memingo85 · 2 years
I’m fucking done. Who the hell made tumblr the moral battle ground of free speech. I get it, the whole no adult themed content on the platform. Fucking moral police trying to shove their misguided standards down my throat whether I like it or not. Of course we all saw it coming, it’s not as if they haven’t projected the fact ever since they were bought by some moralistically challenged group of investors decided what you could post or see. The danger is real to your freedom of speech. The problem is they decide to shut down a social platform to control a perceived social problem. I suppose sex, drugs, and rock music Are the material basis for groups to plot the overthrow of our free way of life. Yet I don’t have a major problem with free choice.
Free choice is having the ability to make the decision is all I’m saying. Unfortunately that decision was taken from me. What’s next? Am I only allowed to see what someone thinks Is morally congruent with todays standards? Well who the fuck gave the okay on that? Did you provide an alternative, no you say…it’s not your responsibility. Surely you don’t think that holds water. Cmon, you have enough? Are we better off without the perversion of drugs and sex. Look, can’t have the good without the bad. Yeah, I’m a sick fuck. No debate there. So instead, you decide that not only am I sick fuck, you decide no one else is allowed to share that sickness unless you approve. Sounds like govt intervention on something they can’t control. Like the war on drugs…..news…there is no war and if it were one, well we lost that one long time ago. Let’s just stick our head in the ground and pretend it doesn’t exist at all. Just like sex trafficking, right?
I get it, there are bad people doing bad things, for which they should get caught doing bad things. Well bozo, the bad element will only scurry like cockroaches until they rise up somewhere else to wreak havoc. Maybe not? Who knows? Freedom of expression comes with all our other freedoms. It’s what makes us ….. well ….. human. Take it away and what do you have? I don’t know , but I do know that those who stomp on our rights of freedom are no friends of mine.
Reading of the suffering, the pain, the desperation could have been the source of healing for some. The ability to see the raw facts and hear it from the people living it. I don’t give a fuck if anyone thinks I’m looney as fuck. I question those who don’t challenge the moral left , I mean the real far fucking left that are trying to control out so called free society. You ain’t t free my friends. You pay taxes right? Do you like it? I do up to a certain point. It’s when the taxes are being collected unjustifiable to support a person or group not the constituency that pays. Sound familiar? Taxation without representation. I pay my taxes to support a govt that doesn’t give a damn about me. Why all the bs about govt in a post about free speech? It’s because the govt and the collection of money or not collecting is driving these decisions based on a handful of people that have no clue what the real world is. I might be able to even swallow that, but it’s the complete eradication of opposing voices that is disturbing.
The hypocrites in charge simply kill any means of dissension of ideas and have decided to tell me what to think? How to think? Why think at all? Anyone ever think that we are under attack ? I feel it all the time. The socialist viewpoint is not govt by the people, it’s govt for the people. In all fairness., take this voice or platform away and provide no alternative. Dumbass move if you ask me. Now when everyone thinks all is okay and quiet….then….Biden is in office. Free speech is gone. Control of the media comes forth. Sounds like an old story we’ve heard before.
I know, I could just start my own, right? No I can’t and neither can you. Only those with big deep pockets can do that, but they Don’t. Instead they spend $ on space fucking tourism, really? The rich will get richer, the poor will remain so. The differences will be in the widening gaps between the so called classes known as the haves and the have nots. Oh, lest we forget about the poor saps called middle class. They are the ones paying for all this. For without the middle group, the rich have no one to provide their services. And without the middles, taxes to support all the social programs designed for the poor……
Well I’m probably ranting on deaf dumb and blind anyways. I didn’t research anything and I’m probably just wrong or will be painted a lunatic to repress this from gaining any viral status. Or I may just be wrong about everything. I mean who cares about the shutting down of a social media platform that was popular or one that was not popular is only relevant to whom?
It was relevant to me, but as one voice to be heard, I’m alone and don’t have enough in me to make a difference. I thought I did at one time, but once my vote was stolen and disregarded, it’s only a matter of time. Take seat, grab your popcorn kids, you have front row seats at home to the show called….”THE END OF DEMOCRACY AS WE KNEW IT”.
Thanks guys at tumblr for taking away yet another vice I enjoyed reading and interacting with. You did your job and I’m now officially bored as fuck, chilling with no one, no dreams, no laughs at stupid human tricks, no tweakers a tweaking , no brown outs. Maybe if I live long enough I’ll actually see the real life WALL·E from Walmart make an appearance….we all have our weird ideas of entrainment right?
Later assholes.. this is my last post, reblog or anything on a social media platform. I continue to be obsessed by many different things that come into my path. I just won’t be able to share it and won’t be able to reads yours either. I know now how many of those repressed felt like.
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memingo85 · 2 years
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memingo85 · 2 years
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memingo85 · 2 years
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memingo85 · 2 years
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memingo85 · 2 years
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memingo85 · 2 years
My day to day is a 48 Chevy pickup
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memingo85 · 2 years
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Reblog if you’d fuck me
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memingo85 · 2 years
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Back in business! Please reblog so old followers will find it!
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memingo85 · 2 years
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memingo85 · 2 years
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Reverse Uno
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memingo85 · 2 years
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memingo85 · 2 years
Im backkk <3
interact if u can see this please im not sure if i should keep using this account or make a new one 😂
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memingo85 · 2 years
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memingo85 · 2 years
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they know now
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memingo85 · 2 years
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Definitely will be
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memingo85 · 3 years
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