brokenbutterfly12 replied to your post: //ooc Well, I’m unfortunately sick as a dog, but...
I hope you feel better soon! ♄ ♡
Thank you sweety. <3
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Part of him thought that if such a creature was attacking the fields it would not come out while he was around. Did demons not fear his presence? He was already a powerful daiyokai in his own right. Surely his presence would deter attacks. However he will wait and see.
However the subject of his brother’s relationship with that strange priestess piqued his interest, just slightly. Past feelings or not, surely Kikyo wanted to see his brother? Kagome won Inuyasha over anyway. With an established relationship he saw no cause for that girl to be jealous anymore, lingering feelings or not. Humans were strange. He recalled his mother being rather indifferent to his father and Inuyasha’s human mother. In fact they made peace and remained friends did they not? It must be a human thing.
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“I see no cause for you to keep your distance from him. At the very least, you three could be friends – assuming Inuyasha is smart enough not to do anything suspicious.” He simply had to get one implied insult in. “At the very least, Kagome seems to have made her peace with the past. She seems less prone to ‘sitting’ him anyway
A strange expression crossed Sesshomaru’s face. Why was he talking good about this? He’s actually happier these days, even if his expression hardly looked any different. Well, he too made peace with most of his issues, freeing himself from the shadow of Tessaiga and the whole Inuyasha thing. On occasion he even paid them a visit.
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“We have a suitable arrangement, yes. One would not expect me to have built an entire family and I
managed to do it
 I owe Kohaku for allowing me to be a part of his happy pack
Admitting it was
freeing? It was a curious feeling. If another demon heard him say that they would say he’d gone soft. Although that in itself was a lie. If anything he was more frightening because he had even more to protect and lay his pride on.
“It’s mutually beneficial
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“It will not change the deep wounds which still torment him. That is something which causes me concern
 Only time will tell if those wounds of his ever heal.”
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At his mention of InuYasha and Kagome, Kikyou felt her lungs struggle to expand as she pursed her lips. “It is not either of them I worry about. It is... an act of self preservation. While InuYasha would not betray his wife, I...” Her mouth was dry as sand, but she saw no reason to lie to the daiyoukai. “I still love him. It appears it shall always be so. Though I avoided him in the past because of the second death I that knew was inevitable, it was not because I lacked feelings. To linger in his wake is nothing less than a reminder of the life that was stolen from me, as dearly as I love the one I have now formed.” As the topic drifted on to Kohaku, the miko nodded in solemn agreement with Sesshoumaru’s words. “The wounds of his mind will never leave him, but that does not mean we must leave him to suffer alone. With us at his side, he shall survive and flourish. I cannot see either of us letting him fall victim to his past.” They began to round the fence of the village, the clearing becoming scattered with thicker foliage, leading out into the forest. “I suppose it is why our spirits are so kindred. We both have a life we can never regain, and revisiting it is all too painful.”
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//ooc Well, I’m unfortunately sick as a dog, but on the plus side, I have a little time to meander around tumblr for a bit. Hit me up if you want a reply or a starter. <3
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My muse is sick and won’t admit it. Send:
đŸ’€To tell them to go to bed.
💊To try to get them to take their medicine.
☀ To take their temperature.
❀To tell them that you’re worried about them
✹To catch them when they pass out
Bonus points if you can describe the symptoms of their illness.
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He crashed into her with all the lack-luster force she had learned to expect, and yet as her back hit the floor, the shock that sparked through her body was no less a surprise, the standing oil lanterns about them trembling with the threat to fall from the force. At his muttered apology, she laughed, a tender hand going to roam his cheek. “It’s alright,” she soothed, voice soft as a bell.
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His lips descended down her collar bone and she watched with a soft astonishment. No one had ever touched her this way- she had never allowed anyone this close- and the sudden realization of what she was allowing him to do made her breath hitch in her chest. Her mind was still fogged with an instinctual desire to be close to him, to experience him, touch him, feel him in a way she had never experienced another. His sunlit eyes flecked her way before he seized her breast with his fangs and tongue, the gentle pinch of his teeth causing her to squirm beneath him in a most pleasant way. When his tongue drug over her nipple, a hot gasp left her lips, head rolling back as she bit her lip. “It feels good,” she moaned, not knowing what else to say- gods, she had read about this, had been taught about the consummation of couples, but she had never expected it to be quite this exhilarating- one hand diving into his hair and going to rub his felted ear as the other dove beneath his clothing, exploring his neck and shoulders with a gentle timidity. “I want to touch more of you.” she begged, cheeks turning even rosier than before, chest flushing pink with her blush and arousal. “May I...?” she asked, but her words trailed away as she sat up on one elbow, careful not to interrupt the way his mouth worked over her chest. She went to loosen the fire-rat robe with slow, gentle movements, uncertain of how he would react as she pressed panting kisses into his forehead. The warmth of her breath spilled down and cascaded over his face as she watched him, breathless and wanting beneath him, her whiskey eyes swimming with a softness that only he could see- was allowed to see.
Part Two ☰ mikosloneliness
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//ooc I promise I’m not dead. I just haven’t had the muse/time to respond to anyone. I’ll hopefully be back soon ;v;
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I miss you all!
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"What do you think?" - melancholy-remembrance
Send me “What do you think?” and I’ll  RECORD what my Muse thinks of yours! :ACCEPTING
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Kohaku’s thoughts on the Adopted Aneue
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//ooc I’m going to pop out a few quick replies before heading to work. To those I likely owe several paragraphs to, it’ll be another day, but I promise I’ll be back!
