melkors-second · 9 years
On this episode of Finwean Angst Party-
Curvo is still hunting for an albino murder prince to take his breath away
Maedhros is pregnant somehow.
Maeglin is like wtf
And then everyone else is not there haha
Come join in the fun yo
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melkors-second · 9 years
Sauron’s Name in Numenor
Coda to this post. Canonically, Tar-Mairon is the title Sauron used in Númenor, which means ‘King Excellent’ in Quenya. 
But speaking elven languages, like Quenya, was against the law; the majority of the Númenóreans were strongly anti-elvish, and Sauron hated the elves, so why would he use a title in Quenya? 
Maybe Ar-Pharazôn gave his adviser a special exception, but I think it’s more likely that Sauron actually used an Adûnaic translation of his name.
So what was his name then?
We know that Tar- becomes Ar- in Adûnaic, but we have no translation for the second word.
Sauron’s original name was Mairon, from Q maira “admirable, excellent, precious, splendid, sublime”.
Adûnaic simplifies ai into long ê, giving us the loan word mêra. 
If we add the adjective ending -ôn, we get the noun mêraôn, “admirable one,” similar to pharazôn “golden one.” But I’m doubtful this an acceptable or pronounceable vowel cluster in Adûnaic.
We could alter it by dropping the first vowel to form Mêrôn. Or we could add a glide consonant y to make Mêrayôn, like in the word Avalôiyada.
So possible Adûnaic names for Sauron are Ar-Mêrôn and Ar-Mêrayôn.
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melkors-second · 9 years
Send ‘a moment of weakness’
and the generated outcome will be used for a small drabble scenario or starter. { tw violence, possible noncon/dubcon implications, nsfw }
Your muse is emotionally compromised and breaking down.
My muse is emotionally compromised and breaking down.
Your muse is smashed drunk and incoherent.
My muse is completely drunk and incoherent.
Your muse is tied up (how and why is up to the mun)
My muse is all tied up (how and why is up to the mun)
Your muse is surrounded by thugs up to no good and mine happens to pass by.
My muse is surrounded by thugs up to no good and yours happens upon this.
Your muse is having a vivid nightmare and is shouting out brokenly.
My muse is having a vivid nightmare and is crying out in their sleep.
Your muse has been drugged with a aphrodisiac and is out of it, needing release.
My muse has been drugged with a aphrodisiac and is in a haze, needing release.
Your muse is being beat up by mine, something your muse did must of been the last straw.
My muse is being beat up by yours, something they did must of been the last straw.
Your muse is being kept hostage and mine has just rescued them.
My muse is kidnapped and yours has just rescued them.
Your muse has been beaten badly and is in bad shape, mine happens to find them.
My muse is been beaten badly and is in bad shape, yours finds mine in this state.
Your muse falls very ill and continues activities even if they seem on the verge of passing out.
My muse is sick and continues daily routine even though they seem on the verge of passing out.
Your muse is in a frightened or nervous state (why is up to the mun)
My muse is in a frightened or nervous state (why is up to the mun)
Your muse is being punished by mine.
My muse is being punished by yours.
Your muse is temporarily blind.
My muse is temporarily blind.
Your muse has suddenly sprained an ankle and can’t walk.
My muse has suddenly sprained an ankle and can’t walk.
Your muse has blackmail over mine.
My muse has blackmail over yours.
Your muse catches mine naked.
My muse catches yours naked.
Mun chooses.
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melkors-second · 9 years
Someone recently said that Feanor should have comforted his sons “instead of” reaffirming the Oath. Initially I had trouble understanding what that meant. It sounded like a self-contradictory statement to me.
Because throughout the Silmarillion, the Silmarils are symbolic beacons of hope. That’s why they drive everyone past reason with the desire to possess them. These aren’t just shiny rocks. They’re hope given physical form. It’s Feanor’s hope, so bright and intense that it burns, and the idea of it is all they have left in the wake of death and darkness. That’s what they’re swearing to retrieve, and why the Oath itself was supposed to be a comfort. “We’ll get our hope back, and nothing can stop us.”
Hope is what Melkor covets even as it burns him. Hope is what Elwing throws herself over a cliff for rather than giving up. Hope is what the Feanorions seek and what they lose their right to by killing others. Hope is what everyone is constantly trying to steal from one another. Hope is what so many people are willing to kill and die for.
It’s something held fleetingly, thereafter always just out of reach, and the harder you strive for it the harder you’ll be crushed.
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melkors-second · 9 years
Send Me 👣 For My Muse's Reaction To Holding Mine And Your Muse's Child For The First Time
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melkors-second · 9 years
“Ever the dignified one, Morifinwë.” He commented, leaning back in his chair. The glaring amused him greatly, and the elf’s cheeks were still as red as they had been moments before - perhaps even more so.
