melodygrace31-blog · 10 years
It's been a minute, but I wanted to roll in the new year with an artist I have been really into all of January. Yes, I know this album came out in 2014 and I am a little late listening to his new stuff, but I have been especially OBSESSED with James Vincent McMorrow's newest album. For those of you that do not know, James is an Irish singer and songwriter, his debut album Early in the morning was released in Ireland February 2010 and was spread all throughout the U.S. and Europe by 2011. There are some albums where I maybe like a couple of the artist's songs, but every single song on this album is beautifully crafted from beginning to end. His newest album titled, 'Post Tropical' has a deep and intimate quality about it. There is something in his music that makes you want to listen over and over again to uncover the different sounds and intricate melodies. Just listening to the elegance, vulnerability, and beauty of this album, I can tell James drew from a real deep, intimate place to write it. There are also moments in this album that are quiet and still. I also like how there are new electronic elements added into the mix.
The video I posted today is actually a lighter song off the album. I chose this video simply because it makes me happy. There is so much joy in this video, a man expressing freedom and expression, simply getting caught up in the beauty of the moment. I have also felt these moments of beauty and joy when I have danced in the past. There is something wonderful about being in the moment and being present, which has been a theme in my life over the past few months. It's the new year and I am looking forward to doing a lot more writing, so stay tuned for new posts.
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melodygrace31-blog · 10 years
Hey guys! This week I am featuring a new favorite artist of mine called Vance Joy. I first heard of him on my trip to Spain and fell in love with his music. This song called "Rip Tide" was the theme song for my summer and was voted number 1 on the 2013 Triple J Hottest 100. It reminds me of fun times with friends hanging out on a toasty summer day at the beach. Every time I hear this song I instantly feel my mood lighten. One of the reasons I wanted to write about this artist this week is because his EP album Dream Your Life away, was just released last week on September 5th. I am extremely stoked about this album and plan on buying it soon. Vance Joy was born in Australia on December 1, 1987. Aussies represent! He initially started his career as football player, but ended up quitting to pursue a career in music. Most of his EP is available on Spotify, so give it a listen if your interested. Anyways that is all for this week. Have an awesome weekend!
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melodygrace31-blog · 10 years
Hey guys summer is slowly coming to end in the next month and I thought I would share some of my favorite songs I have been jamming to this summer. The duo I am featuring today is a new favorite of mine called Broods. My friend Brianna showed them to me a few months ago and they have been a staple in my playlist ever since. This duo is from New Zealand and released their EP on January 30, 2014, so they are fairly new to the music scene. Some of my favorite artists have arisen from New Zealand in the past few years, artists like Lorde, Kimbra, and now this duo it's been really exciting to see New Zealand contribute so much to the music culture! Broods joined Ellie Goulding on the Australian tour this summer which I found interesting because there are elements in Brood's music that remind me of some of Ellie Goulding's songs. Another thing I wanted to bring attention to is the Spotify playlist I have been listening to all summer and loving it! It's called Smart is The New Sexy. So if you have Spotify, I recommend following this playlist or if you like you can follow me and find this playlist along with many others I create:) Alright guys well I hope you are enjoying your summer. This blog has lagged a little the past few months due to my traveling and also moving states, but I am now back in the swing of things and hoping to make a new post every other week, so stay tuned!
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melodygrace31-blog · 10 years
Hey Everyone and happy Saturday! I have not made a post in awhile and thought I would start off your weekend with some awesome music! I have been really excited to share this band with you guys all week. Today I went to a coffee shop called Heritage, in Redding where I live and they were actually playing this band’s new album in the shop which I thought was funny and ironic because I started writing this blog post while I was there. This is an older song of theirs off an older album called “Lost in My Mind”. They released a newer album in 2013 called Let’s Be Still. I actually bought this album on vinyl for my best friend for Christmas this year and I have been listening to them the past few months and have really been enjoying there music. My brother was actually the one who first introduced them to me in 2012 and I could not believe that I had not heard of them because they are insanely talented. This indie-rock band is originally from Seattle, Washington and formed their band back in 2009. Afterwards, they were quickly signed by Sub Pop Records. I am super excited because I am actually going to see them this October at ACL Music Festival in Austin, Texas. I decided to post an older song for those of you who might be hearing them for the first time. Both of their albums are filled with incredible songs all the way through so please give them a listen. They have a Facebook Page so if you like they you should check them out. Okay well that is all for this post have an amazing weekend and happy listening!
