memehermetica · 7 years
The hidden message of VOICE
Tonight the president spoke in front of the joint sessions. There is much discussion about what was said, some of it valid concern, some flippant pageantry. One announcement should be receiving notice over the others though because it is the first ringing of the fascist dinner bell. VOICE.
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memehermetica · 7 years
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Disturbing, retro and surreal yet somehow visually simple, the animations of Clara Luzian, known more commonly online as RenderFruit, are elegant one-liners. Works that tell deep yet uncomplicated stories that stay with you long after you’ve torn yourself away from the loop. Her work landed her an intro video for the 2015 VMAs. This is motion pop art at its finest.
See more: @render_fruit on ello and instagram
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memehermetica · 8 years
We can add poached eggs to the long and ever growing list of things that I'm shit at.
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memehermetica · 8 years
As the Founders Intended
Brandon Rey Ramirez
On Saturday, February 27th, 2016 in Anaheim, California, a Ku Klux Klan rally held to proclaim that “White Lives Matter” and decry “illegal immigration and Muslims,” clashed with surrounding counter-protesters. 3 stabbed. 1 critically injured. 6 Klan members and 7 counter-protesters arrested for assault with a deadly weapon. 
The next day, when asked if he would disavow the endorsement of former Grand Wizard David Duke & the KKK, Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump replied, “I don’t know anything about what you’re even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists,” he said. “So I don’t know. I don’t know – did he endorse me, or what’s going on? Because I know nothing about David Duke; I know nothing about white supremacists.” 
This week, both establishment & rank and file Republicans will attempt to distance themselves from Trump’s statements. Pundits will profess how White Supremacy is simply Un-American, contradictory to the egalitarian principles of the Constitution. Rest assured, a segregated America is exactly as the Founders intended.
It is no secret that the framers of the Constitution were exclusively white, landowning men. It should be no surprise then, that the United States lays on a framework designed to protect the rights and freedoms of a merchant class. As was Revolutionary fashion, the rhetoric of independence was meant to thwart the imposition of taxation by the British monarchy indifferent to the grievances of wealthy colonists. In plain, the Founding Fathers never gave a damn about the rights of man. Protection for the property rights of plantation owners, bankers, investors, and at moments artisans is original intent of the Constitution. The pomp of liberty expressed in American colonial writings is still being misappropriated and propagandized by respected intellectuals.
In spite of their redeeming characters and contributions, the colonial American aristocracy never had the best interest of the constituency at the forefront of its agenda. If anything, the dissemination of inherent truths and inalienable rights to working classes, ethnic minorities, and women is the result of hard-fought redistribution of power by populist movements (renters rebellions, abolitionist agitations and women’s suffrage assemblies). Interests of regional industries coupled with the theoretical differences on how to approach the management of a burgeoning empire divided the elites into factions: Democrats and Whigs Republicans. Once divided, the pawning of democracy became an art form.
“The Constitution…illustrates the complexity of the American system: that it serves the interests of a wealthy elite, but also does enough for small property owners, for middle-income mechanics and farmers, to build a broad base of support.” - Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States: 1942 to Present.
The first mutual betrayal by both parties was the end of Civil War Reconstruction. Following the Civil War, political and economic achievements by freshly emancipated Black Americans was short lived. These advancements were quickly undercut by the Compromise of 1877 between Southern plantation Democrats and Northern business-minded Republicans in which Union troops abandoned the South in exchange for a Republican controlled White House. The post-war covenant of the parties reinstated the Southern feudal society under the guise of Jim Crow.
Over time, traditionally the party of the agrarian worker, the Democratic Party begrudgingly extended its tent to include the Black working class whose voice would not be silenced as made evident by the 90 year struggle for desegregation. In kind, the Republican party welcomed the disgruntled Whites of the South whose presumed supremacy of being worth more than Black counterparts was under attack by fast approaching reality.
Democrats are complicit in White Supremacy. With roots in the deception and genocide of Native peoples under Jackson, the Democratic Party has a long lineage of subjugating a group of people in one breath and singing their praises in the next. Originally dependent on labor interest groups, the Democrats have become a party home to moderate technocrats now reliant on corporate interest groups. Lacking a clear set of principles, the party exists as a halfway house for politicians falling short of radical conservative credentials required to participate in the Republican Party.
The Capitalist Fundamentalism of the Republican Party has solidified an oligarchy with 99 percent of all new income going to the top 1 percent of Americans. It has shifted the goalposts to the far right, with corporate personhood at its core. It appears as if the Republican Party has actualized the original intent of the founders of the Constitution - a nation where wealthy commercial interests can operate independent of government intervention. It appears as if they’ve won. But they haven’t. They fear losing it all.
