melonball · 2 years
location: the beach when: day time status: open || @covestarters​
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ravi had been putting all of his energy into his work lately. it had been a couple weeks of working, eating and sleeping. but now that his grad students were back from spring break, they had a lot more spare time opening up. today was a nice sunny day and ravi had a solo picnic at the beach. after the picnic, they felt sleepy so they dropped down for a quick cat nap. now ravi studied oceans for a living so they should’ve been very aware of the tide coming in. they thought they could beat it, but awoke startled after his peaceful slumber was interrupted with warm salty water splashing onto them. ‘agh! fuuuuuuck,’ he cursed sitting up and quickly gathering the rest of his stuff to run back onto the shore. he thought he was alone but quickly realised that wasn’t the case. ‘oh damn it. you saw all that? couldn’t have woken me up?’ ravi smiled shyly and brushed his fingers through his damp waves. 
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melonball · 2 years
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After living here for a few weeks already, Andrej hadn’t actually realised that he spent the majority of his time outside of this beautiful house he now lived in. He was up early in the morning to take Aristotle out, then at work all day, and then in the evenings he’d often go out exploring the town – which meant that most of his time at home was spent sleeping. He felt a little guilty considering he barely saw Ravi but sometimes he wondered if that was for the best. The party had been fun and Andrej felt like they’d bonded again – and it had also proved that Andrej had changed and really WAS genuinely making an effort to remain sober. He was doing his best to make up for being a shitty person all those years ago. 
As he came in and saw Ravi on the couch, he grinned stupidly at them and fussed over Aristotle before gently bumping Ravi’s shoulder with his fist. “God yes please, I could kill for some pizza right now, ‘m fucking starving.” He moved to flop onto the couch, stretching out his legs as he did. “I’ve been trying to learn my way around this town. Figured I should make an effort if I’m actually going to stay here for a while. It’s a lot posher than some of the shitholes I’ve lived in,” he said with a small laugh.
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ravi smiled softly, scooting over to make sure there was enough space on the couch for all of them. his fingers found seashore’s fur and they pet her gently as they scrolled their phone with the other hand. ‘toppings? i’m just doing cheese.’ ravi said, tilting the phone towards andrej so he’d be able to pick his own. ‘it is, isn’t it? i mean, even me. but i did spend the better part of the last four years on a boat, so.’ they laughed softly, finalizing the food order and setting their phone down. the episode playing on the show was finishing up and at this point ravi had long forgotten what the plot was. ‘have you made any friends? everyone’s really nice, it’s like a giant group of eager people dying for socialisation. hard to be lonely in a town like this.’
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melonball · 2 years
location: the cove club when: anytime  status: open || @covestarters​
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after his recent surgical rotation had ended, victor was awarded with a full two days off. it felt like years had gone by in the town since he’d had a second to socialise. there were newer faces, though this was likely due to his short memory. victor snuck onto an empty seat at the bar and cleared his throat to get the attention of the person sat next to them. he cracked a grin, ‘forgive me for sounding undoubtedly creepy, but i miss talking to someone who isn’t sick or screaming at me to treat the sick. can i buy you a drink? a meal? whatever you’re having! in exchange for company, juicy gossip or all the woes of your life. your choice. i just want to be in a real conversation.’
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melonball · 2 years
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melonball · 2 years
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In all honesty, this party of Andrej’s idea of hell. The only reason he’d come along was so he could be Ravi’s designated driver on the way home but after being here for an hour, he was quickly starting to reconsider his life choices. Maybe sobriety wasn’t a good thing when he was feeling bored and uncomfortable and the longer he stayed here, the more he began to eye up the champagne – which really wasn’t good. His suit was uncomfortable too and he found that he’d spent half the night tugging at his suit jacket, toying with taking it off. He was glad he hadn’t bothered with a tie, even though he knew he was probably supposed to be wearing one, but it wasn’t as if he’d even seen the host or even knew who they were. Fed up, he decided to venture over to the food table and see if he could instead satisfy his sweet tooth. There was one lone cupcake remaining on a plate and as he went to grab it, somebody else got there first.
“Oh my god.” He let out a frustrated sigh, although it probably wasn’t the other person’s fault that he was in a bad mood tonight. “Look, I’ll pay you in —” He rummaged through his pockets to see what he had in there and pulled out a half empty pack of cigarettes and chewing gum, “— gum and cigarettes if you let me have that. Or even just half of it. Please?” 
