melonman2123 · 1 year
So I had a dream where I went to the Krusty Krab but one every five customers were sacrificed to the laviathan to appease it and blesses jeans with fortune
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melonman2123 · 1 year
Every time I finish a drawing I hear the strings of an instrument play like the end credits in a movie
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melonman2123 · 2 years
Im gonna take a bottle full of those berry flavored melatonin gummies and lucid dream my book ideas
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melonman2123 · 2 years
True happiness is laying in your bed and knowing everything you needed to do has been completed, so you can rest your head and tuck in for the night
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melonman2123 · 2 years
So I met a pirate made of metal today.
the first thing he said was “Alloy, mate!”
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melonman2123 · 2 years
Language is so weird. I was caught up thinking what some latin word was. Then I started thinking what the translation of that word was. Language is made of absolutely nothing. I could scream and yell and grunt and there would be the potential of a full on language I could talk to someone in. The fact that “was” sounds like “was” and doesn’t sound like “desican” is completely and utterly only sociatal norm and it could actually sound like that if you wanted it to. Words and their sounds only go together because we were taught they were. Language doesn’t exist
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melonman2123 · 2 years
People love being like Here's how you can tell someone is trans [the weirdest cissexist garbage you've heard in your life that's, like, objectively untrue if you've ever seen anyone other than conventionally attractive white people i.e. left your house occasionally]
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melonman2123 · 2 years
Oh, to be a bird in the cold and fluff up to the point you can be mistaken for a ball.
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