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melodygrace31-blog · 11 years
This week's post is featuring Coldplay and their new song "Magic". I have been obsessed with this song for the past week, listening to it on repeat everyday.Everyone knows Coldplay and how insanely talented they are. I could write pages on them and how incredibly beautiful their music is, but I thought I would keep this week's post short and sweet because most of you probably already know so much about them.The first time I heard "The Scientist" I almost fell to my knees and it still cuts deep to my core to this day. I remember two karaoke nights with friends where I sang their song " Yellow", which I probably did a disservice to, but nonetheless their songs with always have an elegance to them that I have not seen many artists capture quite the same way. There is a beauty and vulnerability to their music that often creates a shiver in my soul. Below is a picture of the cover for this single that I thought was really cool. Anyways happy listening :)
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melodygrace31-blog · 11 years
This week I am writing about an artist I discovered a few months ago, Sarah Jaffe. This singer- songwriter is from Denton, Texas. The song I am featuring is one of her older songs called "Clementine", but I really like it so I decided to display this video. I really love how smooth her voice is. I think she has a lot of depth and richness in her voice and in her lyrics. She is one of those artists that speaks to me on multiple levels. The first time I heard her music I broke down in tears listening to some of the things she said. Another song I really enjoy of hers is a song called "Vulnerable'', the lyrics are beautiful and display the vulnerability and softness of humans and the delicateness of relationships, from my point of view. She also does a kick ass cover of a Drake song called "Shut it down", when I first heard this cover I had it on repeat every day for a few weeks. Her first EP Ever Born Again, was recognized by Rolling Stone and Dallas Observer. Her most recent album is titled, The Body Wins and was released in 2012. I hope she releases a new album soon because I really enjoy her music. Her music is on Spotify if you would like to give her a quick listen. Well that is all for this week hope you enjoy, God Bless ;)
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melodygrace31-blog · 11 years
This week I am featuring my personal favorite band,Young The Giant!!!!! When I heard there album back in 2011, I instantly fell in love. There studio album quickly became a staple in my life. There are many fond memories I have with friends driving down the Houston highway jammin out to these guys. There music is so chill and every time I listen to them I feel like I am on vacation somewhere completely relaxed. This also may be due to the fact that most of their videos for their songs off their first album were filmed outside in different scenic spots. Many of you may be familiar with there hit single "My Body",which was released January 2011. What I loved about them then and what I love about them now is that all the songs on their albums are golden. They are not the type of artists that just have a few great songs. Each song is amazing and make their albums rich. There most recent album was just released in January 2014. I have been listening to this album over the past two weeks and I have to say these guys did an excellent job. The song I chose to display today is called "Firelight" so far this is my favorite song off their new album. It has a really dreamy, romantic atmosphere about it. I might be biased considering I have a pretty bad crush on the lead singer and his sexy singing voice, but you will just have to watch the video for yourself ;) My brother is going to see them in a month in Austin. When I found out he got tickets and that I would not be able to go, I almost teared up, but it's okay because I definitely am going to make it a priority of mine to see them within the next year or so. If you would like to hear more of this American indie rock band, you can check them out on Spotify. Also if you like to follow these guys here is a link to their personal blog > http://blog.youngthegiant.com/
Also if you have not already check out my poetry blog > http://melodygrace06.tumblr.com/
Alright well that is all for this week. If you enjoy their music, message me your favorite song!