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“Of course I did. Had you wanted to be more obvious, I suspect you would have thrown a rock at the back of my head.” Shifting her weight and stance, she looked him over, cloaked in his snowy baboon pelt. “Did you miss me so terribly?” she mocked, bell-like tone ringing with sarcasm. “You must have, to have come crawling from your web to check up on me.” Her calloused hands itched to go for her bow, but she gave him nothing- had always refused to give him what he wanted. “I want to see her composure lost.” Kaede’s voice echoed in her memories as her sister recalled the bandit’s words.
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“If you are here only to spy upon my visage, then I have no desire to linger. Say your piece, or leave me be.”
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“Show yourself,” she demanded, teeth gritting in her cheek. Knowing well and good this was likely a trap, her hatred demanded she push forward, following the venomous aura of Naraku. His shouki hung in the air like a vaporous trail, left to send her pecking at the bread crumbs he left behind. “I have no time for your aimless games, Onigumo.”
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//ooc I promise I’m not dead, everyone! I’ve just been working a lot. Sorry for being so sparse. I’ll hopefully be able to get to replies sometime this week. I love my job, but between moving, working, and everything, I am so tired. x.x I can’t wait to come back and write with all of you! Kikyou has been itching to go adventuring.
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//ooc Sorry replies are so spotty. If I ever get a day off, I promise I’ll be able to do more than just a few a week. x____x
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I miss you all!
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“Truthfully, I do my best to give him and his companions a rather wide berth, lest they send for me. Now that he and Kagome are wed, I have desire to trod within his life. Though we may control our feelings, the past lingers, none the less... and he is happy. I could wish for nothing better for him, and my presence does nothing but cause tension that need not be.” Leading the way, she looked over the broad stretch of fence, built with towering logs and sturdy leathers. The rice fields expanded down in the lowest dip of the valley, the villagers working away. “I have heard the worst of the reports in the east, near the rice fields. I suppose we shall rely on your demonic senses, if you would give them. If we cannot sense it, and perhaps you may hear or smell it.”
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“How are you and Kohaku?” she asked gently. “He has told me of your relationship, but does not tell very much. He explained you prefer your privacy, and that it was your decision whether you wished to speak of it. You do not have to answer, if you wouldn’t like.”
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“He’s seems so happy of late, and I have noticed it tends to be the most when I sense your aura about. I’m so thankful that you bring him such joy.” Kohaku had once been such a gloomy child, having suffered the same fate she did, and yet now he walked with a spirited skip in his step. Akuma and the pups were his pride and joy, and yet as Sesshoumaru-sama came to visit, he would rush out, beaming and glowing. Seeing such a tender look upon her brother’s face made her swell with elation, and while she made point never to pry- she couldn’t be more proud and content.
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“It would not be the first time a demon were capable of hiding it’s presence.” That dreaded Naraku did it a few times. Knowing this, it would be worth checking it out. In the end, this would prove to be at least a distraction.
“I will go with you. It is better to check it out than to regret not acting. If it is nothing, then so be it. I’m surprised you did not seek out Inuyasha and his friends for this.”
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Show A Little Skin Meme
Send a symbol for my Muse’s reaction to yours unintentionally (?):
✀ - Moving/putting up their hair, showing off the back of their neck ✄ - Popping a button on their shirt, showing their chest / a bit of cleavage ✩ - Rolling up their sleeves to keep cool, showing off their forearms ❉ - Stretching their arms up, showing their midriff ❄ - Bending over in a short skirt / shorts / tight pants, showing off dat booty ❊ - Changing clothes facing away, showing off their back ❧ - Hiking up their skirt / pant leg, showing off some leg and/or thigh ❃ - Fighting with their belt for some reason, showing off some hip/waist ❂ - Scratching at a bug bite under their shirt, showing off their side ❁ - Wearing a top that’s too big for them, showing off their collarbone / shoulders ❀  - BONUS TOUCH EDITION: Asking your Muse to help put sun screen / lotion / medical salve on a wound anywhere else
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Her breath was fire, and her heart couldn’t keep up with her breathing, and her body couldn’t keep up with her trembling, her body was out of- His mouth devoured her neck and she mewled and moaned, hips betraying her as they moved on their own, grinding against his groin with a need she had never quite experienced. Her desire pooled between her thighs, the slick liquid tickling the inside of her thigh as it dripped down. Haori all a mess of rumbling fabric, she panted as he looked her over, causing her fogged thoughts to stall and sputter. Sorry? He was... sorry? The concept baffled her, but words were lost, composure long gone and dwindling behind this heat that rippled through her. With fumbling hands she wanted to show him that he had permission, that she craved his touch with every fiber of her existence, that his tongue and his mouth and his sounds and his breath and his hands-
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Pulling off her haori, her breasts bounced and swayed at the sudden exposure, nipples perked and wanting as she shrugged the fabric from her shoulders.
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“Don’t stop,” she whispered and whined, begging, pleading for him to continue as she re-positioned and straddled his hips. Her hips drew circles over his hardened cock she felt beneath his robe, leaning forward and above him to seize his ears with a hot, slick tongue, teeth teasing the tender flesh as the miko moaned into them. “Don’t ever stop.”
Part Two ☰ mikosloneliness
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“Your biggest fan is Kohaku and you know it.” she giggled.
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“When I saw Kikyƍ’s sad and lonely expression, I felt guilty for the very first time in my life. After that, I couldn’t get her out of my mind. She was always by my side and I by hers.”
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A bit of symbolism in Inuyasha. :P
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