melanywriting · 8 months
Hey fellow storytellers! :)
Let's delve into a topic dear to every writer: the invaluable dance between time and failure in crafting content. They are the architects of our narratives, shaping them into profound tales that resonate with readers.
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1. Time is Our Wisest Ally 
Patience, dear writer, is the key to unlocking brilliance. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is a masterpiece. The ticking clock is our silent collaborator, allowing ideas to ferment, perspectives to evolve, and narratives to mature. 
Prewriting takes most of your time, and it's what happens in your head before you finish a draft.  
Everything that takes place before the first draft is called prewriting. Prewriting usually takes about 85% of the writer's time. It includes awareness of his world from which his subject is born. In prewriting, the writer focuses on that subject, spots an audience, and chooses a form that best carries his subject to his audience. Prewriting may include research and daydreaming, notemaking and outlining, title-writing and lead-writing.
The time spent writing and waiting to write again is the most important part of the process. This is where your ideas will ferment, and at worst you will have nothing new to add but fresh eyes to look over what you’ve already written.  
2. Failure: The Unsung Hero 
Ah, the F-word! Failure is not a foe, but a faithful friend. It's where growth sprouts, ideas refine, and creativity flourishes. Each stumble is a steppingstone towards greatness. Embrace it!  
Failing to write at all? 
You’re not a student trying to get the best score, you're a writer trying to get the best story. Just because your writing is not sounding as good as it sounded in your head doesn’t mean all is lost and you should just trash it all.  
Remember that no writing is wasted. Everything compounds on each other one way or another and every moment you spend building a world and its characters is instrumental. 
Failing to find inspiration? 
It doesn't always strike like lightning, but it can be coaxed from the shadows. Those moments of creative drought are when the seeds of determination are planted. Seek new experiences, read voraciously, and let life's tapestry weave its magic. Remember, even without inspiration, your dedication to the craft is a victory in itself. 
Failing to see progress? 
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Progress isn't always measured in leaps and bounds, it's the tiny steps, the subtle shifts, and the moments of clarity that pave the way—your persistence will yield results. 
Failing to see progress is not a signal to abandon ship, but a reminder that progress is often measured in small, incremental steps. It's in these minuscule shifts and moments of clarity that the path to excellence is paved. Your persistence, your unwavering commitment, will yield results beyond measure. 
3. Expansion: Creative Playground 
Time and failure pave the path for bold experimentation.  
Try new genres, styles, and formats. Challenge the status quo and watch your content flourish in unexpected ways. 
Styles are the strokes that paint the canvas of your narrative. Are you inclined towards the lyrical prose of a poet or the sharp, concise lines of a minimalist? The beauty lies in the diversity of expression, Experiment with different styles. 
Maybe even consider the canvas on which your story unfolds. Is it a short story, a novella, or a sprawling epic?  Once you have settled on a style, experiment further with the flow of the story. Consider how the characters will interact with each other, how the plot will unfold, and how the conflict will be resolved. Finally, edit and refine the story until you are satisfied with the end result.
4. Reflection and Feedback: Our Lighthouse 
Peering into our work, with honest eyes, leads to revelation. Reflect on what works, what doesn't, and why. Reflection is the mirror that reveals what works, what doesn't, and why. It's the compass that guides us through the sea of endless possibilities. Seek feedback, for it is the crucible in which raw creativity is refined into polished brilliance. Together, we refine our craft. 
Time and failure have been my longtime allies in producing what I consider to be my best works. A year ago, I struggled with writing a short story. By the second draft, there was still no solid storyline and no context to my story. It didn't materialize on the page as vividly as it did in my mind. Yet, with persistence and a willingness to absorb criticism, the story found its voice. I think it demonstrates the transformative power of time and the ability to embrace failure. 
Remember, every word written is a step forward, every stumble a lesson learned. Good luck with your WIPs!
With ink-stained love, Melany
#creative writing#wip#writing tips
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