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melodygrace31-blog · 11 years
Hello, and Happy New Year Everyone! I hope the start of 2014 has been fantastic for you! I know it has been for me :) I want to apologize for my neglect of this blog the past month. I got a bit caught up in the holidays and spending time with family and friends that I ended up not blogging at all this month, but I am back and ready to share some kick ass, glorious music with you! Shout out to my brother who actually introduced me to this band, Run River North! This song "Foxbeard" was the first song I heard ,while watching this video I immediately had crazy chills. This indie alternative band resides in San Fernando Valley, California. What I love about their music is how crisp and crystal their sound is.This is definitely kickback music that you would want to play after a long day. It's so relaxing and puts me at ease, this band definitely hits home for me. One of their earlier videos was shot in a Honda and put on YouTube. They did not have enough money to go to the studio and thought the Honda was a creative idea and said that the car had good acoustics. Their video was recognized by Honda and they ended surprising the band and got them a gig on Jimmy Kimmel. One of the things that I enjoy about this band and think is unique is that all the members are Korean, American. This band is on Facebook, so if you like what you hear give them a like >> https://www.facebook.com/runrivernorth/info?ref=br_tf
Also check out my new poetry blog here >> http://melodygrace06.tumblr.com/
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melodygrace31-blog · 11 years
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I decided to write about something different today. ME:) This blog will be mainly music related, but sometimes I might write about different things that interest me. I thought this might be a way for some of you that read my blog posts to get to know me a little better. If this bores you, feel free to move on haha :)
Random Facts About Me
- I obviously have a passion for great music or I would not be writing this blog. I have always been drawn to music even as a little girl. It has always been a way for me to escape. In high school I would go in my room for hours and listen to music and go off into my own world.
- I have a vivid imagination. I daydream a lot and sometimes I have to remind myself to pay attention to my surroundings haha
- My number one passion growing up was dance. I did ballet from age 7 to 18. I also did Jazz and some Hip Hop. I was always the happiest when I was dancing. In the past few years I have not really been pursuing this mainly because of a back injury and some circumstances, but it is still one of my number one passions. I love to worship God through it and just get lost in his presence.
- According to the Myers Briggs personality test I am an INFJ.I have never taken a personality test that so accurately describes me. I used to hate personality tests, but this one was right on. INFJ stands for Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging. Apparently we are the rarest type of the 16 types, so I guess this makes me kind of weird, but I fully embrace it and think it's kinda of special :)
- I used to write poetry on a monthly basis, but in the past few years I have not been writing as much for some reason, but recently I have thought about writing again and I will maybe post a few on this blog.
- I sing, but I have always been a little shy about it.Recently I have been encouraged by friends and family to pursue it, so I have been trying to write songs.
- I am currently trying to teach myself piano. Ahh learning instruments are hard, but I am determined to learn!!!
- I am absolutely in love with Jesus. He melts my heart. I have always known and been aware of him since I was a little girl. He is my best friend and the love of my life.
- I am studying Media Communications at Full Sail University. I freaking love it. I have never been happier at school. I used to hate school until I went here even though I had excellent grades. The students and the staff are all so creative and innovative, I constantly feel inspired.
- Another one of my passions is fashion. I was back and forth for a year between studying fashion and media communications, but I finally decided on communications. I still love fashion and follow fashion blogs weekly. I wish I had more money to buy clothes and really keep up with the trends, but I am currently broke.
- I am a very bubbly person. I love to smile.
- I love funny, goofy people and love to be friends with people that make me laugh. If you have a good sense of humor we will most likely get along.
- My name is Melody and my middle name is Grace. I love my name and feel it suites me. I love music obviously haha and growing up people would always comment on how graceful I was. It probably had to do with all the ballet classes, but even from strangers that I did not know.
- I am a romantic ;) I think I have only truly been in love once. I am excited to get married some day, but I am not in any rush. I think I will meet my guy in the right timing :) It takes a lot for someone to grab my attention which can sometimes be frustrating, but I am not one to settle :)
- I do not really enjoy small talk. I will engage in it for the sake of getting to know someone I am interested in, but I love having deep conversations with people about interesting things.
- I love bubble baths. I do not take them to cleanse myself but to relax.
-  I Love water in general. I love swimming in the pool and I love the beach. My family nicknamed me Little Mermaid when I was little because I would constantly be swimming.
- I am interested in Quantum Physics and have been studying it a little on the side for some reason it really fascinates me.
- My favorite animal is a small monkey. I wanted one as a pet when I was little and asked for it at Christmas, instead I got a bunch of stuffed animals, but I guess it still sufficed :)
- I love art. I would gladly spend my day in an art gallery. I can not draw at all though!:(:( My mom was an Art History Major, but somehow this drawing gene must have missed me. I am bummed because I have always wanted to be a talented artist.
