memoryodyssey · 3 years
“I am no more than a secretary of the invisible world.”
— Czeslaw Milosz
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memoryodyssey · 5 years
Georges Bataille Quotes for the Signs
Aries: "But on a sensual level, she so bluntly craved any upheaval that the faintest call from the senses gave her a look directly suggestive of all things linked to deep sexuality, such as blood, suffocation, sudden terror, crime; things indefinitely destroying human bliss and honesty."
Taurus: "I am in harmony with my annihilation."
Gemini: "Life will dissolve itself in death, rivers in the sea, and the known in the unknown. Knowledge is access to the unknown. Nonsense is the outcome of every possible sense."
Cancer: "So we expect love to be a solution for infinite suffering? And what choice do we have? Within us anguish is infinite, and we fall in love."
Leo: "Pleasure only starts once the worm has got into the fruit, to become delightful happiness must be tainted with poison."
Virgo: "There are masses of lilacs here, irises and wisteria. The forest seems like peace itself, but when the day comes it will burn like a match."
Libra: "I believe that truth has only one face: that of a violent contradiction."
Scorpio: "I don’t want your love unless you know I am repulsive, and love me even as you know it."
Sagittarius: "The need to go astray, to be destroyed, is an extremely private, distant, passionate, turbulent truth."
Capricorn: "I imagine myself covered with blood, broken but transfigured and in agreement with the world, both as prey and as a jaw of time, which ceaselessly kills and is ceaselessly killed."
Aquarius: "The urge towards love, pushed to its limit, is an urge toward death."
Pisces: "We approach the void…but not to fall into it. We want to become intoxicated with dizziness and the image of the fall is sufficient."
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memoryodyssey · 7 years
I couldn’t make use of  whatever was given, so they  abandoned me. At first the solitude  charmed me like a prelude, but so much music wounded me
Rainer Maria Rilke, in “Music”
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memoryodyssey · 7 years
What does marble think when it's being sculpted? It thinks 'I am struck, insulted, ruined, lost'. Well, life is sculpting me. Let it finish its work.
Jean Cocteau, in "Orpheus" (1950)
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memoryodyssey · 7 years
Aren't you an expert in phoenixology, the art of repeatedly dying to be reborn?
Jean Cocteau, in "Testament of Orpheus" (1960)
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memoryodyssey · 7 years
Myself, I am no marble bust Be afraid I have sea foam in my veins I understand the language of waves
Jean Cocteau, in “Testament of Orpheus” (1960)
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