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Lawn Mowing Olive Branch
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Over-Wintering Plants
Gardeners in cold climates never know what to expect during the winter. We may have snow, we may have unusually warm conditions, too much precipitation or not enough. Chances are good we’ll have a mixed bag of weather and while we huddle indoors by the fire, our plants have to take it on the chin. Even if you strictly adhere to buying only plants that are hardy in your zone, there’s no guarantee nature will stick to the agreement. So it helps to have some tricks in your bag to protect your special plants and those that are marginally hardy
Some garden plants are perfectly happy to be brought indoors and grown as houseplants. They can handle the drier winter conditions and most even enjoy the cooler temperatures. You may have to test out the best spot for sun exposure since winter sunlight isn’t very intense. But bringing in a coleus or fuchsia is a nice reminder of the garden that was and the one that will be.
One of the biggest winter headaches is what to do with potted containers. Plants that are at least 2 zones hardier than your growing zone should be able to survive the winter outdoors in containers. You may need to provide some extra insulation and be certain your container is made from a frost tolerant material. Read on for some suggestions for good insulation.
Roses always seem to come through winter with a little damage. Sometimes they refuse to go dormant and are hard hit by frost. Or maybe black spot or chafers stick around for the winter, to get an early start in the spring. Many roses are grafted onto root stock and need a little extra protection to prevent the graft from winter injury. These 8 tips will help your roses batten down for winter and survive intact until spring.
Summer blooming bulbs require so little care during the growing season, they are hard to resist. Who doesn’t love a little touch of the tropics in their garden? Unfortunately, when you don’t actually live in the tropics, you can’t just leave the bulbs in the ground over winter. Well, you could, but they wouldn’t survive. If you want to grow your cannas, dahlias and elephant ears again next season, they will need to be dug and stored.
I don’t know what it is about geraniums, but Lawn Care Memphis love to store them over-winter. They are very easy to bring indoors. If you have enough sunlight, you can even let them grow as houseplants, on a windowsill. However, it is easy enough to store them dormant, until they are ready to go back outdoors in the spring. Here are several methods to try.
They label them “hardy” mums, but more of them are tossed in the compost than make it through the winter. The mums that spring up in garden centers in the fall have been treated and forced, to look picture perfect in your fall displays. They can survive the winter, but they’ll need a little TLC. There are also many other types of mums you can grow in your garden, that are truly hardy and indifferent to winter. You might want to try both.
What’s a water garden without water lilies? There are water lilies that are hardy down to USDA Zone 3. They can be left in the water, provided there is enough depth for them not to freeze. Tropical water lilies and hardy plants in shallow water will need to be brought inside. It can be a little messy, but you’ll be ahead of the game if you want to divide them in the spring.
If space is an issue, but you still want to save some plants for next year, consider taking some cuttings of your existing plants. They will start out small and grow slowly, at first. But if you have a favorite begonia, plectranthus or coleus and you want to make sure you have it again next year, cuttings are an easy, inexpensive way to create more plants.
It may sound like wasted effort to mulch in the winter, but this is a different type of mulching. Rather than suppressing weeds and conserving water. Winter mulching isn’t used to keep the ground warm, it’s meant to keep the ground frozen. Frozen ground won’t kill hardy plants, but repeated freezing and thawing will. The expanding and contracting of the soil can push plants right out of the ground.
A layer of snow is excellent winter mulch for plants. But if there is no snow, here are some other ideas for insulating your plants through Lawn Jox.
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How to Care for the Lawn in Winter
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In most parts of the country, lawn grass goes dormant in the winter. In the south, cool-season rye grass is often over seeded into the turf to maintain a green lawn. In the north, it’s too cold for any grass to grow, so we wait patiently for spring, sometimes under snow cover, sometimes not. However, lawn care doesn’t quite end in the winter. Try these tricks to keep your yard healthy.
Apply fertilizer with a spreader.
As you move the machine back and forth over the grass, grip the handle like a trigger, it releases pellets when you “shoot.” Follow the instructions on the fertilizer package. Apply only the Lawn Care Memphis‘s or your local lawn professional’s recommended amount. Be careful because too much fertilizer can burn your grass.
Aerate the Lawn
Memphis Lawn Service will suggest you to provide some extra air for grassroots by aerating your lawn. Use a spade to take out spikes of soil across your lawn to make holes for planting seeds. If your lawn is large, you might want to rent a motorized aerator or a manual one.
Spread Cool-Weather Grass Seed
Purchase grass seed that says “cool season” or “cool weather” on the package, such as most fescues. You can sprinkle the seed over the lawn with the same spreader you used for the fertilizer. Try to spread the seed evenly so you won’t have clumps of grass later.
Rake and Water the Lawn
Drag a rake for the lawn care to break up soil clumps and cover the seeds a bit.
Water the lawn with the garden hose spray. After that, keep the soil moist, don’t let it dry out.
More Winterizing Tips
Clean it up. It is extremely important not to leave debris, leaves, or toys out on the Memphis Lawn Care. These things can smother the grass, create disease conditions, and invite insects, mice, and other damaging pests.
Lower the height of your mower by a notch or two the last couple of times you mow. Excessively long grass can smother itself, cause disease, and is at risk of damage from freezing and thawing conditions. However, do not cut the grass so short that you scalp it, thus exposing the crown of the plant to extreme conditions.
Be aware of traffic. Under snow cover or exposed to the elements, dormant grass will tolerate a moderate amount of traffic, but a heavily worn path will be slower to green up in the spring and cause compaction.
Monitor weather conditions. Turf is very resilient and can tolerate an extreme winter, but certain conditions can be harmful in the long term. It might be worthwhile to chip away a little-exposed ice in a low spot if you know a winter storm or deep freeze is approaching.
