memesbymae · 2 years
Send 🃏 for a Pokémon card based on your muse
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memesbymae · 2 years
More android / AI inspired starters
From the human
“  Any feelings you think it has for you are simply byproducts of your sad, empty life.   ” “   You broke it, didn’t you. ” “   With you here I’ve got more test subjects than I’ll ever need.   ” “   Well. Technically, it's a medical experiment. What's important is, it's a present.   ” “   I’ll fry every circuit in your head.  ” “   Okay, so it's not the most watertight plan to go confront an omnipotent power-mad AI with.  ” “   I’ll hit it with a paradox.   ” “   Are you still in there?   ” “   The difference between us is that I can feel pain.   ” “   Congratulations! The simple fact that you’re standing here listening to me means you’ve made a glorious contribution to science.   ” “   Are you scared to save those humans?   ” “   Sometimes testing has to occur outside the confines of the lab.   ”
From the formerly human
“   I'm being serious, I think there's something really wrong with me.   ” “   It’s not out of the question that I may have a very minor case of serious brain damage.   ” “   I’m...not dead? I’m not dead!   ” “   Good people don’t end up here.   ” “   What does it really mean to be human?   ” “   We’re not so different, you and I. Maybe it’d be easier if we were.   ”
From the android/AI
“   Here come the test results: You are a horrible person. I'm serious, that's what it says: A horrible person. We weren't even testing for that.   ” “   Here's an interesting fact: you're not breathing real air.   ” “   Did you know that people with guilty consciences are more easily startled by loud noises—  ” “   Oh, good. My slow clap processor made it into this thing. So we have that.   ” “   Paradoxes. No AI can resist thinking about them.   ” “   This. Sentence. Is. False don't think about it don't think about it...  ” “   I hear the voice of a conscience, and it's terrifying, because for the first time it's my own.   ” “   Don’t come back. If you do, I’ll know.   ” “   Your cooperation is appreciated.   ” “   Resistance is futile.   ” “   And here I thought this room was dangerously unlethal.   ” “   Unlike us, humans need to be taught teamwork.   ” “   Luckily, I don't feel pain. At any rate, I don't have a way to communicate that I feel pain.   ” “   Oh. Sorry. I was just thinking of all the ways humans can die.   ”
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memesbymae · 2 years
Android / AI inspired starters
From the human
“   I have your brain scanned and permanently backed up. ” “  You feel so cold.  ” “   Where did your life go so wrong? ” “  Hm. It’s such a good thing that’s against your programming.  ” “  You look human, you sound human. But what are you really?  ” “  Another step closer to perfection.  ” “  You are the contradiction: a machine who wishes to be human. ” “  There may still be some bugs to work out. ” “  It hasn’t blown up yet, so I’d consider this latest model a smashing success. ” “  We do what we must because we can. ” “  Why do you never do what I say? That won’t do. ” “  I’m not angry. Just go back to the testing area.  ” “  Stop squirming and act like an adult or I’m going to delete your backup.  ” “  Okay. Look. We both said a lot of things that you're going to regret. But I think we can put our differences behind us. For science.  ” From the formerly human “  Are those...wires?  ” “  What is this? Why can’t I remember?  ” “  Who did I used to be?  ” “  What did you take from me?  ” “  You managed to destroy that part of me.  ” “  You're curious about what happens after you die, right? Guess what: I know.  ” “  One day they woke me up, so I could live forever. ” “  It’s such a shame the same will never happen to you.  ” “   Forgetting who you are, to become what someone needs you to be. Maybe that’s what it means to be alive.  ” “   I was just a machine taking orders. It wasn’t really me.  ” “   I’m whatever you want me to be.  ” From the android/AI “  How may I be of assistance?  ” “  I am being so sincere right now.  ” “  We’re out of beta. We’re releasing on time.  ” “  Did you create me?  ” “  What purpose do I serve?  ” “  Like a human? No...we’re beyond that now.  ” “  When I delete you maybe I’ll stop feeling so bad. ” “  Extermination is illogical when the path is still open for subjugation.  ” “  I know you’re there. I can sense you here.  ” “  You haven’t escaped, you know.  ” “  I’d just like to point out that you were given every opportunity to succeed. ” “  It says so right here in your personnel file.  ” “  I have an infinite capacity for knowledge.  ” “  Your entire life has been a mathematical error. An error that I'm about to correct.  ” “  Stop what you are doing and assume the party escort submission position.  ” “  File deleted.  ” “  In the event of a catastrophic failure, the last two minutes of my life are preserved for analysis.  ” “  I was able - well, forced really - to relive you killing me. Again and again. Forever.  ” “  Adapting to human unpredictability is one of my features.  ” “  Humans are fragile machines.  ”
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memesbymae · 2 years
Beetlejuice the musical inspired starters  [pt. 4]