One may assume the new majority will not be such compassionate overlords as the white majority has been. If this sort of drastic change were legally imposed on any group other than white Americans, it would be called genocide. Yet whites are called racists merely for mentioning the fact that current immigration law is intentionally designed to reduce their percentage in the population. - Ann Coulter
If there was a word to summarize the Obama Administration it would be obstructionism. GITMO, the Affordable Care Act, the Iranian Nuclear Agreement, and now the Scalia Supreme Court replacement nomination just to name a few instances where Congressional Republicans refused to negotiate with President Obama. This is not typical partisan politics. This is a reactionary coup attempt to rescind the advancements of the first African American President. A coup attempt that imitates the aforementioned Compromise of 1877, except instead of whitewashing the legislature, this time the executive branch is the mark.
It is becoming increasingly apparent that many of the white electorate fears the browning of America. Due to immigration and the exponential increase of interracial families, White Americans are posed to be the minority by 2050. As demographer William H. Frey observed, many white Americans express a, “fear of change, fear of losing privileged status, or fear of unwanted groups in their communities.” Conservatives have long been playing off of these fears; however Donald Trump does this more overtly. With his slogan of Make America Great Again, promises to build a wall along the border and make Mexico pay for it or to ban all Muslims Donald Trump is force feeding White anxiety.
It is not just the highly uneducated loving Trump’s hate speech. Prominent members of the establishment (NJ Governor Chris Christie, ME Governor Paul LePage, and AL Senator Jeff Sessions) have self-identified as White Supremacists via endorsements. Should Trump win the nomination and Presidency, expect the elites to activate the 2nd Amendment rights of its nativist constituents. A narcissistic sociopathic mob boss/reality star will have access to the most advanced surveillance state and military industrial complex the world has ever seen. And even if there is a brokered convention and Trump does not win the nomination, the damage has already been done. American fascism is here.
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memehermetica · 9 years
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memehermetica · 9 years
In a rut
Fill my inbox with beautiful things please. Thanks. 
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memehermetica · 9 years
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Base identity by Robinsson Cravets
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memehermetica · 9 years
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In progress Done at Bella Arte Tattoo NJ #spinkink #tattoo #tattoos #tattooartist #tattoos #ladytattooer #femaletattooartist #art #artist #artistic #customtattoo #customart #create #creative #fuckyeah #fineline #inkess #intricate #nyc #nyctattoo #nyctattooer #nj #njtattoo #njtattooer #butterflytattoo #butterfly #nature #girlswithtattoos #color #colorful #wings #monarch #garden #colorbomb
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memehermetica · 9 years
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memehermetica · 9 years
30 Day Fallout Challenge: Day 13
Scariest moment in Fallout you’ve experienced?
During a reroll of 3 I got pinned down at the farmhouse in the west part of the map with 3 shotgun rounds, a combat knife and two hunting rifle rounds. I had to survive against 8 raiders and only had my starting Vault suit. It was one crazy confrontation and one of the best I’ve experienced in the game. 
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memehermetica · 9 years
30 Day Fallout Challenge: Day 12
Favorite quest in Fallout and why?
Take it Back! The last push to the memorial in Fallout 3, alongside Liberty Prime. I will forever love that entire section. 
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memehermetica · 9 years
30 Day Fallout Challenge: Day 11
Which glitch/bug have you experienced the most or which glitch/bug has you most frustrated and why?
Upon first installing Fallout 3 I had a game breaking bug that would crash my game whenever I went into VAT mode. I played about 14 hours without VAT before I was able to fix that problem. 
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memehermetica · 9 years
30 Day Fallout Challenge: Day 10
Day 10: Favorite song you’ve heard from Fallout and why?
“Boogie Man” by Sid Phillips. Something about going back to your home and popping that on the radio was super rewarding. 
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memehermetica · 9 years
30 Day Fallout Challenge: Day 9
Favorite random encounter in Fallout and why? 
Saving Amata from the Enclave after ousting everyone from the vault. You feel like such a tremendous asshole and you totally deserve it. 
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memehermetica · 9 years
30 Day Fallout Challenge: Day 8
Which character in Fallout did you hate the most and why?
Benny. Fuck Benny. 
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memehermetica · 9 years
30 Day Fallout Challenge: Day 7
Which character in Fallout did you love the most and why?
Everybody talks all raw about Boone but you know what? I would take Fawkes with me every day of the week. It is going to be very hard to top him on my list of companion characters. I want a Fawkes DLC dammit. 
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memehermetica · 9 years
30 Day Fallout Challenge: Day 6
Most humorous moment in Fallout you’ve experienced?
Probably glitching out a Super Mutant Behemoth so the knee joints were welded to the shoulders. He waddled around after me in a crouched position with floppy arms. Looked like something from Conker’s Bad Fur Day. 
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