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ravi had told him over and over again that he didn’t need a designated driver tonight. firstly, they were on a boat and if andrej really wanted he could pick them up after and secondly, uber existed. they were past the point of babysitting andrej at parties or wanting to be exactly where he was so not longer after they’d arrived, ravi had gone to say hi to other friends. there was booze everywhere and surely someone was doing drugs, so if andrej wanted to be here that was his choice. that was probably his reason for being here, because that was much easier for ravi to understand than andrej might just care about him. after a couple hours and a couple drinks, ravi went to look for food. not everyone was eating, but he wanted a snack and they weren’t afraid of looking like a fool. 
spotting a cupcake, ravi grinned and snatched it, thinking how lucky he was until he heard andrej’s whining. the cupcake was centimetres from ravi’s mouth and smelled so good. ‘are you serious?’ he whined softly, looking at andrej with puppy dog eyes. ‘it just smells so good, andrej... i really wanted it.’ they said before groaning softly and setting it down to cut it in half. ‘fine. but you owe me. i don’t know what you owe me but it’ll be a big favour and it’ll be annoying.’ ravi cut the cupcake and handed half to andrej before indulging in his half. it really was just as good as he imagined and the whole thing would’ve been just enough. 
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melonball · 2 years
location: ties n’ tides yacht party when: anytime status: closed || @shallowfms​ ( elisabeth )
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ravi could be in a nice suit, surrounded by all these fancy, rich people but nothing could tear him from watch a little sea star make its way up the side of the boat. he smiled and pulled out his phone to take a picture before looking around to find someone to show it too. maybe it wasn’t interesting to anyone else, but it was still adorable. his gaze met a woman’s and he smiled invitingly, ‘look what i found! little runaway sea star or starfish as it’s more commonly known. god, i know. dorky moment but it really was too cute to not share.’ 
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melonball · 2 years
location: ties n’ tides yacht party when: anytime status: closed || @tvmptings​​ ( flora )
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the night was beautiful and everyone was glimmering on this boat. the sea was where ravi felt most comfortable so that made this whole party so much calmer. even he knew who audrey talbot was and part of him wanting to make this a networking event. the marina could use her money and the lady sat on mounds of it. that was the biggest reason why ravi actually went out to buy a suit. the last party he’d settled for a blazer and gotten roasted to no end for it. he reached for the last champagne flute on the waiter’s tray before he saw someone else about to do the same. ‘oh! my bad, you have it. i can get the next one.’ they blushed, flashing the other a sweet smile. ‘your dress is beautiful, by the way.’ 
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melonball · 2 years
location: ties n’ tides yacht party when: anytime status: closed || @seastheday​ ( trey )
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he’d donned his finest clothes and surprisingly had a night off from the hospital so there was no chance he wasn’t going. victor had heard of audrey talbot many, many times but never been where she was, but this party was one he had to be at. the excitement of being able to tell his friends back home that he’d danced with audrey talbot was outweighing every other emotion he felt. now that he was on the boat, he wished he was anywhere else. victor clutched the railing and looked green as he tried to settle his stomach. he should’ve packed gravol, but he wasn’t about to ask around. ‘fuck, just.. give me a second.’ he turned his face and exhaled slowly as someone approached him. did everyone have to be so fucking social right now? the vessel stilled just enough for victor to catch his breath and take a sip of his ginger ale mixing concoction. ‘hi. i’m okay, sorry. sea sickness will be the death of me tonight. i’m victor.’ he held out a hand and smiled at the man in front of him.
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melonball · 2 years
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LIVING  IN  A  MUCH  LARGER  home  than  the  small  apartment  she’d  had  in  beaumont  was  a  big  change  .  she  knows  she’s  lucky  .  while  she  could  afford  the  house  and  the  upkeep  ,  the  twins’  father  helping  to  pay  for  things  definitely  helps  .  even  though  he  had  never  flaunted  it  ,  she  knows  he  came  from  money  ,  and  he  had  no  problem  using  it  to  take  care  of  things  that  would  benefit  not  only  their  daughters  ,  but  vaya  as  well  .  but  she  had  dropped  the  twins  with  jace’s  parents  ,  knowing  both  her  children  and  their  grandparents  wanted  to  do  something  .
      she’d  dressed  up  and  found  herself  in  eddy’s  ,  trying  to  push  her  way  to  the  front  of  the  bar  .  the  part  of  her  pre-children  days  she  did  not  miss  .  but  when  she’s  finally  close  ,  she  gets  pushed  aside  so  another  patron  can  order  .  her  glare  lets  up  when  he  offers  to  pay  for  her  drink  as  well  .  “  a  passion  fruit  caipirinha  !  ”  she  calls  out  to  the  bartender  .  “  thanks  !  ”  
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victor cast an apologetic glance her way, knowing it wasn’t a fair thing to do but he wasn’t willing to wait. he’d always been this pompous, but for the most part he’d gotten better at being nicer. sometimes you just needed to snatch kindness from this world, because it wasn’t always willing to offer it. at her order he cocked a brow, ‘i’ll change mine to that too, but maybe it a triple.’ he said to the bartender before sliding his card over to start a tab. ‘least i can do. i just didn’t want to wait for him to make someone else drink, so i figured... well, acting like a bratty little kid works sometimes. what’s the drink you ordered? i usually just stick to long island’s.’
