melancholy-lute · 4 days
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Gilbert & Sullivan: here’s another fanciful crack at the Bad Baronet of Ruddigore! more of my own design, I guess. Loosely inspired by the H&B cartoon but only loosely. If I could figure out how to do it, I think it’d be so cool to depict the portrait ghosts as having an impressionist, painterly look to them. Take the “painted emblems” part a little more literally.
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melancholy-lute · 4 days
My daughters told me that making a social media account is what all the "cool" dads do. And because I am the very model of not only a major general, but the very model of a "cool dad". So here I am. Major general out.
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melancholy-lute · 9 days
nothing makes my brain scream like the iolanthe overture
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melancholy-lute · 9 days
Yes, and:
Phoebe's further response ("Most of them, I verily believe") is joking/teasing, in response to her father implicitly asking if he is included in that category. In contrast, Elsie's explanation ("I love the bravest best") is flipping the script by making Fairfax think about proving his courage instead of her faithfulness.
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melancholy-lute · 11 days
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melancholy-lute · 11 days
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Sweet Rose Maybud!
She’s holding her book of Etiquette, which has the title “Etiquette for Village Maidens” only because I thought the idea of an author trying to make money by writing a book specifically for village maidens and nobody else was funny.
Her hair is short because she read that she shouldn’t have her hair “over her shoulders” and naturally went to cut it too short to ever be over her shoulders. Also she likes the look of it. Also I like the look of it and I’m making excuses about why she has it because I like drawing ladies with short hair.
She’d probably be more likely to wear blue as that was the “girl colour” back then, but blue is too much of a sky colour for a girl so associated with flowers. And her name is Rose, so really pink was the only option. I think blue will end up being the bridesmaids’ colour. Robin wears green with pink accents when he’s Robin Oakapple, and he wears green with purple accents when he’s Ruthven Murgatroyd. I could do the other characters, but I won’t.
She’s not one of my favourite characters, but I liked drawing her!
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melancholy-lute · 11 days
Are you a: Heavy Dragoon?
@nathanielthecurious I liked this idea so much I’m making more of them…
I have:
[  ] The pluck of Lord Nelson on board of the Victory  [  ] Genius of Bismarck devising a plan [  ] The humour of Fielding [  ] Coolness of Paget about to trepan [  ] The science of Jullien, the eminent musico [  ] Wit of Macaulay, who wrote of Queen Anne [  ] The pathos of Paddy, as rendered by Boucicault [  ] Style of the Bishop of Sodor and Man [  ] The dash of a D'Orsay, divested of quackery [  ] Narrative powers of Dickens
[  ] Narrative powers of Thackeray 
[  ] The wealth of the Czar [  ] The family pride of a Spaniard from Aragon [  ] Force of Mephisto pronouncing a ban [  ] Swagger of Roderick, heading his clan  [  ] The keen penetration of Paddington Pollaky [  ] Grace of an Odalisque on a divan  [  ] The genius strategic of Caesar or Hannibal  [  ] Skill of Sir Garnet in thrashing a cannibal  [  ] Flavour of Hamlet  And also relevant qualities of (half a point each):
[  ] Victor Emmanuel
[  ] peak-haunting Peveril  [  ] Thomas Aquinas
[  ] Doctor Sacheverell [  ] Tupper 
[  ] Tennyson 
[  ] Daniel Defoe [  ] Anthony Trollope 
[  ] Mister Guizot
[  ] Lord Waterford, reckless and rollicky
[  ] the Stranger [  ] Manfred (but not very much of him)  [  ] Beadle of Burlington 
[  ] Richardson’s show  [  ] Mister Micawber 
[  ] Madame Tussaud 
0-5: ridiculous, preposterous!
6-11: something like this sort of thing…
12-17: as commonplace a young man as ever I saw
18-22:  a soldier of our Queen
23-28: that popular mystery known to the world as a Heavy Dragoon
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melancholy-lute · 11 days
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melancholy-lute · 11 days
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very abandoned people
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melancholy-lute · 11 days
Very cool arrangement of the Yeomen overture for two oboes, two clarinets, two bassoons, two horns, and a string bass.
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melancholy-lute · 21 days
Yeomen: When maiden loves, she sits and sighs Gondoliers: When a merry maiden marries, sorrow goes and pleasure tarries
Yeomen: It is sung with a sigh and a tear in the eye Gondoliers: ...let our tears be tears of laughter. Every sigh that finds a vent be a sigh of sweet content!
Yeomen: ...yellow, bilious, jaundiced jealousy. Gondoliers: and Jealousy yellow, unfortunate fellow, we drown in the shimmering blue
gondoliers: woman's heart is one with woman's hand
yeomen: is it?
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melancholy-lute · 22 days
Concept: A Yeomen production advertising by running a social media campaign to get Fairfax reprieved, with the execution date written as the show's opening night
"Don't let a good man be sacrificed on the altar of superstition! #AmnestyForFairfax!"
"Send in your name for Phoebe Meryll's petition by July 14! #AmnestyForFairfax!"
"The TRUTH about Sir Clarence Poltwhistle's involvement in the Fairfax conviction! Say #AmnestyForFairfax and prevent a legally-sanctioned murder!"
"Shall the flower of England's brave die because a Secretary Of State wants to increase his material standing? #AmnestyForFairfax!"
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melancholy-lute · 23 days
Yes! Initially, Jack might be bitter about Cyril's privilege protecting him from negative consequences (most of the time). But Cyril is 1) not malicious 2) happy to Go Along With The Bit, so Jack's opinion of him would improve over time.
...Jack would be much happier if he worked for Cyril!
Gilbert& Sullivan mutuals: Do you think Cyril and Jack Point would get along or not?
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melancholy-lute · 23 days
But strangest of these social twirls, The girls are boys — the boys are girls! The men are women, too — but then Per contra, women all are men. To one who to tradition clings This seems an awkward state of things, But if to think it out you try, It doesn't really signify.
"My Dream", W. S. Gilbert
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melancholy-lute · 23 days
General Stanley's parents, as always, were in excellent health.
For this reason, they were surprised to find their obituaries in the newspaper one morning. A letter from their son explained the matter. His scheme to protect their granddaughters had succeeded, only to take on a life of its own. Even the newspaper publishers knew him to be an orphan, and had acted accordingly. Included with the letter were invitations to eight or nine or ten weddings.
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melancholy-lute · 1 month
G&S + TS: "When a wooer goes a-wooing" + "Hits Different"
"tears that blister" & "feelings fester"/"food for fishes only fitted" 🤝 "threw up on the street" & "my sadness is contagious"/"I slur your name"
I should think of someone newer
But I'm left here feeling bluer
When each memory is truer
It hits different 'cause it's you
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melancholy-lute · 1 month
People said it was out of character for me to buy an old-timey tavern.
But I think it's inn keeping.
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