memoriiam · 3 years
out of character // loki series is making my muse for munin very strong but i don't have time to write or roleplay. i kind of want to write privately because i feel it could be less stressful for me but i'm not sure yet. i really miss all of you and writing in general and i would love to be here.
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memoriiam · 3 years
out of character // hey, hi! i'm still alive, i just have been gone for the week. it has been a busy week but weekend is coming and i'm planning to be here. i'm probably going to be here active on weekends for now on but some expectations might happen from time to time. at this moment it looks like my weeks will be busy. but if someone wants to stay in touch with me during weeks , you can always ask for my disco!
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memoriiam · 3 years
out of character // as a finn, i'm really proud of our boys. but there has been many amazing performances, and we'll have even more coming, so it is hard to know who will win.
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memoriiam · 3 years
out of character   //    it’s time for the eurovision, so i’ll be here but i’m going to be slow. 
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memoriiam · 3 years
out of character   //   me: kind of wants to bring some other muses here, like my fandom-less fairy oc or some other muses i have.   also me: i know very well i can’t handle multiple blogs at the same time
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memoriiam · 3 years
what kind of villain you are?
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 UNWILLINGLY EVIL you were forced. your resolve was broken slowly but surely, and now you're unsure of whether you'll ever get it back. for some reason, you believe that your current position is your fault. it isn't. it's the fault of those who did it to you. and yet you soldier on, facing forwards even as you slowly lose your will to continue. when you die, you're calm. unafraid for the first time in a while. this is the one thing they can't take from you.
tagged  by: no one, i saw this on my dash & saved it in my drafts tagging: no one, do this if you want!
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memoriiam · 3 years
out of character   //  i think i did all my replies... if i haven’t replied to you, could you let me know? i might be missing a few things.
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memoriiam · 3 years
herflame   //   rain :
she’s  not  used  to  getting  her  life  saved.  it  was  one  of  the  downsides  of  doing  all  of  her  work  on  her  own,  there  was  never  anyone  to  save  her  when  she  needed  it.  but  she  always  figured  it  was  better  that  way.  people  didn’t  like  her  growing  up,  and  she’d  never  really  learned  to  trust  anyone  anyways.  that’s  why  it  surprises  her,  more  than  anything.  she’s  used  to  people  not  caring  about  her.  usually  they  were  justified  in  that,  too.
“well,  it  would’ve  made  your  life  a  little  bit  easier.”  she’s  okay  enough  to  smile,  to  joke,  though,  she’s  mostly  doing  that  because  she  doesn’t  know  how  to  handle  these  kinds  of  situations.  it’s  too  much  emotion.  but  she’ll  make  sure  to  add,  “…thanks.”  before  immediately  swapping  the  subject.  “are  you  okay,  though?”
he glanced at her and there was   s o m e t h i n g  in her that in a way that reminded him of himself, but he couldn't pinpoint what it exactly was. maybe it was her attitude of him saving her or how she handled this situation.  "easy life would be a new thing for me, so," he answered to her with emotionless voice before glancing upwards as he heard some distant rumbling noise. it reminded him that even if they were joking here, the situation around them wasn't as light and at any moment, they could be in danger again.
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when the noises faded away, munin glanced at his hand and raised his eyes to her again. "i have been through worse," he told her. he had been through much more than this, a few moments came immediately to his mind. “but we have to move before this is the worse.“
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memoriiam · 3 years
sugarisms   //  bubbles:
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she was surprised to hear him be so lighthearted about this. she would think his spirits would at least be a little less…happy. bubbles should probably question this but, for now, she was just going to go with it. “you’re important too.” when bubbles was fighting, she worried for everyone around her. she had to, when she was one of the town’s superheroes. but she was relieved to hear that there wasn’t any broken bones. it was better than she imagined. bubbles smiled, letting her arms uncross from her chest. “well, that’s good. sorry i couldn’t exactly ask you right then.” in her perfect world, he wouldn’t have been harmed at all, bruises and cuts included. she nodded, letting herself smile. “maybe a little. but it’s nothing i couldn’t handle. the super strength helps. i’m okay.” bubbles had a few cuts and bruises herself but she was fine. “can i ask you something?” maybe it was stepping too far but she was curious.
he didn't answer her words about his importance, he only gave a polite smile as an answer. was he important? in a way, but getting that answer from him was difficult — he had his inner battles, he saw himself differently than others saw him. he had his past which wasn't filled with heroic acts and in his eyes, it was clear that she was a hero. she was a hero, and he was something between — not a hero, not a villain but depending on the situation, he could be considered as a part of either side. this time, he had been on her side, on the heroes' side. "the most important thing is that the day is saved," he chuckled.
even if she was a hero, her politeness and kindness surprised him. she looked like a sweet person, but munin if who knew appearance didn't always match personality — and her own mention of her super strength only confirmed that looks didn't always mean truth.  her next words question was  v a g u e,  but he had a feeling what to expect her next words to be — and he couldn't blame her as in her situation, he probably would do the same thing and ask about who he was, why he had survived with a few little wounds in a battle like this. but he had seen her in action, so he knew she was more than human.             "sure,     ask away."