Winters can often be unpredictable and may put your Lawn Care Memphis TN through some extreme conditions during the course of the season. The best thing to do is make sure the grass has hardened off, once you’ve “put the lawn to bed” properly, you can focus on keeping your sidewalks clear and building snowmen. Just remember to keep an eye on the weather.
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Annual Rye grass Plant Information
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The grass shown in the picture above is annual ryegrass. There’s more than one kind of rye; in fact, three different types of grasses contain “rye” in their names. It’s easy to be fooled, and part of the purpose of this article is to distinguish between the three types. Along the way I’ll discuss the various purposes to which these plants are put.
Understanding the Differences Between the Three Kinds of Rye
When the use of common names engenders confusion, it’s helpful to turn to the scientific names of the plants for some clarity.
Here are the botanical monikers for the three grasses in question (along with their most commonly-used common names):
Lolium multiflorum (annual ryegrass)
Lolium perenne (perennial ryegrass)
Secale cereale (winter rye)
Note, however, that, when speaking informally, people sometimes refer to the first two, as well, as ” winter rye.” That’s all the more reason to insist on the use of the botanical name when a positive ID is called for.
In addition to Lolium multiflorum, also in the annual camp is Secale cereale. So that’s one important difference to observe between the three: namely, that two have an annual life cycle, while one is a perennial.
Another noteworthy difference is that winter rye (Secale cereale), unlike the other two, is a grain. Thus another common name for it: “cereal rye.” So think of this one in the way that you would think of wheat or a similar grain, not a lawn care professional. Another difference — which should now come as no surprise to you — is that winter rye is a more robust plant than either annual ryegrass or perennial ryegrass.
Despite these differences, they all share one thing (besides having similar names): they are cool-season grasses.
Now that we’ve explored some of the major differences between these three grasses, let’s examine some of their uses.
Uses for Annual Ryegrass
The best-known use for annual Commercial Lawn Care Memphis ryegrass is in overseeding lawns, specifically, in overseeding lawns that are composed of warm-season grasses in the South.
When the warm-season grass goes dormant in these lawns during the months of cooler temperatures, overseeding with a cool-season counterpart (annual ryegrass) provides a way to enjoy a green expanse for a longer duration. By the time this annual grass dies out, the weather will have become suitable again for the warm-season grass to take over.
Annual ryegrass is also used in emergencies to cover bare ground. An example would be to fight erosion in a pinch. The seed is cheap, so people sometimes turn to this grass when they can’t afford a better option. Lawn Maintenance Memphis points out, “Annual Ryegrass is often used as a nurse crop or as a temporary turf to quickly fill in bare areas due to its rapid germination.”
I can testify to that rapid germination. As an experiment, I sowed seeds of creeping red fescue, Kentucky bluegrass and annual ryegrass in small containers on August 21. By August 25, the annual ryegrass had already germinated. The next one (the fescue) did not germinate until August 28; the Kentucky bluegrass germinated shortly thereafter. Even after germination, the three patches were markedly different, with the annual ryegrass being by far the thickest and tallest of the three.
This vigor is a double-edged sword, unhappily.
Its tolerance of a variety of conditions and its ability to reseed quickly mean that annual ryegrass is potentially an invasive plant. If you decide to use it as a temporary measure to solve a landscaping problem and don’t want it to spread, try to keep it from going to seed by mowing faithfully until it runs through its natural life cycle and dies out.
Uses for Perennial Ryegrass
Perennial ryegrass is used extensively in lawns. It is commonly found as one of the constituents of a grass seed mix. Such mixes are composed on the principle that a weak point of one type of grass (lack of shade tolerance, for example) in the mix can be offset by a strong point of another. In the case of perennial ryegrass, a strong point is that it holds up well to foot traffic.
Like annual ryegrass, another strength of perennial ryegrass is that its seed germinates rapidly.
As Lakeland Lawn Spray Service Kelly Burke observes, “Perennial ryegrass is considered a nurse grass because it is often included in grass seed blends mainly for its ability to germinate quickly and provide shade and protection to the other grass species like Kentucky bluegrass which can take up to three weeks to get started.” As a weak point, Kelly cites its clumping growth habit, a result of which is that “it can sometimes appear patchy”. Perennial ryegrass is different in this respect from many lawn grasses, which possess the ability to spread via stolons or rhizomes, allowing them to fill in better.
Uses for Winter Rye
Winter rye is perhaps the best known of these three grasses to the general public. That’s because it is enjoyed as an edible not only by livestock, but also by people. Its grain is used for the flour that gives us rye bread (deli, anyone?). Others will be more familiar with the use of the grain in producing whiskey.
Here I’ll concern myself with the use of winter rye as a “cover crop.” If you’re not familiar with that term, please read my introduction to the benefits of cover crops.
One of those benefits is weed control, which winter rye excels at due to that horticultural super power known as “allelopathy,” i.e., the ability to inhibit the germination of the seeds of competing plants. The potential drawback, as mentioned by the Weekly Mowing Service, is that “allelopathic compounds may suppress germination of small-seeded vegetable crops as well if they are planted shortly after the incorporation of cereal rye residue.”
Nonetheless, winter rye, managed properly, is very effective as a cover crop, boasting good cold-hardiness, a deep root system (to prevent erosion and loosen the soil), and good drought tolerance compared to other cereals.
Lawn Care used to sow winter rye seed in fall. The exact time for sowing will depend on your region (ask your local extension), but the idea is to get your cover crop established before winter settles in. All you have to do thereafter for a while is wait for winter to end and let the cover crop do its job of “covering for you” until spring returns.
In spring, I would mow the winter rye, then use a garden tiller to turn it under. Some gardeners, rather than rototiller every last bit of this biomass underground, save some to use on top of the ground as a mulch, in which case you’re essentially growing your own mulch. How cool is that?
