memorablecolors · 2 years
Can I have you do the name Lex? Maybe pastel themed?
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#aba69f || #eae3cf || #d7b494 || #b4cfdc || #99a1c3
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memorablecolors · 2 years
can you do a color palette for the name araceli
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#f1b7aa || #fbdecf || #fff5f1 || #ae8fa5 || #8a5578
104 notes · View notes
memorablecolors · 2 years
Can I get a colour pallet for the name Altair?
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#352c2c || #9b523f || #eee2bd || #f9c784 || #d94e2b
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memorablecolors · 2 years
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Pottsfield CM
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memorablecolors · 2 years
Can u make a color palette for the name Tobias? With dark colors & black pls if u can
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#303030 || #536e65 || #53423e || #0f1110 || #3c1f1f
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memorablecolors · 2 years
zane :0
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#9b3c0c || #73a0c3 || #f6f7f9 || #613e24 || #29294f
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memorablecolors · 3 years
Could you do one for Clyde please
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#7a99a4 || #dee08f || #496249 || #68977e || #31732a
39 notes · View notes
memorablecolors · 3 years
May I ask a palette for Valentine?
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#7ea1cf || #faf0e2 || #f3d3bd || #bb6f8c || #553a41
59 notes · View notes
memorablecolors · 3 years
Can i get a pallet with the name Hizashi (it means sunshine if that helps!)
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#eec584 || #f2e8cb || #a8c6c6 || #e5a264 || #c28359
66 notes · View notes
memorablecolors · 3 years
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You Have Beautiful Eyes
163 notes · View notes
memorablecolors · 3 years
May I request a palette for Jean and Piper? Thank you, and I hope you have a good day! Take care.
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#30484e || #bc4a4a || #d2804c || #7bbc9e || #f8e2ae
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memorablecolors · 3 years
could u do one for the name remus?
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#6a8d92 || #f9eae1 || #7d4f50 || #699470 || #3d3d3d
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memorablecolors · 3 years
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Sky Dragon Scales
HEX: #06212c 🌙 #2f455a 🌙 #7688ae 🌙 #8fa0b4 🌙 #a0afb6
RGB: (6, 33, 44) 🌙 (47, 69, 90) 🌙 (118, 136, 174) 🌙 (143, 160, 180) 🌙 (160, 175, 182)
170 notes · View notes
memorablecolors · 3 years
Aaa, I apologize I accidentally hit the wrong button and messaged you instead of sending this as an ask!
May I request a palette for the name Bellamy?
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#2b2d2d || #4b8058 || #bcc990 || #f8eee8 || #7cb7a0
73 notes · View notes
memorablecolors · 3 years
Hey Hi! Your color palettes are beautiful! Just to ask if you can make a palette by the name "Plum Web"?
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#49458c || #3f2864 || #7d3159 || #d69330 || #e7d8c7
67 notes · View notes
memorablecolors · 3 years
Could you make a pallet for the name Twig please?
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#ded3ab || #7a9b76 || #af693e || #edd3b7 || #592f23
50 notes · View notes
memorablecolors · 3 years
hello could you do one for owen please :)
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#355634 || #d7af70 || #247ba0 || #2a3f67 || #0c1618
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