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memoriiam · 3 years
threefled·   //   zig :
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fingers  curl  at  his  sides  at  the�� tone  of  voice,  shoulders  tense  as  he  fights  off  every  instinct  telling  him  to  attack.  there  was  something  about  this  person  that  set  him  on  edge,  perhaps  the  way  he  was  so  calm  in  the  presence  of  someone  clearly  ready  to  snap.  “  that  is  helpful  advice.  ”  tone  is  flat,  barely  keeping  his  anger  at  bay.  “  i’ll  be  sure  the  bare  that  in  mind.  ”  slowly  his  fingers  release  from  the  fists  at  his  sides,  though  muscles  remain  tense.  “  someone  does  not  have  to  live  in  their  past  for  it  to  remain  having  a  tight  hold  over  them.  ”  voice  wavers  slightly  as  he  speaks,  trying  to  process  exactly  what  was  happening  here;  it  felt  like  some  kind  of  trap  he’d  sprung,  though  he  couldn’t  understand  why.
the dark eyes studied the other one carefully, and he was making mental notes, how he still was visibly tensed even if there was tiny signs of  r e l a x a t i o n. but he knew he was tensed and  ready react , just like he was even if he seemed more relaxed than the other one was. but the tension in the air was thick, no matter how relaxed he looked. "true," munin admitted slowly like he didn’t want to agree with him. "past always follows, do you want it or not. it leaves its stains, and those cannot be washed away," he continued with calm voice,  and while his eyes focused on the other male, he took a few  s l o w  steps to the right.
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memoriiam · 3 years
out of character  //   it’s time for the eurovision in a few hours, so i’ll be lurking here if someone wants to chat or plot. now i’m planning to finish all my replies before it begins.
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memoriiam · 3 years
chiimira·   //  harper :
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gaze   shifts   to   the   direction   he   mentions   .   he   doesn’t   seem   sure   ,   but   harper   doesn’t   mind   wondering   around   the   corridors   for   a   while   .   she’s   uncertain   when   he   offers   to   go   with   her   but   in   reality   …   what’s   the   harm   ??   they’re   in   a   building   full   of   people   ,   nothing   bad   will   happen   .   “   if   you   want   ,   ”   she’s   never   been   particularly   talkative   ,   but   maybe   she’ll   make   an   effort   .
she   begins   heading   in   towards   the   door   ,   only   glancing   briefly   to   see   if   he’s   accompanying   her   .   the   corrdor   is   lined   with   artwork   &   harper   slows   her   steps   to   study   each   one   .   “   i’ve   never   seen   so   many   paintings   ,   ”   she   mutters   ,   the   bare   walls   of   the   lab   seeming   even   more   plain   now   .
the   corridor   breaks   off   into   two   directions   ,   one   leading   to   the   exit   ,   bleary   street   visable   through   the   open   doors   .   for   a   second   ,   she   considers   making   a   run   for   it   ,   but   after   a   lingering   moment   she   turns   &   sets   off   the   other   way   .   “   have   you   ever   been   to   a   party   like   this   ??   ”
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there was a polite smile on his lips when he nodded as an answer for her before following her towards the door. it would be a nice to have a moment of   q u i e t n e s s   after the music and ripple of conservation filling the air in the ball room. when he noticed her giving  a glance  at his direction, munin turned his head towards her and waited if she wanted to tell something to him, but when the silence continued between them, he shifted his attention to the paintings on the wall.
his actions mimicked hers, when she slowed her steps, he also slowed his pace to pay more attention on the artwork before him. sometimes he stopped to look at the painting next to the one she was looking at. there was an interested look on his face when he heard her words, but it was a polite small talk. "without those paintings, this corridor would be really boring," he added, glancing their surroundings before he followed her.
"a few times," he answered as masquerade balls weren't part of his regular schedule, but this wasn't his first time — however, it had been a while from the last time. "how about you?"