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melonball · 2 years
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Though Auggie chose to lean towards humour, he could also recognise when his jokes weren’t exactly registering or landing. Didn’t mean that he knew how to stop, but he was at least aware. “I think they said they’ve called for a replacement bus to come get us” Auggie glanced over to where the driver seemed to be staring at the chaos while on the phone “but with how slow traffic is moving around with people being nosy I don’t think it’s getting here anytime soon.” Auggie really should thank his therapist, he really was cool as a cucumber right now. “As long as I don’t have to drive the Uber I’m down, I haven’t exactly mastered using the pedals with the prosthetic” Which was true, but it was mostly his fear of being in vehicles after the accident. But he was working on it.
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victor yawned but instantly felt bad because he wasn’t yawning at the man, just yawning because he was tired. ‘oh god, sorry. i’m so tired. you’re not boring me, i promise.’ he said quickly, shaking his head to wake himself up. ‘so our best bet’s an uber. oh,’ he smiled and met the other’s eyes just to show that he was acknowledging the disability but not making a big deal of it. several years of bedside manner training had taught him not making a big deal of things was the best thing to do. ‘deal. if the uber breaks down and we have to somehow drive it ourselves, i’ll do the driving. or maybe we could split it, i’d do the pedals and you do the wheel.’ he joked as he pulled up the app to order an uber for them, ‘it’s saying we’ll be waiting twenty minutes, but that’s not so bad. we should probably introduce ourselves. i’m victor, new to town as i’m pretty sure everyone is.’
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melonball · 2 years
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“It’s your first drink of the month? That calls for celebration.” Harry was quick to find any reason to take a shot. Motioning for the bartender to pour them shots, he grinned. “I am a genius, thanks.” The compliment was heard loudly and wasn’t something Harry would forget any time soon. Their drinks were brought to them and he took a sip. A face of pride, disgust, and excitement, wrinkled its way onto Harry’s face. “Vodka redbull… Gross. But powerful.” Down the hatch. When the shots arrived, Harry lifted his glass up. “To your first drink of the month!” The tease was followed by downing more liquor. This was Harry’s element. Loud music, drunken people, and enough alcohol to sedate the city.
“Damn. You need sleep. Hopefully all these drinks knock you out.” The man laughed and took another sip. “I’m Harry. I’ve been pretty busy too, lately.” The lie was so casual. Being an indie filmmaker was akin to being unemployed. Luckily mama and papa Montgomery could easily fund Harry’s nights out. No one had to know Harry wasn’t doing anything artistically. “I kind of hate living here, but I will say the bartender never skimps on the alcohol.” He laughed.
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‘double celebration because it’s also my first drink in this town.’ victor said, his eyes following harry as he ordered them even more drinks. good. now he wouldn’t have to go into the hospital for a shift no matter what. victor took the shots first, grinning as he held his shot up too and with a quick clink the liquid was burning its way down his throat. ‘to my first and certainly not last drink of the month.’ he slid the shot glass back to the bartender and nursed his drink. the effects of the alcohol weren’t immediate but combined with the loud music and bright lights, victor’s head was already spinning and his body was numbing. 
‘let’s just hope i make it to my bed, or at least a bed.’ he joked, nodding along to his statement and not thinking hard enough to see past the lie. frankly, he didn’t care right now. loud clubs weren’t here to make lasting friendships, especially when victor might not even remember who he’d bought all these drinks for tomorrow. ‘that’s good to know. i haven’t had a second to take the town in. what’s wrong with it? other than the fact it’s pretty suburban. where were you before this?’ 
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melonball · 2 years
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Pleased by the positive response of her new companion, Aspen smiles. “You’re a true hero! I was worried for a second you’d leave me hanging.” She waves one hand lazily as if to wave their offer away. “No, please. It’s all on me today. No need to feel shy, just order whatever you want. I just moved into a beautiful new house so I’m celebrating.” From an early age, she had learned that the fastest way to make friends was to spend money frivolously on or with them. It doesn’t always work in her favor, of course, but she’s desperate to make some connections in a new town. She would have time to weed out the leeches later. She takes out her credit card and slaps the piece of plastic down on the bar as the bartender comes back around with their drinks. The barkeep arrives with their drinks and all too fast hers is in her hand, as if pulled by a magnetic force. “So, new friend, have you been here long? I need some inside intel on what to do around here.”
