memedash-blog · 6 years
Hey everyone. It's been awhile hasn’t it. I felt bad just leaving without saying something so here is a bit of an update. 
I am doing fine first off. The start of this year was hell for me. I had a ton going on mentally for me. My anxiety and depression was super bad so I stopped going online pretty much all together. But now that I am back and doing a bit better I have noticed that I just am not into making Love Live wallpapers and icons anymore. I have tried to get back into it around October as seen on my blog but it just wasn’t the same. My passion for it was just gone. I tried so so hard to get back into it since so many people seemed to like them but it was just me trying to force myself to edit them so they came out really bad and thus I deleted them most of the time. 
But I promise that this post isn’t going to be entirely sad. I do still love the Love Live franchise but I am just not into editing wallpapers and icons anymore. But I have been mainly making idolsonas. And at this point, I really have moved to Instagram for those posts as I feel like this site isn’t the same as it was for stuff like idolsonas. So if you liked my posts then please feel free to follow me there as I post a there a lot more the I do anywhere else at this point. My url for Instagram is @.memedash101. I will keep this blog up but I probally will not post often. But that is about it for this little update. Im really sorry about being silent for so long but I hope to see some of you on my Instagram. And always feel free to send me and message and we can talk. I am always up for making new friends!~
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memedash-blog · 6 years
Ask some questions and show Hibiki some love~!!
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Happy birthday Hibiki!
Yes, today (11/18) is our cool third year’s birthday! To celebrate, we’re holding a Q & A for both Hibiki, and Danielle (her creator)! Feel free to ask any questions as of today!
Thank you! Happy birthday Hibiki ♥️
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memedash-blog · 6 years
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I am out of words completely. Like I am beyond happy that even though I haven't post pretty much anything at all this whole year that people are still choosing to follow me. I thought I'd lose followers not gain them. But that just makes me even more happy and super grateful to everyone. I kinda want to do something for this milestone so if anyone has ideas please tell me. I am up for all ideas you all have. And once again THANK YOU SO SO MUCH!
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memedash-blog · 6 years
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This was a request that some direct messaged me for but Tumblr isn't let me tag them :\
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memedash-blog · 6 years
Maybe some noice Nozomi and Ruby locks if you feel up to it? Good ol' pigtails pals! Also I love your edits! The contrast in the colours look so pleasant as locks/icons/wallpapers, because you can see everything a lot better! Even your pastel palettes have that quality, and I think its really neat.
They have been posted. And thank you so much. That means so much to mean and I will try my very best to keep making edits like that for everyone that likes and enjoys the edits I make ^·^
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memedash-blog · 6 years
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I am still in my slump but I am slowly working my way out of it. I still have a ways to go but I hope these look at least okay to you all. I personally think I could do better if I was out of my slump but I'm not quite there. But I hope you like them.
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memedash-blog · 6 years
👻Trick or Treat ?
Well to fully honest all mine were the normal Witch, Angel, Ninja (yes I did go as a Ninja once when I was 9 and my family didn't like since I am a girl. But I didn't care at all)
But by far my favorite has to be the one I did for my last year of Tick or Treating and that was last year. I dressed in a Care Bear onesie for teens. Why I was a Care Bear was only because they didn't have a Pikachu one so I went with next best yet fun and kinda funny one and that was a Care Bear. So I walked around being 16 in a Care Bear onesie the whole night and it was great.
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memedash-blog · 6 years
Heyo ♥ 👻Full Moon for the halloween ask?
Nighttime all the way. For me that is the best time because its always peaceful. And I could exhausted all day but the second it gets dark its like I drank 5 energy drinks in a few minutes. I have never found out why I get full of energy when its nighttime. Though it can be really helpful for deadlines for edits and stuff
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memedash-blog · 6 years
Halloween Asks!
🎃Pumpkin: What is your favorite season?
👻Ghost: Do you get scared easily?
🎃Candy Corn: What is your favorite kind of candy?
👻Vampire: What is your favorite supernatural creature?
🎃Witch: If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
👻Trick or Treat: What was your favorite Halloween costume?
