, to this day, it doesn’t mean anything if you’re a good person and a good teacher.”
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lucas looks like anxiety is crawling through his skin, yet he is lightly laughing through it. his eyes roll, “no student ever is that understanding, are you kidding? i mean, i don’t know how i would take a detention.” he never got one. he never missed a class. he never got anything lower than a b throughout his entire scholar career. he was that nerd, and it only transferred over into his now professional career as a math teacher. “i am a good person and i’d like to think i’m a good teacher,” he agrees with a nod. he then quickly shakes his head and leans back in his chair, picking at what was left of his dinner. “you’re right, you’re totally right. i’m just over thinking. shocking, right?”
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melancholaes · 4 years
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What it is, is, unfair. Mateo is playing a game he absolutely cannot win. There is no way to balance the delicate sweetness of the little girl he’s already allowed himself to fall for. He’d been wrapped around her little finger from the first day Lucas had introduced them. Lucas was another poignant point in that, taking them as they should be: a package deal. He found himself entirely too wrapped up in the beauty of the other man, in the way that his smile seemed to light up the dark. The thought of the other shoe dropping, the truth shining through, is pushed away. Instead, he focuses on the compliment, adding an imaginary hair flip. “Oh absolutely, the little lady.” He pauses to give proper attention to the girl, poking a finger at her nose before laughing. “Would never steer me wrong.” There is an enthusiastic nod when its suggested she has a future in art, and laughter at the clear choice to be made. Scooping her up, he holds her up in the air for a moment, only furthering the giggles before a dramatic kiss to the forehead. “See, she has impeccable taste.” He announces, laughing still, before turning back to Lucas. “Do you?” It’s a selfish question, but he always wants to hear the answer.
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sometimes he wondered what kept him around this town, with danger that seemed to lurk in the corners and how dark things could get with a quick betrayal from one club or another. raising a child amidst this was not something he ever imagined for himself, and he questions whether this would have been the path his sister wanted for her daughter, but then there were nights like this. laughter spilling around him, while grace and mateo sit on the floor of her family home, and what is nothing short of jubilee and pure happiness between the three of them. mateo had come along and broken up his anxieties about living in straton county, given him, and grace, something brighter to think about. he finds a seat on the couch that his boyfriend is sitting against and he moves closer to him. he looks at him with something warm as adoration coating his eyes. teeth sink into his bottom lip but he is not unsure of his answer. head nods, “seems i just might.” lucas tells him, leaning down to steal a gentle kiss from him.
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melancholaes · 4 years
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he was finally gonna do it. he had seen her how many times since he had started his job here, and every time she had grabbed and held his attention. through the bay windows of the storefront, he notices her coming in. her regular coffee is ready, and in scribbled black sharpy, his number and a little cute message is written across the paper cup. “hey,” he greets in a soft voice, and before she can order yet, her coffee is handed to her. his life recently had become a web of mystery and uncertainty, and things beyond his control but this . . . this was something he looked forward to, something he could control; his happiness. he does not bring attention to the message on the cup, he wants her to notice it herself.
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melancholaes · 4 years
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melancholaes · 4 years
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Happy Birthday Miguel
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melancholaes · 4 years
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Of course I want you to stay. Then of course I’m staying.
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melancholaes · 4 years
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you have no faith in my scientific abilities! because you fall asleep in my hand!
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melancholaes · 4 years
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melancholaes · 4 years
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