Either way, the real question becomes, When do I mow my winter rye? If you don’t want your cover crop to outstay its welcome, the timing for mowing is critical, because you face the challenge of something termed “grow-back.”
Why does winter rye sometimes grow back if it’s an annual? Well, it’s important to review just what the annual life cycle consists of. Essentially, a cold-hardy annual such as winter rye will keep growing until it achieves its goal in life, which is to bear flowers so that it can produce seeds. So if you mow too soon, it may make a comeback and put on more growth in an attempt once again to bloom — which you don’t want. On the other hand, if you wait too long to mow, the plants will, indeed, go to seed and live on through a second generation. You don’t want that, either.
A Goldilocks solution is called for (mowing not too early, not too late). While you can often get away with mowing at a height of 12-18 inches (this is what the University of Vermont recommends) without experiencing grow-back, a surer way is to keep an eye out for flowering and mow at that time.
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Lawn Care In Winter – Tips On Caring For Winter Lawns
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Without mowing or weeding, winter is a good duration for Lawn Care Memphis.  It does not mean that you can leave your lawn thoroughly. By following some simple steps along with winter maintenance you can prepare your lawn for spring and make your lawn more beautiful. Keep reading to learn how to care your lawn in winter.
Lawn Care Memphis TN removal services is the most important and provides the most active methods in winter. When the first freeze is approaching, it effects on the sharpness of the blade of your mower on every single mowing. It reduces your lawn to a shorter length, and protect your grass from being used as the shelter by animals in it in the cold winter. Before the first frost, inflate your lawn to eliminate compaction. After that do the fertilization on your lawn. While low activity on the grass, the fertilizer will be planted between the leaves and gradually bless and feed them throughout the year.
Be sure to move and fertilize the lawn. Your lineal movements will give you the clear straight lines of healthy grass in the spring.
The simple tip for winter Memphis Lawn Care after taking these steps is to clean the fallen leaves and remove anything from the grass, such as tools, toys or branches. As the weather progresses, new branches and fallen leaves will be removed. The weight of these items during the winter can kill your lawn or can damage.
For the same reason, people do not stop walking in the grass. Keep roads and curb clear on snow and ice to prevent people from taking lawn shortcuts. Do not park a vehicle in the winter Memphis Lawn Service, as it can cause serious damage.
Salt can eliminate many of the benefits of winter lawn care. Do not kick or bend the snow over your lawn and try to use the smallest value of salt in the neighborhood. If you need salt, choose mixtures based on calcium chloride, lower than sodium chloride.
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We are constantly posting current jobs that we take on to allow anyone to see the fantastic quality work that we always provide to each and every clients big or small. Always feel free to comment or reach out to us for any questions you may have.
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Start Sprinkler System after Winterizing
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To start a sprinkler system after winterizing you must first know where the sprinkler system shut offs are. If you had an irrigation service company shut down, blow out, and drain the system sometimes it is easier just to call them back to turn it on. Many Lawn Care Memphis will even shut your sprinkler down for the winter and start it back up when the time comes. If you can find the main sprinkler shut off valve and have a key to turn it back on then you can turn it on yourself.
Most of the time the shut off valve for the sprinkler line is in a long irrigation tube near the sprinkler control boxes.
The most important thing when turning on a sprinkler system is to turn the water on slowly. You can cause a huge water hammer by turning the water on too quickly and this can burst fittings or pop off sprinkler heads. No matter which valve you are turning on make sure you open it slowly and give it time to pressurize before opening it all the way. The following steps of Lawn Care Memphis TN will guide you through the process to start a sprinkler system after winterizing.
To turn a sprinkler system on located the sprinkler shut off valves. In my area, there are stop and waste valves in the ground and then pressure vacuum breakers above ground. Both of which are usually off and can shut off the sprinkler system. You can deal with your local Leaf Removal Memphis professionals.
Turn on the valves. The stop and waste valve in the ground requires a long meter key to reach it. Most stop and waste valves turn 90 degrees in a counter-clockwise direction to turn them on. This type of valve will sometimes leak a little when first turned on but it should be only for a short time. Keep an eye on it and make sure the valve is not continually running.
Pressure vacuum breakers are usually turned on with two ball valves that are located on either side of the vacuum breaker valve. The ball valve in the parallel position means it is on while the perpendicular positions mean it is off. A quarter turn is all that is needed to turn on a ball valve. Make sure it is turned on as slowly as possible.Time to check the individual sprinkler valves.
It is a good idea to remove the sprinkler head at the end of each line before turning on the sprinkler valves. This way if anything is in the line it will get flushed out and it will also protect against any water hammer in case you turn the valve on too fast. By this time you will have water to the pressure side of the valve and you can turn the sprinklers valves on one by one to see if there are any leaks in the sprinkler lines themselves. Sprinklers can be turned on at the timer or by using the manual screw that most sprinkler valves have on the side. But you can turn the system on slower if you do it manually at the individual sprinkler valves.
Take your time and go through each of the sprinkler stations because if a line is broken underground it may take some time to bubble up. Dig up and repair any leaks and replace sprinkler heads that are broken. Make any necessary adjustments to the spray pattern of the sprinkler heads. Let it run a bit and check the coverage. Some spray heads may have to be cleaned out or adjusted before working properly again.
Set the timer. It’s a good idea to set the watering times when you can keep an eye on the watering especially in the beginning of the season to make sure everything is working properly.
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5 Landscape and Lawn Care Trends to Pay Attention in 2018
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Heading into the new year is always a great time to take stock of where you are and where you want to be. If you’re a homeowner or commercial property manager, one aspect of your life you’re likely to consider is how your property looks and whether or not that matches the image you want people to see.
If that strikes a chord with you, you’ll want to take just a few moments to learn about the following lawn care and landscaping trends that are going to be popular in 2018. Maybe there’s an idea or two in this list that can inspire your next outdoor project!
