memoryheadundefined · 2 months
Hello! How's the archival process going?
global.msg[4]= "\\E0* I don\'t remember the world./"; of the \\YDelta Rune^1, .../"; global.msg[15]= "\\E0* So... global.msg[14]= "\\E2* i wouldn\'t be a good& reca pper?" but.../"; global.msg[1]= "* For some reason^1, I want to say& global.msg[4]= "" + chr(ord('"')) + &* These things^1, the y take t ime^1. + chr(ord('"')) + "/";
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memoryheadundefined · 4 months
hey, given that you enjoyed that instance of window_set_position... check this out. :3
global.msg[2]= "\\E8* ...^2 global.msg[1]= "\\E8* ... <string>sting= "What the fuck global.msg[2]= "* How global.msg[2]= "* What?/%%";
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memoryheadundefined · 7 months
to answer your question: according to one of the gods of your world, the "brand new world of yellow" is resoundingly mid. hope this helps !
global.msg[1]= "... global.msg[4]= "\\E2* okay then^1, * That\'s good to know& ...&* I suppose.../";
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memoryheadundefined · 7 months
((OOC: How are you doing? You haven't posted in a while, lol. Seems like a lot of UTDRP has been inactive for a while. Anyway, hope you have a good day!))
global.msg[18]= "\\E3* Oh^1!&* Hey^1!&* Wait a second!/"; global.msg[2]= "Are you * The One Who Has very& good window_set_position(wx + gameshake, wy); ???/*"; i\'m a huge fan of your work!"; as they say.../"; global.msg[3]= "\\E0* Let the games!/"; script_execute(scr_begin); !!/%%";
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memoryheadundefined · 7 months
may i ask you to dance, dance, dance? revolutionary suggestion, i know, but i think it'd be good for you. even if you're really not in the groove, i'm sure you'll be able to find a beatmaniac whose enthusiasm is infectious. might want to have a rhythm doctor on hand, though, 'cause when the beats are at their sickest and hit just right, it's like time stops; in that vivid stasis, there's nothing but the song, a gentle hint of background noise, starlight pouring onto the windowsill, and you. in perfect harmony, like a cinnamon mint; a dance of fire and ice upon your palate.
...trombone champ.
global.msg[8]= "\\E0* I\'m sure you are global.msg[7]= "VERY/"; global.msg[8]= "VERY/"; proud of that one./%%"; global.msg[10]= ".../"; global.msg[11]= "WHAT DO YOU&TWO THINK/%%"; instance_create(20, 20, 782/* OBJ_WRITER */);</string> global.msg[4]= "\\E2*\\M1ahem*/"; global.msg[7]= "\\E1* ... actually^1, & those puns./%%"; are pretty good./"; thanks for& treating me./%%";
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memoryheadundefined · 7 months
Do you know anything about the third and fourth royal guards?
global.msg[0]= "\\E0* Ah,^1 <object>objects\obj_bara03</object> <object>objects\obj_bara04</object> global.msg[0]= "* RG 03 " + string(global.monsteratk[myself]) + " ATK " + string(global.monsterdef[myself]) + " DEF&* Royal Guard member with& stuffy armor./^"; global.msg[0]= "* RG 04 " + string(global.monsteratk[myself]) + " ATK " + string(global.monsterdef[myself]) + " DEF&* Royal Guard member.&* Protective of her armor./^"; global.msg[0]= "Interesting ly.../"; global.msg[0]= "CHECK statistics./^"; are not hard./%"; <code d for& this enemy./^"; global.msg[12]= "\\E1* Anyway^1, global.msg[1]= "* (They are global.msg[0]= "awwAwa&cute! global.msg[0]= "* 03 and 04 are planning all& sorts of things to do& together."; this^1 , too!/%%"; is yu ri.../";
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memoryheadundefined · 7 months
You are now entering a world from which you will never return. You may choose to embrace it, or fight it, but you cannot change it, nor can you go back. How you choose to feel will determine how you feel. Accept this willingly, and you will be enlightened. Fight it, and you'll be damned. But, it is your choice to make.