- I have always really enjoyed photography, but who doesn't in this Instagram age??
-I love to be in nature. I love taking long walks and exploring. It is one of my favorite things to do, it really helps me clear my thoughts.
- I am one of the worst night owls ever! My normal bedtime for the past 4 years is between 2am and 3am:/
-Hence I am not a morning person. It usually takes me an hour to wake up and really start functioning.
-I am told I am very sweet and have always had a really big heart. I care a lot about people. I can be empathetic to a fault, which I have learned to manage and put up boundaries over the years.
- I have had to many embarrassing moments to count.
- I eat really healthy, not to say I do not eat crappy food at times, but for the most part I am pretty passionate about health. 95% of the food I buy is all organic.
-I have a huge Southern family full of lots of color and personality. I love them all a lot.
- I love big cities even though I am currently living in Northern California in a smaller city. I definitely know I will eventually end up in a big city in the next year or two.
-I do not mind being alone, I actually really enjoy it. I can be a hermit sometimes.
- I love listening to live music. It is the best feeling and I love the atmosphere. I have currently not gotten the chance to do this often at all :/
- I enjoy a good red wine:)
- Thai food is my favorite right now.
- I really really want to travel the world.
-I would definitely say I am an optimist. I try to look at the positive even in really negative situations, not saying I am never negative, I just try and have a positive outlook.
- I love cats haha I know not everyone likes them, but I love them! I love animals in general and am seriously considering getting a small dog very soon :)
Well I have a billion more facts I could write about myself, but I should probably end it here because I realize I have already written a lot! Sorry if this was super boring, again I just felt like doing something a little different this week:) Anyways Blessings!
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melodygrace31-blog · 11 years
This week I am writing about a band I recently discovered a few weeks ago, Local Natives. I have been listening to them non- stop ever since I heard there song “Wide Eyes”. I love there three-part harmonies and acoustic vibes. When ever I feel overwhelmed or a little stressed, I turn these guys on and I instantly feel relaxed. This indie-rock band is based out of Los Angeles and used to be known as Cavil at Rest.Their debut album Gorilla Manor was created back in 2008 and there recent album Hummingbird was released in 2013. I am really excited about this band and am looking forward to see what they create in the future. Most of their music is on Spotify so give it a listen :) This blog is short and sweet this week, but I wanted to write a quick post because I have really been enjoying there music.
Blessing ;)
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melodygrace31-blog · 11 years
Mmmm I have been waiting to write about this chick for awhile. This is my favorite female artist right now!! Ugh... there is so much I want to say about her, but basically I think she is incredible!! One of the things I love about Kimbra is her music is so unique! I have never really heard anything like it before. She takes jazz, R&B, and indie- rock influenced dance music and creates this beautiful baby! Many people are familiar with the song " Somebody I Used to Know" and recognize her through that, but if you have not heard any of her other music I highly recommend you check her out. Not only is her music bad ass, she has impeccable style. I am very passionate about music, but one of my other passions is fashion. I love her take on vintage pieces with bright colors, it is an extension of art that expresses her music and gives an extra visual element. One of the things I also appreciate about Kimbra is her incredible vocals. She is this cute, petite woman, but when she sings there is so much power and sole in her voice. She is not just a pretty face and good performer, she is the whole package. She carries this atmosphere of class and swag. This is one of my favorite songs by her because it was one of the first songs that emotionally impacted me.
The lyrics,"Oh, I can't withdraw your heart from mine You're the one thing that sticks right onto my side No, I can't withdraw your heart from mine How'd I get so stuck, so stuck to your side?"
"Can't keep your loving from my mind It's worth more than gold, crystals and pride Ready to shake these stars from me."
"I never knew what your love could do I blew it all away Thought I could satisfy the yearning of my Heart shaped hole on hold for you''
Never learned to hold on I hold too tight and have to let go But there's no love, no love, There's nothing to take your place
During the time I heard this song, I had been going through a rough breakup and so I was really able to connect to this song and the lyrics. It is a beautiful thing when an artist can connect with an audience on a personal level. A cool fact about Kimbra is that she grew up in New Zealand. I got the opportunity to travel to New Zealand back in 2010 and I fell in love with the breathtaking lush, green nation.