“You requested this arrangement. I could have just as easily left you hog-tied on the floor, or bound you and thrown you over my shoulder. But I think you’d prefer to stay like this, no?”
✰ "Honestly answer every question I ask you." ;)
The Feanorion scowled in response, knowing he could not refuse, though he wished terribly that he could.
“You had best not try anything funny,” He warned, though he knew that was exactly what they were up to.
{ @melkors-second welp have fun moryo }
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melkors-second · 9 years
Mairon produced a pair of iron cuffs, quickly locking it to the leg of a table. He took a seat on the chair next to it, gesturing for the elf to sit down as well. “Please, take a seat. We still have much to discuss.”
✰ "Honestly answer every question I ask you." ;)
The Feanorion scowled in response, knowing he could not refuse, though he wished terribly that he could.
“You had best not try anything funny,” He warned, though he knew that was exactly what they were up to.
{ @melkors-second welp have fun moryo }
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melkors-second · 9 years
As I get older the more I appreciate straight forward people. Like if you’re mad at me I will respect you if you tell me. I don’t understand adults that would rather stomp their feet and use passive aggressive behavior to communicate. Life does not have to be this difficult fam
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melkors-second · 9 years
“Ah, well, I’m afraid you won’t be making it to that.” He clamped down harder on the wrist, sighing. “Must I chain you to the furniture here to keep you from running off?”
✰ "Honestly answer every question I ask you." ;)
The Feanorion scowled in response, knowing he could not refuse, though he wished terribly that he could.
“You had best not try anything funny,” He warned, though he knew that was exactly what they were up to.
{ @melkors-second welp have fun moryo }
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melkors-second · 9 years
The Maia chuckled, pulling away. “Enough playing. It’s time for you to start talking.”
💀 ((Fingolfin?
Nolofinwe growled as he tried to escape from the ropes that bound him tight, frustrated as they did not give way. The elf decided to glare at his captor venomously instead, his voice low and deadly.
“Let me free this instant.”
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melkors-second · 9 years
Mairon listened carefully, taking note of each group mentioned and the details relayed. He stepped forward, clasping the Feanorian’s wrist in an iron-clad hold. “Have you been planning anything? If so - what? And do you really need to be glaring right now? It’s pathetic.”
✰ "Honestly answer every question I ask you." ;)
The Feanorion scowled in response, knowing he could not refuse, though he wished terribly that he could.
“You had best not try anything funny,” He warned, though he knew that was exactly what they were up to.
{ @melkors-second welp have fun moryo }
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melkors-second · 9 years
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the hobbit bts: ⇨ Billy Connolly about Lee Pace
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melkors-second · 9 years
"I will try everything, son of Feanor. Now - has dearest Maitimo been planning anything concerning us? If so - what has he been planning? In detail, please." He purred.
✰ "Honestly answer every question I ask you." ;)
The Feanorion scowled in response, knowing he could not refuse, though he wished terribly that he could.
“You had best not try anything funny,” He warned, though he knew that was exactly what they were up to.
{ @melkors-second welp have fun moryo }
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melkors-second · 9 years
"Well..." He moved across the room, seating himself on the edge of Glorfindel's bed. "You're so very cocky, my dear elf. But I don't believe any of that to be true."
He pulled a blade out of his pocket, though in all honesty he wouldn't be needing it. "There are many things I want. You. Your Lord Elrond. This valley. The elves in this valley as my subjects. My ring. The entirety of Middle Earth under my rule. But perhaps we shouldn't get ahead of ourselves. Let's start with you!"
"Oh, it's a lovely valley you're protecting here. And a lovely bedroom you're sleeping in. Pray tell, are you awake yet?"
“I do not sleep,” the elf said. Indeed it was true–he needed sleep even less than the other elves, since he had been reborn.He had merely been lying on the bed for a few hours, thinking deeply to get rid of the boredom that grew in the dead of night when he was the only one awake. He slowly sat up, his face hard and impassive.
“…I have been waiting for you. What is it you want?”
⚔ { @melkors-second } ⚔
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melkors-second · 9 years
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melkors-second · 9 years
The Maia had been finishing putting away tools when he heard the other enter, and as he put out a candle, he heard his name. "I...was just about to leave, my Lord..." He said. "I put away my tools and everything."
@melkors-second liked this for a starter
Aulë stepped into the forge and glanced around the dark room. There was a recently extinguished candle on the table and a familiar imprint in the air. “Mairon?”
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melkors-second · 9 years
anonymously send me something your muse is secretly thinking about mine, and my muse will guess who it is!
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