1. Meditation gardens
What used to be a practice exclusive to the far east is now routinely recommended by the local Lawn Care Memphis meditation as a form of stress relief and relaxation. With studies proving the power of meditation to reduce stress, improve mood, and promote general well being, it’s no wonder millions of homeowners are looking into turning a portion of their property into a permanent retreat where they can go to practice mindfulness.
These beautiful oases from the hubbub of modern life can be as simple as a small fenced area with Fertilization and a water element, or as complex and otherworldly as your imagination can conceive. The only rules are: no electronics, and use your indoor voice.
2. Extending the inside out
Many homeowners are seeking a more seamless transition from their inner to their outer sanctuaries, and builders are delivering the goods with indoor/outdoor flooring that looks and functions equally well in both locations.
Various types of natural stone, tile, and concrete can work well for these kinds of transitional spaces. Combined with French doors and a well-designed patio or deck area, these simple, functional flooring choices can greatly expand the look and feel of your living space.
3. More color and more variety
While minimalism and simplicity have been trendy for years now — and they certainly still have their place — many homeowners and property managers alike are enjoying the vibrant beauty of a lush landscape bursting with a variety of trees, bushes, and flowering shrubs.
The key, in most cases, is wise selection of plants based on the level of maintenance you’re willing and able to provide. If you can’t commit to a significant weekly workload, your best bet is to identify the lowest maintenance plants that thrive best in your region and fill empty spaces with plenty of those. Of course, hiring a Commercial Lawn Care Memphis service can open up your options, so don’t give up on higher-maintenance plants right off the bat.
4. Fountains and waterfalls
While water elements like waterfalls and fountains have been a beloved addition to outdoor spaces for centuries, they’ve become especially popular on the commercial side in recent years. This trend is likely to continue through 2018.
The real value of fountains in retail spaces or outside your commercial building’s entrance is the effect they can have on customers and employees alike: running water just naturally relaxes the body and soothes the mind. It also provides a comfortable source of low key white noise that can drown out harsher sounds like traffic or the crying of cranky toddlers who don’t want to be out shopping anymore.
Combined with judiciously chosen greenery and well-maintained walkways, a water element can do wonders for the look and feel of your commercial property.
5. A well-manicured lawn
A classic that never goes out of style. It doesn’t matter if your property is huge or tiny, if the lawn is artfully cared for, or just fills the space between the road and your door… if it’s neat, clean, and green, then it’s guaranteed to be a trendy Memphis Lawn Service in 2018 and beyond.
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Top Winter Lawn Care Tips
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We have moved from town to a rural area in a cold weather since two years ago and we have the serious winter experience to share with you here.
Even though our first winter was smooth and only had about a month of snow on the ground, and when heavy snow was started we had managed the low temperature in our inner-property and sustained our life smoothly for two months. Lawn Care Memphis is pleased to report that we had enjoyed that snow season because of our good planning care and snow has not disturbed us.
Use a solid plow to clear the snow
In our first winter we did not have a snowplow or any other tool to remove the snow, but somehow got lucky. Actually our neighbors had previously realized that what was important for snow plowing, they also had helped us which was nice.
But the last winter was completely different from the first one. We had deep snow everywhere in our lawn and tracks. We had consumed our huge time to remove the snow which was really very hard.
What happens in the snow is really perfect to get rid of it as quickly as possible in areas to be careful. Otherwise, the temperature will rise, dissolve the snow in a disaster and even freeze it and replace your property in an ice rink.
We know people who have fallen snow in their driveway up to three meters, then the rain comes, making it impossible for the snow to be removed from their own equipment. If you have resources (or meaning to find) to get rid of the snow right away, do it and your future self will be grateful!
Have the snowmobile easy to push
One of the best tools on our winter site is our snowmobile. Kate really grew up in a place where snow in the winter could be 10 feet deep, and it’s a tool used by locals!
Snow is easy to push when the snow is beautiful and fluffy and makes snowy areas bigger. I think these will be perfect for cleaning small ramps, paths, sidewalks or other small areas where snow is not required. Before we get a snow plow, Lawn Care Memphis TN clean up our long journey, but need more than one hour of repetitive work: a great exercise if you think it’s “soft” in the winter!
Have a nice snow blower or snow blower
Even with a snowman and a snow plow it is important to have a kick that is good for making snow. While we try to get rid of things before the snow comes, sometimes we need to remove things like hoses or pipes. Teams and scouts are not good at such practices because they are not very accurate.
You can use a shovel of this type that is perfect for pushing the dried snow, but if the snow is too wet or cold, you may need to use a local Snow Removal service. Again … when snows, the key is to do it early and often, so that the snow has no chance to develop or melt. Nothing worse than removing wet and heavy snow!
Keep plenty of salt in your hand
Depending on the winter, it may be a good idea to have large salt cubes available. Although we keep our entrance and the sidewalks, sometimes the temperatures are hot, the sow gradually melts and then freeze again in the form of ice.
It creates a good ice rink in the driveway, but you can imagine it’s a great way to get to your back (yes, it happened more than once). Do yourself a favor and keep some salt around if things are so uncertain. Ideally, you must remove the snow before you have the opportunity to change in an ice rink, but sometimes it is not possible.
Plan ahead to unload the super snow
Another thing that’s not easy to think until late is when you can throw the excess snow that has been removed. In urban areas it may be more difficult, but we are lucky that we have a great amount of space in our properties. We have many different places where we throw our snow, but they are both far from the traffic of the car on the site. Snow accumulations can grow pretty much in winter, so plan wisely. I said that, on this weekend we got 30 “snow for two days, and we had snow fast where it fit! Finally we pushed a lot of snow for our further pile of wood fuel (we have plans for next year’s pile) to avoid it Do what we say … unlike us!