Anyways I think I will end the blog here. There is much more I could say about this artist, but I would end up writing pages. Please PLEASE go listen to her music now and message me your favorite song by her ;)
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melodygrace31-blog · 11 years
This is a really exciting week for me to write about because I am featuring my very talented best friend, Ms. Sawyer Key. Many of you may know her as Rebecca, but to me she is Sawyer.  I may be a bit biased, but I am honestly writing about her because I believe this girl has some serious raw talent. I met her back in 2012 in Houston, Texas where we both grew up. There was instantly chemistry between us as we bonded over our love for good music. She is definitely my music soul mate. When we first started discussing music we quickly realized that our 5 to top 10 favorite artists were the same, even old school stuff like Ella Fitzgerald. The first time I heard her sing I was like dayyuuumm.. she can sing haha.  I am excited to announce that she has an up coming event this Saturday, October 19 at Discovery Green. It is the 5th annual Korean Festival in Houston and there will be a few thousand people attending. She is performing at 5:30 pm, so if your in the Houston area go check it out. This video is of one of her original songs called "Forearms." I personally love this song. I think it is really pretty and sweet. This song is also available on iTunes to download. Alright guys well this is all for this week, but keep your eyes out for a new blog post next week!
Love you all,
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melodygrace31-blog · 11 years
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melodygrace31-blog · 11 years
Elenowen - Cripple Me (by briterevolution)
When I was thinking about who I should write about this morning I was on Facebook and accidentally stumbled upon Elenowen. I saw this duo back in 2009 in Redding,California where I currently live. I saw them in this tiny room and I remember everyone had to squeeze in to fit. The setting was very intimate and I remember being blown away by how beautiful their music was. The two of them carried such this sweet, peaceful atmosphere. The couple is married in real life, which I felt that their unity as a couple also carried through in their music. All of their songs were seamless and the harmonies in their songs were in sync. This is my favorite song by them. I clicked on their page today and this song started playing randomly and I broke down in tears. I can relate to these lyrics in so many ways and this song really speaks to me on a personal level. This song is off their first album, but they also have a new album out which I am excited to listen to. The intro into this song threw me off a little bit, I thought I had clicked on the wrong song, but just keep listening:) Hearing this song live for the first time I remember having chills all over by body and I remember me and the person I was with decided we really wanted to buy their CD. Their music is on my old iPod which is why I think I had forgotten about them. Please go check them out on Spotify if you want to get an idea of their sound before downloading their music. Anyways guys I hope you enjoyed this song. I feel like not many people know about this duo so I really wanted to share them with you because I think they have amazing talent and more people need to hear them.
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melodygrace31-blog · 11 years
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melodygrace31-blog · 11 years
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melodygrace31-blog · 11 years
In this week’s post I am featuring one of my favorite artists Dallas Green, typically known as City and Colour. His newest album came out this year and I was listening to it last night and I am already in love with it. I thought I would start my blog out by talking about him because he is an artist that has really stuck by me through the years. I started listening to him when I was in high school and fell in love with his music. His music is simple but organically beautiful. I really love his acoustic vibes and every time I listen to him I feel really relaxed and at home.  I remember nights when I could not fall asleep and would play his music on my ipod and drift into another world. This song is called "The Girl" and reminds me of high school love and silly relationships that I was in at the time. This is a really old song of his, but it is definitely one of my favorites. Another oldie of his that I enjoy is the song called "Northern Wind", but if I start naming songs that I really like of his I would end up naming entire albums because he has so many beautiful crafted melodies. I have watched many interviews with him and he seems like such a down to earth, chill person. I always thought that if I knew him in real life we would probably be good friends haha. Not to mention he has some pretty awesome tattoos. His new album is called The Hurry and the Harm. It is SO GOOD. It is available on iTunes and the entire album is on Spotify, if you would like to give it a listen;). He is definitely an inspiration to me musically and if I ever decide to come out with an album there are elements that I would probably draw upon from his music.If you read this and want to discuss his music more message me, I love talking about artists that I am passionate about.  I will do my best to make weekly posts so stay tuned!!
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