membrevekyle · 2 months
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Who I am?
I am Kyle Edrian Membreve a grade 12 HUMSS student, studied in Jagobiao National High School for almost 6 years and finally a graduating student this year 2024. But before the exciting moments I will go back first to my unforgettable memories while I am still in the process because behind this happy memories there's a lot of failures and mistakes I have done but still not giving up and hoping will graduate soon.
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Working hard for just only one dream?
I had only one dream, nothing else but to become a successful entrepreneur in the future. Wondering why I need to spend a lot of time for training, learning, and growth just for only one dream? Why I need those people such as family, friends, teachers, mentors, and supporters just for only one dream? I need to face many challenges, obstacles, problems, and difficulties just for only this dream?
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As the time goes by I realized that life is nothing without all of those important things. Even though it is just only one dream it doesn't mean that I will achieve it immediately, I will go through a long process, overcome difficult experiences, and learn from it to become a deserving person.
Moving on.
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Work with others
I am confident to work with myself and work alone but I realized that not all the time I can do everything by myself. There are times that it's difficult for me to do alone because the problem is to big and heavy as a stone and I cant lift it alone with just my two hands. Sometimes I need the hands of other people to help me carry it through asking for help with my classmates, working together, and collaboration. It's great to recognize the value of collaboration and teamwork and then celebrating even small victories.
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When it comes with my teacher's matter
Teachers in school is called the second mother because of their, roles and responsibilities is just similar as our biological mother they taught us lessons and proper etiquette. But despite the reality, I can't measure my sincerely gratitude to my advisory when I was grade 11 because she and her husband volunteer to clean our comfort room which is it is one of our responsibility as students. I really appreciated what my advisory have done to us even there are moments of misunderstanding and sometimes we are irresponsible of our responsibilities. I kept it to my mind what my adviser said because in my journey it is very important thing, the cleanliness and this will be the bases how clean my trait is.
The journey of being Student in Senior High putted a lot of memorable things even how good or bad my day, there is a lesson that will remain inside my head that I can use in future. Since I only have few months left before I say goodbye to my Senior High days, I swear to my self that if I did mistakes today it will be the lesson and do better tomorrow. Layo pa, pero layo na.
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