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ravi met her smile with their own and shook their head, ‘i’d never leave you hanging. getting day drunk alone is sad, but getting day drunk together is mysterious and cool.’ they didn’t argue further about who’d pay and instead started looking through the menu in front of him. they’d just pay for the next meal and probably by his new friend flowers or a candle to make it up for the meal. ‘you’re much too kind, thank you. i’ll get the next one! did you? where abouts?’ ravi reaches for his drink and takes a sip, making a face at how strong it was. ‘wow, i am still not used to drinking this much. i’ve been here a couple of weeks now. uh, not too much but everyone’s really eager to hang out. they usually have parties quite often, the last one i got so drunk my roommate and not-ex-boyfriend had to carry me home. there’s some bars that i haven’t visited yet and lighthouse bagels has the best breakfast in town.’
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melonball · 2 years
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trey was glad to have the opportunity to get to know one of his neighbors a little bit better. and spending the afternoon at the swanky cove club didn’t sound too bad either. “sweet, yeah, i mean they have a pretty solid pool and hot tub situation too if you’d prefer that to lunch” trey offered with a shrug, indifferent to the options he had just set out. when ravi asked him what brought him to town, trey decided to give the abridged version, “a series of bad decisions” he joked with a shrug, “i’m filming a project in beaumont” he summarized before asking, ‘what about you?”
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‘i’d prefer lunch, i’m literally always hungry.’ ravi replied with a grin before continuing, ‘although maybe we could do the hot tub after? but then we’d be stuffed and wet and that sounds awful. okay, nevermind. hot tub another time?’ they laughed, meeting trey’s gaze as they answered. ravi was awful at keeping up with media unless it was the very niche biology community, but the limited time they’d had with trey did seem like he was famous. ‘ah, bad decisions. is the project you’re filming a bad decision? or is that good? what do you do? i’m sorry if i’m meant to know, i was out in the arctic for the majority of the last four years, so... yeah. i’m a marine biologist, just finished my phd and found a job here.’
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melonball · 2 years
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                                          𝖙𝖎𝖊𝖘 𝖓’ 𝖙𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖘 𝖞𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖙 𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙
                                            RAVI MUDRIK
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melonball · 2 years
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                                        𝖙𝖎𝖊𝖘 𝖓’ 𝖙𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖘 𝖞𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖙 𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙
                                             VICTOR VADEN 
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melonball · 2 years
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The music was bumping and Harry loved every second of the sensory overload. Whoever decided that electronic music and alcohol could share a space was a genius. After an hour, or so, of dancing with strangers, Harry could feel the buzz going down. He needed another drink. Weaving through the traffic of the dance floor, he made it to the bar just to be cut by another gentleman. “Hey, idiot.” Harry attempted to say, but was washed under the blanket of loud music. “Hey–” The words were almost mute, but he stopped himself when he heard their next words.
With a grin, Harry nodded and pushed to stand beside the stranger. “No problem, dude.” His arm wrapped around the other’s shoulder. They were going to be great friends. “I’ll take what the alcoholic is having.” He teased, looking at the other male. “You look tired.” He observed, then quickly turned to the bartender. “Make something with an energy drink for us. My buddy needs a pick-me-up.” With a friendly pat on the stranger’s back, he let his grasp go and turned to face them. “What’s got you in a funk? You look like you haven’t slept in days.”
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victor knew he came across rude, which was valid because in the moment he was being very rude. obviously he hadn’t woken up this morning with plans to be an absolute bitch, but alas. then again, if he could buy his way into forgiveness then this night would be great after all. ‘i don’t know if that label applies when this is my first drink of the month, but i do intend to act like one tonight.’ victor said, cracking a grin at the other. at his genius request for an energy drink, victor was nearly floored. how something so simple yet so genius passed his mind, he didn’t know but he knew he was ready to declare his love for the man already. ‘fuck, you’re a genius. i am tired and you’re an angel sent from above,’ he raised a brow, the most subtle blush creeping to his cheeks. he hadn’t slept in days, fact, but he didn’t want to look like he hadn’t slept in days. ‘i haven’t, i’m a busy man. let's just get drunk enough to forget i look like a sickly victorian child. what’s your name? i’m victor.’
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melonball · 2 years
location: 310 lighthouse way aka their house when: anytime  status: closed || @andrejvarvik​
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ravi often forgot he shared this house with andrej due to their conflicting work hours. it really wasn’t often that they had a night off to hang out. this could also be due to ravi’s subconscious need for escape and hesitancy towards andrej. after the drunken party night, they really hadn’t spoken much and honestly their memories of the night were hazy. they did remember feeling fonder of andrej in the morning, feeling better about him than he had in years. the feeling stayed even if ravi was still hesitant. 
they sat on the couch surrounded by seashore, his cat, and aristotle, andrej’s dog. he’d just finished grading a few papers and intended to stay planted on this couch. ravi’s eyes widened when he heard the door unlock and in walk andrej, but he was far too tired to make up some excuse to leave the house. maybe this was their night to catch up, or maybe andrej was just home for a second. ‘hiiii, i’m in here!’ he called from the living room, a little smile creeping in as andrej walked in. ‘you home for the night? i was just about to order a pizza but i could make it two?’
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