🎃Black Cat: Are you superstitious?
👻Ouija Board: If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
🎃Graveyard: Do you know any good scary stories?
👻Skeleton: Have you ever broken a bone?
🎃Werewolf: What is your favorite urban legend?
👻Horror Flick: Do you like scary movies? If so, which one is your favorite?
🎃Haunted House: Would you prefer to live in the city or the country?
👻Zombie: Do you think that you could survive a zombie apocalypse?
🎃Mummy: What is your biggest fear?
👻Bat: Do you have any pets?
🎃Cauldron: What kind of potion would you make if you had the opportunity?
👻Full Moon: Do you prefer nighttime or daytime?
🎃Corn Maze: What is your favorite autumn activity?
👻Broomstick: What exciting places have you traveled to?
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memedash-blog · 6 years
Go vote for your best girl if you haven't already~!
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Hello Everyone!
Aurora here, and we’re hosting our first popularity poll!
Because we have new, more permanent members, and you have finally gotten the chance to meet and get a good look at our girls from the profiles, we would like you to vote for who you like best!
The poll is limited to picking one girl at a time, and all girls’ names are there for each and every one of you to pick!
We hope you make the right choice, and the top three will receive:
1st place: Dengeki Magazine Scan and a thank you recording
2nd & 3rd place: event SRs
Thank you so much for supporting us! Vote here
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memedash-blog · 6 years
Could you make some Hanamaru + Chika wallpapers?
They have been posted. I hope you like them.
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memedash-blog · 6 years
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I actually had one more edit but when I took another look at it well it wasn't any good so I hope 2 is fine. I also hope I got what you want right. I am going to be making some edits for the past few sets that I really liked so there will be just Chika and Hanamaru edits soon if I got it wrong. Or feel free to request again
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memedash-blog · 6 years
What is it like being part of an idol group on tumblr? I have been wanting to join one (mainly Aeonian) but I am not sure how being part of one works. I'm a bit shy and nervous about joining new groups so I'm hoping to get some insight! Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Well everyone has their group set up differently on how they want things done. Like some do song covers as well as edits and such but I am in mainly groups that do just editing (all of them are like that but one). But the main thing is creating your own original character and editing her on a LL card. So you make her what you want her be looks wise, personality and all of that. For how everyone talks on what sets everyone wants to do and what they want to do in general is normally done though the app Discord but I know some use Instagram chats to talk as well. But it can be a super fun experience because you get to meet 8 new friends that you work together with to create your girls. I was super nervous at first and had pretty much zero experience on making my own idolsona but I can say at least for me it was worth stepping out of my comfort zone and I would tell anyone to give it a try. But if you would like more information on Aeonian specifically then please feel free to send me a message and I'll answer all your questions on that topic in particular. I hope this helps you a bit ^.^
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memedash-blog · 6 years
We are still looking for members! So send one in if you are intrested~
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Hello everyone we are new idolsona group called Aeonian Idols! We are currently looking for 7 more members to join us so if you are interested here is the link to the submission.
 We both look forward to seeing all your lovey submissions~
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memedash-blog · 6 years
My requests are ALWAYS open so please feel free to send one in. Maybe it will help my out of this slump
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memedash-blog · 6 years
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Have some shitty sprite edits I did.
I also am so so sorry for not posting edits I just have 0 inspiration that has had me slowly losing interest and my passion for making wallpaper and icon edits. But I promise I am tryingto get that old spark back
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memedash-blog · 6 years
Looking for two new ACTIVE members!
Due to two of our members being inactive, we are now looking for new pure first and second years!
IMPORTANT: Only submit an idol if you will be active!
Deadline for submissions is October 5th!
Submission requirements:
-Name we can call you as
Idol Info:
-Idols Full Name
-Idols Year
-Image Color (Green and blue are recommended)
-3 sizes
-MBTI Type
-Favourite And Least Favourite Foods
-Birthday (Zodiac is optional)
-Anything else you’d like to add!
We are looking forward to seeing all of your submissions, and thank you for supporting Aurora!
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