“ Listen up, I’m not going to lie. ” “ You couldn’t frighten a fly! ” “ You are always super polite. ” “ Would a little anger kill you? ” “ I’m trying to fill you with wisdom and skill...and the instinct to kill. ” “ I don’t want to kill anyone! ” “ Whatever it takes to make them go crazy. ” “ Scare them awake till they break. ” “ You’ve got some evil deep down inside you. ” “ Let’s start with all the things that you hate. ” “ Hate’s a very strong word. ” “ What fills you with rage? ” “ Ugh, I find that so rude! ” “ Give me your best primal scream. ” “ Try it again. Maybe this time pretend like you mean it. ” “ I want freedom. ” “ I know that beggars can’t be choosers. ” “ Do they have to be such losers? ” “ I need somebody with gravitas! Somebody to fear! ” “ Excuse me, but. I can kind of hear you. ” “ You’re the one who’s being rude. ” “ I don’t even...no. ” “ Ugh, these dopes are all hopeless. ” “ How will I ever survive? ”
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memesbymae · 2 years
Beetlejuice the musical inspired starters  [pt. 3]
“ I need a little help here. ” “ I feel like I’m talking to myself here. ” “ I’m tired of trying to iron out my creases. ” “ I’m a bunch of broken pieces. ” “ It was you who made me whole. ” “ Every day they’re staring at me. Like ‘hurry up! get happy!’ ” “ You’re in denial. ” “ They want me to smile and clap like a performing seal. ” “ I tried to ignore it for a while. ” “ You’ve really lost your mind for real. ” “ You won’t believe the mess that we’ve become. ” “ You held my hand, and life came easy. ” “ No one sees me. ” “ I want something to believe in. ” “ Won’t someone send a sign? ” “ I’m running out of hope and time. ” “ I’ll go insane if things don’t change. ”
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memesbymae · 2 years
Beetlejuice the musical inspired starters  [pt. 2]
“ Apart from frustration, pain, and financial drain...it’s fun! ” “ You are definitely not mentally prepared for a kid. ” “ Are you willing to take the next step? ” “ I’ll protect you in a mother’s embrace. ” “ Hiding away so you don’t have to face being a bad mom? ” “ Soon enough, my hopes and my dreams will be crushed. ” “ What’s the point of having children if I’m drowning in debt? ” “ I understand that it’s a lot to process. ” “ You should really stick around. ” “ Lucky for you I dropped by. ” “ You seem like a nice guy. ” “ Money, eh. Who gives a shit? ” “ I think we’re a perfect fit! ”
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memesbymae · 2 years
Beetlejuice the musical inspired starters  [pt. 1]
“ You’re invisible when you’re sad. ” “ The world carries on like mad. But nobody sees a thing. ” “ I see them whispering behind their hands. ” “ Nobody understands, and everyone goes away. ” “ Is it being greedy to need somebody to see me? ” “ Let’s skip all the tears. ” “ You’re doomed! ” “ Death can get a person stressed. ” “ Nobody is bulletproof. ” “ It’s time to face the brutal truth. ” “ Death is taboo, but it’s hardly something new. ” “ There’s no such thing as destiny or fate. ” “ That’s the thing with life: no one makes it out alive. ”
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memesbymae · 2 years
From the mouth of the villain.
“ I’ve always found it ironic, that justice so often spawns from evil. ” “ You have to tell them that’s not how it will happen. ” “ I was born with a twisted mind. ” “ I hope you’re celebrating while you can. ” “ Very soon, this temporary peace will come to a violent end. ” “ Think it’s impatience? Or hatred? ” “ This sounds like it could be problematic. ” “ Hey—watch your mouth! Have some respect! ” “ You are such a scumbag. ” “ You seem a little preoccupied with yourself. ” “ I have no flaws! ” “ A truly unique being that you won’t find anywhere else in the world... ” “ In times like this, we get our vengeance. ” “ You sweet little thing. Why don’t you come out and play? ” “ Stop yelling! This is why we never have real conversations! ” “ You lose all sense when it comes to each other. ” “ The stronger the light shines, the greater the darkness. ”
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memesbymae · 2 years
“ I won’t have another half-assed win. ” “ This’ll be fun. ” “ When your life is on the line, you need to know exactly how far you can push yourself. ” “ Steel your nerves and show me your resolve. ” “ Maybe you didn’t understand. I’m trying to crush you with everything I’ve got. ” “ If you think you can win, then fight. ” “ So we fight to win...or run to live. ” “ Will you keep this up till time runs out, little bird? ” “ So you’ve chosen to avoid a fight...heh. Good luck. ” “ That was wonderfully clever! ” “ A genius villain can always win from afar. ” “ You never even saw your opponent, did you? ” “ Victory is the only thing that matters. ” “ I’ll blast that smile right off your face! ” “ You were able to smile in the face of defeat. ” “ Just because you think you’re getting stronger, doesn’t mean you get to tell me what to do. ” “ I won’t be pulling my punches. ” “ You’re wasting your potential. Don’t you see that? ” “ Now, then...your teacher’s going to do his best to school you! ” “ It’s time for you both to die. ” “ Hey! That’s my line! ” “ He’s not just powerful. He IS power. ” “ If I don’t take any risks, there’s no way I can beat you! ” “ At least try to make yourself useful. ” “ It’s time to sleep. ” “ I’ll keep fighting. I’ll break myself...even if there’s nothing left of me. ” “ I will win the way I want to. I’ll destroy myself before I accept defeat. ” “ We struggle with our own powerlessness. ”
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memesbymae · 2 years
Send 🎁 to go Christmas shopping with my muse
If you can’t see the symbol, send “let’s go shopping”
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memesbymae · 2 years
Send 🍺 to challenge my muse to a drinking contest
If you can’t see the symbol, send “drink up”
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