memo-1982 · 6 years
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memo-1982 · 6 years
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*Meow* 😂😂😂
art by: pencilhead7
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memo-1982 · 6 years
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The dissolution of the Soviet Union (c. 1991) [x-post r/historymemes]
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memo-1982 · 6 years
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memo-1982 · 6 years
when they always ask where’s drax but they never ask why’s drax
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memo-1982 · 6 years
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Astronauts and Coders
During the 1970 Apollo 13 mission to the moon, one of the spacecraft’s oxygen tanks exploded. The three-man crew was stranded, left only with the oxygen remaining in the cabin. Mission control’s solution called for the use of the descent engines––a maneuver that had never been tried before. Luckily, two IBM coders working with NASA had written algorithms that could calculate that kind of move, and they spent the night running tests to see if the maneuver was safe. The rescue was a success, and although the code was one of many contributing factors, the scenario demonstrates the essential value of computing—and the IBMers behind it—in early lunar missions.
Learn more about the coders who supported the Apollo missions->  
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memo-1982 · 7 years
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Roberto Carlos and The ‘Impossible’ Free Kick
Roberto Carlos bends the ball around the wall of France, and bends the minds of football fans across the world, scoring one of the greatest goals of the sport…June 3 1997…The ‘Impossible’ Free Kick.
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memo-1982 · 7 years
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memo-1982 · 7 years
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Fresh fish in southern Nuevo León, Mexico
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memo-1982 · 7 years
Solar System: 10 Things to Know This Week
Pioneer Days
Someone’s got to be first. In space, the first explorers beyond Mars were Pioneers 10 and 11, twin robots who charted the course to the cosmos.
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1-Before Voyager
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Voyager, with its outer solar system tour and interstellar observations, is often credited as the greatest robotic space mission. But today we remember the plucky Pioneers, the spacecraft that proved Voyager’s epic mission was possible.
2-Where No One Had Gone Before
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Forty-five years ago this week, scientists still weren’t sure how hard it would be to navigate the main asteroid belt, a massive field of rocky debris between Mars and Jupiter. Pioneer 10 helped them work that out, emerging from first the first six-month crossing in February 1973. Pioneer 10 logged a few meteoroid hits (fewer than expected) and taught engineers new tricks for navigating farther and farther beyond Earth.
3-Trailblazer No. 2
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Pioneer 11 was a backup spacecraft launched in 1973 after Pioneer 10 cleared the asteroid belt. The new mission provided a second close look at Jupiter, the first close-up views of Saturn and also gave Voyager engineers plotting an epic multi-planet tour of the outer planets a chance to practice the art of interplanetary navigation.
4-First to Jupiter
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Three-hundred and sixty-three years after humankind first looked at Jupiter through a telescope, Pioneer 10 became the first human-made visitor to the Jovian system in December 1973. The spacecraft spacecraft snapped about 300 photos during a flyby that brought it within 81,000 miles (about 130,000 kilometers) of the giant planet’s cloud tops.
5-Pioneer Family
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Pioneer began as a Moon program in the 1950s and evolved into increasingly more complicated spacecraft, including a Pioneer Venus mission that delivered a series of probes to explore deep into the mysterious toxic clouds of Venus. A family portrait (above) showing (from left to right) Pioneers 6-9, 10 and 11 and the Pioneer Venus Orbiter and Multiprobe series. Image date: March 11, 1982. 
6-A Pioneer and a Pioneer
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Classic rock has Van Halen, we have Van Allen. With credits from Explorer 1 to Pioneer 11, James Van Allen was a rock star in the emerging world of planetary exploration. Van Allen (1914-2006) is credited with the first scientific discovery in outer space and was a fixture in the Pioneer program. Van Allen was a key part of the team from the early attempts to explore the Moon (he’s pictured here with Pioneer 4) to the more evolved science platforms aboard Pioneers 10 and 11.
7-The Farthest…For a While
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For more than 25 years, Pioneer 10 was the most distant human-made object, breaking records by crossing the asteroid belt, the orbit of Jupiter and eventually even the orbit of Pluto. Voyager 1, moving even faster, claimed the most distant title in February 1998 and still holds that crown.
8-Last Contact
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We last heard from Pioneer 10 on Jan. 23, 2003. Engineers felt its power source was depleted and no further contact should be expected. We tried again in 2006, but had no luck. The last transmission from Pioneer 11 was received in September 1995. Both missions were planned to last about two years.
9-Galactic Ghost Ships
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Pioneers 10 and 11 are two of five spacecraft with sufficient velocity to escape our solar system and travel into interstellar space. The other three—Voyagers 1 and 2 and New Horizons—are still actively talking to Earth. The twin Pioneers are now silent. Pioneer 10 is heading generally for the red star Aldebaran, which forms the eye of Taurus (The Bull). It will take Pioneer over 2 million years to reach it. Pioneer 11 is headed toward the constellation of Aquila (The Eagle) and will pass nearby in about 4 million years.
10-The Original Message to the Cosmos
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Years before Voyager’s famed Golden Record, Pioneers 10 and 11 carried the original message from Earth to the cosmos. Like Voyager’s record, the Pioneer plaque was the brainchild of Carl Sagan who wanted any alien civilization who might encounter the craft to know who made it and how to contact them. The plaques give our location in the galaxy and depicts a man and woman drawn in relation to the spacecraft.
Read the full version of this week’s 10 Things article HERE. 
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space: http://nasa.tumblr.com.
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memo-1982 · 7 years
I’ve just recovered access to my account after a year or so of mismanaging my two-factor auth keys... Fortunately, I’m back!
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memo-1982 · 9 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AutSKB6LOA)
This is truly amazing! I can’t believe Nisekoi has gotten this popular. On the other hand, I might have to get Mario Maker... 
(INB4, “but why add a gorilla when Nintendo already has Donkey Kong?” It’s not funny... actually, it’s hilarious.)
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memo-1982 · 9 years
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This astonishing photo was taken this morning in New York City.
Clearly showing a UFO, it’s suddenly impossible to deny the reality of flying saucers, which had until today never been seen so clearly in a photograph or video.
“This is a momentous day,” said President Obama, “Today we have the first unquestionable proof that we are not alone in the universe.” Carl Sagan agreed, stating, “One of the greatest questions ever asked was answered today in a resounding yes!”
But not everyone is so happy about the fantastic discovery, many alarmists are suggesting that the world may soon be at war with the aliens, or that the aliens may invade and take our jobs. Mayor Bill de Blasio has joined the pessimistic crowd in demanding Manhattan be evacuated, an event he said would also benefit the city by giving it a chance to “Air out for a while”.
But for now, the saucer looms overhead and all efforts at communication have been unsuccessful. More on this breaking story as it develops, exclusively on FIJMU.
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memo-1982 · 9 years
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Good morning. In less than an hour,aircraft from here will join others from around the world. And you will be launching the largest aerial battle in the history of mankind. Mankind. That word should have new meaning for all of us today. We can’t be consumed by our petty differences any more. We will be united in our common interest. Perhaps it’s fate that today is the Fourth of July. And you will once again be fighting for our freedom. Not from tyranny, oppression or persecution. But from annihilation. We’re fighting for our right to live. To exist. And should we win the day, the Fourth of July will no longer be known as an American holiday, but as the day when the world declared in one voice,“We will not go quietly into the night!” “We will not vanish without a fight!” “We’re going to live on!” “We’re going to survive!” Today, we celebrate our Independence Day!“
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memo-1982 · 9 years
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memo-1982 · 9 years
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by Tiina Törmänen
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memo-1982 · 9 years
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