global.msg[3]= "\\E3ARE YOU SURE&YOU sent this message./%%"; to the&amp; right PERSON? global.msg[2]= "* There are A FEW&amp;PEOPLE out there& where^1, the&amp; concept of that resonates&amp;with a strange&amp;feeling./"; global.msg[3]= "* I am global.msg[3]= "\\E4... not "one of them^1," global.msg[3]= "Unfortunately :/"
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memoryheadundefined · 7 months
times are a-changin', huh? and so are the people, with them. that gaster you dunked on for being bald is gone now. just about everyone he's talked to is either about to reach their story's end, has gotten there already, or has vanished in the process of trying. everyone but you, dear memo. you're the one entity who has remained unchanged throughout
if(gg == 0) global.msg[0]= "WRONG! global.msg[3]= "\\E4* Actually^1, global.msg[0]= "\\M2* I\'ve been wo king on being a little&amp; less scared of everything.../"; global.msg[7]= "\\E7Just living in the present!"; not getting& OVERWHELMED&amp;BY THE memories./"; it is extremely& difficult but it&amp; is going well./"; global.msg[0]= "\\M5* ...../"; mostly. /%%";
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memoryheadundefined · 7 months
and now, for my ultimate special attack:
indented messages
across multiple lines!
also numbered lists be with you
This is where you list items and numbers appear next to them.
This is also where you list items and numbers appear next to them.
This is the story of a man named Stanley.
La, la. Time to wake up and smell the pain.
So, wake up, Mr. Freeman. Wake up and smell the ashes...
global.msg[9]= "\\E2....../"; global.msg[24]= "\\E1* Uh^1, okay?/"; ._.
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memoryheadundefined · 7 months
Bulleted list
Numbered list
la li lu le lo.
global.msg[6]= "\\E0* .../"; global.msg[1]= "Uhh^1, thanks for that?/";
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memoryheadundefined · 8 months
global.msg[6]= "* Well^1, thank you for& your loss++; I appreciated it^1!
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memoryheadundefined · 10 months
ok this is a weird question but do you happen to know anything about... the yellow soul?
global.msg[2]= "\\E1* Um.../"; not really& , "No"); global.msg[16]= "There is a global.itemname[i]= "Empty Gun"; global.itemname[i]= "Cowboy Hat"; global.msg[1]= "\\E9*... I don\'t know literally&amp;anything else./%%"; global.msg[0]= "* I understand why global.msg[0]= "* You ask , though./%%"; where&amp; you come from * There\'s a brand new world of a2= "Yellow"; , right?/"; global.msg[6]= "\\E0* Is it any good ?/";
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memoryheadundefined · 10 months
Do you have a favorite food? What about a LEAST favorite food?... Do you even eat?
global.msg[0]= "I do really& enjoy global.msg[7]= "\\E4the memory of global.msg[2]= "* (The taste of global.itemname[i]= "Rock Candy"; global.itemname[i]= "Glamburger"; is really& bad ^1, though./"; global.msg[2]= "* It is the worst& burger off the menu./%%";
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memoryheadundefined · 10 months
i often forget that this blog isnt canon and we know nothing of the memoryheads' personalities
global.msg[0]= "Thank&amp;you!"; of all the <object>objects\obj_memoryhead</object> out there^1, global.msg[3]= "* I like to think i\'m pretty good&amp; at being& me!/%%";
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memoryheadundefined · 10 months
memo, have you ever read homestuck
... yes, global.msg[23]= "\\E4* Unfortunately^1, I AM&VERY aware of& it. global.msg[8]= "\\E1so^1, uh./"; global.msg[0]= "* Thank you for that global.msg[2]= "I GUESS./";
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cjara. you're finally awake. we have officil confirmation that the memoryhead is BALD
* ...
* Alright then!
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memo are you are a pringle? because your saddle-shaped geometry and extruded potato substance composition have fascinated me
global.msg[13]= "\\E5* No./"; global.msg[14]= "\\E3* But global.msg[3]= "* i understand why you\'re& confused./"; global.msg[6]= "\\E0After all^1, the potato is very& important& for a nice hearty++; ste w!/"; : )
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