Keep ice cream in your car
If you are used to living in a cold climate, this is probably a good idea for you, but it was not my first year that I lived in a place that really came back! The windshield ice is not good. Because we live in the grid (we are not obliged to public facilities) we have solar energy and it is important to keep solar panels clean. Ice crabs work well on it, so Professional Memphis Lawn Care can remove ice without damaging them, and so we continue to get the free energy from the sun. Ice cores are often two-sided: a knife and a brush. The blade is perfect for ice cream and the brush is good for snow powder … our favorite because the temperature is cold!
Put Stacks With Oprit Depending on the amount of snow you’ve got and how your driveway is in your land, it might be a good idea to install the driveway at bets like this one! Jesse’s uncle was really surprised at us by putting reflectors along our entrance, and they were splendid in the snow because we could see where the edge of the entrance was over.
Remove the snow quickly
The best way to remove the snow, which we can really offer, is to eliminate the snow quickly and frequently. There is nothing worse than having snowballs in areas where it is not supposed to be when the temperature rises.  Snowplows and snow scoops are also working well, but not when the snow is on the ground to be removed. It is best to plow only a few centimeters at a time, which should be managed in most climates. Once we get a decent snow, we will work to clear the driveway, clear the trails, clear the snow from our outer terrace and clean the snow from the outside of the stairs. This prevents the snow from being completely governed, so it does not accumulate and does not stay in time! do not be lazy
Have a solid and live winter dress in your hands
Since Memphis Lawn Service is part of our lives in winter months, we are definitely investing in high-quality winter clothing. We do not want to limit our clothes, but to invest in things that help us improve our work.
Extra tip: Remove the snow during the coldest days to avoid the stress and to work smarter, not harder.
Do not remove the snow when it’s hot outside, even if it means you need to clean the snow at night or in the morning!  We are often in the dark snow and it is surprising we really enjoyed it! It’s a good move to winter when we’re busy with our company all day.
In summary
In the end, avoiding all the suggestions, we always go back to the idea of ​​quickly and frequently removing snow. If you do this as soon as snow, it should not be too fast for you unless you’re in snowboarding style like the last weekend! We hope you find these snow removal and Lawn Jox tips useful and if you have anything you want to share.
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7 Fall Lawn Care Tips to Do Right Now
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When lawn maintenance experts are a well-known fact that the best way to ensure a thick, healthy green lawn in spring, fall in autumn, in other words, it is now. However, Many owners do both major mistakes before the grass remains hidden and wonder if why your grass will not be better next year. Not surprisingly. Here is seven-step program to get a nice lawn next year.
1. Remove the leaves
A carpet of colorful autumn leaves is beautiful, but it’s not good for grass. They hold light and moisture traps, potentially knockout deadly knocks for uncomfortable turf continuity. Then, when the leaves fall, blow or remove them as often as possible. Even after the trees are bare, they cross the corners where the glaciers rise. If you do not, then put the grass under the moisture, then the rotten mat is dead. You may also use the Commercial Lawn Care Memphis professional services to make your lawn more beautiful and healthy.
2. Keep cutting, but at the right height
Do not kill this healer. The grass continues to grow until the first frost is frozen, so you should cut it regularly to keep it at a perfect height of 2½ to 3 inches. If you leave it too long, it is measured and may be vulnerable to fungi such as snow mold. Cutting the grass too short is also bad because it limits the root system, the root depth is proportional to cutting and prevents the grass from supporting cold and dry winter. Cutting the cutter also cools the leaves very large, connected and with a layer of backing the ground.
3. Continue on the water
Professional mowing contractors said that people tend to fall in water during the autumn while the weather is cooling down. While it is true that there is more rain, milder and less evaporation at this time of year, which may not be enough to keep well hydrated and healthy winter roots. If your lawn does not receive at least one centimeter of water a week, a simple rain gauge is an easy way to keep up. Then keep the sprinklers or irrigation system until the end of October. At that point, you need to disconnect the hoses and irrigation irrigation systems to avoid fixed pipes and nails.
4. Remove the floor
Regular ventilation, once every few years according to Jox, prevents the soil compressed and covered with reeds, a thick layer of carrots, stems and water blocking debris, oxygen and nutrients reaching the bottom. A central aerator corrects the same problems through holes when collecting those tabs and removes the plugs from the floor. “It’s a good idea to choose a lawn before fertilization. “With all the holes in your lawn, the fertilizer can easily reach the sources where it is best.”
5. Add fertilizer
Like the roots that need water to keep the winter, they also benefit from an injection of plant sugars to protect the roots from freezing and give the energy plant to jump in the spring. The sugars are made of chlorophyll, which produces abundant herbs when there is enough nitrogen. Therefore, cheap lawn care service recommends a late-false application of 24-0-10 slow-release granular fertilizer. The numbers indicate the percentage of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, respectively. Potassium is also important today because it contributes to root development, disease protection, drought tolerance and resistance killings.
6. Plant seeds
Therefore, it is important to visit the existing lawn. Not only does it have thin stains or stains, but it can also show the ultimate in grass-resistant grass. The fall is the best time to go because the ground is still hot, the moisture is abundant, the night is cold and the sun is not hot in the sun. But even then, “overboard is one of the poorest lawn care tasks. Not only can you send seeds through an established lawn and wait for them to hold. They should completely contact the soil, kept moist until they are grown and enough to become too cold. Taking split seed is a better option than delivery, but the machines are famous for plucking grass and showing grass as a toothed field.