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memoriiam · 3 years
brknsymbol·   //  sam :
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hardly anything surprised him anymore;  aliens and magic had all become some adapted form of normalcy when he’d taken up with the avengers.  despite being more or less used to it,  sam could hardly pretend to be any sort of an expert at it.  he’s all but forced to put all of his trust in munin without hesitation,  unable to read more than an odd feeling in the air,  something that could easily be confused with general anxiety.  he could see what was there,  a certain glint in the room that could be passed off as nothing at all. he doesn’t fail to notice that his question is avoided,  but he doesn’t comment on it.  brows knit together as he turns back to glance across the room.  he’s about to answer with some sarcastic comeback about what he doesn’t see,  but as his gaze turns,  the room itself seems to change.          “  hold on —— do you see that? ”          shoulders drop,  head craning as he studies what looks like a ripple in the air,  a shimmer that doesn’t quite sit right with the natural way of things.   and even as he’s staring,  it seems to change,  disappear almost,  and behind where the ripple had been,  a doorway beckons.          “ okay i might not be all up to speed with everything magical,  but i’m gonna just guess that’s some kind of a trap. ”         he can only hope that what he’s seeing is the same as what munin sees as well. 
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his words caused him to frown and he turned around to look at something — he never knew what to expect when magic was involved. munin had see many things which were hard to believe, even for someone who was familiar with magic. as he turned around, he noticed the room was changing and it seemed like the magic was fading and revealing· s o m e t h i n g.
"huh."· · · ·it was the first thing to slip from his lips, and the deity slightly tilted his head in a curious manner. a dozen of thoughts and possibilities ran through his head, but the words coming from sam pulled him back to reality.· ·"not necessarily," he answered and took a few careful steps towards the new doorway to inspect it more closely, but stopped and gave a glance at his direction to explain his words.· · ·"magic has· limits. there are different limits, like time and range. and if the person who did this, has to focus on other things, they can't keep this veil up and they lose control of it." he had his own example of it; he always hide his tattoos,··b u t··when he really needed to use his magic, the magical spell covering the tattoos disappeared and his tattoos were visible to everyone.
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he gave a quick smile to him. "welcome to magic 101," he joked before turning to look at the doorway. he knew that the clever thing to do would be turning around and leaving the room, but he also knew he would get answers to his questions if he went through that door. but was it going to be safe? probably not.·
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memoriiam · 3 years
out of character    //    i’m working on things here but why... why i want to make another blog for a new muse (actually i have two muses to who i would like to make a blog) even if still haven’t finished things on here? like i’m changing my icons again && i’m horrible at handling multiple blogs at the same time
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memoriiam · 3 years
rosemagicked·    //    haru :
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     ‘  oh  , i don’t know about  that  . ’ she straightened herself back up , though leaned casually against the counter beside her. ‘ i don’t think i would  ever  hate to see you , but i also think boyfriend material might very well be determined by  more  than simply one’s clothes. ’ and though haru had a  great  appreciation  for a well-dressed person , one’s personality was a far more important factor when seeking a partner in her eyes. ‘ what i can say , though , is that that shirt suits you far more than it  ever  did my brother. ’
    with that , the little sorceress turned on her heel to face the fridge. ‘ can i get you something to drink with your peanut butter and banana sandwich ? ’ she asked as she reached inside to grab a carton of milk with which she had plans to make a very lovely , cold glass of strawberry milk. and no , she would  not  allow him to deny the tasty snack she had made for him ; caring for others was not only her  duty, but her  passion  as well. there would be no reason to feel as if he owed her. she had  wanted  to help him , and she’d hammer that fact home with him if she had to.
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his eyebrow slightly arched due to her words but he didn't say anything.   h a t e   was a strong word, but he knew that he wasn't  always  the most likable person. he had his moments, in good and in bad. he couldn't deny it but he was going to be on his best behavior. "oh --    i hope your brother doesn't mind me borrowing his shirt," munin began, "but  thank  you  for giving me this."
her offer of a drink made him to think for a moment. he didn't want to be a trouble for her, she had already helped him more than she needed to. after all, he was an  u n i n v i t e d  guest.  "water is enough, thank you," the deity answered with a polite smile, now shifting his attention from her to the sandwich. he took the snack in his hand and took a bite of it.   "this tastes so good," he told her, only now realizing how hungry he was. he didn't need food like a regular human, but the fight and the healing caused energy loss, and now he needed more energy.
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memoriiam · 3 years
out of character // i think all my replies are done now and i'll work on icons next, so the replies will be posted later and/or queued to be posted today and tomorrow. i haven't decided yet.
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memoriiam · 3 years
out of character // i'm working on my replies & those will be posted during the weekend when i can make more icons. this week has been a busy week but i'll be active on saturday.
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