melodramariana · 17 days
As for me, my heart is oppressed in a way that astonishes me, and I wallow in a bottomless melancholy,
Gustave Flaubert, in a letter to George Sand written c. August 1870
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melodramariana · 19 days
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MERLIN 3.07 — The Castle of Fyrien
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melodramariana · 19 days
BBC Merlin was trending so I wanted to share a hot take:
All Arthuriana as we know it is fanfiction. We don’t really have a Core Text upon which everything is founded, it’s all just people building on each other’s ideas and adapting what they don’t like as much in other versions and putting their favourite characters center stage and taking away the bigoted parts of the stories and making the couples they like kiss.
It’s a beautiful thing!! A testament to human creativity!! And even when people don’t take the fandom seriously we should all remind ourselves that if we’d done this a few hundred or so years ago and our work was preserved, people would be studying it in a classroom.
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melodramariana · 19 days
"Un bello paisaje, una hermosa jornada, un libro selecto... ¿Qué más necesitáis para ser felices? El sol resplandece por dentro".
Gabriela Mistral
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melodramariana · 1 month
“Some things are hard to write about. After something happens to you, you go to write it down, and either you over dramatize it, or underplay it, exaggerate the wrong parts or ignore the important ones. At any rate, you never write it quite the way you want to.”
— Sylvia Plath, The Unabridged Journals
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melodramariana · 1 month
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Daily Dose of Sunshine - Episode 2
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melodramariana · 1 month
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melodramariana · 2 months
having a quiet life is so.. underrated. i don’t mean it in the sense that people who’re open and loud and busy aren’t important, but when our culture has significantly put so much emphasis on the definition of success as fame, extraordinary accomplishments, greatness and importance and excessive wealth, i think there is so much power to be found in our own anonymity. in the silence of life. in not being constantly perceived, analyzed and performing for the world. in being able to take a walk, smile at strangers and just notice the world without all that noise. taking the biggest pleasure out of the smallest joys, like a cup of coffee or blowing out birthday candles. knowing that our lives don’t have to be a grand spectacle for others in order to have worth and cause a good impact.
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melodramariana · 2 months
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“Note how the light plays on Cathy’s face while Heathcliff’s remains in shadow as they look through the window at the ball in the neighbor’s mansion; the whole approaching conflict is given in the lighting.” – Franz Hoellering in a review of Wuthering Heights (1939)
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melodramariana · 5 months
It's funny how a silly fictional character can come into your life and then take over your entire brain chemistry
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melodramariana · 5 months
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Children's Letters to God
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melodramariana · 5 months
tiktok is such an awful app, it's almost designed to feed you misinformation and expose you to insane discourse. unlike beloved tumblr, the app that feeds me misinformation and exposes me to insane discourse
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melodramariana · 5 months
no rizz just sparkly loving eyes and a heart that feels ready to pour right out of my ribcage at any given time
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melodramariana · 6 months
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― Carolina Maria de Jesus
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melodramariana · 6 months
when i have a crush i dont kick my feet or twirl my hair instead i am in my kitchen at 3am pacing in circles with my hands clasped behind my back like a middle-aged divorced detective haunted by a cold case he just cant crack
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melodramariana · 6 months
u know what makes me cry..... that one van gogh quote about life changing for the better..... “many people seem to think it foolish, even superstitious, to believe that the world could still change for the better. and it is true that in winter it is sometimes so bitingly cold that one is tempted to say, ‘what do i care if there is a summer; its warmth is no help to me now.’ yes, evil often seems to surpass good. but then, in spite of us, and without our permission, there comes at last an end to the bitter frosts. one morning the wind turns, and there is a thaw. and so i must still have hope.” yeah..... Crying....
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melodramariana · 6 months
The purest form of love is consideration. When someone thinks about how things would make you feel. Pays attention to detail. Holds you in regard when making decisions that could affect you. In any bond, how much they care about you can be found in how much they consider you
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