7. Stay on schedule
Each of the above steps should be done at the right time to get the best results. Otherwise, this is a wasted effort. For example, check again and the seedlings will be soft to survive. Prevail ahead and the grass will send soft frostbite leaves. The latter confirms it and the roots can not understand all the nutrients you feed. Do you think of air bubbles in the spring because you can not get there in the fall? Do Not Bother The Spring’s anointing makes it easier to get the seeds of the grass. If you are in autumn during the fall, it is too difficult, a garden service can perform tasks that are not made. You can use the services of Leaf Removal Memphis, those who need to hire heavy machinery such as butler and slit mower, which are hard to transport, have a bear to use, and often in short, on rental properties at this time of the year. Experiencing one or two of these lessons during this busy time ensures that the work is done when needed and you can enjoy a thick green grass next year.
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Winter Lawn Care Tips for a Better Spring
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Winter is when you think the least time on your lawn. Unless you live relatively warm all year round, you can be out of the lawn mower and ready for a few months of relaxation before beginning the maintenance routine.
There are some things you can do even during the hardest winter that can guarantee a beautiful and lush garden.
Fertilization in winter
Late fall or early winter are the best times to fertilize the grass of the season. As most lawns in America are made from these herbs, such as Olive Branch, it is a good bet that your garden has a typical cool seasonal mix and you hire the professionals like Lawn Care Memphis.
For the first freezing point, give your herb a thorough fertilizer to replace all the nutrients that can be lost in the hot summer months. As soon as the weather cools, the manure remains on the ground and feeds the roots of its grass all winter.
In spring, your lawn comes full of healthy lush green grass that nutrients fed under the snow in good dung.
Mowing Strategies
During the last month of summer, you should gradually reduce the mower base of your lawn mower when mowing. Slowly cutting your shorter lawn makes it good for winter without shaking it by cutting it off immediately.
If you walk too long grass during the winter months, it is a prey to pick up mice and other funny animals that want to sleep in a warm place. Mice can destroy large parts of their lawn by building nests through Lawn Care Memphis TN. They create dead places where they spend all the time and build large amounts of grass to build their structures.
Make sure your grass is at the end of the season as short as possible. Short grass also protects any new growth that may be most vulnerable at the end of the growing season.
Keep it clean
It is easy to have the cheap lawn care service and see the lawn during the long cold winter when no one often goes outdoors. Trunks, toys and even garden furniture can be overlooked before the first snow arrives.
Be sure to clean the lawn of all objects after forging it for the last time of the year. Also do the lawn a few times a week in winter.
If there is an object on the grass during cold weather and snowfall, it can cause large dead spots due to the weight of the object. In spring, the grass is disturbed in that area and thinner than the rest of the garden.
Avoid excessive traffic on the lawn
If the grass is brown and short, it may be easy for people to forget that they should not walk. Try to avoid a lot of traffic in your winter grass. The grass is relatively hardy, but will set a difficult time if a path is well used on the lawn.
Keep your ice and snow sidewalks, so you and your guests are not tempted to cut the garden a lot.
Do not let anyone park a truck or car on your lawn jox. Even the smallest vehicle will leave prints in the background and will kill grass that falls underneath the tires. Using lawns as parking is the fastest way to kill good lawns and accommodate turf and other weeds.
Get ready in the fall
There really is not much grass care that has to be done during the cold winter months. If you use the Memphis Lawn Care so prepare the lawn well during the fall, it will be good until the warm days of spring return.
Be sure to aerate the lawn, fertilize and cut for the first freeze of the season. Remove dead leaves that may have fallen and collected in your garden to avoid moist areas that can become mossy or rancid.
Keep the lawn clean from debris and help everyone in the family respect the garden while it is quiet.
Once you have done everything in the fall, you will be ready to have a cozy and inviting winter with your family before the lawn meal starts again in the spring.
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Late Summer Gardening Tips
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Months of sun exposure, foot traffic and pest activity can take a toll on your lawn, and that’s why late summer Lawn Care Memphis is so important. A little attention will go a long way towards keeping your grass looking green and healthy for the rest of the season, and it will also give you a leg up come next spring.
Assess Your Grass
You should begin by doing an assessment of your lawn, looking for evidence of trouble in specific areas. Are there patches of grass that seem thin or pale compared to the rest of your lawn? When you compare areas that get a lot of shade to those that get a lot of sunshine, do you notice a difference? If so, these trouble spots are where you should begin.
Your first step should be to try to diagnose the nature of the problem. In many cases, yellow patches of grass result from insufficient moisture or nutrition. These areas of your lawn may not be receiving enough water, or moisture might be evaporating before it can be absorbed. A lack of nutrients or pH imbalances in the soil can also cause dry, yellowed patches.
Applying Lawn Care Memphis TN fertilizer to these areas can help, as can watering them when the sun is low in the sky and temperatures are cooler (usually mornings are best). Failing that, you may need to plant new grass seed or lay new sod. Choosing a type of grass that takes root quickly is essential for the late summer climate.
If these steps fail to solve the problem, you can always count on the pros at Mirage Landscaping to accurately diagnose and correct the underlying issues that are affecting your lawn.
More Tips for Healthy Lawns
Some other common lawn issues that arise in late summer include:
Pest activity. Seasonal pests can often be kept in check with routine lawn maintenance for the first couple months of the growing season, but by late summer, they often start to win if they’re present in large numbers. If you suspect you might have a pest problem and you want to tackle it on your own, take photos of the affected areas and talk to a professional at your local Memphis Lawn Care. He or she will likely be able to offer some insights into the types of pests that are most active in the Calgary area and suggest a solution.
The cumulative effect of cutting your grass too short. When you’re mowing your lawn, it’s always a good idea to err on the side of caution when it comes to length. Many people want to cut their grass as short as possible, thinking this will enable them to mow it less frequently. However, cutting it too short can shred the blades, leaving the roots exposed to too much sunlight, which will turn it dull and brown.
Accumulations of thatch. Does your lawn have a thin layer of thatch or “hay”? If so, give it a thorough raking. This will allow air and sunshine to penetrate the blades and roots again, revitalizing your lawn in time for the end of summer.
