How People or Teens in Particular Use Media, Information and Technology
Its not exactly a surprise when we say teens love the media SO MUCH! But the scary part is when the Pew Research Center revealed in their study(2010) that teens are growing dependency on media and devices. Just imagine how people being too attached with this new technology. We are not just isolating ourselves from our family and friends but also isolating ourselves from the real world. Yes at some point it really help us to our daily lives. Media is a medium of expression, means you can say whatever you want, you can share your thoughts, publish your own material online using Tumblr etc. Media can provide us reliable information and sources but also provide us unreliable info. Media help us to connect with others but also disconnect us with people around us. Media is equal to easier life but also media is equal to inactive life. Media is full of positive and negative viewpoints, we are not just aware of that because we're only focusing of where are the smooth and easiest way. Watching TV, listening to music, interacting on social media and playing video games thats the teens life cycle. We are consuming half of our day with those, the usage are increase further and further still. Teens are becoming glued to their phones, ipod,computers,tablets etc. they just cannot put their phones down and I concede I am one of those teens who cannot help to look at their phones whether it is needed or not. I am timidly admitted that whenever i feel I am in the awkward situation I always pretend Im texting. In that way I considered myself as a media addict because a simple gesture like that is a sign that you are unconciously glued in the presence of your phone. I am that person who silently observing others and I always observe that most of the students taking the "text language" into their real writing assignments. It is somehow alternative for students who shiftlessly get their notebook and write details. And obviously it is no good for us.   Media,information and technology advancements help to improve the world but as a teen we need to be careful to avoid negative consequences. We can just enjoy this but in a positive manner.
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