If you’ve noticed a few weeds here and there, make sure you remove them right down to their roots. Don’t just run your lawn mower over them; use your hands or a hoe to ensure the entire weed is uprooted.
Get a Jump on Fall
Late summer is the best time to plan ahead for your autumn lawn care needs. Professionals recommend that you perform the following Jox Lawn Care tasks in the fall:
Spot planting of new seed in thin areas
Aeration and fertilization
Weed control
Raking leaves
You should also plan to keep watering and mowing your lawn and trees as late into the fall season as possible, as this will help keep your grass strong during the long winter.
We are family-owned company that specializes in residential and commercial landscaping, property maintenance and outdoor construction services. We provide cheap lawn care service for three generations, we’ve taken great pride in providing quality services at affordable prices. Please visit our gallery to see samples of our past work, or contact us to get a custom project quote. You’ll be surprised how little quality work can cost!
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Gardening Trends and decoration
Guess what’s fashionable and what’s not in the horticultural trend, it will take place like the weather. So before you put your money where your credit is, go to your favorite gardening store with a goal in mind: Instead of a row of pots and a row of plants that create vignettes to show color combinations that can be duplicated in any backyard.
Less attention, more convenience. A trend that is quickly a tradition among gardeners & lawn care memphis is that people are comfortable recruiting people who need less care. That applies to everything from bloom to the bar table. Remember to create external spaces in the same way that you are working inside. Selecting outdoor furniture and accessories that takes a long time and coordinates their colors and textures. You pick those things as a group, just as you do in a room in your house.
The new bright colors complement the accessories can be found in the center of the garden. “Accessories are a great way to personalize your space and add to the finishing touch. So if there is an item on the table or is pending, it really gives you a perfect look,” lawn care memphis tn. Art, for example in the form of sculpture or mosaic, you can add personality and style to a room as well as a plant. Make sure it is in the elements.
There are many more blurring lines between the interior and exterior. There are many things that are meant for the interior perfect for outsourcing and vice versa. Outdoor furniture is even more exciting. You can find great exhibitions such as concrete and chairs made from recycled or sustainable materials. Add dramatic interest to a contemporary twist in traditional tools; Now you can enjoy familiar forms, but in a selection of bright colors of cheap lawn care service.
One thing has never been out of fashion – and never will – is to choose the right plant for a particular site. Consider plants for texture, leaf color, general hardness (think of native), adjust the soil, water and light conditions you need.
Even if you can get the color of the flowers, think out of the box and add more interest to your garden with colorful leaves. Foliage, which is usually vegetables, such as white solid silver is decorated with green and offers the possibility of adding extra contrast and texture to your design scheme.
A lot of plants are not required to have a huge impact, but you have to shop wisely. In general, if you buy a reputable nursery that will lead to plants that fit your environment. However, you always want to do your homework. More information about the shade or sun exposure and ground of its various garden beds, so you can know where to plant to buy, do well in your garden.
You can put almost anything in a container. Plus they are portable, you get lots of new possibilities for planting. Adding this part pack, patio or deck, add another layer to the landscape. If you only have a patio or terrace and a machine room on the floor, containers are a great way to have a place in the garden in memphis lawn care and anywhere else.
Interesting tools
Check out the gardening hardware store section. There are new colors, not just your tools and accessories, but also your garden tools. Brightly colored palettes, hoses, water containers and other tools to effectively coordinate with any color scheme you have in the garden.
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How to hire a gardener? and when to pay?
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An experienced gardener offers far more than water and weeding, but what should you keep in mind? Lawn Care Memphis is going to suggest you some of the most important considerations when looking for a gardener.
1- What type of work is needed?
Gardeners and the services they offer are many and varied, and if you are thinking, you must first decide what to do. A hardworking and dependable gardener can do the work you can not or do not want to do or do not have time to do it, so you can enjoy your garden more. An unskilled workman or novice who is the cheapest to employ, would be able to do jobs such as mowing the lawn, letting out or under the beds dig under his supervision.
Lawn Care Memphis TN as your experienced gardeners, keep a garden under control - such as washing, mowing, pruning, planting, quilting, feeding, spraying and lawn care to carry out all the tasks necessary to knowing when to do. A top notch gardener can help you plan your garden, plant suggestions and sources and even the Mentor if you want more information. You should not expect a gardener who would do the gardening job, do as sit a patio, build a wall or build a horticulture.
2- Where can I find a gardener?
Personal recommendation seems like one of the best ways to find a good gardener. If you do not know anyone living near you using one, look for Cheap Lawn Care Service signs at local stores or garden centers or free leaves. You can also record up to three quotes from local gardeners spending their needs.
3- Observe the legal requirements
Whatever route you choose, ask for references. Even a novice gardener could provide the telephone number of the person they worked for. If you decide to hire someone who was not even in the business, try a small street first, so you can see the quality of their work. Expect the gardener to bring his or her own tools - if they are used and work regularly for you at a predetermined time and day, it may be an employer / employee relationship, Memphis Lawn Care have worked on all aspects which are important to make us professional.
4- When you need them and when to pay?
Many homeowners have relaxation arrangements with their gardeners and are willing to be flexible in the days ahead, especially if the weather is bad. But when you start with a new gardener, both on a regular basis and as working time, it is wise to determine exactly what you are expected to do. If you need them regularly, then agree with them how often they will come. Depending on the size of the garden, you need them once a week, two weeks or once a month during the growing season.
It is also important to agree with them how and when they are paid. You must also pay for the goods you can buy for the garden, such as plants, seeds, food. Some ask to pay for their work in cash, others accept checks or electronic payments, and it is normal to pay at the end of a week or a month. Jox has a free criteria in which both the owner and gardner will get the benefits. Through the jobs and what you need to do it be. With an experienced gardener an owner can learn a lot by working with them.
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Late Summer Memphis Lawn Care
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Now that summer comes to us, the grass is impressed by the hot summer sun, insects and natural foot movement for guests and children. While summer ends in a few months, the lawn has much more pleasant months. If you have a large estate with ample green areas, if you live in an urban setting with exfoliating on the grass. There are always lawn care tips that can help your country. Attractive and attractive outdoor lawn looks good with the tip of Lawn Care Memphis to keep you cool in the season in late summer.
Evaluate type of grass and geographic location
Determine what type of grass you have before you start reading what is in the grass food class of work. In many countries like the United States look at the planting area for your state and municipality. This helps determine what the growing season is for your lawn and shrubs and landscaping. It will also show information on water, soil and light requirements for your geographic location.
Look at your lawn and gardens for signs of distress
Once you have determined your plantation area, now is the time to look at the weather on your lawn. The end of summer usually means warmer sun rays for long parts of the day. Monitor the lawn to see if certain areas lack water or be attacked by insects or seasonal diseases. Consider hiring a Lawn Care Memphis TN service in your area if you are not familiar with local emergencies that can support your garden. Shade trees stabbed in your house in the shade of your indoor plants may need sunshine, while unprotected trees should be sturdy.
Gardening tips
For many homes, especially the most robust solid grass elements in the suburbs or regions - shrubs and flowers are a good choice to put your soil textured. Look at your plants in the garden area that grow in direct sunlight or semi-shaded areas planted around the house. For shrubs that can withstand the weather all year round, not just the summer heat. This ensures that your plants are maintained throughout the year. Flowering shrubs are a great alternative to grass lawns as they give a different color throughout the year.
Is it the end of summer? Do you want to fix it now?
While you may not realize, your lawn goes through cycles and all the work you do now, the result is not seen until next year, if not next year. So, achieving your future summer lawn in preparation for next season. Many late zomerpestjes such as bedbugs, molkrekels and ants are common in very hot climates. Every homeowner has their own form of pest treatment: chemical, natural solutions and other drugs are common. Whatever you choose, make sure you are the first sign of trouble. Brown spots, thinning grass and chewing grass leaves are signs of pests that can ruin the lawn for next season.
Test your apartment if you are worried
If you find that your lawn does not grow or behave like your neighbors, it can mean many things. Memphis Lawn Care can perform a soil analysis or other methods to improve your lawn. Directly in the vicinity of your home, have good nutrients, pH levels and other cases of loss of the natural equilibrium needed for healthy development of the bases. You must fly periodically to grow your background or solve. This helps the air in the soil and can help stimulate the growth of grass and healthy nutrients.
The right choice for late summer lawns
Your late summer grass require different fertilizer than autumn or winter grass. Depending on whether you are trying to build peat or need a fertilizer that will solve a problem, depending on your location, state of lawn and other local factors. Visit your local supermarket or home improvement and take pictures of the problem areas of your lawn and they can help you find the right fertilizer for your country. A generic "Weed and Feed" -Variety may be good for your neighbors, but you would need pest control. See also tips for buying and distributing fertilizers.
Rustic appeal to your country landscape
For many homeowners who have a natural landscaping theme in their home, a lawn jox can be worry-free. Wild flowers and shrubs should still be finished and cleaned to maintain a well-groomed appearance in your country. Determine if your mulch and gravel beds country closer to your home and wild flowers and shrubs go further from your home. This helps maintain the intention of your country without having to complete your plants constantly.
Make sure you mow the lawn correctly
While you may not think that mowing lawns can have an effect on the growth of your lawn or your health, you are wrong. Mow the lawn with a dull mower to spray the top of the grass and show poor and unattended. Grass can result in cutting too low in excess sunshine that ensures the roots of your lawn and cause burns. Like a man with short hair no hat in direct sunlight - the same is true if the grass is cut too short or "extortion". Make sure your lawn mower is set at the correct height of your lawn.
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Fertilization Olive Branch
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Lawn Care Memphis TN
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If the lawn needs professional help, there is no need to look further. Lawn Care Memphis, we can offer a wide range of services to help your lawn look great all year round!, we have a lawn care company competent and experienced. With many years of experience, our residential services cover a wide range of lawn care, horticulture and outdoor work.
Our commitment is to all the customers we serve and we are committed to providing the best products and services. Lawn Care Memphis TN, they offer personalized lawn care services that many other providers do not provide. If you are interested in gardening service in Memphis TN and surrounding areas, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with the various parts of our website to see what we have to offer.
We will take some time to hit you through the door and talk about any treatments we have carried out and suggest only to moms. There are times when we can identify a particular problem with keeping the lawn and do not hesitate to share this news with you. Memphis Lawn Service program covers a wide range of garden appearance services such as fertilization, weed and bloodstain, insect control, aeration and sowing, planting and slot gains. You can contact us using a system based on the specifics of home reception or commercial real estate budget.
Its landscape is an investment that needs kind and level of care. We are committed to providing your landscape with the care you need, which in turn can increase the value of your home and your overall appearance. Our company stands firmly on our principles, so we can provide the Memphis Lawn Care service required of each customer. We have professional specialists who make every effort to provide you with the help you need for this circumstance. We will also develop a program to assist clients in achieving their lawn care goals.
Our Bobcat, Toro, John Deere mowers and Redmax equipment will ensure our crews get the job done. We service our equipment daily and sharpen blades often for clean cut grass, providing you with an exceptional lawn maintenance memphis. We keep our mowing crews separate from our landscape crews separate from spray crews because we believe in utilizing our staff’s individual talents to provide you with a great experience and a fantastic job.
Hopefully we answered a few questions. If you have more, please contact us. We would be thrilled to answer any questions you have and serve your needs.
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